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17.64% One Piece: No Strings Attached / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 First Time

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 First Time

//Morning, the next day//

(Jack's POV)

I woke up feeling rather weak as a sudden sense of hunger knock my consiousness awake. *grumbles* 'I really need to find something to eat' I thought as I untie myself from the vines wrapping around me. I slowly went down the tree and headed deeper into the forest.

"Status" I mumbled.


Name: Legolas D. Jack

Height: 3ft3in

Physique & Constitution: Absolute Average

Haki: 1/3

Status: Hungry as hell.




"Is there any danger nearby?"

[Oh, I see that you still care about your safety after all.]

"Don't be such a bitch. You know yesterday's event was more than what my fragile heart can take. Of course I'll forget about my surroundings."

I said lighly as I swat several mosquitos that bit me. 'I fucking hate mosquitos man. Their only purpose was to carry DNAs to revive dinosaurs and still royally failed. Stupid insects'

[Oh? That's not what you said last night.] Replied the system, clearly upset.

I rolled my eyes as the system gave me quite an attitude. If I was a quarter of a decent person then I'll probably try to at least console what is probably gonna be my partner for a long long time, unless she gets devoured or something which is unlikely. 'Oops. Did I just raised a red flag? My bad. Tehee~'

[*sighs* Try to go west of your direction. Don't worry, there are no overly dangerous animals near you. This part of the island is a safe haven for those herbivores as the stronger beasts resides deeper.]

"Oh? How can they won't go near here then?" I can now clearly see that a pack of rabbits as big as me is hopping around. Considering that I am 3 feet and 3 inches tall, I'd be lying if I said these rabbits did not terrify me at all. They are somewhere around 2 feet and 5 inches to 3 feet. Their fur are brown while their eyes are red. They have a suspiciously sharp teeth and from the direction they are going, it's clear that their target is me. Wait.. 'Their target is me?!'

"System?! I thought you said there are not any overly dangerous animals around?!" I yelled out loud while running back into the shore. My cheeks and arms got several shallow cut as I sprint my way to salvation.

[*giggles* Ara~ my bad, Jack-kun. I messed up with my assessment for when I scanned the entire island, I coud clearly feel that they are the lowest of the food chain. I forgot to include you as your existence is too insignificant to compare. 'Oops. My bad. Tehee~' ] the system said playfully.

I gritted my teeth in anger. Did the bitch just copied me? As I near the shore, I realized that it would be hopeless to just ran around and hoping to tire these furry creatures whose major part of their lives is probably to hop away considering they are the bottom of the food chain. I am also not dumb enough to run into the sea, sea kings aside, if ever these bunnies do know how to swim then I am fuck. I was about to turn as I decided that the best course of action was to climb a tree when realization hit me.

'Of course! How did I not see this coming? This is one of the legendary cliche!' I remembered a certain panel in my status and if memory serves right, I already awakened 1 out of 3. So I stopped and turn around to face my pursuers. I tried to put myself in the same state as when I was tortured.

I remembered the pain, no, I could still feel it. Like it nibbled upon my flesh, like  it ground my bones, the pain brought by my soul crumbling. I winced, my eyes turned red and blood came out of my orifice. I feel like fainting from the pain but the most shocking part is that this is only from a memory. I wanna scream so bad but I did not. I took a deep breath and calm myself. 'If I can feel the pain then I can feel that calmness.' I closed my eyes calmly seeking the right state. That soothing state that worsen my torture. The clear-headedness despite the struggle. As 4 of the killer bunnies tried to pounce on me, my eyes suddenly opened, and with it comes an eerie purplish glow. And then.....


Waves upon waves of pressure was released with me as the center. Time seemed to slow down as I gaze upon the 4 rabbits in the air. The biggest one, probably around 3 feet tall, was about to bite my neck. Followed by 3 others each targetting 3 of my limbs. Behind them was 7 rabbits, slightly slower than the rest. This scene would have been fear-inducing for any child 4 years of age but..

*Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud*

The next moment, time resumed and a pack of rabbits can be seen dropping to the ground unconsious with the 4 closest to me can be seen with their eyes and ears bleeding. But it didn't stop there as birds unfortunate enough to get close dropped to the ground. Dust can be seen swirling around me as even the waves in the sea near me was disturbed. A very small crater with a radius of 7 feet was formed around me.


*Huff Huff Huff Huff*

The last to fall was me. I was on my knees desperately grasping for air at the same lamenting about the situation.  'Ah, I fucked up. I got complacent and I let my guard down. I still see this world as an outsid-- bullshit! I'm not about to start my inner monologue like an MC trying to desperately pick up whatever source of determination they can find. This ain't a realization arc, chief.' I chuckled, such a hypocrite,  I am.

"Sate sate. Let's just be careful next time. System?" I smiled a little bit and decided to contact my trusted partner.

[You are surprisingly taking these quite well. And here I thought I could tease you for a bit.] She stated with a surprise tone.

