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57.14% The Crazy Godslayer / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Kai slightly opened his still sleepy eyes because the room had become too cold and he not feeling his blanket on him tried to find it but instead of feeling his soft bed he felt a rock hard floor, confused he tried to sit up but laid down once again because his body started aching.

'Fuck, it hurts I forget the wound from yesterday, anyway did fall from the bed in my sleep?'

Kai finally opened his eyes and slowly sat up on the floor, in front of him was not his messy apartment but what he saw was a dark room with the only source of light being a small window at the top of the wall.

Kai started to feel a little scared now, after all, waking up in an unfamiliar room was not common and also in a room with scratch marks everywhere on the wall.

'Did I get kidnapped in my sleep or something?' After taking some deep breaths and calming himself down, kai carefully started to look around the room and there was nothing in the room other than a pillow made out of paper and a crumpled sheet of paper that he thought was supposed to be his blanket and he finally saw the room that he thought was the basement of a house.

Kai slowly started crawling toward the door but he noticed something weird because everything around him looks bigger than it should be or I have become small.

He looked at his hand and then his body finally noticed that it was not that everything around him had become big it was that he was in the body of a child.

He stopped crawling and started carefully looking at `his' body, seeing that the body was wearing nothing but a dirty old rag and was malnourished and bruised everywhere, his fingernails were broken and he already knew why.

As Kai was checking his body suddenly, his head started to hurt, at first, the pain was bearable but it was getting painful by the second. 'Fuck my life' was his last thought before the pain become so unbearable that a little bit of blood started coming from his nose and he passed out as his body couldn't handle the pain.


Kai gradually woke up and clutch his head, even though the unbearable pain was now gone his head was still hurting and he was not the only one that had awakened but another set of memory has also awakened within him, that he knew was the memory of this child who's the body he was inhabiting.

According to the memory, he is in the body of a 6-year-old kid that is living with his depressed abusive father in Russia, and coincidentally his name is also kai, kai Romanov. this was all very shocking but something even more shocking is that the current year is 1994.

'Did I die and travel back in time but time travel doesn't change your body from what I know? or have I transmigrated in this body like those fanfictions? but the most important question is this the same world but at a different time or another world? but who sent me here, some ROB but I don't remember meeting any overly generous ROB and getting any wishes or overpowered abilities and also not saving any kid of a god and getting any wishes as thanks for saving his kid but I do remember killing a kid..... wait a minute now that I think about it that situation did look like a fanfic author trying to write a cliche overpowered harem novel.'

"he..... he.. hehehahahaha"

"What is so funny, little bastard? or have you finally gone insane"

As Kai was laughing at his situation, a gruff voice come from behind as he turned to look at the door and standing at the door was a burly blonde hair man glaring at him and kai knew who that man is, Boris Romanov he is the father of the child who kai was in.

"I am going to work and if I saw you outside of the house or at Sasha's room again when I come it will not end with a small punishment like this time and also clean the house before I come."

Kai nodded at his supposed 'father' and the man just turned left without caring if Kai listened to him or not.

Seeing the man gone, Kai frowned not because of what that man has said but because of his body that was trembling at the sight of that man 'I think the child was so terrified of his father that his body is still trembling at the sight of the man even after his death.'

After his body stops trembling, Kai stands up and slowly started to walk out of the basement as Boris had left the door open while thinking about his future and the current situation 'school, nope I'm never going there again it's just a waste of time and even if the future is slightly similar to what I know then getting rich in the future is easy and it's not like Boris has any intension to sent him to school as he never even let him go outside of the house and whatever kai (the kid) knew was because of listening to Boris and reading the book that was in the house.'

kai finally reached the room from the basement and it was even messier than his old apartment alcohol bottle and god knows how old the leftover food was and it was everywhere It looked more like a room for garbage than a living room.

kai started to make his way toward the mirror that was in the room, even though he knew what he look like from the memory he still wanted to confirm something, walking carefully to not step on the broken glass piece on the floor, reaching the mirror he looked at it.

in the mirror was a small malnourished boy with white hair and black eyes, he could have looked cute with his white hair but if someone looks at him now the first thought that would come to their mind will be a pity that how bad his shape was.

kai started to check the house after he was done looking at the mirror to make a map of the house in his mind so he would make a run for it if something goes out of hand.

while checking the room he found a photo frame, in the photo two people were smiling at each well a couple to be exact and he knew who the man was, it was his father Boris Romanov and the only woman he could think who was in the photo was his mother in this life, Sasha Romanov nee Devin that died giving birth to him and he also knew why Boris hate him so much was because he looks exactly like her.


kai sighed and put the photo down and started cleaning the house 'killing Boris could have been easy if he was not a police officer especially because of his alcoholic nature, but killing him now could be an idiotic move, after all, I don't even where to go after killing him, so I will do whatever he tells me to do while planing his death and also gaining knowledge of where exactly I'm in Russia'

and from the memory, he has gained he knew where he could find the knowledge he needed and that place was Sasha's room, the (old) kai used to go to that room whenever Boris was not at home to read books and that was the place where Boris has last found kai reading one of Sasha dairy, and seeing him read his beloved dead wife dairy the drunk Boris has beaten (old) kai and locked him in the basement without giving him food and something to cover himself with, as the (old) kai was already starving for two days and beaten with nothing to cover himself the (old) was freeze to death.

"I only have 2 hours before that son of a bitch comes back"

Kai looks at the time after he was done cleaning the house and he had eaten some leftover food that looked edible and doing that had taken him a long time to finish cleaning the mess, reaching Sasha's room kai walked inside after opening the door and he was surprised to see the room clean it was like someone had recently clean the room and there was only one person that lives in this house other than him.

"What a lovely husband he is"

Kai sarcastically said and started to carefully search for the book from the bookshelf that needed now, after finding a geography book and a map and start reading it.


a sound from outside of the house, disturbed Kai when he was reading. he looks at the time to find that an hour had already passed, he carefully peaks from the window to see Boris parking his car, he runs from the window and picks up the book and the map and puts them in the place where he had taken them from, after taking a final look at the room to confirm that everything was in place he rushed out.


Boris enters the house after parking his car, he hangs his jacket and walks into the house, he was surprised to see the house this clean even though he had said kai to clean the house, he haven't expected kai could clean the house in a day.

he looked at the corner of the not surprised to see that bastard sleeping in there with his dirty old rag to cover him after all that was where he usually slept if he is not receiving his punishment.

"at least that bastard is good at something"

Boris scoffed and entered his room, seeing Boris enter his kai slightly open his eyes, and waited for him, seeing him coming with a bottle of vodka and not rushing at him angrily.

kai closed his eyes and fell asleep with an evil grin on his face because he knows that it's gonna be hard days to come but after that, he will take his sweet revenge.

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