Silence reigned after Prince Belmont closed the door. Many, having good impressions of Dyon, felt pity in their hearts for what he had to go through just to be with the women he loved. And just as many, not understanding the type of person Dyon truly was, assumed that his nonchalant attitude was a shield he put up between himself and his worries.
However, these glances didn't stop Dyon from continuing to fill plate after plate for himself. In fact, he didn't stop until he had practically ten separate and elaborate meals laid out for himself.
Ri glanced at Dyon's side profile before looking at Little Lyla who still sat on his lap. She somehow felt reassured by Lyla's carefree attitude. Being the only person here who could understand Dyon's true thoughts, Little Lyla was the best gauge… However, Ri still didn't feel settled.
Seeing that Dyon wanted to eat, and suddenly feeling the urge to continue himself, Little Black latched onto Lyla, taking her to a separate chair.