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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"And I knocked that guy out in one blow. Maybe I should become a full-time hero." Arthur was having lunch in the alley like the last few weeks. But in the distance, there was a silhouette that accompanied him.

The dark-haired man was the only one who spoke, but his guest seemed to be listening.

"Then I'm going, tomorrow you want pizza?". Arthur seemed quite unconcerned as he addressed the silhouette of his guest, but surprisingly this time Arthur saw his guest shake his head.

"Then it will be pizza." Arthur cleaned his clothes before walking away without making any kind of noise.


"You know, I didn't think you would call me so quickly."

"What can I say, you left a great impression on me." Arthur smiled as he kissed Jennifer's hand or She-Hulk for his friends.

"It's rare to see someone with manners these days." Jen was also enjoying the moment. Arthur invited her for coffee with the excuse of learning some advice from her. But for Jen, it was a pretty funny move that was taken only as a compliment.

"I also have to say that those clothes fit you very well." Arthur couldn't help but run his eyes over Jen's obscene curves. She was wearing a white blouse that barely contained her enormous breasts, which she paired with glasses and black lipstick that only enhanced her fine features. That she was taller than Arthur didn't take away any points, it made it more interesting. Since Jen wore a miniskirt that showed her long and strong legs with that very exotic green color.

"Boys your age do grow up pretty fast." Jen didn't mind Arthur's looks, she liked her since what woman didn't like her when a man appreciated her beauty. But now she started to remember Carol's teasing making her try to clear her mind and be the mature one in the situation.

Arthur noticed that Jen had still put a barrier between them, so he soon took her to eat at a very fancy restaurant after coffee.

With the countermeasures in place, Arthur rented out the entire place since Jen was quite famous. Making the environment as ambiguous as possible.

In the end, Jen couldn't control the conversation at any point. Arthur was a great conversationalist, making her just relax and enjoy Arthur's company.

But in the end, Jen didn't get any useful information, ignoring that Arthur seemed to have quite a bit of money.

"It was quite an interesting evening. I hope it will be repeated." Somehow Arthur managed to get Jen to her apartment.

And Jen realized that her being young was quite dangerous. He not only made her lower her guard, but he managed to walk her to her house.

Analyzing this whole situation, Jen became a little nervous. She was in front of her house with a minor. And if one of her teammates saw her, she would be the joke of the team. So before things get more complicated, she decided to end all that.

"It was fun, but I have a lot of work so don't expect this to happen again anytime soon. But if you need anything you can call me." In the end, Jen acted quite professionally as she tried to put in her place little strands of hair that fell across her face.

But against any expectation, Arthur got ahead of her and helps her fix her hair. "Is this how you want to end our date? And I thought we hit it off."

Jen's personal space was being invaded by Arthur. But it wasn't awkward that such a handsome and kind man would try a move on her. But it was still wrong.

Jen raised her hand and stopped Arthur. "It wasn't a date. I appreciate all your effort, but I'm older than you and this is wrong. I'll ignore this and we can go back to the beginning, if you need any advice I'll help you." Jen psyched herself up, although getting involved with someone as handsome as Arthur sounded very tempting, reason kept her from taking a step forward.

But this was a two-way battle, Arthur saw Jen's eyes and he saw her inner conflicts. So he decided to help her.

Jen was a little taller than Arthur, which put the dark-haired man in a slightly awkward situation, but it was a minor detail when he made her move. Being in front of Jen's house and finishing their date, it was almost unthinkable to finish without something memorable.

And Jennifer had to admit that she hadn't expected Arthur to have that much courage.

Jen felt her lips being stolen by Arthur quite tenderly. Which made her try to go back to think things through. But Arthur's arms had wrapped around her waist like an unbreakable padlock.

This also took Jen by surprise. She didn't remember the last time she was dominated like that. Especially when she felt a tongue invade her mouth.

How should the heroine feel? She will not deny that she turned on, who does not want a man who knows how to take the initiative. And in her situation, a man who would take the initiative was only a distant dream.

But Jen had a flash of sanity when she felt Arthur's hands becoming more daring.

But not to stop this. Jen was excited and with her experience, she could die at any moment. So why worry about such tiny details.

"So do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?"

A more commanding smile formed on Arthur's face. Since that was a universal sign. "Sure, I appreciate the invitation."

