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Kiyoshi enters the huge wooden door. Inside was a long hallway made of dirt and concrete. On both sides of the hallway was nothing but darkness as Kiyoshi ventured down to the other side.

After several minutes, Kiyoshi was at another wooden door, but this one was much smaller than the first one. Kiyoshi whispers a chant to the door and it slowly opens, allowing Kiyoshi inside.

On the other side of the door was a massive room and contained in the room was a giant, humanoid creature. The massive creature was at least three kilometers in height. Its body was covered in blue and green scales. Its right like was that of deer whilst its left leg was that of a T-Rex. On its back were two large bat-like wings at least one kilometer in wingspan. The arms were long and sported sharp, long, black claws. The creature had no facial features besides one massive eye in the center of where its face would have been.

The massive eye was closed as it appeared the creature was sleeping, no more like deactivated. Bull-like horns stuck out from its head. Hundreds of chains bound the creature to the walls of the room, securing the creature in place as if the creature was imprisoned there.

Kiyoshi chanted the following words towards the sleeping creature. "kuamsha kubwa na nguvu kula Na watumiaji wote Ninakuamuru wewe". With the echoing of Kiyoshi's words throughout the room, the enormous creature arose from its slumber.

Its massive eye opened, revealing its grey iris as it looks around the room looking for the one that awaken it. It soon spotted Kiyoshi and the iris of its massive eye turned blue as its eye projected a long beam of blue light toward Kiyoshi as if it was scanning him.

After shining the blue light on Kiyoshi, the iris of the creature's eye being flicking to red and green repeatedly. The creature's eye continued flashing between red and green before settling on green. With this, the creature presents its left hand toward Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi gets on the creature's hand as it brings Kiyoshi up to where its face is supposed to be wagging its massive reptile-like tail as it does this. Soon Kiyoshi stood directly in front of the creature's massive eye. Without hesitation the creature blast Kiyoshi with a beam of green light which sends Kiyoshi sub consciousness back to the real world.

Back on the battlefield, Aina continues her boastful laughter as she states she didn't know it would be so easy to beat the legendary blood samurai wielder of the sword of legion. The so-called second coming of the demonic conversion event. Aina wipes tears from her eyes as she can't contain her laughter, remarking it was fun, but it was time to end this pitiful battle once and for all.

Returning mentally to the battle, Kiyoshi agrees that the battle has dragged on for too long and it's time for it to end. With that, Kiyoshi's sword begins generating a hot firey-red flame.

"Those weak flames again boy hahaha, you think you can beat me with those things again." laughed Aina as she mocks Kiyoshi's attempts to win this fight.

As Aina continues laughing, the flames of Kiyoshi's sword grow hotter and hotter until they change from a reddish-orange color to a nightmarish dark blue color.

"You think just because your flame changed color you've won? ," giggled Aina as Kiyoshi prepare to attack.

"Be careful Aina, he seems different, and those flames are different. I can't place my mind on it but that power seems so familiar to me." Remarked Fukuji- Kuharibu as Kiyoshi came running towards them.

"Don't worry, I will finish this quick." Remarked Aina as she blasted a mighty gust of wind toward Kiyoshi. With the immense wind coming towards him, Kiyoshi cut through it with his sword as the nightmarish blue flames consumed it.

"What!" Shouted Aina as she watched her powerful winds vanish into nothing. Upset, Aina released several feathers at blazing speed in an attempt to finish Kiyoshi off.

But with a swing of his sword, Kiyoshi quickly destroyed the multitude of feathers, leaving both Aina and Fukuji- Kuharibu in shock at the turn of events. Without hesitation, Aina released several bolts of black lightning which were all consumed by Kiyoshi's sword flames.

Seeing this, Fukuji- Kuharibu finally remembered where that familiar feeling was coming from. It was the WATUMIAJI WOTE.

"Damn it this kid infused the WATUMIAJI WOTE power with Devivial's flames, damn it." Remarked Fukuji- Kuharibu as Aina struggles to keep Kiyoshi away with her array of black lightning attacks.

"Aina, you have to get away from him. If those blue flames touch you is all over for us, so move it." Shouted Fukuji- Kuharibu as Kiyoshi burns through their attacks. But before Aina could escape, Kiyoshi closed in on her by burning through her lightning attacks with multiple swings of his sword.

Within the blink of an eye stood in front of Aina swinging down on her with his sword. But before he could drop the finishing blow, the blues flames of his sword turn back to red.

Thinking she has the tide of battle back at her side, Aina smiles while letting her guard. Undeterred by this, Kiyoshi spins and swings his sword into Aina in an upward direction, causing the flames of his sword to send her into the air. Like a volcano erupting or the blast of an explosion. The tower of flames sent Aina's body sky rocking into the atmosphere, trapping her and preventing her from escaping.

As the flames of Kiyoshi's attack push Aina into the burning away at her fresh. She looks around to see where Kiyoshi was but was shocked that he was no longer on the ground below her.

From above her, Kiyoshi came flying down swinging his sword as he spins in a three-sixty direction, creating a flame wheel to appear in the sky as his blade collided with the back of Aina, sending her through the tower of flames. As her body collides with the earth, creating a nuke-like explosion to happen.

A massive cloud of smoke and debris covers the night sky, blocking the visibility of the battlefield as town's people gather around wondering what is happening outside their beloved town.

With his attack, the rising sun and scorching moon completed. Kiyoshi looks around from Aina's body as he was sure she wasn't dead. From the distance, embers of flames could be seen. As Aina sits on her knees with her hands touching the ground. Her scorched skin still trying to heal itself from Kiyoshi's attack.

Her wings still ignited with embers of the fire burning her feather. As she recomposes herself, Kiyoshi takes the opportunity to attack her behind, reigniting her entire back with a swing of his flaming sword. Which completely burnt her wings to ashes.

Enraged, Aina swings her sword but misses as Kiyoshi dodges, whilst slashing through her stomach.

"Damn it." Shouts Aina as she holds on to her stomach.

"Let's finish this now." Remarks Kiyoshi. "Let's". Replied Aina as the two combatants run into each other at high speeds. Only the sparks and embers of lightning and flames could be seen throughout the battlefield as both Kiyoshi and Aina collided with each with speed, unable to be seen by the naked eye.

The two warriors swing and collided all over the battlefield with none of them wavering in their determination to defeat the other. The gushing blood and the crackling sound of electricity could be heard as Aina pierced Kiyoshi's abdomen, impaling him.

Undeterred and determined to end it Kiyoshi swings down with his sword cutting through the mask covering Aina's face and cutting through her shoulder as well. As the flames of Kiyoshi's sword flicker off into the air, both Kiyoshi's and Aina's bodies hit the ground.

" I guess this is it. It was a beautiful run." Remarked Fukuji- Kuharibu as he appears to Aina in her mind.

Aina begins to cry as Fukuji- Kuharibu body begins to fade away.

"This was the most fun I had in years. But it is time for me to go. Take care of yourself and see you see." Remarked Fukuji- Kuharibu, as he rest his hand on Aina's head before disappearing for good whilst Aina is left crying.

Meanwhile, Kiyoshi brings himself back to his feet while pulling Aina's sword out of his body. Kiyoshi slowly walks over to where Aina was laying standing over her. Standing over her, Kiyoshi begins crying as he looks down at Aina struggling to hold on to whatever life she had remaining in her.

Aina looks up to see the sorrowful expression of Kiyoshi as tears from his eyes landed on her face. She smiled at Kiyoshi whilst mustering whatever strength she had in her to ask Kiyoshi for a favor before she dies.

Triniotaku23 Triniotaku23

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