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33.15% Pokemon Hunter / Chapter 63: Leaving The Island

Chapter 63: Leaving The Island

"I can take you away from this island and explore the outside world," Hisoka patted Rhydon's thigh. His average height could only reach about half Rhydon's height, even when he was sitting down.

"Don't worry about your gem. Kirlia and I will definitely help you get it back. We'll look for it together, okay?" Hisoka added after seeing Rhydon's hesitation.

"Rhydon!" Rhydon shook his head and said something in reply.

"The big guy said he doesn't want to look for the gem anymore. He wants to leave this island with us instead," Kirlia interjected, helping to translate Rhydon's words.

Hearing these words, Hisoka couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

"We are friends, right? Since friends are supposed to help each other, even if we have to turn the whole island upside down, we'll still look for the gem before leaving," Hisoka said righteously.

At this time, Hisoka's face looked very passionate. His acting skill was comparable to an Oscar-winning actor.

Although Hisoka felt a little guilt for lying to Rhydon, after getting along with each other these past few days, he had truly regarded this gentle giant as his friend and partner. He always put all his energy into making sure that his Pokemon was well-cared.

Maybe there will always be some preference for Kirlia as his initial Pokémon. Still, he would never abandon his Pokemon and treat them bad.


Hisoka's firm stand also affected Rhydon as he vigorously nodded his head, expressing his belief in Hisoka.

The following early morning,

Hisoka was fully ready as they went out to explore the island. He was sitting on Rhydon's right shoulder while Kirlia was sitting on the other. All of them were in high spirits to look for the missing gem. Well, only one of them seemed to be excited. Hisoka and Kirlia were merely acting. They already knew where the orb was located.

While riding on Rhydon's back, Hisoka also couldn't help but become giddy. With the giant Rhydon to clear the path ahead, no matter what kind of situation it was, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

Rhydon began to walk forward with heavy steps. His speed wasn't that fast due to his large body and heavyweight. Even a human was able to walk faster than him. Yet, nothing was safer than being around a four meters tall behemoth to keep someone with bad intentions away.

A dead, withered tree was blocking the road ahead. And Rhydon, without saying a word, just smashed the tree apart with his punch. After that, there were thick, tangled vines blocking the way. Usually, Hisoka would take a detour around these vines, finding another way forward. But with Rhydon, he only used a single move to remove those vines.

Rock Blast!

Five pieces of glowing silver rocks were hurled at the vines, clearing the path ahead once more.

So what if there was a tall cliff blocking the road this time?

There was no need to worry because Rhydon was here again to the rescue. The cream-colored horn on its head spun like a drill and began to dig the side of the cliff.

At last, Hisoka had finally seen the legendary super move, Horn Drill. Even the rock wall of the cliff was so fragile in front of Rhydon's Horn Drill, his signature move. As a Ground-type Pokemon, Rhydon was also quite good at digging.


Falling rocks kicked up a large cloud of dust as a large hole appeared on the other side of the cliff. Rhydon had forcibly dug a tunnel through both sides.

Hisoka looked back and saw the faint light at the other of the runnel. He still remembered how Rhydon had just drilled through the ground just now.

He couldn't but shiver in excitement as he listened to the harsh sound when Rhydon's drill collided with the hard rock. The smile on his face became wider and wider as time passed.

"Rhydon, you're so powerful!" Hisoka exclaimed cheerfully.


Kirlia also nodded in agreement.

Rhydon jumped in excitement, just like a child who had received praise from his parents. His tail was slowly wagging around as he patted his chest and cried loudly.

Under Hisoka's intentional lead, Rhydon and his party had to wander around the island for more than two hours before finally arriving at the marked location.

"Is that the gem?" Kirlia shouted, pointing her hand toward a tree a few meters away from them.

The glass sphere with a rainbow pattern beneath its surface was lying quietly inside a bird's nest. A Pidgeotto was resting beside it, enjoying the radiation emitted by the orb.

This kind of energy radiation can bring great benefits to Pokemon. Pidgeotto had never left its nest since she discovered such an item in its nest yesterday.


Hearing Kirlia's shout, he also saw his precious gem inside the bird Pokemon's nest. He was really mad, especially after seeing that his orb was being hugged by the sleeping Pidgeotto.

Then, Rhydon chose a small stone from the ground because he was afraid that he would accidentally hit his own orb.

He raised his arm and threw the stone toward the Pidgeotto. The stone only managed to graze the bird's head, missing its target slightly.

But it still managed to wake the Pidgeotto from its sleep. It quickly looked around the surroundings, trying to find what had attacked it just now.

Suddenly, its eyes caught the sight of Rhydon staring at him with an angry look while his hand was holding several rocks. How could Pidgeotto didn't recognize the figure below?

It was the king of the island, Rhydon.

Pidgeotto had also seen the destructive power unleashed by this terrifying giant before. Honestly, seeing the murderous look in those eyes made it feel very scary.

Although he didn't know what happened to Rhydon that caused him to be angry, he quickly realized that he needed to run away from this place as soon as possible. And no, he didn't want to end up in that guy's stomach.

Looking at the Pidgeotto's desperate flight, Hisoka can only say thanks in his heart silently.

'I won't forget your contribution Pidgeotto,' Hisoka saluted respectfully.