(AN: Kinda dark and unsettling in the next part so be warned. R18+)

I respond with a smile as I a searched for some sturdy seashells near the shore. I picked a relatively small yet lengthy shell, probably 6.9 inches in full lenght. The shell has the same shape as a snail's but with a pointed tip nearing 4 inches, a good tool for stabbing. I, then, drag the rabbits' bodies into the beach 2 at a time. My body is suprisingly strong, I noted.

When the water is deep but not enough to drag the bodies away, I proceeded to hold one rabbit's head by the neck and submerged it underwater while I pin the other with my foot. After that, with a fast and unhesitated motion, I drove the pointed tip of the shell through the rabbits right eye and hardened my grab upon its neck but surprisingly, the pain did not manage to wake it up. I twisted the shell that is pinned in its eye a couple of times as well as stabbed the its other eye and even the ears just to be sure. What followed next was a masterpiece. The process is repeated a couple more times in different location but it still made the water red. I proceeded to clean myself after.

"Ah, such a waste of good meat but let's not take our chances." My stomach grumbled a lot more as I remembered that I was woken up because of it. 'Guess all that adrenaline finally worned off, huh'



"How come I have Haki?" I asked.

[Don't you already know? It is when you were entering the barrier and was subjected to that kind of physical and mental torment.] She replied.

"I know. *chuckles* It's for the others." I said cryptically

[Others???] Asked the system, clearly confused.

"It's nothing. Anyway, I can see that I could recover rather fast and speaking of fast, I manage to outrun the brown haired rabbit. Wasn't they very fast according to the movie, The Hobbit?"

[Disregarding your choice for sources, I, myself, am shocked to find out that you could run rather fast. I was expecting you to maybe stumble a couple of times, then hurt yourself so hard, then pee your pants and cry for help for the Haki to trigger. But alas, something just don't go the way you want it to.]

"Hmmm. It is not related to my Physique and Constitution?"

[No. Your Physique refers to your natural foundation. Having special Physique will determine how high you can reach along the path of evolution. After all, an ant cannot evolve into a powerful dragon without a great Physique as foundation. As for your constitution, it will determine the rate of your growth. Let us use stages for example, you are at stage 1 going up to stage 2. With a special physique, let's say strength-inclined, once you level up although you will a receive a boost in overall stats but more so on your strength. The time it took for you to reach stage 2 is 1 month but depending on your consitution, you might reach it in a week. You can also learn different techniques incredibly fast because of it. In summary, those with good Physique and Constitution grows incedibly fast. Jealous now?]

I just chuckled at her obvious teasing. "Although what you said is extremely desirable, you did not mention the most important part."

[Ara? What is the most important, Jack-kun? Is it Mei Mei?]

I just rolled my eyes at her antics then replied. "To be the strongest."

[Cringe. *giggles*]


(3rd Person POV)

After the incident with the rabbits, Jack proceeded to go to west as the system suggested as he silently contemplated his current situation. He was in the body of a 4 year old, on an island who knows where, in a world he knows is very dangerous. 'Plus there is this suspcious voice in my head who seemed quite powerful now that I think about it.' If you are a spectator watching this from your phone, laptop, TV or whatnots then this whole thing clearly screams youth and adventure but when it happens to you in real life, well..

*sigh*"No use thinking about it. Let's just wing it, shall we." Jack said while shrugging his shoulders, effectively putting the overly concerning problem he has at the back of his head.

'System' he thought in his head, but he got no response so Jack called out loud.


[Ara~ need me for something?] the system replied to Jack.

(Jack's POV)

I raised an eyebrow, mildly surprise but decided not to pursue the matter. I asked "You scan the island, right? Can you describe it to me?"

[Well, I can do you one better, I could show a projection of it.] She replied with a little giggle then showed the image.

(Image here. AN: this is only the general shape, not the exact island)

Funny enough, the outline of the island is like half a buff man's chest. The projection showed that its length is18km while its width is 15km. It has a plain foresty-ish setting as tall tress covered the surrounding except the shoreline, only about 50m. However, 3 km from each of the 4 corners of the island, there are 4 giant tress that stood out. The overall atmosphere of the island is hot and humid. There is also an indicator on a specific location 2km near me. By the way I washed up a ashore at the bottom right corner of the island. What surprised me though is that there seemed to be a dome with a radius of 7 km from the center.

"Such a weird island." I mumbled as I continue towards my journey. I occasionally open the projection to see if I am near my destination. I could ask the system, if she really is one, why she did not told me beforehand that such a convenience was accesible to me but I know she'll just make up crappy excuses so better to spare myself from headaches.

It was only after 10 minutes did I arrive at my destination and what I saw left me gobsmacked. There are several fruit-bearing trees like pears, apples, and watermelons, makes you question how some can grow in this island's climate, but that is not the point. Amidst all these, there stood a tree bearing a single fruit. It is gourd-shaped, pale lilac-colored fruit with the swirl pattern typical of Devil Fruits embedded all over it and a curly, fuchsia stem on its top.(AN: straight from wiki XD)

"Well, what do you know. It looks like the strings of fate favors me more than you, Joker." I said with flair, trying to be as dramatic as possible.

[I didn't know you have a chuuni side in you.] She is quick with her jab as always.

I just chuckled at her remarks and replied "Let's be honest here. Everyone had been, at some point. I'm just not insecure to admit it."

