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66.66% Supreme Artificer system / Chapter 2: CH2

Chapter 2: CH2

Rey entered the classroom and sat on the far left side in the middle, Rey always sits here because it seems to keep him out of the center of attention and he likes that. After 5 or so minutes pass a tall skinny man with long scraggly hair walks in looking around the room with his cybernetic eye looking at all the students " hello class my name is professor Winchester I will be your teacher on the world of artifact's and antiquities" he said with a unenthusiastic voice. "Now I'm sure most of you probably already know but does anyone know the definition of an artifact" Rey raises his hand so quickly he almost threw himself out of his seat. " You the fat one" [ I'm not that fat] thought Rey "an artifact is a device filled with magical energy that serves a particular purpose dictated by the artificer creating it" "very good kid I'm impressed what's your name" "Rey, Rey Mcranson sir" " well Mr.Mcranson you are correct that is the definition of an artifact but what is an artifact to everyone in New Draco city". The class looked puzzled while listening to the professor "you there red head" then the professor pointed to a short orc girl with bright red hair"do you have an artifact on you right now" "um yes I do it's my phone" the girl looked toward the teacher with a confused face [ everyone has a phone it's just normal] thought the red headed orc. Professor Winchester went around the room one by one and asked every student if they had an artifact with them, most just simply responded with the same thing as the red head some others had personal computers that were artifacts and some had various items made specially for them, like brackets that acted as mirrors or glasses that helped them see better. At this point most of the class where tired of what this professor was doing he seemed as if he didn't have any point to his rambling until he stopped and looked at all the kids" as you can see we use artifacts in our everyday life not just when we fight monsters or when we wash the dishes every single thing we do is assisted by artifacts they aren't just items anymore, they are our way of life we use them for a multitude of various things and many rely on them for everyday things like myself" the professor said while pointing to his eye. The classroom was deathly silent after the teacher stopped talking his eyes passed over each and every student zooming in and out with his mechanical eye observing their reaction and when he passed over to Rey he chuckled because Rey's eyes were full of amazement and complete respect. "Alright class dismissed that was it for orientation be ready for the real thing tomorrow we will hop right into studying about the history of artifact's this is a continuation of today's lesson so be prepared, Rey a moment please" "what's up professor" " Rey you seem fairly smart and willing to learn so I thought that I would ask for your help with something a little extra credit opportunity if you will"."Sure professor what is it" " well it's kind of a secret but tomorrow I'll be taking you students on a field trip to the history museum of artifact's and I need someone to assist me." " Sure I'd love to help" "great that's fantastic we need to do some preparations tonight before we go just need you to pick something's up from the museum alright the guess should know what you're talking about once your there" " sure thing professor anything to help" "great now run along kid I have preparations to do and don't be late tonight it's at 7." Rey left the room and ran down the hall with a smile on his face [maybe if I do well he'll take me as his personal student, I can learn all about artifacts yay me] turning the corner he looked up and his heart sank, he could see Clark and his group but he looked absolutely pissed and and was heading straight for him "hey nerd I'm upset my adventure teacher made of fool of me today and I need to relieve some stress". Rey quickly turned around and ran like his life depended on it because it probably did the last person who made Clark this mad ended up in a hospital for 3 months. Rey ran to the courtyard and to his bike bumping into other students and forgetting about his clasees for the day and biked away attempting to save himself from a horrible beating. Once he was a couple blocks away he saw a large black SUV speed by in the opposite direction with a quick glance Rey saw the driver he was a bald human with a long scar down the side of his face and a horrible grin that sent shivers down Rey's spine. Stopping briefly to catch his breath Rey remembered all his classes [ah f*ck well it was only orientation today anyway I'll just go home I don't want to push my luck with Clark]. Rey peddled home to his studio apartment he bought working at his job as a cashier of a small convenience store down the street. Getting to the rundown apartment Rey locked his bike up on a near by pole and headed to his apartment on the third flood. "Damn I hate the way this place smells, it's like garbage threw up in a pile of dead bodies f*ck" " If you don't like it move out you ungrateful brat" a screeching voice yelled at Rey, he quickly turned around to see a small old kobold woman with a robotic arm and a big frown on her face. " Oh Oh miss landlord I didn't mean it like that it's jus.." "shut the hell up I don't need your dumb excuses juts know I'll have my eye on you brat." " sorry won't happen again" Rey quickly entered his apartment and looked around at the dirty clothes all over the floor, the books piled 3ft tall, and the full trash can" man I should really clean this place it's falling apart" Rey walked sluggishly to his bed and set an alarm for tonight at 7 to help with the museum tour then he drifted off to wonderful land of dreams. Over at the school Mr.Winchester was typing on his computer surrounded by various cases and paperwork when a knock came from the door BANG, BANG, BANG "who is it I'm extremely busy" " open up mason were here to talk about tonight" [shit their early I didn't even have time to finish mapping things out] Professor Winchester thought with a worried expression. Prof Winchester ran to the door and quickly opened it just to be met with a palm the the face as the tall man that Rey saw earlier pushed past Prof Winchester and walked in followed by 6 other men dressed similarly. Prof Winchester scrambled up and looked as the men situated themselves all around the room and started to talk amongst themselves as the man with the scar looked toward the professor" so what's this job you have for us and be quick I don't have all day to chat" " I need you to steal this pendant from the museum tonight I have all the necessary tools and even a distraction for you guys to get in unnoticed I have a gullible student that's will distract the night shift while you guys break in and steal it." "what's the pay" said the scar faced man" 10,000 if you complete the job half upfront and the rest when you bring it to me" said the professor with a shaky voice." "Alright when does it go down"7 tonight at the old museum downtown that's when I sent the student to distract the guards." The man nodded his head and motioned to his men to grab the cases filled with the tools the Professor had acquired for the job"hope this isn't all for nothing this is a risky job for us better be worth it" threatened the man."Believe me it is once I have that pendant I'll be back on top and I can finally have my revenge" then the professor began to laugh softly, " f*ucking creepy weirdo let's roll boys" commented the man.

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