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With the powerful surge of demonic power emerging from Aina's body increased in force, the animals of the forest evacuated, as the aura could be felt and seen even by the people of Uragiri.

"What is this feeling and what are those lights emitting from the forest?"

"I don't know, but I don't know like the feeling of this". Remarked people of the town as they try to figure out what's going on in the out shirks of the town.

Even within the depths of Kiyoshi's psyche, Kiyoshi himself was terrified for the first time in a long while of an opponent. As the surge of demonic power calm down, Kiyoshi could finally see his new opponent standing in front of him.

In front of him stood the new and deadlier Aina. She stood in front of her foe with her four feet long sword with its long thin black blade. The Mempo mask containing the demon commander Fukuji- Kuharibu was now more visible to Kiyoshi due to the mist subsiding.

A red mist surrounded the fangs of the mask as if blood was running down the mask into its fangs. As the two combatants prepared themselves for battle. The air and atmosphere grew thick as both Kiyoshi and Aina slowly approached each other.

The stars of the night sky barely illuminated the grounds of the battlefield as the two warriors stand still, looking at each other. With weapons drawn, they both await the perfect moment to strike. With undeterred determination and unwinding confidence, the two warriors collided with everything they got.

The two began their climactic battle with the clashing of swords and dripping of sweat as Aina takes the lead in the fight as she pushes Kiyoshi heavily on the defensive end.

Her speed and sword skills as a member of the Isamashii clan perfectly complimented Fukuji- Kuharibu's demonic powers as she clearly outmatches Kiyoshi early on in their fight. The early outcome of the fight frustrated Kiyoshi as he tried to counter while dodging a flurry of menacing attacks. This resulted in him leaving himself open for Aina's kick, which landed in his midsection, sending him flying several feet across their battlefield. But before Kiyoshi could land on the ground, Aina swung her sword, which generated several bolts of black lightning which stuck Kiyoshi about the body electrocuting him.

A little hurt and slightly embarrassed by the outcome of the fight thus far, Kiyoshi asked Kivuli more about the demon residing in Aina's Mempo. Kivuli stated that the demon residing in the mask named Fukuji- Kuharibu was one of the twelves demon commanders of hell during the great demonic conversion event.

Fukuji- Kuharibu was feared by demons alike and even among his other commanders. He was at least three hundred feet in height. His face was that of a man of African descent with a long jet black beard but a white mustache and deadly orange eyes. On his forehead sported two long ram horns that curved at a 150-degree angle. He had long black Rass-like braids running down his back.

His upper was also human in nature but was covered in thick reptile-like scales and from his back sprouted two black, bird-like wings. His legs were a fusion of human and dragon as his legs, even though covered in blue scales, were mostly human, with his feet being those found on dragons. He also had a tail which was two pit vipers fused by their tails.

"Ok, that was a pleasant introduction, but what I really wanted to know is what powers this guy has that is helping her kick my ass. Thank you very much." Replied Kiyoshi, annoyed with Kivuli's answer to his question as Aina stands back, awaiting Kiyoshi to compose himself.

"I was getting to that!" Kivuli responded before continuing with his story. Fukuji- Kuharibu is a demon of revenge and destruction which already makes him the perfect demonic partner for a born assassin trying to get revenge for her dead family.

But he also covers with a variety of deadly powers all on his own. The first one is what you just got hit with his black lightning attack. Fukuji- Kuharibu could various attacks using black lightning. Black lightning is far deadlier than regular lightning.

It does more damage on a cellular level and stays in the body of the victim for a longer period of time, meaning even if you didn't die from the initial attack, the aftershock could still kill you. Well, not you, since you have demonic healing on your side. And it has the added effect of randomly paralyzing you if you are not careful.

He can also generate mist from which he can teleport and last, he can magnetize stuff to pull or push them towards him."

"Doesn't seem like he has a lot of powers." Kiyoshi declared, whilst interrupting Kivuli. "It isn't how many powers you have, but their quality and how you used and trust me in that regard. Fukuji- Kuharibu is the best of the best, even among the demon commanders." Replied Kivuli as Kiyoshi prepares himself to continue his fight with Aina.

"Thanks, Kivuli, I will keep that in mind." Kiyoshi declares as he finally gets up on his feet. "Sorry to keep you waiting, dear. I appreciate you not attacking and letting me compose myself after the ass whooping I just received." Remarked Kiyoshi as Aina stands waiting for him to begin their fight again.

"It won't be any fun to finish you off so quickly. It's been decades since I had anyone that could at least defend themselves against me. I'm not going to throw an opportunity like this away, so get up samurai and show me what the legendary blood samurai wielder of the sword of legion could do." Aina giggled as she pointed her sword towards Kiyoshi, awaiting his next move.

Kiyoshi took a deep breath as his eyes turned from grey to red with the brief awakening of his demonic powers. The rain began falling as flashes of lightning illuminated the night sky. With swords in hand, the two warriors were ready for the second round of their fight. And even with the rain soaking their clothes and making them heavy, the two combatants collided with each other with a burst of speed, which could never be replicated by mere mortals' existence.

Their battle continued with overwhelming determination by both parties as they darted around the battlefield, trying to get the edge over each other. Kiyoshi and Aina exchange blades and fists with such beauty that they looked more like synchronized lovers dancing in the moonlight than warriors fighting to the death in the middle of nowhere.

The continuous clashing and battering of swords made monstrous sounds that filled the dead air with excitement and dread. As the rain falls, beating the skin of the combatants gently as Kiyoshi and Aina pursue each violently and without remorse for each other.

Aina launches several attacks as Kiyoshi jumps and darts into the air, spinning whilst dodging the flurry of attacks coming towards him. Splashing dirty water everywhere as he maneuvers about. Kiyoshi returns Aina's violent advances by unleashing a combo of intense and powerful attacks of his own, which results in the two partaking in a rhythmic battle of swordplay.

As they match each other's sword swings, their blades quickly break the speed of sound. With this, their combined sword swings create a barrier that just for a moment sheathers them for the heavy rainfall as their swings precisely and quickly cut the raindrops in perfect sync and unity, preventing rain from falling in their immediate environment.

After their heavy exchange of sword swings, the two warriors took a moment to recompose themselves and asset the current situation. Both Kiyoshi and Aina take several deep breaths and they both await the other one to make a move. Within a matter of seconds, Aina stabs her sword into the ground, spending a wave of black lightning toward Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi, thinking fast on his feet igniting his sword with a hot fiery flame, using his demonic powers and using an upward swing of his sword, created a furious, fiery orange wall of fire. The force of the powerful elements colliding created a nightmarish wall of pure death and destruction.

The heat of the flames and lightning was so strong they vaporized the raindrops, creating a thick, foggy mist. The mist so was thick that the battle going on inside couldn't be visible from the outside, but the sound of clashing swords could be heard from a distance.

With the thick smoke finally subsiding, blood could be seen dripping from Kiyoshi's sword as he finally managed to land a blow on Aina, cutting her above the forehead. Aina giggles as she wipes the blood from her forehead, as she licks it off her fingers whilst having a smile filled with joy and promise.

"I have underestimated you, blood samurai, but the time has come to show you how different we are as warriors of demonic power. It was fun!" laughed Aina as she prepare to unleash her full power towards her enemy.

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