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74.28% Random K-Pop System / Chapter 26: Ch 26 Trainee (4)

Chapter 26: Ch 26 Trainee (4)

Next day, they go to school as usual, and after the classes ended, they ride straight to the company.

"Did the president say what are we gonna do today?" < Yunho

"Nope, but I know what I wanna do though, I wanna complete my songs as soon as possible." < Jay

When they arrive at the front door, there are some fans waiting there, hoping to see their favourite idols.

"I hope one day we will have fans cheering and waiting for us like this." < Hyuk Jae

"Don't worry, we will." < Jay


"The president informed to tell you guys to go to the same practice room you guys were in a week ago. Good luck!" < Receptionist

"Thank you noona!" < Yunho

"Let's go." < Jay

*knock knock

"Come in!" < President

"Mr. President we are here!" < Jay

"Good good, these are the instructors that will be shaping you guys into the perfect idols. Dancing instructor Mr. David, vocal instructor The One, language instructor Ayumi san, and ettique instructor Ji Hyun-ssi." < President

"Nice to meet all of you sunbaenim!" x5

"And this is your fitness instructor, Jason. He will be evaluating the status of your bodies today." < President

"Today, we will be measuring your heights and weights, then we will run some tests on your strength and stamina, see what you guys are capable of or lacking. Then finally I will make a diet plan and fitness program for you guys accordingly. Any question?" < Jason

"No sir!" x5

"Good, then I need you guys to follow me to the gym next door, there we will run the tests one by one. Who wants to volunteer first?" < Jason

Everyone points their fingers at Yunho.

"Me? Fine... I will show you what I'm capable of!" < Yunho

Moments later

Yunho lies on the floor while panting heavily, exhausted after the series of tests.

"Oh no no, already out of breath? This won't do at all! These are just some very simple exercises. Hmm... Yunho, body status, below average..." < Jason

"Hah... hah... simple exercises? Brothers, all I can say is good luck." < Yunho

"Gulp..." x3

Everyone becomes nervous except Jay.

"Alright, who's next?" < Jason

"Me me! Is it really that hard? Or maybe Yunho is just weak, let me try it!" < Hyuk Jae

Another moments later

"...where did you even get the confidence? You did even worse than Yunho." < Jason

"Pft..! Ehem..." < Yunho

"...Jason, forgive me but, are you sure you didn't increase the difficulties for me?" < Hyuk Jae

"Actually, I decreased the difficulties a little bit for you because you looked like you were gonna pass out during the tests." < Jason

"Hahahaha! Sorry, can't hold it in anymore!" < Yunho

"Just kill me." < Hyuk Jae

"Okay, next?" < Jason


Surprisingly, Changmin and Dong Hae did better than both Yunho and Hyuk Jae.

"How is this possible?! You two were weakest one among us just few weeks ago!" < Hyuk Jae

"The workout routine Jay taught us during the two weeks we spend at his house really helped a lot. Now I feel weird without doing it daily." < Dong Hae

"If the both of you listened to Jay hyung and continued working out, this would've been much easier." < Changmin

"Araseo araseo! We will catch up you guys very soon, we will work extra hard okay? Please stop with the nagging and let us rest." < Yunho

"And you are the last one, Jay was it? Seems like the four of them think highly of you, you even gave them workout routines huh? Let's see what you are made of!" < Jason


20 minutes later

"...can you please take off your shirt for a minute?" < Jason

"Me? Why?" < Jay

"I need to make sure of something." < Jason

"Fine..." < Jay

"Oh my...!" < Ji Hyun

"Ara ara!" < Ayumi

"Hmm..." < David

"Daebak!" < The One

" this body normal for a 15 year old boy?" < President

"Nope, not at all, even most of the adults would dream of having a physique like thisI don't know what diet you have or workout routines you do, but this is the type of body you would only see on those professional atheletes. I mean, just look at the muscles and his abs, you couldn't notice when he was wearing clothes but damn he is ripped." < Jason

"Er... thanks I guess?" < Jay

"Have you ever consider changing your path? Would you like to become an athlete? I have some connections, and with your potential you could become something big in the future." < Jason

"Ehem... I'm still here you know?" < President

"Sorry, but I just had to ask. Well... whether he chooses to be an idol or an athelete, he is gonna find success either way. And to be honest, it might be a better idea to let him handle the fitness of the group. Who knows, you might get four more guys like him." < Jason

"Hmm... I'll think about that. Anyway, that's it for today, you can choose to go back to your dorm, or you can roam around the company if you want, the real lessons start tomorrow." < President

"Excuse me sir! There's something I wanna talk about." < Jay

"Hmm? Don't tell me you really are considering becoming an athelete?" < President

"That's not it, it's about my incomplete songs, I was thinking about finishing them as soon as possible." < Jay

"Oh I almost forgot about that. Alright come with me, I'll introduce you to someone." < President

The president brjngs him to the studio, and there is already a person sitting inside, bobbing his head to the music.

"This is Yoo Young Jin-ssi, he produces most of the songs in this company for our idols, if you are gonna learn music producing from someone, he is the best teacher you can ever have." < President

"Nice to meet you sunbaenim!" < Jay

"Young Jin ah! This is the boy I told you about, you should've come to the contest the other day, he is something special. And you've been saying you are looking for a disciple for years, this is it." < President

"Hmm... I'll believe it when I see it with my ow eyes. Show me those songs you made, even better if you can perform them right now, feel free to take any instruments you need in this studio." < Young Jin

"I'm just gonna use the guitar." < Jay

"I'm gonna leave you two to it, got some paperwork to do. I'll come check later when I'm free." < President


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