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75% Marvel with the power of Accelerator. / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Chapter 5


Author's note.

First I want to thank you for taking the time to read this.

And I think I should have specified it in the synopsis, my English is not very good. I also do all this from my cell phone so it is quite uncomfortable to make the necessary corrections.

But I will try to improve and use grammarly to increase the quality.

And I uploaded an extra chapter because tomorrow I won't have time to do it.


"Even for me, it's painful to be seen that way. Because we didn't get to the part where we remember that Logan tried to steal Scott's wife, which I'm totally for I have to admit." Too bad there was no one who shared my thoughts to high-five me. Just being in the room Charles, Emma, ​​Jean, and Doc Mcoy.

"Using Cerebra to pick up girls is off-limits Arthur. And especially that kind. Don't you have limits?" Both Charles and Jean were beyond upset. I pretty much desecrate an instrument that is meant to help mutants.

"I won't talk about Cerebra's obvious wasted power. And where's Logan?" It would be simpler to explain everything if Logan was here. Since those two seemed to not accept reasons.

"He had to leave. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you destroyed my trust, Arthur. If you think this place is a joke that much you should leave." Jean was the most aggrieved, and I didn't blame her. Without the necessary context, everything indicated that I was a big idiot.

"I understand. It looks bad I admit it, and I understand that I didn't give you reasons to support me. So why don't you let me find the girl who was with me and we solved all this." Yes, X-23 escaped. Neither Mufasa should have felt so betrayed. But it was my fault, that girl was a nervous wreck, so asking her to accompany me to a completely unknown place must have gotten her over. But now I was in a pretty bad situation. And I thought we had a moment.

"Don't think we'll use Cerebra for that again."

For a moment I thought I saw Jean's hair turn to fire. Which even for me is a little scary. I'm not ready to fight a cosmic entity yet. But soon.

"I understand, I know I did wrong. But let me get better, maybe I won't show it soon. But deep down, deep down. I want to be a good person. So let me redeem myself." I didn't forget that Jean helped me in the end, so I just accepted my punishment without saying too much.

Charles was the first to calm down. "I want to talk to Arthur for a moment. And Jean will take care of the punishment of him, the rest can return."

"You and I are not finished, young man."

Both Emma and Hank didn't mind too much. Emma found it very funny to see Jean so angry. And Hank was trying not to laugh at my initial comment. He was ready to hit my palm if that didn't threaten his life.


Being alone the teacher tried to relax. But it seemed that with Arthur no one was simple.

"I know you speak the truth."

"I guessed so, I guess not arguing directly against Jean was the smart thing to do. You are quite a wise professor."

"And yet one of my students gives me a huge headache."

"Then I'm leaving. Saving the day is pretty exhausting. I can't wait to retire anymore."

"For someone so young. You speak like an old man."

"What can I say. Just thinking about what awaits the mutants makes me want to give up."

"You don't sound very optimistic. We'll try to work on that."

"How do you say, professor." Arthur decided not to speak anymore. Thinking about the future made no sense.


"I think you're in the wrong place, boy. It's the first time I've seen you around here, though."

"I also believe we have not been introduced. Arthur Mercer, at your service."

"So it was you're Arthur. Logan has talked about you a lot."

"I hope only good things."

The girl in front of Arthur had to suppress her laugh to keep from laughing out loud, "Only bad things I have to say. But now that I know you in person you don't seem so bad. And my name is Rachel, you can ask me anything".

"And you're a teacher? Since now I would have a reason to go to class."

"I don't teach. I'm not really usually here, but when I can I come to visit my mother."

"Mother?". Arthur saw Rachel. She was quite young, maybe 20 years old. Red hair and green eyes, along with very delicate features. Her body was quite athletic and although her curves could improve, she definitely came out on top.

Arthur thought a bit, his knowledge of this world was very fragmented. But he was quick to make the connections.

"I thought Jean was younger. She really has good genes."

"It's not the way you imagine it. It's a bit complicated, and it has to do with time travel and different universes...If you're in this place long enough you'll get used to it."

"Oh." Although Arthur had a thoughtful expression, the first thing that came to Arthur's mind was the legendary mother-daughter sandwich. Which seemed like a good way to die.

"Earth to Arthur? You do get into your thoughts."

