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Chapter 2: 1 • Another World

It was nothing but darkness

I tried to look around-- oh wait, I can't

The darkness envelope all no matter how hard I tried to look around. I can't even tell if I'm looking around or not... Shit




Is this hell? Ah, I can't really tell with this darkness can't I? Just freaking give me a light already! Or fire, I don't care

As if responding to my thoughts, a light suddenly envelope this complete darkness of a room

The light was warm, as much as I Ashamed to admit it, it was something that feels nostalgic

In front of it was a person, their silhouette came into view along with the light

Not only that, it was someone who I have known more than anyone else.

Luna Agarson

The holy saintess stand before me, someone who should've died a long time ago

By my own hands...

Ah~ this must be the after life then?

She just stood there, is she angry? Or Is she mocking me by telling me she's going to heaven and I'm going to hell?

But no... I know it better than anyone else, she's not that type of person to do those kind of thing to me, as much as I want her to hate me

I tried to open my mouth, but it comes out dry, every words I try to form always comes out as a gasp of air

Luna: "Fufu, you finally decided to join me here, what? missed me already?" She winked at me, her playful tone accompanied by her cheerful voice was always something that I have to deal in the past.

And at the same time, almost magical, I can finally talk the same time she say those words.

*Sigh "Just give me a break already..."

I sigh tiredly, too much has going on today that I don't even know how to respond to 'this'

Luna: "Never change do you... I have missed you" She said sweetly

"Right..." I murmured while keep looking at the ground as if there's something interesting on it

I can tell about how regretful I sounds right now

No matter how hard I tried to forget about that day, I keep remembering my regret and inability to do anything for her.

But, it's all in the past now




She began massaging my shoulder while talking to me. She mainly ask about how I have been doing ever since the day of her death

She use her playful tone whenever it's just both of us. But when she's out in the public, she always use her majestic-- holiness aura accompanied by her Charming face

I always called it 'I holier than thou' mode.

Luna: "Erlias!" She suddenly shout.


Well if she suddenly shout at my ear like that with our distance right now, of course I will be startled

Luna: "look at how dry your lip is! I have told you to stay hydrated haven't I?!"

Even after her death, it seems like her motherly instinct never fade even a bit huh?

"Leave it! I told you to stop acting like my parents before!"

Luna: "Hmph! I won't if you still won't listen!" She pout

"What are you even doing here in the first place? Being my mother? Well, no thank you mom!"

I finally ask her about it, But I probably should have ask it the first time I able to say anything

She didn't respond for a second

Wait, am I going too far on my tone? Crap, I probably should've--

But, instead of getting angry, she move closer to me, embracing me tightly in a hug.

Luna: "What? I can't meet someone that I love?"

There's no lie in her tone nor any hidden meaning at all. It was a simple truth without anything else behind it

I returned her embrace without even realising it, and I can feel that she hold me more tightly than before.

*Chuckle "Arthur Would've been so jealous if he see this right now" just a thought of Arthur seeing us together like this, would probably pissed him off bad time, giving me a good laugh if I ever seen it.

Luna: *Giggle "Both of you always fighting over the smallest thing, it's unfortunate about how things turn out, but you truly still consider him as your friend right?"

"Eh? No, I'm not--"

Luna: "Erlias" She cut me off, noticing lies behind my voice

Tsk! I really am can't hide anything whenever she's around... No matter how flawless my lies are, she always be the one who's managed to find out about it

Arthur, Luna and I were childhood friends. We play, cry and do everything together. Luna was chosen as the next saintess by the church the moment she's born, and unlike her, Arthur was born from a lowborn family, But he managed to rose in rank of military and became the most respected person in the empire.

Though Arthur and I view everything differently, Luna always support both of our decision from the sidelines. She's always be the one to stop our fighting

Who would have known that Her absence would impact my relationship with Arthur to this extent.

"Just shut up..."

Luna: *Giggle "You did not outright deny it, that's new!" She laughed heartedly

"Enough of that, what would happen now?" I said, trying to turn the topic into something other than this

Luna: "Hm? trying to change the topic aren't you? Oh well, It's about time we talk about it anyway"

She took a step back from me, making a comfortable distance for us to talk

I was waiting for her to say something, but instead of her, it was someone else's voice that I heard

A majestic, commanding voice coming from where the source of the light are.

