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85.18% Itachi Uchiha in ATG / Chapter 23: Reunion

Chapter 23: Reunion

In the dark of the night, the light moonlight shined, illuminating the world in a blanket of reprieve.

At this time, Itachi exited his courtyard silently, towards the direction of the Frozen Cloud Asgard's place of residence.

However, before he could reach the exact place of residence, a graceful figure in fluttering snow-colored attire appeared in his vision, stopping him.

Xia Qingyue who had merely came out to take a walk to mentally prepare herself for the next day's elimination battles of the final round instantly sensed the presence of someone just behind her. She quietly turned around, and her eyes met with that of Itachi's, surprising her for a moment. Her charming eyes widened slightly, and her elegant voice slightly wavered as she said: "I-Itachi..?"

Itachi silently stared into Xia Qingyue's eyes, reading the turmoil hidden in the depth of her eyes. If he was completely honest with himself, Itachi had expected to be met with coldness that he had seen so prevalent in Yun Che's memories. After all, he had merely spent some three days with her. However, it seemed the honest manner in which he had tried to convey his thoughts seemed to have broken through the iciness of her heart, enough that even in these two years she seemed to have not entirely forgotten his words.

Itachi felt better when he figured that he had been able to positively affect the first person that he had an honest interaction with in this world. It gave him hope that somehow he could also find a way to untie the fate that bound her to him. He smiled lightly at her as he said: "Qingyue, you seem to have improved a lot since we parted ways?"

"My improvement is hardly worth mentioning in front of your own….You have achieved exactly what you said..... No, you have grown far beyond even that." Xia Qingyue said in a light voice.

"I didn't mean improvement just in terms of cultivation but your state of mind. When I came here, I expected to be met with the usual coldness so prevalent with the disciples of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Your will has become much stronger, Qingyue. Whereas, I, however…" Itachi said in a low voice before his voice trailed off at the end.

Xia Qingyue gazed at Itachi, hoping for him to finish himself. However, he simply stared at her prompting her to make a response instead: "I have not forgotten the words you told me back then. Many times, I have tried to forget. To let go and focus on cultivating a heart of ice incapable of being deterred by these emotions. Yet, even after all this time, I still cannot let go. Perhaps, it is because the fate of us as husband and wife is yet to be finished… You said at that time: 'Rules are only for the weak'. Since then, I have reiterated those words to myself many times over… And, with time I have felt even more determined to follow through with them…even more so now considering how you have turned your fate. "

Xia Qingyue's charming eyes looked straight at Itachi's, without even a tiny bit of the intention of hiding anything.

Sensing the conviction in her eyes, Itachi merely smiled at her: "As you should. Do you also remember the promise that you made to me then."

Xia Qingyue said a bit fiercely: "Yes, I do. And so, I will fight you and defeat you."

Itachi merely nodded at her fierce response as he said nothing. He knew it was impossible for her to defeat him as she was now since he had already become a throne far surpassing her current strength.

It was late in the night at the time. Even though there were a few stars blinking in the dark sky slightly illuminated by the radiant moon. However, as it shone on Xia Qingyue's body, her beautiful and flawless visage, was outshining even the brilliant moonlight. Emanating a kind of indescribable and ethereal beauty. Seeing this figure, Itachi remembered Yun Che's words to him just prior to their final meeting. Deep in his heart, Itachi knew that it was unrealistic of him to think that he could gain sufficient strength without employing the methods that Yun Che had used to gain power quickly at critical points in his journey. In fact, most of the times later on in his journey Yun Che had only rapidly gained power through aid of his various 'partners'. Whether it was Feng Xue'er, Mu Xuanyin, Shen Xi, Qianye Ying'er, He Ling or even Shui Meiyin, Yun Che's relationships with each of them had helped him in advancing rapidly at critical stages in his cultivation even providing him with certain enhanced abilities like the light profound energy which would be impossible to get otherwise. Itachi had no doubt that atleast Shen Xi would offer him the same as she gave to Yun Che.