The black-haired man reacted and realized that he got too involved in his thoughts "My mind is an enigma. Don't waste time trying to understand it"

"That just makes it more interesting. And now I'm intrigued, especially since I heard about your powers." Rachel put on an expression as if she remembered something. "Come with me, my team was ready to train. You might as well learn a few things from us."

"Sure, I was also curious about that place."

"Then follow me, and let me remind you that this place is the girls' dorm. You could get into a lot of trouble if someone catches you."

"Oh, actually I was lost. But I guess my luck brought me here. Sometimes it seems like fate hates me." Arthur pretended to be sad. That he somehow curried favor with Rachel a little.

"Don't worry, most here don't have good stories. But I assure you that everyone in this place can be your new family."

Rachel was kind enough, as she more than anyone else knew how tragic it was to be born a mutant.

Arthur paused for a second as his moral compass activated. But it was only an instant. "Thank you Rachel, I always wanted to have an older sister like you."

"You're such a cute thing. I've already started to like you, if you need anything in the future you can call me." Rachel was happy that the new student was so nice. She was used to most of the men in this place acting like pretentious machos.

"Then I will, but for now let's go. I'm really curious to meet the others."

"Of course I do. Let me introduce you, everyone is nice, even if Bishop doesn't have a great friendly face. And please don't tell him I said that."

"Easy, I've got your back." Arthur smiled as he followed closely behind Rachel.


"You can call me Kurt mein freund."

"Arthur. And I have to say you are my second favorite X-men."

"Oh... big surprise. I'm quite grateful for your words."

"Aren't you going to ask who's number one?"

"I'm happy being number two. It means I have chances to improve."

"Wow...You're a great guy...This is new, I'm used to dealing with idiots. Come to think of it, it's hard for me to make male friends." Arthur never put any effort into making friends. So it was a nice surprise to meet someone really nice.

"I told you, Kurt is the best. And a great leader, too." Rachel was happy that the first meeting worked out. Especially when she heard from Logan that Arthur only made people angry.

"I'll admit it this time. I like Kurt, and the color blue makes him quite stylish."

"It's nice to meet you too, Artus freund. And I think you're a nice person, too." Kurt didn't expect that during his break time that he would meet someone that he wouldn't judge by his appearance. "And Rachel said you wanted to practice, but this might be a little advanced for a newcomer. Why don't you just watch this time."

".....". Arthur was actually ready to show off big in front of Rachel. A solid plan to make a great impression. But for some strange reason, Arthur had no intention of upsetting Kurt. "Sure, I think watching is a good way to start."

"Then come with me. This is Kurt's turn." Rachel took Arthur's hand as they left Kurt alone.

"And who is that?"

But when Rachel and Arthur came out, a man with a dark complexion and a tattoo at eye level asked him.

"Arthur this is Bishop. Bishop this is Arthur."

"And what is he doing in this place? The students cannot be here." Bishop looked Arthur up and down. But he didn't see anything amazing, so he just thought that Arthur will be just a mutant who will die in the future without leaving any mark on history. Or he would know. Since the name of Arthur was totally inconsequential for the future.

"I can bring whomever I want. Better hurry up and get in." Rachel normally got along with Bishop, but this man was very infuriating.

"Whatever". Bishop continued to ignore the two.

"A whole character". Arthur didn't think too much. Besides, it was a minor matter.

"He can be a little moody but he's quite nice." Rachel didn't want Arthur to have a bad image of Bishop, so she immediately defended him.

"Don't worry, I understand. I can say that he is a person who went through a lot. But because we don't forget that, you show me the place."

"Clear". How Arthur didn't seem to care. Rachel got her spirits back up pretty quickly.

They both reached the control room. Where everything that happened in the danger room was controlled.

Arthur is surprised. Since although he had powers, the technology part was completely new to him. And learning was a good way to pass the time.

"I see you like it, you can come when you want. With supervision obviously."

"Is that a date Miss Rachel?"

This earned a laugh from Rachel. "Nice try Romeo. But no, good luck in a few years."

Rachel was currently 20 years old, and Arthur was 16. And although there was little difference, there was still a significant difference.

"Don't blame me for trying. I rarely get the chance to talk to someone so beautiful."

Rachel admitted it. Not any young man could say what Arthur said without embarrassing himself. That was worth some points but not enough. "I'd better watch you, with that mouth of yours I'm afraid you'll deceive the students of this place".

"Am I hearing jealousy?"

