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Chapter 3 System? and Explanations

(Jack POV)

[//Renaming successful

Name: [Conqueror's Path]


*Sighs* what a terrible naming sense. Well, I guess there's no point grumbling about it. But still, the fact that I got tortured while I calmly process every bit of pain is surprisingly not scary anymore. Have I become a masochist? *shivers* Oh Neptune, please no!

'Let's see, if all those novels about reincarnation with a system amount to something then..'




Name: Legolas D. Jack

Height: 3ft3in

Physique: Absolute Average

Constitution: Absolute Average

Haki: 1/3

Current world: One Piece World

Status: Currently restricted, foreign soul integration with the current body @ 89%


'So I'm really in One Piece, huh.'

"Okay....?  System?"


"What is with this integration?"

[As you were so thoroughly abused upon your arrival and your body was destroyed, I, so kindly enough, reconstructed a new and optimum body for your growth. However, before you have integrated your soul with your new body, you will feel restricted because the laws of this world is different from your original ] the system smugly said to which I ask with another question.

"Why am I restricted? Is it because I am foreign? Kinda racist to be honest." I joked.

[It is nothing fancy, actually. It is just that gravity here is 15x than that of Earth. However, to the body of inhabitants of this world, this x15 gravity is the 'normal' gravity and therefore was never bothered by it. Your body is tailored to be like the natives but you haven't fully integrated, hence, you feel restricted.]

[In other words, the people of this world is inherently stronger than people on Earth as their body adapted to this kind of environment.]

"Kinda amazing, if you put it that way. So actually, in the real life One Piece world, regular people are like  Captain America?"

[Hmmm.. Yes and No.. If regular people on this world goes to Earth then they'll be pretty much superior in physical qualities however this world's 'Tier' is on the upper level, therefore they can't really be much except for being 'regular' human. Although some people might be an exception.]

"Wait what? It just got complex all of a sudden"

[Sighs. Have you heard of the three little pigs?]

I nodded

[Consider your Earth as the house made of stick and this world--]

"Is the house made of bricks?"

For some reason, I felt like a tick mark appeared on the system's non-existent face.

[As I was saying, your Earth can be compared to house made of sticks or perhaps wood, while this world is a fucking anti-missile bunker. You can tell the difference. While some people can destroy continents on Earth, and be considered very strong in that place, in here, he'll be pretty much just a bigger ant.]

"That's absurd! How strong are the people here then?!"

[Well, considering how this world was formed, it will make sense. And the people here aren't that overly OP. Some could just break the islands. And if you relate it to my metaphor, if some can break a part of a bunker then pretty much he can rip apart measly sticks and even wood so yeah.. you tell me.]

"Didn't they say that Whitebeard's fruit can destroy the world?"

[That's wishful thinking. Although the laws of physics here are horrendous, it does not mean that one can just bend it as they will. In contrast, this world is overly sturdy. Again, compare wooden house to metal bunker. While Whitebeard, in theory can destroy your Earth, he will just cause a massive damage to the SURFACE in this world, and that is also because of the devastating Tsunami he will cause.]

"Ugh.. that's so much to take. I still have so many questions right now."

[Well, ask away]

I took a deep breath and fired a barage of questions at it.

"For one, how am I still alive? Didn't my soul crumbled? Two, what is this 'Tier' you mentioned? Three, what is my purpose? Four, what is your purpose? Who are you? Five, where the hell am I? Six, what timeline is this? Seventh, what is with my physique and constitution?"

I ask consecutive question that I am currently short out of breath, I was expecting this system to give me an attitude but surprisingly enough, it calmly answered.

[Well, you said it yourself, your soul 'crumbled' but not 'extinguished'. I manage to let it heal while constructing your new body. As for who am I, well, you are Jack and what is Jack known for?]

"Fucking MILFS!" I said proudly.