Yet, Itachi didn't simply wish to follow the same footsteps. He would just need to find ways to achieve the same speed or even better without resorting to the same tactics. However, somewhere deep in his heart he knew that he too yearned for a family…for love….for peace. Watching the conclusion of Sasuke's tale through Yun Che' memories had only cemented that unrelenting desire. His apparent cold exterior had always been a kind of facade that he used to hide the constant dilemmas that he faced in his mind. Similar to the one that he felt he was facing right now as well. He had finally realized the reason why he was repulsed by Yun Che's suggestion wasn't because he was unaffected by Chu Yuechan's beauty but he wanted to have more than just her body. It might seem uncharacteristic of the person that people knew as the cold-hearted Itachi Uchiha but then again barely anyone ever understood him as he was. However, as he remembered his parents' final words to him, he could say that his parents were the only ones who ever truly understood the way he really was. How he yearned to experience love. In a rather twist of fate, now that he had been given a chance, so far, he had been unable to do much. But, then again, one could not feel just because one wants to. That means, he only had to be honest about what he actually feels and he would know what to do.

Itachi stayed silent for some time thinking about what he could say to her while she too stayed quietly standing beside him.

Unbeknownst to Itachi, Xia Qingyue's line of thought was quiet similar to his own. She too was feeling confused as well as conflicted about her own thoughts regarding Itachi. Hence, she followed him in silence as she too maintained the silent ambiguous atmosphere between them.

Itachi suddenly asked in a light voice: "How is Lingxi?"

Xia Qingyue answered in a pleasant tone of voice: "She is doing well now. At first, she had a hard time adjusting to the cold but gradually she adapted to it....."

Itachi simply said: "That's good then."

Itachi then turned to look straight at Xia Qingyue with a bit of an assertiveness in his gaze: "There is something that I wished to tell you. However, you are not ready for it or maybe I am the one who is not prepared…Still, that will have to wait until the end of this tournament, till then, I just want you to remember one thing in case something goes wrong in between all this, no matter what happens in the future, One day, someday, I will break the chains of fate that bind us. Until then, know that I will always be there for you in one way or another and just because of our bond as husband and wife. Do you understand?"

"..." Xia Qingyue became silent. After a short while, she turned around and softly said: "I do…..It is already getting late. There are still matches tomorrow, it's best to rest early. Qingyue should also return now."

When she finished speaking, without waiting for Itachi's response, she was already shifting away with light steps. After her snowy clothes started to float lightly, her figure was already moving further and further away at a fast pace… without the slightest hesitation.

Itachi stood at the same place gazing at her retreating back as she disappeared beyond his line of sight. With a sigh, he lightly muttered: "I don't think that you do just yet… actual goddess herself has put these chains after all….."


The next morning, as the sky was just barely lighting up, the Sword Discourse Arena in the Heavenly Sword Villa was already clamoring. The final event of Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, the Round of Thirty Two, had finally begun!

An enormous profound stone was temporarily erected in the center of the Main Sword Discourse Arena, and the names of the thirty-two people who had entered the Round of Thirty Two, as well as the sect they belonged two were displayed on top. Amongst these thirty-two names, the twelve disciples from the Four Major Sects were all present without any exceptions.

"I had never thought even in my dreams, that there would be a day our Blue Wind Imperial Family's name would actually appear on it." Looking at that enormous profound stone in the arena, Qin Wushang's complexion actually carried a deep devoutness within. He was excited to the point of being unable to sleep at all last night, and to also come here so early in the morning. His feeling of excitement could not be suppressed no matter what.

"Participating disciples of the Round of Thirty Two, please come to the stage and draw the lot for battle order!"

There was only one judge during the entire Round of Thirty Two, and that would be Ling Wugou. Following Ling Wugou's loud cry, thirty-two people came up one by one and drew their own battle number.

"Brother Itachi, what number… Ah? It's actually… Number one!"

Cang Yue took the plate in Itachi's hand. The number on there, was one, meaning that in today's match, he would the first to take the stage.

"Something's are just meant to be, huh?….." Itachi said in a heavy voice confusing Cang Yue for a moment.

"Is there a problem, Brother Itachi?…." Cang Yue asked in a confused voice.

Itachi replied: "No…..not yet anyways.."

Once the order of battles was released, it instantly caused a large debate amongst the audience.

The thirty-two contestants were split into two groups of sixteen. Every match, one contestant would be eliminated. The two victors of the groups would eventually face off in the finals to decide who will be the champion.

The difference in the two groups was really overwhelmingly huge!

