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54.54% Harry Potter: outlier / Chapter 36: 36 Tangent

Chapter 36: 36 Tangent

AN: pics of narcissa

her purchases

I also added the same imgs in the last chapter

I will also update the appearances of everyone else with this model, when they come up.

And because some asked: yes I made them with ai


Sophia entered their home after a long day of work, her shoulders slightly slouched from fatigue. The smell of something delicious wafted from the kitchen, and she smiled, sensing that Lucas was up to something. As she entered the living room, she found Lucas sitting casually, a warm grin on his face.

"Hey, Mom," he greeted, getting up to hug her. "How was work?"

"Exhausting," she replied, returning the hug. "But something smells amazing. What's going on?"

Lucas grinned mischievously. "Well, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and follow me."

Sophia raised an eyebrow but complied, shutting her eyes as Lucas guided her into the room. Once they reached the living room, he said, "Okay, open your eyes."

Sophia opened her eyes to see Pippin standing there, dressed in neatly fitted clothes, different ones from his work clothes. The little house elf looked up at her and gave a polite bow.

"Mom, meet Pippin," Lucas said. "He's here to help you with anything you need around the house. Cooking, cleaning, you name it."

Sophia's eyes widened in surprise, and confusion. She blinked, trying to process the sight of the small, elfin creature. "Pippin?" she repeated, eyeing the house elf cautiously. "Help with... chores?"

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, Mom! He's a house elf. Here to make your life easier."

Sophia looked at Pippin again, a mix of skepticism and curiosity in her expression. "And... he's going to help with everything?"

Pippin, with a wide grin, spoke up in his high-pitched voice, "Yes, Mrs. Foster! Pippin is here to be the best help in the house. Cooking, cleaning, making everything lovely!"

Sophia couldn't help but smile at Pippin's enthusiasm. "Well, this is certainly unexpected. Lucas, how did you... get him?"

Lucas cut her off, excitedly explaining, "I got him for you. I thought he could take away some of your burdens and keep you company when I'm at Hogwarts."

'She doesn't need to know about my business that would only worry her more. I will keep it between me and Pippin'

The house elf nodded vigorously, "Yes, Mrs. Foster! Pippin is the best company. Always happy to help and make things magical!"

Sophia chuckled, starting to appreciate the unique situation unfolding before her. "Well, Pippin, it's nice to meet you. I suppose a bit more magic couldn't hurt. The enchantments my lovely son has made are a lifesaver. If you don't mind, I would like to talk with him for a moment."

"Of course Mrs. Foster, Pippin will wait right here."

Sophia led Lucas into the kitchen, where she turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, Lucas, spill the beans. How on earth did you get him and from where?"

Lucas hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Well, Mom, you know how there are magical creatures in the wizarding world, right? House elves are one of them. They're magical beings who enjoy helping their master with anything he or she asks for."

Sophia's curiosity piqued, she asked. "Master? Helping? Like a magical maid?"

"Yeah, something like that," Lucas replied, glancing at Pippin, who was patiently waiting in the living room. "But different, House elves are bound to serve wizards by a magical contract."

Sophia scrutinised her son for a moment, concerned for his actions. "You didn't buy a slave, did you?"

"No. Well. It's complicated. His race finds purpose and fulfillment in serving, it's a big part of their culture and it would be cruelty to take it away from them. Pippin here is genuinely happy to help, I made sure of that. We just need to treat him well." It was challenging to explain the concept of house elves to his mother.

Sophia studied Lucas for a moment before speaking. "I trust you, Lucas, but this whole concept seems a bit... troubling. Are they treated well by all wizards?"

"Ehh, not really, but there is nothing we can do about that. The ministry has its own dedicated house elf department responsible for them, which is by the way where I got him from."

Sophia's concern deepened as she listened to Lucas's explanation. "So, there's a whole department for these house elves, but not all wizards treat them well? That doesn't make sense, Lucas. If they have a department, shouldn't they ensure that all house elves are treated fairly?"

Lucas sighed, understanding his mom's view, which would be considered totally normal and appropriate from a muggle standpoint. "It's... complicated, Mom. The Ministry of Magic does have regulations and guidelines, but some wizards, with a lot of political power, still hold onto old-fashioned views keeping any laws as they are."

Sophia frowned, still uncomfortable with the idea. "I just don't like the thought of someone being bound to serve others. I thought we had abolished slavery in the 18 hundreds."

"I get it, Mom. I do, but I brought Pippin here because he genuinely wants to help, and I wanted to make sure he's treated with kindness. However, I understand if it's hard for you to accept," Lucas explained, trying to ease his mother's concerns.

Sophia sighed, conflicted. "I appreciate your honesty, Lucas. Just promise me that if Pippin ever expresses a desire for freedom, you will give it to him."