Jen opened the door to her house to let Jen in. And though she felt conflicted, the thrill of doing something wrong only made it more exciting.


When Arthur opened his eyes he saw Jen running around the apartment as she changed.

"Hello". Arthur yawned as he stretched.

"...". But Arthur's carefree attitude made Jen sigh. "I tried to wake you up but you sure are a heavy sleeper," Jen remembered her trying to pick Arthur up. But it was impossible, not even a blow from her managed to wake him up. She had to go to court for work so leaving Arthur alone in her house would be awkward. But at least the black-haired man woke up before she had to leave.

"I'm working on it, but let me start it. I'll make you breakfast." Arthur got up but he was still completely naked after their busy night.

Watching Arthur walk around naked like it was the most common thing in the world made Jen remember that he was a scoundrel. Although seeing him naked was quite an interesting snack. But Jen reminded herself that it was time to get to work, since around with Arthur took a long time, and surprisingly her legs were still a little weak.


Arthur and Jen finished breakfast and parted ways. Jen made some excuses that she was going to be busy for a few days so they won't be able to see each other again. But Arthur knew it wasn't good to be so persistent. Also, the night before was more than memorable. Since just remembering it made a smile form on Arthur's face.

But now Arthur didn't have to do anymore, but this made Arthur remember one more thing. So he headed in the direction of a pizzeria to get lunch.


"I know what they say about pineapple pizza. But what can I say? It's my guilty pleasure."

As always Arthur talked to his guest without getting any response. But this time Arthur had the feeling that he was being judged, so he had to defend his taste for pizza. It seemed like that wasn't the issue though.


But it seemed that Arthur would not get any answers. So he just finished his pizza and left like every day.

It was already getting dark and Arthur was close to the mutant district. That for people with knowledge he threw the best parties. If you knew where to look you could find a great orgy. But there was no one to catch Arthur's eye. So he just enjoyed the night to pass the time.

But unlike any other day, the streets were strangely lonely. And the only thing that Arthur thought was because of all the trouble that there was in Genosha. Some nearly 16 million mutants died yesterday. And it seemed that the mood was quite low.


The tension against the mutants had reached a new level. It wasn't that I cared, all those events didn't affect my lifestyle.

So I took out a cigarette and lit it more out of habit. Nothing harmful entered my body so this was just a habit from my previous life. Perhaps an unconscious desire to die, since even for me to die by myself is difficult.

Thinking about that gives me a headache. I'm supposed to keep moving forward, but I don't see a good reason. I have already lived death and the cruel reality is that no matter what you do in life, nothing will matter that day.

I hate to get blue but that happens when I'm alone with my thoughts. So as always I swallowed all my doubts and started thinking about what to do with all the money I stole. Buying a car can be a good start.

But it seemed that I rambled too much because a group of very nice people had surrounded me.

"Is he a mutie?"

"The sensor is failing, it says there is nothing in front of us."

"Then it must be one. Let's see what this new hand can do."

I was missing so much context, but I could already guess that it was an anti-mutant group. Sometimes I wish I had as much free time as they do. But I think I have it.

"Become part of our evolution."

He didn't have any catchphrases as he didn't know who he was dealing with, so just wait and see what happens. And I had to admit it was a bit gore.

One of those men raised his arm which appeared to have several third-degree burns. But the most disturbing thing was that due to the dimensions that arm did not seem to be his, and that it was stuck with tubes did not help.

"I will show you the true path of evolution"

They looked pretty convinced, but that look didn't seem like the next stage of evolution.

A red substance came out of that lunatic's hand and surrounded me pretty quickly. It was gross so I was ready to go but that stuff hardened pretty quickly.

"Take him with the others"

"Wait! Are you going to take me to your secret base?"

"Of course, you will contribute to our evolution. You should feel grateful."

So they're taking me to their secret base. I guess I can take this uncivilized treatment a bit.


"You sure are a lunatic. How can you like the Phantom Menace?"

"I think it's an underrated movie full of symbolism that's hard for anyone to understand. I have no defense against Jar Jar Binks though. But in my defense, you're the one who took a mutant lung." Being transferred as a prisoner was pretty boring, so I ended up talking to my guard. That taking away his crazy fanaticism, he was a good guy.

"That's why mutants are cancer. Only you can like that movie."