"Brother Itachi's first opponent is Xiao Sect's Xiao Nan! , however, he is only in the sixth level of the Spirit Profound Realm. He can definitely win this match for sure!" Cang Yue said full of anticipation.

"Yes," Qin Wushang nodded excitedly.

On the Sword Discourse Arena, the profound stone that has displayed the battle order was kept by Ling Wugou and said loudly: "The battle order of the thirty-two contestants has been decided and the first match shall begin soon. The contestants are: Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi and Xiao Sect's Xiao Nan. Please prepare yourself and come onto the arena within sixty breaths of time!"

Itachi stood up silently and walked towards the Sword Discourse Arena immediately.

Looking at Itachi who was already on stage, Xiao Nan also stood up, breathed in slightly and jumped up before landing gently on the Sword Discourse Arena, standing face to face with Itachi.

On stage, Xiao Nan had already taken out his weapon: an Earth Profound Weapon. With sword in hand, he gestured towards Itachi: "Xiao Sect Sword Sect's disciple Xiao Nan, I know my cultivation is not enough to defeat you yet I still wish to learn from you!"

Itachi merely nodded without making any movement, his gaze looked straight at him as too said: "Blue Wind Profound Palace's disciple Itachi… "

"Good!" Ling Wugou nodded: "Round of 32, 1st Match ... Begin!"

Once Ling Wugou finished speaking, the originally noisy arena suddenly became silent as everyone focused on the Sword Discourse Arena. However, they were not looking at Xiao Sect's Xiao Nan but instead, at Itachi. The difference in profound strength between the two parties in this matchup were rather exceptional but no one jeered, nor did anyone look down upon Xiao Nan who was merely at the Spirit Profound Level Six while his opponent Itachi was at Earth Profound Level Three.

On the Sword Discourse Arena, after Ling Wugou finished speaking, a fierce storm was released from Xiao Nan and the Wind Spirit Sword's bodies. The storm surrounded his body and revolved around him. Although the storm was not strong, it was extremely sharp. It was as though there were numerous swords dancing around him. Even those seated far away from the center of the Sword Discourse Arena could feel an unexplainable form of scary sharpness in the air.

Despite the audience's reactions, Itachi however, remained unfazed when he looked at Xiao Nan.

"Receive my attack… Extreme Wind Slash!!"

The sword in Xiao Nan's hands pointed forward, and instantly, all the storm that had been surrounding him turned into the silhouette of several swords, causing wind, so sharp that it even frightened the audience, to blow towards Itachi. Wherever the wind went, it tore apart the sturdy Sword Discourse Arena into pieces.

The might of the sword caused everyone in the arena to be cry out in surprise.

The storm and the sword silhouettes attacked simultaneously but Itachi remained completely still. Only when the storm and the sword silhouettes almost reached him, did he finally seem to move…

Itachi raised his hand slightly slashing it towards the approaching wind blades before tearing them apart with his bare hands as the storm that had engulfed the entire arena disappeared turning it silent along with the viewing audience shocking them to the core.

Wh… WHAT!?

Xiao Nan's two hands and soul trembled at the same time as his face revealed a strong sense of disbelief. Never did he expect that Itachi did not avoid the strike, but take it head on… And with only his bare hands, he completely took down his attack! This was even much greater than the power of his master who was an Elder in the Sky Profound Realm back at the sect.

"He actually… tore his attack apart with his bare hands!"

The surrounding people were all nearly numb with shock.

"I did not come here to fight you…."Itachi slightly stepped forward, before he appeared just behind Xiao Nan who had suddenly fell on the ground.

Before Xiao Nan could even comprehend how, Itachi was already in front him, as he was struck by him.

At that moment, the entire arena was in complete silence, and all the people from the Xiao Sect stood up with horrified faces. They had expected for Xiao Nan to lose without a doubt yet the terrifying power displayed by Itachi had made them realize that he was actually the top contender to win this tournament.

At this moment, everyone was shocked to realize that, Itachi had already returned back to his original position as if he had not even moved to attack Xiao Nan.

"Xiao Nan is down. Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi wins… He has entered the elimination round's Round of 16 tomorrow!"

Every single pair of eyes watched Itachi, who was slowly walked down the stage.

Chu Yueli who was sitting in the stands of Frozen Cloud Asgard warned her sect's junior disciple: "This is the terrifying power of that young man. Remember, if any of you face him except Qingyue, be sure to give up. There is no need to take a risk. Although, I am sure he wouldn't harm you, there is no point in getting thrashed apart by him."

