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Chapter 202: Chapter 202

Except for the three soul saints who left after absorbing the power of the medicine, the others were still in the process of refining the power of the medicine.

Immortal herbs, the medicinal power is too strong for them, they started to eat it at night, and now it's four or five in the morning, these people still haven't absorbed it.

When dawn broke, Oscar woke up first.

He stood up and stretched with enjoyment, "So comfortable!"

After opening his eyes and seeing Lin Feng, he ran over with a look of excitement, "Brother Feng, I'm level 39! This herb is so strong, it has raised me a full level seven! And I feel that it will not be long before I You can reach level 40!"

"Brother Feng, I really love you! If I were not a man, I must marry you!" Oscar was very excited.

He can feel that his cultivation speed has improved a lot because of this herb.

According to Tang San's words, this effect can continue to the Soul Sage level, so it is almost inevitable for them to become Title Douluo before the age of fifty.

"Shut up if you can't speak, marry me, it's disgusting!" Lin Feng rewarded Oscar with a shudder.

Although the painful tears were about to come out, Oscar couldn't stop his excitement.

And he also discovered that his martial spirit seems to have been strengthened, although the essence has not changed, but the effect should be doubled than before, and his spirit ability must have been enhanced!

Just as he was about to experiment, Tang San suddenly opened his eyes, golden light flashing in his eyes, and glanced at the people around him.

He paused when he saw Xiao Wu, then looked at Lin Feng and Oscar.

"Xiao Ao is very powerful at level thirty-nine, he is even like me." Tang San smiled.

"What?! You are also level 39? Isn't your fairy grass without spirit power level?!" Oscar said in disbelief.

In everyone's impression, Tang San's strength should be at most thirty-five levels, after all, he said yesterday that the fairy grass he ate did not increase his spirit power level.

"It's just hiding strength." Tang San chuckled.

Cangzhuo is for outsiders, and its true strength is for close people. At this time, the Shrek Seven Devils were already close people in Tang San's eyes.

So now, he didn't intend to hide it from them.

And their mainstream strength should also be in the Soul Sect, he can't continue to pretend to be weak.

His goal is to surpass the super monster Lin Feng.

The super monster was Tang Sangang's nickname for Lin Feng. He even ate about 30 immortal plants and top herbs. He had nothing to do. This situation was completely beyond Tang San's understanding.

Super monster, really worthy of the name!

"Hidden strength, isn't that Wind Brother..." Oscar just wanted to speak.

Dai Mubai's laughter came, "I'm in the 40th grade, hahaha..."

For a time, as if a certain switch was turned on, all of them woke up.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "I'm also at level 40, thank you, Brother Feng!"

She ran over happily, gave Lin Feng a hard chirp, and then gave Tang San a mouthful.

Ning Rongrong was also very excited, and ran over when he saw it, and gave Lin Feng a mouthful on the other side of the face.

When Ma Hongjun saw this, he was also ready to come over and harp.

Lin Feng's soul power shocked in the air, and he shot him away. At the same time, he said in disgust, "Fatty, don't disgust me anymore. See for yourself whether you wear any clothes!"

Not to mention it's okay, everyone looked over.

The fat man turned around immediately with a flushed face, and quickly took out his clothes from the Soul Guidance Device and put them on.

This scene caused everyone to laugh.

Zhu Zhuqing also walked over at this time. Although she was very excited, she wanted to run over to give Lin Feng something in her heart, but in the end she did not act.

She walked up to everyone and said, "I'm also level 30."

At this time, the master also stood up, and said with a look of disbelief: "I...I'm level 30! It's been over 30 years, but I didn't expect that I could also break through level 30. One day, it seems that I have always underestimated external forces."

For a long time, the master has never studied external forces, because in his heart, external forces are crooked ways!

Speaking of it, the master is considered a very strong scholar, but not a researcher.

Because researchers have the spirit of daring to explore, they will not be confined to old ideas, they dare to innovate, and they will not deny a thing solely by their subjective will.

The master obviously does not have this innovative spirit, his thinking is old.

Of course, this is also restricted by the times. In a feudal era, it is already remarkable for a master to have such a unilateral spirit of exploring Wuhun.

"Teacher, congratulations! This time you can break through the 30th level, maybe your cultivation will go a long way!" Tang San passed by and congratulated him immediately.

Others also passed by and said congratulations.

The master smiled and said: "I am in my fifties, so don't even think about it. You children have hope. Now with this fairy grass help, your future achievements are limitless!"

The titled Douluo that was unreachable before, the master can be sure that all eight of them can reach it!

At this moment, Lin Feng smiled, "All of you let out your martial arts, feel it, and see if there is any change?"

"Yes! The strength of my spirit has doubled! It feels like my spirit cannot be called Sausage, but Super Sausage!" Oscar said excitedly.

Other people also called out Martial Souls one after another, and for a while, there were shouts of exclamation everywhere.

"The strength of my White Tiger Martial Spirit has increased by at least half!" Dai Mubai said.

Ma Hongjun is also a sao bag, "My martial soul has directly evolved into a phoenix, and my strength has at least doubled compared with before, and I am not fat at all, so I will not be allowed to call me fat!

Xiao Wu's martial spirit hasn't changed much, but Lin Feng can see that her martial spirit strength is estimated to have doubled!

Why didn't the evolution of martial souls happen? It should be the particularity of her soul beasts.

Of course Tang San didn't change much, he didn't even release his martial soul.

Zhu Zhuqing was relatively quiet, she didn't shout anything, but Lin Feng discovered that his martial spirit seemed to have changed the most.

Originally, his Nether Cat Martial Spirit was dark purple, which was a medium-sized martial spirit, but now it has turned into lavender, even with white light.

Lin Feng sensed that Zhu Zhuqing's current martial spirit had definitely evolved into a top martial spirit!

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong suddenly shouted: "My martial soul...wait! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Nine! What?! It turned out to be Ninth floor! I actually broke through the martial soul limit of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I..."

Ning Rongrong only felt the blood surging, and was already a little incoherent with excitement, and the voice of the whole person was shaking.

The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was the pursuit of her father Ning Fengzhi throughout his life, and even the pursuit of the entire sect.

This kind of martial soul, which only exists in the legend, her father told her that if the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda could appear, no martial soul on the entire continent could compare to it!

They will have the opportunity to become Title Douluo, and Title Douluo level Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Tower Soul Master, he can even make the top Title Douluo... Slaughter God!

Now, Ning Rongrong actually made her achieve Ning Fengzhi's lifelong pursuit.

At this moment, she was so excited, she didn't know what to say, and her whole brain was blank.


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