The truth was that Queen Acacia felt very much responsible for this, seeing that she had been the catalyst for them leaving in the first place.
But, that was a memory she didn't want to have to revisit… Not now.
That said, she still felt guilty about accelerating her husband's mental illness. He had pushed himself so hard for her benefit. Now, though, there was a solution right in front of them. And, as fate would have it, it came in the form of their son in law – a son in law Kawa had a very good impression of.
"Husband. Dyon's soul strength is no less than the Higher Essence stage. That I'm certain of."
King Belmont nodded. "It's likely even higher than that since he can hide it from us so well. Even when he was going all out against Kawa when he thought she was a danger to them, he still kept the leak of his soul power restrained. Despite his personality, it seems this boy is quite cautious."