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With a devilish grin, Aina unleashes another wave of demonic aura, blowing Kiyoshi back. The fresh surge of demonic energy quickly overpowers both Kiyoshi and the environment itself. As everything surrounds Aina seems to bend to her will, even just for a moment. As her power rages on, the Mempo mask begins to change color to a dull reddish-orange color as it slowly grows to cover Aina's face completely. Two large ram-like horns protrude from the mask, as it completely covers Aina's face.

Suddenly and without warning, an enormous explosion emits under Aina's feet as the overwhelming demonic energy continues to flow from her body. Dust and smoke fill the air as blocks visible for both warriors. But even though Kiyoshi could not see Aina in front of him, He knew deep down something was terribly wrong and that somehow the tide of battle changed drastically.

With the dust settled, Kiyoshi could finally confirm his doubts as Aina's figure becomes more visible as time goes by. With the dust completely settled, Kiyoshi's doubts and concerns were finally realized as he can now see the new and deadlier Aina standing before him.

Before him stood a being that was the perfect sync of human and demonic influence. The last time Kiyoshi fought an enemy so in sync with demonic energy was almost a decade ago. Kiyoshi begins slightly shaking as he observes Ania's new look. No longer can Aina's beautiful face be seen as the mask completely covers even her memorizing eyes were covered, but yet Kiyoshi knew that she could still see him perfectly.

Two large, black, bird-like wings sprouted from her back. The large horns protruding from her mask curved at a hundred and eighty-degree angle and shined brightly as the moonlight hitting them reflected off their silvery tone. Her long black hair grew several inches as it gently touches the ground.

And with a flap of her wings, a powerful gust of wind emerged, uprooting rocks and trees alike. Kiyoshi managed to keep himself rooted as he stabs his sword into the ground, keeping him in place.

"This is terrible! I didn't think she and Fukuji- Kuharibu would pair like this. This is worse than what I could possibly imagine." Remarked Kivuli as Kiyoshi recomposes himself from Aina's powerful attack.

"Yeah, I know I sense that right now am clearly outmatched and out-powered." Replied Kiyoshi as he slowly walks forward to Aina with sword in hand.

"There is only one way to win this fight, kiddo. You have to use the mode you used when you were fighting the general all those years ago." Remarked Tyrook, chiming into Kivuli and Kiyoshi's conversation.

"I can't use it," replied Kiyoshi. "Why not? This is the perfect no, this is the time when it is needed, kiddo." Remarked Tyrook.

"For starters am not sure even if I use the mood. It will help me defeat her and second, I could kill her if I use that mood and I am going to rescue her no matter what." Replied Kiyoshi with a determined look on his face.

"Kiyo, you heard Devivial. There is no way to save her. She already made her deal with Fukuji- Kuharibu and look how perfect they are in sync. Her soul is lost to the depths of her vengeance. You can't save am sorry Kiyo." Remarked Lilly as she tries to convince Kiyoshi that death is the only opinion you have in freeing and stopping her.

"We will see, ", declared Kiyoshi and he stands in front of Aina, awaiting her next move.

"I am impressed that you were able to stand your ground against my attack, even though it wasn't that strong." Aina giggled as both she and Kiyoshi square off.

" I am going to rescue you and free you from Fukuji- Kuharibu and your vengeance. I promise you that." Declared Kiyoshi with a menacing look of determination and willpower.

"hehe, free me, you say. I don't need freeing or saving, all I need is to avenge my husband and children and after I kill you, blood samurai, I think I will just fly over to Uragiri and Kill everyone. It's time I ended those people once and for all." Aina laughed as she prepares her attack.

"I can't let you do that," Kiyoshi announces as Aina replies I know, but flapping her wings, which generates another powerful gust of wind as she takes a step back. Kiyoshi stabs his sword into the ground again as the powerful winds try to blow away everything in their path.

With his eyes still red with demonic power, Kiyoshi darts across the battlefield towards Aina. With no hesitation, Aina shoots several bolts of black lightning toward Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi reignites his sword with his demonic flames, creating a wall of fire with an upward swing of his sword, blocking the black lightning.

But unlike the first time, Kiyoshi was sent back due to the immense increase in the lightning's power which caused him to lose his footing as he underestimated the lightning's increased power.

"That was more powerful than I expected," Kiyoshi remarks as he recovers from the lightning attack.

Ania smiles as she shoots out several feathers from her wings at breakneck speeds toward Kiyoshi.

"Feathers? what are feathers going to do me?" Kiyoshi remarked

"Kiyoshi, whatever you do, let those feathers from her wings hit you. No matter what," shouted Kivuli from the depths of the sword.

Reacting quickly, Kiyoshi jumped and dodged the feathers as they stuck themselves into the ground like mini draggers. Settling himself, Kiyoshi looked back to see the feathers that were stuck into the ground exploding into bursts of black lightning.

"Damn it. I was careless, thank Kivuli." Remarked Kiyoshi as he catches his breath.

"No problem, you can't let your guard done at all. Aina is no longer just a human. She is more than that now. Be careful." Replied Kivuli as Aina let loose a wave of black feathers again. With multiply swings of his fiery blade, Kiyoshi through the first set of feathers.

But even with his fiery counter, Kiyoshi still could not stop all the feathers from piercing into his body as Aina continues her attack with wave after waves of sharp dragger-like feathers. Kiyoshi immediately tries to pull the feathers lodged in his body but is taken back as the feathers exploded, sending shock waves of black lightning through the young samurai's body, causing him to drop to the ground in pain.

"Already you have fallen to my might young samurai. I thought you would at least last longer than this." Laughed Aina as she arranges another wave of feathers to finish Kiyoshi off.

"It isn't over yet. I just getting started," replied Kiyoshi and he picks himself off the ground with his sword flame blazing hotter than before. Aina smiles as she sends massive waves of electrified feathers toward Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi jet streams himself towards Aina as he spins himself and his fiery blade clockwise, which he used to create rings of flames protecting himself from the feathers. As the feather gets caught in the flames, burning them but instantly.

Kiyoshi continues his advancement toward Aina, rotating at blazing speed as he closes in on her. Within a split second, Kiyoshi stands in front of Aina and uses the momentum of his rotating moments to pass on the flames of his blade to Aina. Which created a vortex of fire and flames a hell vortex.

As the fiery vortex spins and consumes Aina, Kiyoshi reignites his blade as he swings down his sword, trying to slice the mask off Aina's face. As Kiyoshi closes in on Aina, she quickly flaps her wings, outing the fiery vortex and launching Kiyoshi several hundred feet across the battlefield.

As Kiyoshi lies on the ground catching himself, Aina dust herself off, complimenting Kiyoshi was an excellent attempt but a failed attempt nonetheless.

With Kiyoshi pulling himself up with his sword, he remarks he was so close to freeing her, but yet again the power difference between her and him has drastically changed the tide of the battle once again.

Kiyoshi arms himself to attack Aina again, but before he could blink an eye, he lost track of her. Behind him, Kiyoshi heard the gentle giggles of a woman behind him and several intense and sharp pains all about his body. From the corner of his eye, he could see Aina behind him but was unable to attack her as he found himself on the ground with a diversity of cuts and scratches all over his body.

"I could see her at all. How could anyone be so fast?" Kiyoshi thought to himself as he watches the blood flow out of his body as it runs through the cracks of the battlefield.

"It's over, for now, blood samurai. This is the end for you. Thank you for the entertainment, but you die here and now." Remark as she brings her sword down on Kiyoshi's neck.

"What a waste of such a strong and handsome man." Aina continues remarking as he is inches away from cutting off Kiyoshi's head.

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