[No, you idiot. The Beanstalk! Jack and the Beanstalk! That story where some dumb fuck just like you traded a cow for beans! Only that you like milking cow, which I  should have expected. I am the beans, but more useful! Anyway, I thought it was funny to choose you as my host because of your name *giggles*]

"What the fuck? You reincarnated a guy just because his name goes well with you? And who was that disgusting grandpa anyway?"

[Why not? You have no idea the guidelines for reincarnation these days. All those NEETs, those edgy OTAKUs, those perverted dogs! *sighs* Gone is the era where gods reincarnate people out of character.]

"But aren't you just the same? Also, you haven't answered my question!"

[Right. That 'God' was from, you could say, a different faction from mine. They are trying to access to this world while I am keeping my eyes on their movement and sometimes killing their reincarnated people while trying to enter the barrier. My job was to keep intruders away but during the 34th attempt, I slipped up and a snake manage to enter. That was why I decided to directly interfere with their plan by planting my own 'reincarnator'. You are basically an impostor. I tried so hard to make you stand out from the eyes of those fools so they may choose you, and considering the current meta in choosing reincarnators, you actually fit in to the MILF lover category. My next part of plan was to destroy their system after you arrive in this world so that the other reincarnator won't be notified to which I failed so I did the next most logical thing, eat it.]

"O-oh, w-wow." I honestly don't know how to react to this. You're telling me that someone was spying on me while I'm drilling women left and right?! 'Kinky'

[*rolls the non-existent eyes*.... Your questionable priorities aside, my purpose, as I have stated was to disrupt their plan one way or another while yours, we'll, you're doing it with me. Mwehehehe and don't bother complaining about it because I know who you really are. And my purpose aligns with your deep-seated interest.]

The atmosphere turned colder for a moment as I turned silent while narrowing my eyes.

*chuckles* I then broke the awkward atmosphere as I gestured for it to continue its explanation.

[... about the 'tier' of this world. Well, as far as I know, there are three types of worlds in the omniverse. Normal, Super, and Mythical.

Normal Tier makes up most of the worlds with a handful of Super Tier and a few Mythical. So how do we classify Normal, Super and Mythical? For starters, any world within the omniverse having minimal to zero supernatural ENERGIES are considered Normal Tier. It may or may not contain supernatural being, in the case it does, the strenght of that being won't elevate the tier UNLESS the supernatural being itself is in some way influencing or directly connected to the structure of the world, like strengthening it or something along the line.

Take Marvel Cinematic Universe's Earth for example, while it may house some strong Mutants and is being visited by 'gods'. The structure of the world is the same as your Earth. A bomb on your Earth will do the same damage in MCU under similar circumstances.

In the case of Super Tier, anime world like Naruto and the 'normal' Earth in High School DXD can be considered as such because they PRODUCE Nature energy in Naruto and Magic power in HSDxD. Of course, the said worlds have more than one type of supernatural energy so don't @ me. With the presence of these energies, the world is affected one way or another. Consider the term "tempered" just like in xianxia. Being exposed to such energies will have drastic effect to the world itself and not just its inhabitants.

Mythical Tier is the Domain of Gods. Olympus, Asgard, Underworld, Netherworld, Heaven, even the Dimensional gap can be counted as such and many more. Of course there are several levels in Mythical Tier as The Dimensional gap is capable of spawning Great Red and Ophis. ]

*whistles* "That... does kinda make sense..? But what about this world? You never mentioned it."

[Smart. I've said there are three Tiers when classifying the world inside the omniversal reality but there are some exceptions. This One Piece world, some cultivation world, and the Outerverse.

In the case of cultivation world, it is because of the ever present energy that helps cultivator ascend to godhood. The abundance of energy often correlate to the tier of the world, but let's not give it much of importance for I doubt you'll go there.

As for the Outerverse, honestly, I refuse to say anything about it. And don't force me. It's your fault you haven't been keeping up with the wikis.

