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Chapter 239: Side Story 29: Absolute Justice

Alfia and Meteria calmed down after some time. The sisters bonded and they talked about what happened during the years that Meteria had died.

Meanwhile, Evilus got ready to make their move and were gathering branches from elven holy trees. It was supposed to be given to Alfia for her illness as she was cascading really badly.

Though she wouldn't need it anymore. So she went to the place they were being stored. A church, so it would be more inconspicuous.

Alfia wore her robe and went to the church. "Hmph, choosing a church for your unpleasant activities. Meteria would be furious." Alfia snorted, as her sister really likes churches.

The monstrous level 8 adventurer went inside the church and started blasting immediately. Her offensive magic Satanas Verion, were blocks of sounds that releases shockwaves when it hits a target.

The first unlucky bastard got hit by it and couldn't protect himself. Her magic was extremely lethal, it damages the outside with strong force and the insides of her enemies would turn into mush from the violent vibrations.

The Evilus members that had the bright idea of defiling a church with their plans got all of their bones broken. Blood came out of every orifice of theirs. It was only because they were adventurers that they are still alive.

Suddenly, a whole group of adventurers appeared. They were the Ganesha familia, being led by Shakti and her sister Ardi.

They were actually planning to raid Evilus' operation. The Hermes familia managed to track down their routes and noticed something suspicious in the church they were currently in.

"You, who are you?" Shakti asked with squinted eyes, quite surprised that the enemies were already down on the floor.

"That's none of your business adventurers." Alfia replied with a snort. "Why did you attack Evilus? You're mighty suspicious, you'll be coming along with us." Ardi squinted her eyes and they prepared to capture the suspicious woman.

"Suit yourself, don't ask me for reparations." Alfia sighed and thought she should just rough them up a bit. She cast her magic and used just enough mana to rattle their brains for a concussion.

Shakti and Ardi managed to dodge as they were level 4 and 3 respectively. But their companions got hit, shaking their heads quite violently before they passed out on the floor.

"Resistance is futile." Alfia told them condescendingly. Ardi brandished her sword and tried getting behind Alfia while Shakti kept her busy with her whip and tamed hellhounds.

Unfortunately for them though, Alfia wasn't exactly a gentle woman. She caught Ardi's blade with her bare hands and pulled the teen towards her. She then slugged her right on the jaw as Ardi felt the world go black.

"Ardi!" Shakti shouted out and maneuvered her hellhounds for a pincer attack. But Alfia just stomped on the ground and released her magic once again. Shakti's hell hounds popped like balloons as the violent vibrations inside their body made them explode.

Shakti was shocked, she then saw the hooded figure disappear. "Too bad, you gotta train harder." Alfia whispered behind the Ganesha familia's captain. She then took hold of her head and slammed it on the ground. Robbing her consciousness.

"Hah, so troublesome. I shouldn't be doing this right now." Alfia sighed and thought that training Meteria and guiding the other members of the familia should be her role now.

Alfia then went on her merry way, planning on talking with the person that she was going to die with. But that has obviously changed now, and she wasn't particularly close with him so she didn't care if he died.

Shakti and Ardi woke up, feeling a migraine creeping up on them as they felt their head ache.

"Ugh, nee-chan... Who was that woman? Is she possibly an ally?" Ardi massaged her jaw that was hurting from being slugged by Alfia.

"I don't know Ardi, but one thing is for sure. That woman was incredibly strong. And I don't think we should focus on finding her right now. We need to give the members of Evilus here to the guild and get the stolen goods from the elven forests." Shakti shook her head, a little dizzy still.


Meanwhile, Tora was squatting on the top of Babel. Her sisters have decided to finally make their move, they found some letters and communications that Evilus will attack later.

There will be a charity event again that will be sponsored by the Astraea familia. They got inspiration from their charity event. Unfortunately, Evilus will be attacking them.

Tora sniffed the air and could already smell them. The stench of the malicious bastards that dared to plot against them. "Ahhhhh, such a foul smell. We will make sure that you will regret opposing us." The moon shone on her body and she looked like she was about to murder a whole clan.

A few hours later, the Astraea familia finally set up their places and we're giving out food, clothes, and goods. They might not be a too familia, but they were still quite a strong one.

And over time, they were of course able to get a lot of money from diving in the dungeon. "Please enjoy everyone, it is a time of great need. And we are providing charity for those who require them." Astraea helped her familia and the people were of course happy.

But not for long though, as a crazy looking pink haired woman arrived at the charity event with a group of people. Evilus has arrived and they're about to go ham on everyone there.

One poor bastard got stabbed by the pink haired woman's sword and everybody went still for a moment. Screams and panic then began immediately after.

It was total anarchy, tons of normal people were stampeding and Evilus was cutting down the civilians.

"Everyone! Protect the people!" Alise shouted out to her familia and they brandished their weapons. "Kyahahaha! What are you gonna do, girl? Try and poke me with that shiny stick of yours?" The pink haired woman provoked her. (pic)

"Why!? Why are you harming innocent people?" Alise slashed and stabbed with her rapier. But the woman was a level 4.