I plucked the fruit and keep it inside the system's inventory. I am not in a hurry to eat it but it is given that I will. I then made myself comfortable with the fruits, especially the watermelon, to ease not only my hunger but also my thirst. I am not drinking from any river or lake in this island.

Severeal cracked watermelons and half-eaten apple and pear later, my stomach finally settled down and I was able to think more clearly than before. My mood lightened up. I look at my hands and can't help but be curious of my overall appearance. So I ask the system.

"System, do be a dear and grace both of us with my majesty. Show me my appearance."  I was in a good mood after filling my stomach so I decided to joke around with the system.

(Image here)

*pffft!* "The hell? I look horrible! Please don't tell me that in the future, I'd be constantly walking around naked as I was mugged while deep asleep in the wilderness." I shivered at the thought of remembering that bastard from the anime Magi. As stated, my height is 3 feet and 3 inches, my head is quite big and round. Typical for an anime child. My skin is slightly tanned because of the island heat. My hair is purple in color with its length reaching my shoulders and my eyes are brown with a gold hue. I am wearing a light blue vest and a navy blue outline. I am wearing a plain white harem pants that fit slightly below my knee and leather mojari as my shoes.

(AN: Harem pants is an actual pants. If you are wondering how it looks, just imagine of a cartoons where you put a hose that fills water inside the pants and instead of escaping, the water is accumulated at the bottom)

Now that I look at myself closely, I can't help but realize how fragile am I with this body. I practice a bit of boxing back on Earth and that's only because they said it will help me alleviate my desire to bash someones skull-- err.. I got sidetracked. 'Welp, time for a training arc, guess.'

"System, can you present to me about my 'own' mission panel again." I said then immediately after, a clear row of data is shown in front of me.



Your path is the way of the [Conqueror]!

Where your ambition points, all else follows!

The [Conqueror's path!]

Whenever you have a goal to accomplish, the system will set it as your [Mission]! If you achieve the said goal, the system will be able to unlock a part of its sealed power which will be given to you as a reward!


(AN: I will create a very simple power level that is only effective for the current island. I will post the real one once he gets into contact with some strong people. Please proceed with open mind)

"Then can you give me the number of animals in these islands, how dangerous they are and their location? Let me be the base for the threat index."

[Mm. I will make a temporary power tier effective only for this island. I will use the classic letters with S class being the strongest. There are a total of 489 creatures included in the threat index. Of course there are more but I did not include those at the level of the killer rabbit and below.

Classes from weakest to strongest

F- Jack

E-has 15% resistance to Jack's Conqueror's Haki(will fall unconsious after a while)

D-has 20% resistance to Jack's Conqueror's Haki(will fall unconsious after a while but will take longer to knock out)

C-has 45% resistance to Jack's Conqueror's Haki( will be knocked out if immobile and take a considerable amount of time)

B-has 60% resistance to Jack's Conqueror's Haki (will be heavily distracted but will not fall unconscious)

A-has 80% resistance to Jack's Conqueror's Haki (will be slightly distracted)

S-Total Resistance

With you as the weakest, that is class F. There are 200 class E creatures, 160 class D, 90 class C, 30 class B, 6 class A and finally, 3 class S.

I only scaled your Haki against them as you are too weak to fight them barehanded. Also, I advice you that the cliché pitfall and pointy stakes won't work against the tough skins of Class B and above.] Said the system as she concluded her explanations.

*chuckles* "You are underestimating me too much, my dear. Watch me blow your mind. System, announcce a mission!]

[What is our objective?] A cold mechanical tone resounded, it is the same as here but more robotic.

"The death of all animals in the threat index." I answered with a maniacal grin unbefitting a 4 year old child."

[Time limit?] The same cold voice inquired.

"2 years" I said without a second thought

[Highly improbable. Host's is advice to change the time limit. Do you agree to change?]

I grinned even more. "Make it 1 year and 6 months."

[Jack, no! It is impossible! This is sui--!] This time, a familiar voice rang in my ear however she was cut off.

[Time limit is set. Special condition?] The cold mechanical voice said.

I smiled at this development. I always had a hunch that the bitch is not in control of anything but now this just proves everything. Though this just made matters more confusing but it allowed to form a hypothesis and the conclusion I've reached is simple: This is the world of One Piece!

"Set condition: Complete extermination without the use of hands to hurt my opponent." 'Fufufufu this might just be a bug I could exploit'



//Formulating Mission!

//Formulation finished!


Turning Tables:  Predator Annihilator

Description: You have set your eyes upon the dominators of this island. Their days are numbered as the Conqueror's will cannot be denied! Kill all those in your way!

Objectives: Kill all those in the threat index

Special condition: Without using your hands to hurt your opponent

Still breathing: 489

Time remaining: 1 year and 6 months!

Reward/s: Unlocking of the First Seed of Yggdrasil

Special condition reward: Unsealing of your Soul

Punishment: Death. A failure of a King is King unworthy of living.


(AN: considering the torment Jack has experienced, I think the power his Haki have is quite underwhelming but he will have a major power boost next chapter and you might finally know the timeline. 😅)

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