For this One Piece world, well, it is said to be made up of everything inside of a broken universe. Legend said that a war so grand happened before this world's creation that it left the universe literally in pieces! What happened after that, nobody knows for it was until millions of years later where life started to sprout on this planet so no one has yet to verify this. But one thing is for sure, this world housed one of the most absurd power in existence!] The system nearly shouted the last part as it was excited for some reason.

*cough* "okay, that was one long of an explanation but I get the gist of it now. But still, where are we and what timeline we are in? Also, since you are a system, what functions do you have?"

[Who knows? I honestly don't know where we are or what time is it from the canon.  Also, stop calling me system, I identify myself as woman and my name is Mei Mei. Ara ara~]

"Pffft! Bullshit! I refuse! I object! I am fucking against it! I'd rather see you as that annoying system which everyone hates!" I admantly refuse ITS suggestion.

[Ara~ but I thought you like MILFS. I may not have a child but I am pretty sure I can be passed of as an onee-san, J-A-C-K - kun~] IT said teasingly

"Bullshit! Who do you think I am? I am not sick enough to associate a mechanical system into a blazing hot woman just because it said so. I am an asshole, not a sicko!" I refute its words.

[*giggles* well, no matter, it's not like you can do anything about it. By the way, I may have devoured the previous system but I choose to remove most of its functions from mine.  That includes the shop, missions, and level up system. That only leaves inventory and I must say, it is quite a convenience.] It began talking to me seriously, with quite a heavy tone at that.

I pondered her words and I must say that it was a good idea. While levelling up may be quite 'convenient' but I am sure it will be more of a bane instead of a boon in the long run. After all, the system was given by 'divine' being and how can it tolerate to have someone better than its creator. It is counterintuitive. Not to mention the sketchy way of levelling up by killing some mobs. What kind of energy is converted from experience? Where did it come from? Now that this system is brought in the real world, the convenience it brings is easily questioned. The same goes for the shop function, where does the item come from? OP stuffs? How can mortals be really given access to such? Not to mention that their sketchy way of choosing the person. If you think of it clearly, the chosen someone was either a loser outcast, a traumatized person or just plain sexually frustrated virgins. Naive and easily controlled. I am an exception of course. he he

"Damn. If you think about it clearly, this reincarnation thing is sus as hell."

[Indeed. The best way to improve is through facing countless challenges and hardwork!]

It seemed to nod sagely

"Spare me the lesson, woman! So what use are you then?"

[Ara~ fully accepting it now aren't we? Well, aside from being a cum dumpst--]

"Be serious!" Damn, this system is giving me migraines!

[Alright, alright, alright *giggles* get it?]


[Okay, so serious. Haiyaah. *chuckles*]

Then, a row of data is flashed on my vision.



[Conqueror's Path!]

Your path is the way of the [Conqueror]!

Where your [Ambition] points, all else follows!

The [Conqueror's path!]

Whenever you have a goal to accomplish, the system will set it as your [Mission]! If you achieve the said goal, the system will be able to unlock a part of its sealed power which will be given to you as a reward!


I raised my eyebrow. It is kinda good to be honest. While it may sound useless to some as it does not really resemble that of a bonafide system but at the same time, it does not dictate your actions. The reward where a part of its power will be slowly unlock is questionable as why won't it unlock everything in the first place? But all in all, it is preferable than some other sketchy system.

"About the rewards, why would you 'slowly' unlock it if you can just give me everything and we will have an easier time?"

[I can answer you that right now or you can wait to find out the answer as we venture forth. If you trust me then I suggest the latter.]

"Alright. I will give your words the benefit of the doubt. So what about my physique and constitution. Why is it absolute yet average at the same time?"