The two fairies nodded in agreement not feeling anything weird about what Chu Yueli said while Qingyue silently gazed at Itachi who had already returned to his seat.

Chu Yuechan who had been intently observing Itachi, widened her eyes slightly as she tried to remember the slight fluctuations that she had felt when Itachi had struck at Xiao Nan, that momentary spike in the release of profound energy felt even greater than her own and she had already reached the Tyrant Profound Realm. She immediately observed Ling Kun for any unusual expression, yet he seemed completely unperturbed. She was sure now that Itachi was probably atleast in the Sky Profound Realm or even above it. Her possessing the Divine Ice Phoenix Blood could be the only reason why she had momentarily been able to sense his actual cultivation while Ling Kun couldn't.

"Qingyue, even if it doesn't turn out as you have hoped. You must remember not to feel disappointed. You will still be the absolute genius and also the future of our sect regardless of the outcome of this tournament."

Hearing Chu Yuechan's sudden words of caution, Chu Yueli immediately asked: "Did you notice something, Sister?"

Instead of replying, Chu Yuechan merely stared at Qingyue as if waiting for her response.

Although, Qingyue felt confused about what she was trying to say. Still, she responded respectfully towards her words of caution: "Yes, Master. Qingyue will remember your words."

Chu Yuechan nodded her head approvingly as their group focused on the next match.

On the Sword Discourse Arena, the second match had already begun.

The two competitors were respectively, Ling Jie from the Heavenly Sword Villa and Fen Juebi from the Blue Wind Profound Palace, rather unlucky of Fen Juebi. The former was at the sixth level of the Spirit Profound Realm, while the latter was at the eighth level of the Spirit Profound Realm.

His first opponent in the Round of 32 was actually Ling Jie, so there was a tight feeling in Fen Juechen's heart....

Still, the fight eventually turned out with a disappointment on Fen Juechen's part.

"Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Jie wins, and will enter tomorrow's Round of 16!"

This result was not out of many people's expectations, but even more people felt that it was only natural.

The Round of 32 continued to proceed as it was already evening when the Round of 32 came to a complete close. The sixteen participants for the following day's elimination round had all been decided. Of the Four Major Sects, other than Xiao Nan, who had been defeated by Itachi, the other eleven disciples all entered into the top sixteen.

The arrangements for the following day's Round of 16 was also displayed on the profound stone in the middle of the Sword Discourse Arena after the end of today's competition.

The opponent Itachi would face the following day came from the Burning Heaven Clan-- Fen Juebi.

At the end of today's competition, the three from the Blue Wind Profound Palace returned to their courtyard since Fen Juechen and the other disciple had already left both having been already eliminated.


After the night had passed, a new day had begun. New matches were also imminent. It was early morning, but the entire Sword Discourse Arena was already jammed packed with people waiting for the Round of 16 to begin. As of now, this Blue Wind Ranking Tournament's match progression still conformed with the norm. If one must speak of anything unusual that had happened, it would be Itachi, the mysterious dragon who had so far barely seemed to exert much effort.

Round of 16, first match: Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi —— versus —— Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juebi.

The Great Elder Fen Moli said to Fen Juebi in a somewhat grave voice: "Juebi, there is one thing that I must remind you about. Although, your opponent has a higher cultivation than yours, he is still from an ordinary sect compared to yours. If you lose this match, then the entire Burning Heaven Clan would be humiliated. You must not become our Burning Heaven Clan's sinner. If that happens, it is not certain if Clan Master would forgive you."

Fen Moli's words made Fen Juebi nod his head quite seriously: "Great Elder's instructions are, that in this match, even if the opponent is many times stronger, I still should not give and try to win, and not lose."

Fen Juebi closed in next to Fen Juecheng's ear and softly said with half-narrowed eyes: "Big bro, the match is about to start soon. Do you want to cripple both his legs, burn his face off, or turn him into an eunuch?"

"Burn his face off!" Fen Juecheng's eyebrows sunk as he answered without the slightest hesitation as he remembered Cang Yue's interaction with Itachi.

"I won't let big bro down." Fen Juebi laughed sinisterly.

