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Kairi of the Undine Part 1

Everywhere was a sea. Even my eyes couldn't see anything else. I was standing in the middle of an ocean. It was nerve-wracking. Somehow I'm back in this dream. But everything is clearer this time.

The most important thing is, what lies in the center of this ocean. It looked like a cocoon of some sort. Shining at deep blue color. I didn't see this before. Maybe I was too confused to notice? It's possible.

I slowly walked towards it. Something tells me I have to reach it. I can feel something between that and myself. Like a connection. It's weird.

What is this place? What is the thing inside of the cocoon? What is this weird connection I'm feeling? What is happening? I have so many questions. And only one lead so far. It was as tall as an adult human. Maybe even taller. When I came closer to it a word appeared on my mind. Undine. It is said to be a water nymph who lives for love. They are the creatures of the legends. Beings who are mentioned in the old mythologies.

At every step, I take the cocoon's power to become clearer to me. Something powerful is dwelling inside of it. I don't know how I can know it but it's powerful. There is... strange energy coming out of it? I'm not sure. But what scared me was, it was pulsing. Just like the beating of a heart.

It took a few seconds for me to arrive in front of it. I focused my eyes on it. I could see the shape of the thing inside of it. It has a body just like humans. Undines are often pictured as females. Could this one be a female too? I... guess?

There is still one little problem. She is sleeping. Should I wake her or him up? How can I do it? Also, I have been touching this cocoon for a while. Its surface was full of scales. It did have a nice feeling to it. It wasn't exactly smooth but comfortable to touch. After all of the things I have done, she didn't even react to it.

I was expecting the cocoon's outer shell to feel like something soft. Because it is covered something like blue silk. It looked soft but when I touched it, it was harder than iron. And those blue scales are not just hard as iron but also sharp as knives.

"This is a problem. There is no other way I can see. I must wake her up. But how I do that?"

At this moment Nora appeared in my mind. She would definitely figure something out if she was here with me. Meanwhile, I can't do much after... losing her. Ugh... Why did I even struggle now? I don't know anything about what's going on!

"You know, sometimes just going with the flow is fine too. You always keep worrying over every little thing and overthink yourself. Sometimes acting without thinking can be good. After all, life is short, we should enjoy it as much as we can."

I remembered her words. She was far more mature than her own age. I sometimes feel inferior to her even. Those were the good days...

"I will not disappoint you, Nora... Maybe I shouldn't say such cringy things. Anyway, let's go with the flow!"

I gathered all of my courage but before I could do something cocoon started shaking. "Huh?" I could only stand there dumbfounded. Cocoon shook and cracks appeared on the surface of its outer shell.

Shell crumbled and fell apart. There was indeed a female humanoid figure was inside. She had short aquamarine hair and a pretty face. But unlike humans, she had pointy ears. And there were blue lines on her nape. They looked like gills. She looked to be the same age as me. But she was cuter than most of the girls at school. She might be the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

There was a thin blue dress covering her body. Honestly, there wasn't much to cover. She may look young but as far as I can see she is very attractive. Her long smooth legs, plump hips. wait! What the heck am I thinking! Bad, Oscar! Still, she is attractive.

Her eyelids trembled and slowly rosed. She opened her eyes and looked around. Her eyes were beautiful just like her face. They were like precious emeralds shining with curiosity. There was a visible confusion on her face. When she finally looked at me there was happiness in her gaze.

"Are you my brother?"

"Huh? Brother?"

"Eh? You are not?"

Uhm... This is awkward. Does she think that I am her brother? Well, that's obvious.

"I am Oscar Williams. I don't know how or why I got here."

"I'm Kairi! I can feel the love oozing out of you!"

I can feel my face is burning. This is embarrassing. Her looking about my age is not helping either. I need the change the subject.

"Are you the Undine? When I cam close to your... cocoon, somehow the word Undine appeared on my head."

A sad look appeared on her face. She whispered with a voice barely audible. "I am the last one..." I can see the grief and sadness. Even tears formed in her eyes. Ugh... I feel like somehow I made her cry.

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, me too. As I said my name is Kairi, Kairi of the Undine. You not knowing this means you are not my brother, right?"

"Sorry but no. I am not your brother."

She said that she was the last Undine. But had a brother. A different... specie? It doesn't matter now. I need to find answers about what is happening now. I can ask more questions some other time.

"Sorry, but can you help me? I am this close freaking out. Actually, this is already a miracle that I could keep my mind this long."

Her eyes shined with strange delight for a second. Her lips curled up and with a playful smile, she asked me. "Somehow I can sense some emotions from you different from anxiety or fear. What can it be, I wonder?" She is enjoying this. An Undine is truly living for love I guess. But she is more like a mischievous girl who likes to tease others.

"That's only natural. I can't see breathtakingly beautiful girls every day. Can we go back to the main topic, please?"

She blushed and avoid eye contact with me. Cute. What is this cute creature?! But a second later a worrisome expression appeared on her face. I guess we are back to the main topic now.

"I am sorry to say this. I don't really know much about what's happening right now either. I should be sleeping for a few hundreds of years, I think."

"Wait, a few centuries? CENTURIES?!"

"I'm not sure but according to the amount of mana I have left, at the very least I have been sleeping 300 years."

Damn... So she is legal... Wait! I'm the one who is minor here! So she is actually a pretty onee-san. Onee- No! Bad, Oscar! Bad! Focus. No horny! I have to figure out the situation first.

"Ugh... So can you at least tell me who you are?"

"I am a spirit. A Great Spirit to be precise. I don't have the usual firepower of the Great Class Spirits because of my almost empty mana reserves. As I have said I'm from the Undine Clan."

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