???: "Erlias Forterra, You who have died of sinner death, I welcome you to the after life"

He's a tall muscular build man with a short green hair. Just from here I can feel a breeze of wind along with his presence.

If God and Goddess really exist, he must be one of them.

Zerphys: "My name is Zerphys, and as you might already know, You have died. And as another soul in the after life, you have no choice but to listen to my words--"

*Yawn "Your point is?" I yawned even if I'm not sleepy, but it's a darn effective mockery to someone like him

I could probably guess what he's going to do or to be precise, going to ask. And looking at Luna, she may play some part about it as well.

Zerphys: "How Impudent--"

Luna: "Lord Zerphys!"

Zerphys: *Sigh "My apologize, but the reason I stand before you right now is because I'm offering you a chance to redeem yourself" he pinched his nose bridge, Before giving me a deep sigh.

A chance to redeem myself? That sounds a lot like a bad joke if I ever heard one

"Ah no I'll pass--"

Luna: "He'll do it"

"What? No I won't"

Luna: "He will~"


Luna: "HE. WILL."

"Urgh... Fine!"

Luna: "Nice! I knew you will do it"

It's no use to argue with her, it will always go with how she wants it to be. She really is crueller than me...

Zerphys: "Then let me explain"

He snap his fingers, showing a holographic world in front of us. I noticed that it was a different world than mine just by looking at it's colour

Zerphys: "as I'm saying before, We decided to give you a second chance to redeem yourself of your sins." He walked closer to the holographic world, waved his hand, and the holographic world start to spin as well.

Zerphys: "as how you will do it, it was gonna be in this world, a similar world like yours, a world where magic and fantastical being exist."

"And what's my task?"

Zephyr: "Be patience child, Your job is to exterminate someone by the name of... Mikami Satoru"


Zerphys: "Gh--! you ask for our reason? *Sigh I can't give you much about the details, but let's just say that this certain Individual is highly dangerous to us-- ah no, to every universe out there"

He looks a bit taken back because of my bluntness, but still told me the basic of the job nonetheless

To put it shortly, The divine realm is in a bit of a pinch right now, The fact that they decided to choose me for this kind of job was already a show of their desperation over this matter

It makes me wondering, about who is this Mikami Satoru guy is. I'm intrigued to meet him to say the least

But anyway, this is an unexpected opportunity for me, a divine being having a debt to you is definitely not something you want to miss

"What's in it for me?"

Zephyrs: "forgiven of all your Sins is not enough for you?"

"I prefer material stuff over... 'that'."

My request managed to got a small giggle from Luna, But It's also got me a glare from Zerphys.

Zerphys: "You human and your greed... But fine, We'll talk about your reward once you finish your task"

"Sure, but I'll make sure to keep you remember the reward you owe me"

Zerphys: *Sigh "I hope I don't regret this"




Thus, the day where I thought everything was over, but it was also the beginning of my 'adventure'

Still, we make our deal and Zerphys has already left. One thing still left unanswered

Why is Luna still here with me?

Wait... Please no..

"Uh... Why are you still here?"

Luna: "Hm? Of course to come with you" she said as if it's something obvious.

she eye me with curiously, did she waiting for my response? She must have already intended to come with me in the first place

Trying to argue with her won't do any good to me, the only thing I can do is... accept it

"And I'm sure I can't do anything about it...?" My voice was low, an obvious show about my dislike over it

Luna: "Nope, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not"

See? I called it

"Please don't baby sit me like last time"

Luna: "Fufufu, I can't promise that. But enough of that, Let's go to the other side already!"

Impatient is her middle name...

And With that, we walked together--

Luna: "Wait!"

"....yes?" The more request she make the more nervous I get.

Luna: "Let's hold our hand together!"

"Uh... You know I hate those kind of stuff"

Luna: "Please~"


I... Still not used to stuff like this, no matter how many times we have done it already

With that, we walked together... While holding our hands, to where the light is...

To the another world

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