[Bonus chapter for 100 golden tickets]
Opal, having seemingly understood the double meaning in Dyon's words blushed furiously, causing a light laughter to fill the room and alleviate the pressure that had been building.
Jade rolled her eyes. "Your fiancée wouldn't be very happy with you right now. Who's this beauty, by the way? Would we know her?"
Ri listened intently for Dyon's answer. She too was curious about the answer to this. It seemed like everyone forgot a debate was meant to be going on. But, even the crowd seemed to find this interaction as entertaining as anything else.
Dyon smiled. "If I told you, you either wouldn't believe me, or you'd be jealous beyond belief. Would you still like to hear my answer?"
Jade smiled. She was fully aware that Dyon knew it was impossible to lie to her, and yet he said this anyway. Which only meant one thing: she'd feel inferior should she know the answer.
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