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83.33% My life in Konosuba / Chapter 5: Chapter 4- First Quest part 1

Chapter 5: Chapter 4- First Quest part 1

Chapter 4- First Quest Part 1

Ahhh, I want to cry.

We are getting closer to our destination, but I do not feel like going anymore. I want to find a quiet place with Yunyun to console this young girl after listening to her grievances.

Yunyun is the best girl!

She deserves love and affection.

Why was she treated this way?"

I want to complain but have failed to do so.


Yunyun is the daughter of the current village chief of the Crimson Demon Clan.

Yunyun is the only clan member who isn't displaying eccentric behavior and she is feeling isolated from the others because of that.

She and Megumin, who were the three main female protagonists, were classmates in their village's magic academy.

Megumin was always the top student, while she was second.

"Megumin… Is she your friend?"

Yunyun expression turned into surprise about my query.

While trying to compose herself fidgety:

" N-no Megumin is a rival."

"Hmm. but with the way you are talking about her feels like the two of you are close friends."

Megumin enjoys bullying and steals her lunch. Despite this, she can be considered among the few people she considered her friend and the one who protected her from those who took advantage of Yunyun's kindness.


Seeing my doubtful look. Yunyun hurriedly reply:

"Please believe me Saiko-san. She always makes fun of me. However, as the future village chief, I need to be strong. Strong enough to surpass Megumin."

To do so, she followed Megumin on Axel.

The two of them promise each other- no more likely Yunyun one-sidedly promises to settle their competition when she manages to learn advanced magic.

I want to tell her that she is strong enough to do so. However, I refrained from commenting any further. 

I want her to realize herself. It's interesting that way.

In their journey, a penniless Megumin challenges Yunyun in a duel. They cannot do a magic battle since Megumin said, ' It's unfair to do magic battle. I cannot display my full strength without a magic staff that's why we are doing an eating contest. The naïve Yunyun agreed without hesitation and ended up miserably losing. Furthermore, Yunyun was the one who paid for the food they ate.

I cannot help feeling helpless with this naive girl. Speaking of which, Yunyun is not naïve enough to not realize she's being cheated. After all, Crimson Demon Clan members were born with high intelligence. She did not know how to confront someone else.

There are still many things I have to worry about regarding Yunyun but I have to worry about that later on.

- A random house in a residential area.

"We are here."

"I don't know that it's quite near the adventure guild."

Before, my eyes were the addresses specified in the request.

A normal-looking house.

"…Saiko-san, w-what should we do."

I looked over to Yunyun and said,

"Officially you are the one who accepted the quest so I can only watch from the sideline and let you do the talking."


"No-no I can't Saiko-san, this is my first time taking a quest like this. Usually, the type of quest I do is only eliminating monsters."

"Then this the perfect opportunity for you to experience new things."


Yunyun was already on the verge of tears so I stopped teasing her.

I patted her head playfully

" Don't worry, I'm just teasing you."

Yunyun ended up blushing furiously from my action but she didn't try to resist my intimate behavior.

This is a good sign.

My road to getting a harem is going well.


I mean that having a good companion in a fantasy world is a must.

I'm a good person there's no way I will take advantage of Yunyun's weakness

Definitely not.

Nai waa.

"Hello, we are from the adventurer guild. We are here to accept your request!"

I lightly knocked on the door and waited along with Yunyun, who was hiding nervously behind me while holding the hem of my jacket.

After a while the door opened and a middle-aged woman appeared before us.

A typical housewife.

"My, my finally you are here. I'm getting worried since it's been a while since I requested that."

"Sorry for the delay. I promise we will complete this quest without fail."

"Then I'm relieved to know that."

The middle-aged woman observes us.

"Come inside ."

Taking Yunyun with me, I follow the middle-aged woman inside.

Yunyun and I sat on the couch while the middle-aged woman said that she would get drinks and snacks for us.

While waiting, I began to observe the layout of the house. Yunyun is sitting beside me so closely that I can feel her breast pressing against my shoulder while still holding the hem of my jacket.

"Don't worry everything will be alright."

I said softly to reassure her and calm her.

The truth is that I am also nervous.


I need to appear confident, so Yunyun thinks of me as a reliable guy to ease her worry.

It seems that this method is effective.

"I will do my best."

Yunyun said after she took a deep breath and sat properly.

After a while, the middle-aged woman returned, bringing simple snacks with her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Ara~ara, the two of you look like beautiful young couples. It reminds me of my youth."

The middle-aged woman said that after putting the plates on the table, and noticed our closeness and then teased us playfully.

Yunyun and I felt embarrassed after we heard her. Especially Yunyun who hid her embarrassment by pressing her head at my back. We did not deny her claim, and I chose not to do so, while Yunyun was too embarrassed to respond.

I scratched my head and replied,

"We still didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Hikimori Saiko, and this girl is my partner, Yunyun. Nice to meet you."


"Nice to meet you too, Saiko-kun and Yunyun-chan. My name is Maria and my husband is one who needs to be treated. I am glad that you have accepted this quest. I understand why too many people have a hard time accepting a quest like this, which is why I am very grateful to the two of you. Do not worry since I decided to accompany you during the trip. I may look like this, but I was once a powerful mage. So don't worry."

While sitting in front of us, Maria-san introduced herself and told us about her plans.

I was quite surprised hearing it and sitting beside Yunyun, who excitedly said:

"You're an adventurer before Maria-san?! How does it feel like? Can you tell us your stories? I am very interested in this topic. Waaa-! Umm, sorry for my interruption, and please forgive me for my rudeness!"

"It's okay, We are not in a hurry I will tell you the story of my life as an adventurer."

"Ehh- b-but is that okay? I mean what about your husband Maria-san."

Yunyun asks doubtfully. I am confused because, according to the information that Yunyun got from the guild staff, the situation was getting dire and the person needed to be treated immediately or he would die.

However, Maria-san waved her hand and eased our worry.

"Don't worry that old man will not die from that. If you want I will let you see him later."

It seems that we were worried about nothing.

After that, we listen to Maria-san's story. Before they became an adventurer and were based in the capital after they retired, they decided to live quietly here. Like any other adventurer, they do countless quests, travel from different places, and fight monsters. I listen carefully and take notes on the important things. Yunyun was also listening carefully with her red eyes glowing and it became noticeable when Maria-san told us the part where the love story between her husband. While blushing furiously, Yunyun listened intently and took glances at me from time to time.

I know what this blushing maiden thinking is, but I act normally and continue listening to Maria-san's story.

As an old veteran, Maria-san, especially her husband, was strong. However, as usual, her husband had always been going outside the town to fight monsters from time to time to relieve his boredom, but unfortunately, he encountered one of the area bosses here in Axel, the Great Poison Snake. It is one of the few strong monsters on Axel. As a novice town, there are only weak monsters, but there are exceptions, such as monsters like Rookie Killer. The fight was intense, and fortunately, he managed to kill it but ended up getting poisoned.

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Sorry for the delay. I decided to rewatch the anime because its been a long time since I watched it that's why i forgot some important stuff.

Don't worry I won't drop this book.

Hope you enjoyed reading it.

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