"Whatever". Rachel rolled her eyes at Arthur's taunts. Being able to talk nonsense was refreshing, though, especially in her line of work.


"Can someone wake up Arthur? Class is over."

But none of the students was willing to accept this task. Since the last unlucky one tried for many hours a success.

"You can come back, I'll take care of it." Hank took off his glasses to massage himself a bit. Although Arthur was coming to all the classes, that young man only slept the entire time.

And it wasn't a surprise, since Arthur always disappeared at night, returning in the morning ready to go to sleep.

Was that a step forward or a setback? Maybe they could call Hank an optimist. But he knew that Arthur was holding himself back quite a bit, even with his relaxed and narcissistic exterior. Hank noticed that Arthur was lost, someone without direction. And remembering Emma's words from last night made Hank just sigh.


"So did you put the puzzle together Emma?" Professor Charle Xavier asked with unconcealed anticipation.

"I definitely wouldn't call it a puzzle, I've made contact with every person Arthur Mercer has come across since he was born." Emma was tired, but the matter of Arthur Mercer could not be ignored. Since they could have a potential sociopath.

"And what did you find?" Scott asked from a corner. Driven by the very bad interactions of him with the person involved.

"Well, from a psychological point of view, it's not good at all. Maybe we could be facing someone in a strange stage of rebelliousness. Or before a sociopath who lacked empathy with narcissistic and self-destructive tendencies."

"Don't you think that's a bit of an extreme diagnosis, Emma?" The person who intervened was Jean. She had to admit that the beginning of her with Arthur was not good at all, but after calming down and checking everything. She realized that Arthur helped someone in dire need, even losing face in the process. So he shouldn't be that bad.

"Perhaps, but compile the history of Arthur's life. I'd say quite a case." Emma wasn't totally happy with Arthur. Since he was too unpredictable, a bomb could blow up in their faces. "We can start with the birth of him. A baby who never cried, even when Arthur almost starved to death he never cried. A pretty bad memory of the charge nurse." Emma saw the memories directly, so she more than anyone else could tell that Arthur had something seriously wrong from a young age.

"But that doesn't say anything. That Arthur is quiet doesn't say anything about him." It was weird, but Jean won't judge Arthur for that.

"Okay, let's continue with his childhood. Neighbors and acquaintances vividly remember how antisocial Arthur was. At no time did they see Arthur show any kind of positive emotion. Only a total lack of empathy was the only detectable thing. And although there was no behavior alarming, the lack of any emotion is already a dangerous indicator". Emma was already very close to figuring out Arthur. And he didn't seem like he was any good.

"Arthur has kindness. And he showed it, I think you exaggerate." It was complicated, but Jean knew facts that proved Arthur was kind.

"Actually, it didn't come to the worst. After seeing the minds of the neighbors, most agree that Arthur's parents committed various abuses. Only speculation due to the noise and behavior of his parents. But after verifying all the information practically It was a fact, Arthur's childhood was pretty tough." Emma felt a little sorry for Arthur, but what continued washed it away completely.

"But what I want to get to was the strange death of his parents. That for the police it was a robbery that turned into complications and ended in murder. Everything indicated that since many things were stolen, but something bothered me, so I sent someone to dig up the garden of Arthur's old house finding everything missing. Indicating that Arthur at only 7 years old not only murdered his own parents. It was a premeditated plan that fooled everyone ". Even to someone like Emma that was cold, giving up hope that she could trust someone like Arthur.

"...". They all took an icy breath. That new information was too shocking.

All this information came to the minds of those present. Making it an irrefutable fact.

"And now that?". Scott would prefer to expel Arthur. It was impossible to live with someone so dangerous.

Everyone knew who would have the last word. So everyone's attention was directed to that person.

"I understand his discomfort. But I still think the right decision is for Arthur to stay here. He founded this place to help young people, and turning his back on him would go against all those principles."

But Charles's answer didn't seem to please some. "I just hope you're right."

Scott left the room, shortly followed by Emma.

"I still think Arthur isn't that bad. He's a narcissistic jerk, but not someone evil. I trust the Professor's decision." Jean waved before following Scott.

"What do you say, Hank." Charles was quite tired. What he decided could have fragmented the group.

"I trust you professor. And as a scientist, I can't draw any conclusions without collecting the necessary amount of data. But as a beast, there are times when Arthur gives me the creeps."

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