"That's prejudiced." Tastes transcended race, so to make my point I addressed the dog-faced man who was also a trapped mutant. "Did you like the phantom menace?"

The dog-faced man was scared. He was badly beaten, and obviously, his fate will not be pretty. But on such a subject he got something of value.

"I think it's the worst thing that happened to the cinema."

"I think you're exaggerating. What do you say, lizard boy."

"Same, I regret seeing the Phantom Menace."

"I get it, they're scared for this guy. I'd say I hate the Phantom Menace too if my life depended on it."

But it seemed that my words caught the attention of everyone present. But in the end, there was a unanimous thought.

"The Phantom Menace sucks."

"Whatever, the next trilogy will be much worse anyway."

Will there be another trilogy?

"Of course, there will be. And this time it will be played by a woman who does nothing for everything and who in the end will be Palpatine's granddaughter."

"Hey man, that's not cool. You can't reveal that."

It seemed like everyone was mad at my little spoiler. I'm sorry to tell you that's my super-power. So when you steal my brain you'll have to live with all the spoilers for all the movies to come in the future."

"Now I feel a bit reluctant to take your power. But what a specific power, your power will not be seeing the future?"

"No, just seeing the future of controversial movies. So you'd be doing me a favor."

I kept messing around with my guard and everyone else but the truck door slammed open.

"What the hell is going on?"

A guy in a futuristic suit equipped with many weapons came to destroy our conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Bob. If he survives remember to open your mind to art a bit."

My stop had come so I forcefully moved my body fragmenting the substance I was trapped in to turn it into a small bomb.

The rear of the truck was destroyed by shrapnel. The guards who accompanied us were on the ground groaning in pain. A grenade practically exploded in their faces.

But the worst part was taken to highly armed people.

"So..." I had already prepared a grand monologue, but the people in this place had no patience.

Several bazookas headed for me. But none of that affected me, it hurts those who were close to me. I couldn't do much either.

"I want that mutant to dissect."

They weren't joking around here. Too bad my power level is a bit broken for this kind of threat.

I wasn't interested in becoming a hero, but cleaning up those lunatics was a good way to spend the night.

I started stretching my muscles as I jumped to help me do all the calculations using the vibrations to use my powers. Too crude a way to use it, but he was still learning.

"What are you doing. Shoot, we don't need him alive."

"That goes for you too." Several cracks formed under my feet that exploded next to me when I jumped.

I couldn't see anyone's face in those weird outfits, but I didn't care. Herding mutants like cattle made what I was about to do pretty easily.

I didn't allow them to get organized since I struck the first blow.

I got in front of one of the men in suits only to throw a punch. Whoever saw my attack would not think that it could penetrate their armor. But sadly I was the demon they teased.


Everyone present had their fair share of savagery for everything they did, but the actions of the monster in front of them had overwhelmed them.

With a movement of his hands that monster split one of them in half, but the worst thing was the way the man's body looked. A bloody paste as if someone had put a whole animal into a blender.

"What are you doing, shoot?"

Coming out of horror, the soldiers remembered that they too were armed.

In unison, they all pointed in the direction of the monster.

A sea of ​​gunfire concentrated in one direction. The weapons they had were quite large in caliber, even resistant mutants couldn't take much. But that was not all that.

Several members used the stolen abilities of the harvested mutants.

Along with all that, there was a small explosion. Making the deputy leader mourn the loss of such an interesting specimen.

"Look for what remains, so that the death of our brothers is not in vain"

The sub-leaders calm voice helped everyone present to recover from the shock of seeing that monster. So most came to search.

But it was unnecessary, from the ashes and smoke came the same person who had scared them moments ago.

"That was a little disappointing, but now I won't feel so bad about the next thing."

One of the soldiers decided that it was best to escape.

All the noises were so vivid, the soldier could hear the scream of others. That together with the mixture of the noise of the minced meat made a terrifying melody.

The soldier walked away until he reached some trees. His only thought was to keep running, but his senses screamed danger at him. So he turned his head to check what was going on.

Everything was silent, no one was standing or in one piece anymore. The soldier felt his legs weaken, but the worst thing was that the monster was looking at him with a friendly smile.

Piety?. It was the first thing the soldier thought, but at that moment the monster took one of the heads of his companions.

The monster got into position to throw. As if it were a game.

But the soldier in his death saw the head of one of his companions come at him almost instantly. Was the last thing he saw.

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