Fen Juebi leapt to the center of the Sword Discourse Arena at almost the same time with a distance of more than thirty meters between him and Itachi who was merely standing at the position in a tranquil, his eyes almost appearing half closed.

"To the Burning Heaven Clan, they have no other choice but to win and not lose this match. Even if the opponent is a dragon, they definitely cannot just give up."

Seeing that the two were already prepared, Ling Wugou did not wait any longer and waved his hand: "The first match of the round of sixteen… Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi versus Burning Heaven Clan's Fen Juebi, begin!"

Knowing Itachi superior cultivation, Fen Juebi immediately went into a violent rampade trying to use his artifact along with secret flame arts of his clan: "Die!!"

Scarlet flame ignited atop Fen Juebi's body. Then, it all concentrated onto the Demon Flame Blade. The flame's dazzling light reflected upon the surrounding profound energy barrier and revealed its shape, while bringing along an incomparably shocking high temperature. In the wake of Fen Juebi's blade thrust, the flame on the blade's body immediately swirled into a huge flaming tornado. Like a ferocious flame beast, it came at Itachi with opened deadly fangs.

The striking power behind this strike made several tens of meters of audience cry out in alarm as they saw wherever the strike went, fire and space began to violently distort.

However, instead of dodging this terrifying strike, Itachi remained completely still at his position without moving even an inch. Finally, it collided with Itachi's form, surprising everyone in the crowd.


Cang Yue cried out in alarm, scared for Itachi: "Brother Itachii!!!..."

Xia Qingyue too was entirely shocked at Itachi's reaction.

However, Chu Yuechan was the only one who knew that flame based techniques were almost ineffective against Itachi for whatever reason that she didn't know. Hence, she focused at Itachi's state instead.

Following the loud explosion, the flaming tornado was suddenly exterminated.

Fen Juebi stood in his place as his expression became mocking: "Heh. You have truly surprised me. it looks like you entirely relied on luck to reach your cultivation. Oh, but what a pity. In front of me, you are still merely trash. I'll let you properly see and experience our Burning Heaven Clan's Burning Heaven Fire next. Believe me, it is something that you will remember for a whole lifetime. Even until death, you would probably never forget its exquisite scenery. Hahahaha!!"

In the midst of his wild laughter, Fen Juebi suddenly dashed forward at a great speed as fire ignited once more on his body and the Demon Flame Blade. Bringing along a strand of fiery silhouettes, he immediately attacked Itachi who was still covered the smoke from the last attack, the flames on his body suddenly changed from scarlet to blue.

At the Burning Heaven Clan's seating area, Fen Moli faintly laughed as he thought out loud: "Looks like this Great Elder's words had frightened him. To have actually revealed his trump card so early, it is simply making a big deal out of a small matter, and using a butcher knife for oxes to kill chicken."

"Come, let me hear the sounds of you crying, begging, and struggling!"

Fen Juebi laughed wildly as he closed in on Itachi.

However, just as he almost reached Itachi's position the smoke from the last attack finally disappeared as the figure of Itachi's form finally appeared before him, exactly as before with not even a hair out of place as if the attack before had simply not touched him.

Itachi's sudden unharmed appearance created a storm of confusion as well as intrigue in the audience as many tried to observe why he seemed completely unperturbed. However, Fen Juebi was still the one who was the most surprised knowing that the power of his strike should have left atleast required anyone below mid stage Earth Profound Realm to exert quite an amount of effort contrary to what Itachi had appeared to have done. He hesitated for a moment before advancing further as a chill went down his spine gazing at the blood red eyes that had suddenly turned different.

"I really cannot fathom the cause of your arrogance. It seems really incomprehensible to me. You seem to have no sense of justice in your eyes. This world is cruel because of people like you. Let me show you what true power is. It will also fulfill the purpose of serving as a reminder for all the youngsters in this tournament today and in the future. To not overestimate themselves too much…."

At the end of his voice that had almost stopped the entire arena whether it be the participants, the audience or even the elders present. Even, Ling Kun who seemed unperturbed so far suddenly opened his eyes, his face struck with a hint of disbelief as he felt an invisible aura of berserk profound energy that had seemed tranquil so far covering the entire arena in an oppressive feeling of despair.