"Hehehe~ Why indeed. Because it's fun?" The woman smirked at Alise and she was shocked by her answer. She gritted her teeth and started chanting her magic. Coating her weapon and limbs with flames.

"Don't lose your cool Alise! She's provoking you on purpose!" Kaguya reminded her as she cut down one of the members of Evilus.

They were outnumbered and they were at a huge disadvantage. Protecting the people while fighting the crazy terrorists was a daunting task. And it seems that support will take a long time. With all of them being pre occupied in trying to repel the attackers.

But after a few seconds, the people that were panicking and running all over the place got quiet. They got into neat lines and quickly escaped, the only ones left that were a liability were the injured.

It was so surreal that the fighting stopped. They then heard crisp footsteps from two directions. Essentially pinning them in place.

"Hmmm. So you guys are the members of Evilus?" Vesta smiled sweetly, but her sisters that were right beside her were holding weapons. More precisely, weapons more appropriate against humans.

"Aren't they a bit too weak? This will be easy." Musubi snorted and the pavement under her feet started to melt from the heat that got released from her body.

"The civvies have also been evacuated from the area. Dad always told us to be mindful of lower life forms after all. We are supposed to be kind gods." Celeste mind controlled the civilians and let them evacuate the area.

"Yeah, but not benevolent ones that is." Bellatrix cracked her knuckles. She was the one that got injured because of them, so for her. It was more personal.

"Huh? Who are you girls? You think you'll be able to make a difference?" The pink haired woman arrogantly asked.

"Of course, the Aesirs always repay their debts. Our household sends our regards." Izumi courteously announced and drew her blade along with Haku and Akira.

Their leader, suddenly felt immense danger. She quickly backed up and that proved to be a good choice. Izumi resheathed her blade and when the tsuba hit the saya with an audible clink. The ground where the woman was just standing on got cut into a million pieces.

"Hmmm, looks like this is a decent one. Let the party begin then." Alexis and her Kaslana sisters lunged on the Evilus members and started incapacitating them quickly.

Kaguya stared at Izumi intently, she did not see her attack at all. And in all her years in training the sword. She could never imagine such techniques to be possible.

"Don't kill them! We've gotta make an example of these trash." Vesta ordered and the family nodded. But that doesn't mean that they can't cripple them, they'll be dead soon anyway.

Bloody screams resounded at the plaza they were in as the girls broke their legs like it was a chore. They were extremely beautiful, but their angelic faces looked cold as ice. Their actions like clockwork.

Every attack of theirs took off limbs, eviscerated, Bellatrix even decided to go beyond and stomped on their legs. Crushing their bones to paste as tremors shaked the plaza. Every blow accompanied by a crushed leg and an unholy scream.

"Kekeke~ you look pretty anxious, what? Cat got your tongue?" Vesta taunted their leader that was sweating heavily. Trying to find a way to escape their encirclement.

But she suddenly saw blood spurt in front of her. She then looked down and saw an arm exit from the back of her torso. A clawed hand that had jet black scales.

Tora pulled her hand back out and the leader of Evilus stared at her enemies blankly. It then registered inside her mind what just happened as she coughed up blood.

"No! N-no way." She tried stopping her blood from pouring out like a faucet. "Valetta is it? You were pretty solid, your skin and muscles were like stone. It was nice to pierce through, unlike your buddies over there that were too soft." Tora chuckled.

Valetta looked at the one who just stabbed through her like butter. And saw a gruesome scene that even she, a member of Evilus. Thought was pretty brutal.

Piles of bodies without heads, dismembered, gutted. The girls were dragging members of Evilus like pigs due for the slaughterhouse, ready for shipping to be meat. And Tora was squatting right on top of them as blood dripped from her hands. Her brown cat ears twitching cutely.

It all happened too quickly, Astraea and her familia could only look at the carnage they have done. Not having the time and courage to stop the girls.

"Hmm, we can't have that. You can't die just yet lady." Musubi walked up to Valetta and cauterized her wounds. Making her scream bloody murder from the pain and heat. It was because she was doing it slowly, meticulously closing up every artery and vein that was hit so she won't receive too much damage and last a long time.

"T-this is too cruel... P-please stop." Astraea uttered softly, her voice getting caught up inside her throat.

"Celeste, you still have control over those people right? Make them come back, we'll give them a show." Akira asked of Celeste and she understood the assignment.

As the Astraea familia healed up the wounded civilians from the attack earlier. Hordes of people arrived, Celeste ordering them to get as many people with them as possible.

The plaza of the park where the charity event was being held is now full of people, blood, entrails, and broken bones.

"Welcome, everyone! We are the Honkai, Kaslana, Schariac, and Taixuan familias! Observe, these are the members of Evilus." Aurum started her performance and she introduced the incapacitated terrorists with Vesta.

The masses went wide eyed with that information. And then at first, they were quite scared and anxious. But when the people saw how powerless they are now. They started jeering and throwing things.