An Ultra Ball fell from the air and landed on the ground. The white button in the middle flashed red several times.


That was the sound of the Pokeball indicating the successful capture.


Seeing the Pokeball calm down without any resistance, Hisoka pumped his fist in excitement. Rhydon had been successfully captured.

From now on, the most critical tank role had been filled. Hisoka's Pokemon team was finally taking shape.

But before Hisoka could celebrate his success, the Ultra Ball, sitting down quietly, began to quiver. After that, the Pokeball popped open, followed by a crack as the Pokeball broke into smaller pieces.


Rhydon sat on the beach dumbfounded, scratching the back of his head while looking at the scattered pieces of the Pokeball around him.

Hisoka's smile stiffened as he held his head with a wry smile. Due to his excitement, he had forgotten that Rhydon was not an ordinary Pokemon. He was much larger than his species, about twice the size of a normal Rhydon. Since the Ultra Ball cannot bear the weight of Rhydon, it was quite normal for it to break.

Fortunately, Hisoka had a solution for this. He quickly opened his bag and took out a small bag for storing extra Pokeballs. Apart from the usual Pokeballs and Ultra Balls, there were also two different colored Pokeballs.

The first one was colored in turquoise with a few nets around the surface. It was a Net Ball, which was mainly used for capturing Pokemon living in the forest, wetland, or the ocean.

While the second Pokeball was grey colored with a few blue stones around its sides.

Hisoka grabbed the second Pokeball out of the bag. It was called Heavy Ball, which was literally used for catching heavy Pokemon.

The Heavy Ball crossed the air and lightly hit the head of Rhydon.


It popped open, and a red light shot out of the Heavy Ball, covering Rhydon's whole body.


A successful capture!

Hisoka picked up the Heavy Ball from the ground and tossed it in the air a few times. The price of a special Pokeball like this one was relatively high because it cannot be mass-produced like the normal Pokeball. It can only be made by hand.

Luckily, Hisoka always brought a few extra special Pokeball. If it weren't for this Heavy Ball, he would have a headache today because he won't be able to take Rhydon away.

The wooden raft could not bear the heavyweight of Rhydon unless he left the island first. He would have to find the nearest human settlement, buy a Heavy Ball and then return to the island to take Rhydon away.

That would be too much work, in his opinion, and it would be too easy for any accidents to occur along the way.

"It's time to leave!"

Hisoka turned around and looked at the island in front of him. It had been five days since the S.S. Anne sank. Who would have thought that he would end up all the way here after being shipwrecked and attacked by a group of Gyarados? Not only that, but he also got many gems from this island, as well as a new Pokemon. It was truly a blessing in disguise.

The small raft slowly drifted on the ocean while Hisoka kept his laptop on. He had just flown his Pokedrone toward the east to explore the way. If the drone caught some kind of signal, it meant they were nearing a human settlement.

The technology in this world was very advanced, but there were two things that the Pokemon world lagged behind. It was satellite technology and aerospace technology.

There were no satellites in the orbit of this planet. Although they were also large airplanes, it was only the kind that was popular back during the 1950s back on Earth.

This didn't mean that the people in this world weren't smart enough to build satellites or modern airplanes. Instead, a terrifying Pokemon lived in the ozone layer of this planet. It would attack any objects that entered its territory, whether it was a living thing or not.

There were cases of satellites launched from all over the world, but all of them would be shot down without any exception.

Hisoka, who had the memory of his past life, still knew a little bit about this Pokemon. It was Rayquaza, the guardian of the sky.

Rayquaza is a fierce Pokemon. It was said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the ozone layer, where it feeds on water and other particles.

Nobody had seen the true appearance of this super-ancient Pokemon yet because it lived so high up in the sky.

While protecting the planet from being invaded by large meteorites and alien creatures, it also seriously hindered human spaceflight technology development.

Well, there were both pros and cons to this.




After drifting on the sea for a whole day, just as Hisoka was about to recall the drone, a short message suddenly appeared on his laptop screen.


Dear Guest,

Welcome to Porta Vista.

We wish you have a great time in this beautiful city.


This was a short message greeting from the city, and after seeing this message, Hisoka was finally relieved. Although he had a compass and a map to determine his general direction, it was still quite difficult for him to navigate the ocean.

At this time, the drone that had been flying ahead also sent a piece of information saying that there was a city about a few miles away in the southeastern direction. It also sent a few blurry photos of the city from far away.

Porta Vista was a famous holiday spot in the Kanto Region, comparable to the well-known Cerulean City. The S.S. Anne was also heading to this city before the accident occurred.

When he thought about the sunken S.S. Anne, Hisoka didn't know whether to hate the Rockets or not. If the Rockets hadn't attacked, he might have been taking missions in other cities right now.

And he would not find the island where he was stranded. He would not meet Rhydon, leaving it to stay on the island alone all his life. Everything had cause and effect.

Since it had already happened, it was useless for him to think about it. It was much better for him to forget about it and move on.

At the main port of Porta Vista, many cruise ships from various regions stopped at the dock, waiting for their turn to unload the passengers. The main port was one of the first attractions of this city. It was massive, filled with many different kinds of ships as they came and left one by one.

Although the recent sinking of S.S. Anne had a certain impact on the tourism industry of Porta Vista, it was not a big problem for the city. There was still an endless stream of tourists coming here to travel.


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