Fen Juebi had already frozen at a few steps before Itachi, his expression completely frightened as if he was staring at a monster. Somehow, the power that he sensed from Itachi right now seemed even more terrifying and dense than the elder from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region yet his profound energy was still at the level of an Earth Profound Realm. However, the tyrannical ferocity of his aura seemed to have shaken him to the very core of his being, as if the the Lord of Death himself stood before him.

At this same moment, Itachi suddenly lifted his hand, as a ball of incredibly dense blue fire materialized in front of him.

"You really believe you are the only ones with ability to wield these flames….See for yourself…..whether these are the same or better."


Accompanying Itachi's indifferent voice, space slightly twisted as the fire crazily rampaged. With a burst of sudden speed, that dreadful flame actually directly smashed into Fen Juebi barely allowing him to react as he was engulfed by it.

"Wh… Wh… What!!"

The entire audience was struck dumb. Burning Heaven Clan's six members all stood up from their seats with widened eyes and faces full of incredibility, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Th… This isn't possible!"

Fen Juebi's wild laugh, as well as the contemptuous arrogance on his face, simultaneously disappeared. What replaced it was a face brimming with shock and a slight fear. The blue colored profound flames that he took pride in, that he treated as his trump card, had actually been extinguished and even used by Itachi so easily, as if he was just walking and waving his hands.

"Crap!" Ling Yuefeng stood up with a "whoosh". From his judgement as well as Ling Kun's surprise Ling Yuefeng understood very clearly how terrifying Itachi's power actually was. He grimly sound transmitted to Ling Wogou: "Be prepared to save Fen Juebi right away! You must not let him die!"

On the Sword Discourse Arena, Ling Wugou's complexion darkened heavily as he nodded his head so slightly that it was indiscernible. He activated his profound energy and his clothes fluttered as he went on standby.


It did not take long for Fen Juebi's burnt body to appear in everyone's sight, he still seemed alive. However, with a thud he knelt on the ground barely able to breath in front of Itachi's overwhelming power.

Everyone held their breaths. Ling Wugou tensed his entire body and was just about to rush into the profound energy barrier, yet he found that Itachi had suddenly appeared right begore Fen Juebi as his hands suddenly grabbed him by his neck.

Fen Juebi released a flame dragon by burning his blood essence.

However, it was merely caught in Itachi's hands, the flame dragon suddenly completely dissipated within Itachi's hands, leaving not the slightest trace of its existence, there wasn't the slightest hint of a burn mark at all.

It was unknown when everyone in the Sword Discourse Arena had stood up. Every single person's gaze was stupefied, and were silent for a long while, as if the sound of this world had already been completely sucked out.

Fen Juebi knelt on the ground. His face was as pale as paper with severe burn marks all over his body, his two eyes were widened to an extreme degree, and looked as though his soul had left his body from the shock. The six other people from the Burning Heaven Clan, including Fen Moli who was nearing a hundred years old, basically had the same reaction as well. They simply could not believe their eyes. The opponent that their clan had met was too terrifying… This was something an expert at the early stages of the Sky Profound Realm would probably not be able to achieve!

Ling Yuefeng's expression was filled with shock as well. Ling Wugou who had initially prepared to charge into the profound energy barrier was simply standing there in a daze. He even forgot to put down the profound energy he had raised, and was looking towards Itachi with extremely astonished eyes… As though he was looking at a monster that came from beyond the heavens.

Seeing Fen Juebi, whose beliefs had collapsed due to the extreme degree of shock and disbelief, fall to the ground, Itachi merely responded coldly as he said: "I don't really like to fight. However, whenever I see arrogant people like you who cling to their clan with so much misplaced pride being unnecessarily cruel towards others for no substantial reason, it reminds me of the fall of my own who could not see beyond themselves. Such people end up being the cause of too much suffering...You still won't get it though…"


With a bang, Fen Juebi flew out of the arena, he tumbled a few dozen times from the impact, and then sprawled on the ground like a dead dog. His body spasmed, and even after a long while, there was no sign of him getting up.

Ling Wugou then finally regained his senses. Retracting his profound energy, he regulated his breathing, and then, calmly shouted. "Fen Juebi did not get off the ground for more than ten breaths of time, Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi wins! He shall enter tomorrow's Round of eight- Quarter finals!!"

Ling Wugou's voice woke the dazed audience as well, and in an instant, noise filled the entire Sword Discourse Arena.