"Silence! We didn't bring you here so you could do whatever you want. We brought you here at this plaza with all these terrorists in our hands for a show. We hereby declare that Evilus is the mortal enemy of our familias." Celeste announced and she controlled one of the members of Evilus, making them kneel down even though their legs were broken.

Haku then gave the guy a blade. He resisted with all his might, but Celeste made him commit seppuku. Slowly, but surely. The rusty old knife he had in his hands tore through his stomach. Lasting a couple of minutes before he got from end to end.

The guy screaming and crying all this time. Begging them to kill him, but of course. That was not an option. But seppuku is an execution that gives samurais their honor back. And they were not being executed for forgiveness. So Musubi immolated him slowly.

Screams filled the plaza and the masses watched with fervent eyes. They started cheering wildly and cursed the members of Evilus that killed either their friends or families. And because of the anarchy they cause in Orario, the people lead tough lives.

"Kill them all! Burn them alive! Execute every single one of them!" A person from the peanut gallery shouted out. One by one, the audience jeered until their shouts and stomps on the ground made the plaza shake.

Astraea and her familia saw the terrible and horrifying side of humans. In which if hatred was accumulated. They would gladly watch the ones who have wronged them to die terrible deaths that you won't wish upon your greatest enemies.

'Is this how humans are? It's terrifying... They cheer the terrible executions on like it's the greatest show they have ever seen.' Astraea was shocked to her core. She has never witnessed such overwhelming approval from the masses.

And the members of the Astraea familia that did not know what their justice really were. Just stared at the cruel executions that went on.

Erebus, the god of evil that was behind Evilus, disguising as Eren. Stared at the familias conducting the executions. They were laughing like maniacs and had smiles on their faces. It was a sobering experience for the god. As he has only known such insane cruelty scarcely.

He watched as his minions get killed one by one. The latest one was killed by Aurum, the Evilus member's limbs exploded one by one. Showering the people with blood and gore, but they cheered even harder.

"Astraea-sama... W-we have to stop this." Ryuu asked her goddess, her voice trembling. "Y-yes. Alise, Come with me. We'll stop them." Astraea walked up to the execution platform and she shouted out.

"Hey! Stop! What are you doing!? This is not right, you are executing these people. Justice isn't like this, there should be due process! We need to hand them over to the guild!" Astraea announced as the righteous goddess that she was.

Alas, she was met with scrutiny. "Huh!? What the hell are you talking about, goddess of justice! This is true justice! These damned criminals killed my son! They deserve to burn in hell!" A woman that lost her son in the dungeon due to the attacks of Evilus retorted.

"That's right! What did you lose!? Nothing! My husband left us behind because of these terrorists! How can I raise my child now!?" Astraea couldn't rebut and just hung her head in shame.

The Astraea familia were also quiet. They could not say anything to the people who were high on revenge and hatred.

"Alright, alright. We'll have a compromise." The girls announced and began digging a hole in the middle of the plaza with magic. They then threw the members of Evilus inside one by one like trash.

"W-what are you doing?" Astraea thought they would just kill them all in one fell swoop. But apparently, the girls had other plans.

"We're gonna hole them inside a prison. But it will have its entrance and exit sealed. Don't worry though, we'll give them some breathing holes." Alexis replied with a shrug.

They then finished putting the members inside until the last one. Except Valetta, because she was an executive and would have some more information about Evilus.

They then sealed the entrance with only air holes inside. The people then understood that the terrorists had just received another form of execution. That is to starve and dehydrate them to death inside their dark and cold prison under the earth.

"Satisfied? Now go and take this woman, you need her for more information right? She's a level 4 adventurer. She'll live for a long time before she succumbs. Interrogate her well." Vesta gave Valetta to the Astraea familia and they left the scene.

The people cheered their heroes and Astraea felt complicated. They have tried protecting and relieving the populace of Orario from Evilus. But they just swooped in, executed the terrorists cruelly. But they were revered as heroes.

Erebus was going to use this opportunity to ask the members of Astraea's familia about their justice. But he changed targets and asked Ein's children instead.

"Hey, can you girls tell me what is your justice? Sorry, I am just a curious god." He called out to them and they thought about it for a moment.

"Justice eh? Isn't that something that the weak always cry about but can't do anything? Honestly, it's a waste of time to try and uphold it if you are weak. Because only the strong and those who have power can do so." Musubi replied and the girls quickly left.

Erebus saw that they were so sure about it. They didn't even bat an eye with their supposed answer as all the girls nodded.

Astraea's familia heard it and they gritted their teeth. It was true in a sense, they have been fighting Evilus and injustice in Orario for years. But the results show themselves. The masses do not like them and the Honkai familia were revered as heroes.

They can see the people that were so elated. It was surreal, the girls then vowed that they would be strong. Strong enough so they could enact their own justice and principles.


Thanks for reading everyone, Alfia and Evilus would start the great feud next and the civil war will start in earnest. Then we will go to Beidou as they fight heinous pirates in the god valley incident. Anyways, ciao.

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