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89.74% Naruto: Avenged / Chapter 70: Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Chapter 70

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'Do I have some choice words for you tomorrow, Naruto-san.' Darui thought as he laid down, slightly peeved that Naruto took charge in his mission.


~ The Next Day - With Nadare ~

Nadare kneeled before the man before him. "We tried to get the princess back, but there were…complications." Nadare muttered, making the man glare at him. "What kind of complications could there have been? According to our sources in the port in the Land of Fire, there was only one body guard." The man said. "Doto-sama, there were three more guards. Usually, we could have had them, but they were..different." Nadare admitted. "How so?" Doto asked, intrigued by the new comers to his intricate game of chess. "Well, two I didn't really see in action, but the one I did was nothing to scoff at. He was more interested in using explosions to get the job done and retreat." Nadare stated.

"Hmm.. this could be interesting…" Doto thought as he got up from his ice blue throne. 'Just who the hell are you?' He mused.

~ With Naruto and the crew ~

Naruto groaned as he heard a knocking on his door. "Come in." Naruto called out. Samui came in with a cup of coffee. "we're docked." Samui said. "Alright, so what's the deal with the princess?" Naruto asked. "There's a meeting going on about her right now. Yugito's there representing us." Samui stated as she zipped her coat and handed Naruto his. "Let's go." Naruto said as he put on his Kevlar vest and threw the jacket on over.

~ In the meeting ~

Naruto walked in as Sandayu was recounting the events of what happened that led to Doto being in charge. "Did I miss anything?" He whispered into Yugito's ear. "Not much, but enough to make me want some popcorn." Yugito replied. "I am sorry for having lied to you all." Sandayu finished and bowed his head. "I told you, you are just a foolish man. This place is nothing to me now." Yukie said as she stood at the doorstep, making Sandayu cringe. "Hey, what's your problem?" Naruto asked her, mad at her empathy towards Sandayu. "Ever since we found out the true intentions behind this trip, you've done nothing but step on Sandayu's plan and put him down! This guy's had a dream to see this land in its former glory once more, and I plan to help him see it through!" Naruto replied.

"Naruto-san, maybe you should reconsider your stance on this.." Darui said as he got up and faced Sandayu. "I am sorry, but this is well above the pay grade you hired me for. Not only that, but this mission is well above the ability of a four man team. We would need at least 12 squads of Chunnin to reduce the risk of casualties on our part." Darui informed the man, making him deflate even further. Before anything else could happen, a loud thunk resounded through the room. Everyone turned to see Naruto sitting at his desk with Captain America's shield before him.

"Do you know what this shield means to me?" Naruto asked, making everyone present look at him quizzically. "This shield means that as long as I can, I will help anyone who needs it! Doesn't matter if they resent me in the end or if they never asked for my help, or even if I get into trouble with anyone." Naruto continued. "To me, this shield is that of the defender. Of the soldier. Of the one who lays his life on the line so other people don't have to and so they can live their lives in peace." Naruto stated. "Darui, I will help these people, with or without you. I made a promise to my mentors, and I plan to see it through." Naruto stated.

"Why do you put so much stock on a shield, Naruto-san?" Darui asked, actually curious about the piece of metal. "This? This is much more than a piece of metal or a shield. Behind this symbol lies an idea. That idea will never die as long as there are people to inherit it." Naruto said as he got up. "Yes, this is perfect. A soldier with a high moral ground fighting tooth and nail to free a land from the grip of a cruel tyrant! This is the best plot for the new movie!" the producer said. "But wait sir, are you sure we can go on like this?" A random man said as he looked at the director in shock.

"Of course I am! Haven't you seen the footage we got from their fight earlier with the enemy shinobi?! You can't replicate that kind of action! That's on the spot, raw and uncut!" The director said in an enthusiastic tone. "You're right! With the raw uncut footage, we can make a fortune on its own!" Another man from the film department stated. "Are you guys serious?" Sandayu asked with a glimmer of hope. "Of course we are Sandayu-san." Naruto said as he strapped the shield to his right hand. "Now, there's still a lot that has to be done. Everyone, get ready. We move out as soon as possible." Naruto stated and filed out, followed closely by everyone else.

"Don't I get a say in this?!" Darui demanded, but sighed and sat back down. "Can you honestly say you would have opposed him?" a voice besides him said. He turned to see Samui sitting there with a smirk on her face. "Unfortunately, no." Darui admitted through gritted teeth. "Exactly. Naruto-kun has something about himself, a certain..charisma about himself." Samui said as she got up. "Once he gets on a roll, there's no way to stop him." She finished as she left. Darui sighed and looked at the table before him. "Well, I'm already outnumbered." He mused as he left to get ready.

~ An Hour Later – Before a Large Ice Tunnel ~

Naruto grinned as he looked at the large ice tunnel before him. "The rest of our forces should be past this tunnel. We will finally have everything we need to take down Doto and end his reign of tyranny!"Sandayu said excitedly. Naruto hefted his shield and was about to give the order to move out until a loud cry alarmed everyone. "What's the matter?" The director asked as he approached Yukie's trailer. "Something's wrong sir! Yukie's run off again!" The man said, making Naruto's eyes widen. "What?!" Naruto demanded as he approached them. "What do you mean she's gone?!"