Fen Moli sat directly back onto his seat, and the old skin on his face shivered. Fen Juebi was defeated, and he was even thoroughly defeated, which meant that, in this Ranking Tournament, Burning Heaven Clan was destined to fall from the first four placings for the first time. If Itachi was left unharmed after such a humiliation their clan would become a laughing stock.

But, this could not be fully blamed on Fen Juebi alone. Just by how Itachi extinguished the Heaven Burning Dragon with his bare hands at the end, even if Fen Jin was the one who went up against him, he would not be able to defeat Itachi.

"Evidently, this Itachi has been hiding his true abilities, and it's not even known how much of his abilities he's hiding… Third level of the Earth Profound Realm… for a moment there it felt even more terrifying then an Elder of our sect."

The sounds of discussions that filled the entire arena continued without pause. ..

Itachi turned to leave the Sword Discourse Arena.

"Itachi!! You are too cruel!!…"

An extremely furious roar shook the entire audience. Fen Moli rose to the sky, and he crossed a distance of a couple hundred of meters in a mere second, and instantly barged into the profound energy barrier, landing in front of Fen Juebi. After checking his injuries, he furiously turned, and looked at Itachi with anger. "Junior! Your heart is actually this malicious! You deliberately heavily injured the son of our Burning Heaven Clan Master!!"

Itachi ignored him as he turned his back on him, merely continuing towards his seat.

"Ignoring me. Junior, you're courting death!"

Moving his hands away from Fen Juebi's body, Fen Moli suddenly flew into the air. Like an eagle's talon, his right hand stretched towards Itachi's head.

The entire audience exclaimed from this sudden unforeseen event. Fen Moli flying into the Sword Discourse Arena to check on Fen Juebi injuries was not unexpected, and was within reason. However, no one would have thought that he would actually suddenly act against Itachi… And the way he was acting, was evidently a blow enough to send Itachi to his death!!

An Elder in the Burning Heaven Clan, a peak-level expert with the strength half a step into the Emperor Profound Realm, actually acted against a mere seventeen year old junior. It was even within the Heavenly Sword Villa, and was also in the presence of an elder from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Fen Moli's action was evidently due to the loss of reason from his explosive rage, an act tantamount to madness.

"Elder Fen, stop!" Ling Wugou's expression paled from shock. He quickly stepped forward with the intent to stop Fen Moli. But, the difference between a late stage Sky Profound Realm and one half a step into the Emperor Profound Realm was still too great. Before he could even approach him, he was forcefully blown aside by the outburst of profound energy Fen Moli unleashed. He could only look on as Fen Moli's hand neared Itachi…

"You are no different from your disciple, are you?"

Itachi seemed completely unperturbed with the sudden attack as his eyes turned into the Mangekyo Sharingan that gazed straight into Fen Moli's eyes freezing Fen Moli in his place for a few seconds allowing others the time to react before he confusedly recovered from his dazed expression hearing many shouts stopping him.



Two loud roars sounded from two different directions, one from Qin Wushang, and the other came from Ling Yuefeng. They stood up at the same time, and were about to charge towards the Sword Discourse Arena. However, at this moment, an icy blue figure that brought about a bone-piercing coldness flew towards the Sword Discourse Arena before they could...

At this moment, an absolutely beautiful, blue fairy-like figure descended from the skies. She floated in front of Itachi, her feet just above the ground. With her descent, the surrounding crystallized ice shattered, disappearing along with the purple flames of Fen Moli

"You didn't need to act." Itachi said to Chu Yuechan through soul transmission before he merely turned back to walk towards his sitting area without outwardly responding to her abrupt appearance .

Chu Yueli stood up. Her beautiful eyes were filled with worry. Fen Moli acting against Itachi, was naturally shameless and despicable. Itachi was too valuable for the Frozen Cloud Asgard to die in such a manner.

"Chu Yuechan, what is the meaning of this?"

Chu Yuechan replied coldly: "As a Great Elder of the Burning Heaven Clan, how shameless are you to attack a junior without reason."

"Hmph!" Fen Moli remained frowning: "He severely injured a Burning Heaven Clan disciple. With just this reason, him dying ten thousand would still be insufficient! Chu Yuechan, this is a matter of our Burning Heaven Clan. It is out of place for a member of Frozen Cloud Asgard to intervene!"