[This is really an interesting question. You and I have come to know that there are some individuals that excel in different fields, while some are just downright disappointment, and there are some that fits somewhere in the middle. Those who excel are considered geniuses while its opposite are, well, 'failures' for the lack of better words. Those who sits in between are average but if you look at it closely, those results are more or less subjective. Meaning, a genius at a certain field would be average at others. It is just we tend to focus more on his/her excellence. The 'failures' will be average at one thing or more but since they are not exceptional, we tend to focus more on what made them stand out, hence, their failures. Even the 'average' has some field where they can be considered above the norm but not enough to warrant exceptionality. It just how things go. There are no perfect 'lesser' species. Even gods has their fair share of defficiency. In the case of evolution, different species would excel and at the same time fail. No matter how a being 'seemed' perfect, you are bound to find a weakness at some point. Or why else would an orange haired kid yelling 'believe it' along with his 'nakamas' be able to defeat a boss way above their leagues? Plot armour? Even that has its limits. No matter how godly Plot armour works it still have to find a weakness or loophole in general to exploit.] She feels irritated for some reason.

"Damn, you don't have to throw shades at my boy, you know? I liked that series!" I refute.

[*cough* I kinda got carried away. Anyway, back to the explanations. There are almost no species who excels at everything and if there is, they have to be so strong and well above the path of evolution and still, you will bound to find something against them at one point because if not, well, you are screwed and being screwed should not be how things go. You do the screwing]

"Wise words, they are" I nodded sagely while stroking my non-existen beard.

[About your'Abosulute' Physique and Constitution. *ahem* I honestly don't know. Teheee~] she said playfully.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I ask calmly.

[Tsk. No fun. I honestly don't know. During the making of your new body, I only input one condition, an unfettered potential in exchange for other powerful traits like 'Godly Physique' or 'Will of D' and whatnot. My only guess is that while some reincarnators received nigh-infinite potential as a blessing or acquired because of the system, it should come at a cost. After all, it is not theirs but bestowed upon them. While your physique is not anything special, it may have the term 'absolute' on them, but it is just a way to say that you are 'Pure' average at best. If put into numerical term, you'd be a 5 in everything out of 10. I could give you a physique that will have nigh-infinite vitality and strenght but it will be your limit. So I decided against it and just 'cleared' all your profile. With this you'd be limitless. You are like a blank canvas, whether you be a pig or Omniarch Porky is entirely up to you. Nee-san here will be with you all the way. To sum it up, you may be the perfect 'JACK of all trades' ] *giggles*

I feel excited for some reason. I also approved of her decision and thank god she is not some idiot bimbo system. I don't hate the fact that she is doing it behind my back, after all, I am not an insecure little bitch. If she plots against me, I will try to resolve it and if I can't then I'll die. No point worrying about it, it'll just give me unnecessary headache. But still, the idea of having a blank physique and calling it Jack Of All Trades seemed good. I don't hate it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it.

"I still have so many questions but I guess that's about it for today. I wanna process everything you've told me first. Though, you really don't know where we are? *sighs* I guess there's no point in complaining about it. For now I wanna rest as I am really tired right now. "

I made my into the island, the integration was done in the middle of our conversation so I could move my body now. By the way, I don't know why but this body feels perfect for some reason.

All those things happening made me hungry but I decided to wait until morning to find food. It is night time after all. I found a rather big tree with wide branch. I decided to stay there for the night so I went to find some vines and made sure it is sturdy enough for a 3'3" and not overly skinny boy. I used it to help me climb the tree and settle in its branch, I then proceed to secure myself with a vine so I may doze of to sleep but the system's voice rang.

[Aren't you gonna make sure to secure your surroundings first? What if there's a snake in the tree? Or a ferocious animals that can make a dinner out of you? That's rather careless of you, Jack!] She chastise my carelessness in a tone of a mother scolding a child.

I sleepily answered with a yawn " I was sure you were done scanning the island and if there were danger nearby, you'd notify me. After all, you seemed hell bent on achieving your purpose so you won't let anything happen to me. Besides, even if I am wrong then I will just put myself in danger. No big deal."

[You really shouldn't take your life lightly, you know?] She said softly.

"Geez Louise, spare me the drama. I.. wannà... sleep.." *snores*

[...*sighs* You don't have to hide the anxieties you are feeling you know, my Jack.]

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