"Well, she has a bad habit of fleeing whenever we mention this place. I guess the meeting spooked her and she ran away. The first time your friend saw her, she was in the process of running away!" The producer said. "And no one thought to mention this to me? No matter. Everyone, split up and search for her. She couldn't have gotten very far, she's a civilian! Producer, Sandayu-san, get to the other side of the tunnel, we'll get there as soon as possible." Naruto said. "Alright, everyone scatter!" Naruto yelled, making Samui, Yugito, and Darui scatter in a blur of speed.

~ With Naruto ~

Naruto sighed as he looked at the vast expense of white land. "Great, how am I supposed to find her now?" Naruto wondered until he heard a small squeal. "Well, that was easier than I expected." Naruto mused as he headed to the source of the sound.

~ With Koyuki ~

Koyuki sighed as she laid in the cold snow. 'You're a liar father..there is no spring in this land!' she thought until she heard the shuffling of feet behind her. "How long are you going to keep running?" Naruto asked behind her. She slowly got to her knees, looking pitifully at Naruto. "Come on, let's go." Naruto said as he picked her up and hefted her, carrying her piggyback style. Koyuki was going to begin to struggle, but figured it was too late. "Why do you keep coming for me?" she asked in a quiet voice. Naruto sighed as he stepped into the large ice tunnel. "Because it's time you grew up and accepted your position. Doesn't matter how far you run or how well you hide, I will find you." Naruto replied, making her look at him quizzically.

"Even if you take me back, all I will do is act." Koyuki said, making Naruto sigh. "Well, that's ok." Naruto said, making her perk up. "A princess has to do what she deems is best for her country. I have a feeling you will do what's best when the time comes.." Naruto said as he kept going. "How do you know? You don't even know me.." She said, slightly peeved that he had the gall of making assumptions about her. "You're right…but even if the world is a cruel place, you can't think bad about all people." Naruto finished. Before Koyuki could retort, the ground below them melted.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked aloud, but was responded by the sound of a whistle resounding throughout the large cave. "It's the train.." Koyuki mumbled, making Naruto look at her with wide eyes. "Wait, as in the choo-choo train?" Naruto demanded, but was answered by a light shining behind him. "Shit, we have to hurry!" Naruto mumbled and took off at a breakneck dash. "What are you, crazy?! You can't outrun a train!" Koyuki yelled at him. "Watch me.." Naruto replied as he picked up the speed. "It's gaining on us!" Koyuki yelled. "It's not on us yet!" Naruto replied as he picked up the pace.

"We're not going to make it!" Koyuki yelled. "Shut up! You may be ready to throw in the towel, but I'm not!" Naruto yelled as he kept going. "I'll die before I give up!" He yelled as he briefly considered throwing his weights off, but was unable to because of the speeding train behind them. "I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!" Naruto yelled as he gained some distance from the train and kept running. He saw the end of the tunnel approaching and sped up, jumping away from the tracks as the large metal contraption flew past him. Naruto rolled on the ground and sighed, Koyuki landing next to him, huffing.

"That thing you were saying when you were running away, was that some mantra to assure yourself?" She asked, actually curious. "No… it was the Little Engine That Could." Naruto replied. (I don't own the book) Koyuki sweat dropped, but stopped as the brakes on the rolling train screeched and brought it to a stop. "It's been a long time, Koyuki." A loud voice over an intercom said. "I knew's Doto!" Koyuki exclaimed. Naruto got up and looked to the large man standing before the train. He had his loyal lapdog, Nadare besides himself. He was wearing expensive robes. He himself was a tall man with long black hair and a chiseled face, a brown complexion to his skin.

"It's been a long time… 10 years. I still remember that face." The man said in a twisted tone. Naruto stood in front of her with his shield in front of him. "Who the hell are you, pal?" Naruto demanded. "No one of import to you, filthy peasant." Doto replied, making Naruto fume. "You aren't one to talk, pal. You got a face only a mother could love." Naruto retorted. Before Doto could respond, a large explosion shook the area. Everyone looked up to see a large wave of snow and tree trunks slam into the side of the train. "What the hell?!" Doto demanded as he looked up to see various men dressed in makeshift samurai armor standing tall above the cliffs where the avalanche had fallen.

"There you have it men! With our princess Koyuki here to watch us, we will surely have a great victory!" Sandayu exclaimed, getting cheers from the others around him. "Sandayu?" Koyuki wondered, but shook her head. "Doto, we have awaited this day of reckoning! Today, before you stand 50 loyal warriors stand before you to avenger our fallen hero! On this day, you will breathe no more!" Sandayu yelled and unsheathed his sword, then pointed it to Doto, signifying the battles beginning.

A/N: Yay, we got a lot of reviews last chapter! I

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