Lucas nodded earnestly. "I promise, Mom."

With that rather depressing topic behind them, they returned to the living room, where Sophia greeted the house elf once more, but this time with a hug.

Pippin was slack-jawed "Pippin was hugged! Mrs. has hugged Pippin!"


It was the next day and before going through with his business, there was something he desperately needed to do. Visit a place he now, with his advances in magic, felt comfortable snooping around.

Lucas nervously looked at the most prestigious hospital in all of Great Britain, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. It was a towering structure with its windows reflecting the sunlight, giving it an almost ethereal glow.

It had already been a year since he was last here with his mom. Back then the healers said that they couldn't heal Sophia's scars, because the damage was done by magic they had never seen. They would have to study it thoroughly before coming to any conclusions. Or cut both her hands off and regrow them, which was an experience Lucas didn't want his mom to go through. 

Instead, he decided to take matters into his own hands, however, there was a small problem. Almost every healer knew Occlumency to a degree where he didn't see himself up for the task last summer. It probably would have been possible, but he wanted to do it with more chances of success. There were a few other hospitals with considerable less secure knowledge, but that also meant that their standards were lower.

And who would be better than the best of the best.

He took a deep breath, adjusting the collar of his robes before stepping inside. The lobby was bustling with witches and wizards, some in a hurry, others waiting anxiously. The magical atmosphere was palpable, a blend of medicinal scents and hushed conversations. Lucas approached the front desk, where a busy-looking witch with a pair of glasses perched on her nose was shuffling through a pile of papers.

The receptionist's most striking feature was her hair – a vivid shade of bubblegum pink that cascaded down to her shoulders in waves. The hair was neatly styled, framing her face in a way that accentuated her lively personality.

Perched on the bridge of her nose were a pair of round glasses, giving her a studious and knowledgeable air. Behind the lenses, her eyes sparkled with a blend of intelligence and warmth, and she peered over them with a helpful gaze as she attended to the needs of the patients.

Her skin had a healthy glow, and a smattering of a blush adorned her cheeks, adding a touch of charm to her features. She wore minimal makeup, with just a hint of rosy lipstick that complemented the natural vibrancy of her appearance.

Her workspace was organized and efficient, with parchment and quills neatly arranged on the desk. 

Despite the bustling atmosphere of the hospital lobby, the receptionist managed to maintain a calm demeanor. Her smile was genuine and welcoming, making her an approachable figure for those seeking assistance.

(img receptionist)

"Excuse me," Lucas began, his voice steady, "I'm looking for a healer specialised in scar tissue."

The pink-haired receptionist glanced up from her paperwork, her glasses slipping slightly down her nose. She gave Lucas a warm, professional smile. "Of course, dear. We have several healers who specialize in scar tissue. Do you have an appointment?"

Lucas hesitated for a moment before responding. "No, I don't have an appointment. This is a bit urgent, and I was hoping to speak with someone as soon as possible."

The receptionist nodded understandingly. "I see. Well, we'll do our best to accommodate you. Let me check the schedule." She tapped her wand on the desk, and a parchment filled with names and times appeared in front of her. After a brief scan, she looked back at Lucas.

"We have Healer Reynolds available in about 20 minutes. Would that work for you?"

Lucas nodded, relieved that he didn't have to wait too long. "Yes, that's perfect. Thank you."

The receptionist handed him a visitor's badge and directed him to the appropriate waiting area. As Lucas took a seat among other patients, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness. St. Mungo's was a place filled with hope for most, yet the question remained if this would even help him heal his mother's hands.

When the appointed time arrived, a friendly-looking witch in healer's robes approached Lucas. "Mr. Foster?" she inquired, and Lucas stood up, extending his hand.

"Yes, that's me. Thank you for seeing me on short notice."

Healer Reynolds shook his hand and gestured for him to follow.

She had an air of confidence and warmth about her. Her shoulder-length silver hair framed a friendly but wrinkled face that bore the traces of wisdom earned through years of healing expertise.

Her eyes, a gentle shade of grey, were perceptive and kind, reflecting both empathy and professionalism. Behind a pair of half-moon spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose.

Healer Reynolds wore a customary St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries robe, a deep shade of teal. Additionally, hers was adorned with intricate gold embroidery along the hem. The robes flowed gracefully as she moved, like they were floating above the ground.

Her wrinkled hands were steady and capable – the hands of someone who had comforted patients and cast healing spells with equal proficiency. Though her overall appearance exuded a sense of calm and reassurance, there was an underlying vibrancy that suggested a passion for her craft.

(img Healer Reynolds)

Healer Reynolds greeted Lucas with a warm smile as they entered the consultation room, her voice carrying a soothing tone that instantly put him at ease.

"Please, have a seat," she said, motioning to a comfortable chair. "Now, what brings you..."

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