"I'm going to intervene for sure!" Chu Yuechan held out her ice jade-like hand, and a flickering deep blue light appeared in Chu Yuechan's jade palm, an exploding noise rang throughout the Sword Discourse Arena.

"Wh… What!?"

Fen Moli took two steps backwards in panic, quickly dispelling the layer of ice on his hands. His face was filled with shock and disbelief. At this point, he looked at Chu Yuechan, who had her palm stretched out in front of him as a blue light flashed past him…

Even though Fen Moli was half step to the Emperor Profound Realm, he still did not manage to see how it appeared and when it appeared. He merely just saw a seemingly normal icicle which had a frightening coldness that made his whole body shiver. Before he could take a good look at it, the deep blue icicle attacked his chest with an unimaginable speed…


The part of Fen Moli's body that had been struck by the icicle instantly sunk and his back swelled out outrageously. A scream of pain with blood was spewed out from Fen Moli. He seemed like an arrow that had just shot out and flew out far away as he crashed onto the surface of the Sword Discourse Arena before being continually forced back for several tens of meters, leaving behind a deep gully on the surface of the hard discourse arena floor.

The arena was instantly a field of silence. Even the silent and expressionless Ling Kun from the Mighty Heaven Sword Region appeared to be surprised. Ling Yuefeng seemed as though he was struck by lightning and jump up and said in a quivering voice: "Space compression… This… This is… an Emperor Profound power!!"

"Hmph!" Ling Yuefeng looked enraged: "As an esteemed elder of your clan, Fen Moli does not know how to act his age. He did not consider the severity of the issue and ignored the rules of the tournament. He even tried to severely injure a contestant that had just won. According to the rules of the tournament, not only Fen Moli, the entire Burning Heaven Clan has to be stripped of their participation right!"

After saying this, Ling Yuefeng appear to calm down a little: "Considering the fact that Fen Moli was anxious and had already been taught a lesson by the Fairy of Frozen Beauty, I will treat it as he has been punished. The matter will rest like this. The right to explore the 'Heaven Basin Secret Realm' shall also be retained. However, if such a thing happens again, not only will your right to explore the Heaven Basin Secret Realm be removed, I'm afraid that Burning Heaven Clan's right to participate in the next ranking tournament will also be removed."

….. It took a while for things to proceed with that sudden development.

Second Match: Ling Jei defeated his opponent.

Third Match: Wu Xuexin won.

Fourth Match: Ling Fengyu won.

Fifth Match: Ling Yun won.

Sixth Match: Shui Wushuang won

Seventh Match: Xia Qingyue won.

Eighth Match: Xiao Kuanglei won

Thus, the Round of 16 concluded, and the top eight in this Ranking Tournament were determined.

As Itachi observed the results comparing it to Yun Che's memories he realized the only difference was because of Fen Juebi's early defeat at his hands as he was eliminated early by Itachi allowing Wu Xuexin of the Frozen Cloud Asgard to take his place making three out of eight places for the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

The Quarterfinals' match arrangements tomorrow were also revealed on the center of the profound stone after the conclusion of the Round of 16.

First match: Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi vs Frozen Cloud Asgard's Wu Xuexin.

Second match: Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Feiyu vs Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Jei.

Third match: Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Yun vs Frozen Cloud Asgard's Shui Wushuang.

Fourth match: Frozen Cloud Asgard's Xia Qingyue vs Xiao Sect's Xiao Kuanglei.

The Quarter finals actually proceeded in an unexpected manner as the first three matches produced results without even a fight as Wu Xuexin, Ling Feiyu as well as Shui Wushuang all forfeited their fight against their opponents.

Even though this result lead to much discussion among the crowd, it still wasn't that unexpected. The only match that actually had an actual fight was the fourth one. However, with Qingyue's improved cultivation she easily defeated her opponent without exposing any of her physique.

With the conclusion of the Quarterfinals, tomorrow's Semifinals' arrangements quickly appeared on the center of the profound stone.

Match Number One: Blue Wind Profound Palace's Itachi----vs---- Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Jie.

Match Number Two: Heavenly Sword Villa's Ling Yun----vs---- Frozen Cloud Asgard's Xia Qingyue.

Itachi90aizen Itachi90aizen

Let me know your thoughts....I will probably need to edit it a bit later on.

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