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94.08% Ordverse Ascension / Chapter 440: Volume 5 – Chapter 56(Recovery)

Chapter 440: Volume 5 – Chapter 56(Recovery)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Primis: Oh…

Hearing this Primis raised one of his brows.

Primis: It's true that as a Half-Adeptus, your value is higher than Shenhe who is a human. However, there is another reason I want her. And that is her potential.

Ganyu: Potential?

Primis: Yes. Her potential far surpassed any Adepti let alone a half-adeptus like you.

Saying this, he turned his head towards Shenhe in his hand.

Primis: With my training, she will for sure reach the realms of Gods of your world.

Ganyu: GODS!!!

This even shocked Ganyu. She never expected this human which Cloud Retainer took under her had such a talent.

This even attracted Ei's attention as she looked at Shenhe in surprise.

'Ei: Hmm. So, she can become as strong as those Gods who I fought in Archon War. No wonder he is so interested in her.'

Ganyu: It's impossible. Shenhe is just a human. And there is a limit to how strong a mortal can become. Hence, there is no way she can even become Adeptus. Becoming God is just a dream.

Primis: We will see that.

He didn't bother giving a proper explanation at that.

Primis: The point is, in my eyes she is more important than you. That's why if you are thinking of taking her place in her stead then I must decline.

Ganyu: ...…

Primis: If there is nothing else the----

Ganyu: What if...…instead of exchanging herself with me, I give myself to you. My only request is that you will let me.........heal her.

Primis: Hmm...

Even though he didn't show any change in expression, Primis mind went into deep thoughts.

'Primis: There is no way, Ganyu will say something like this when she should be fully aware of the consequences of her actions. First and foremost....…'

Pausing, his eyes glanced at the direction of Ningguang who was looking at Ganyu with anxious and panic. She would have already stepped forward to stop Ganyu but when she was about to, Ei's cold eyes swept over her, making her stop on her tracks.

Those eyes were as if saying "I dare you to step forward".

Even Ningguang own abilities and soldiers around didn't provide her with any sense of security at the moment. Hence, she knew she would be dead before she even got the chance to utter a single word.

As a result, she could only grit her teeth and clutched her fists in frustration. She had never felt as powerlessness before. With the rapid development of Liyue Harbor, Liyue Qixing thought that it won't be long before Liyue will separate itself from Adepti and will only be ruled by humans. But now that dream seemed too far-fetched.

'Primis: Ganyu has served as the non-stopping secretary of the Liyue Qixing for thousands of years. She has a huge work schedule and often work overtime. She is a coordinator of the web of information that moves across Liyue Harbor, and the architect of administrative efficiency. Complex meeting minutes, disorderly report data... Every day piles of documents flow by like water, each one personally compiled by her into clear and concise words in order to assist the Qixing's every decision and negotiation as they flow through various organizational departments. In more simpler words...…'

Returning his gaze to Ganyu, he continued.

'Primis: With her disappearance, the entire Liyue Harbor will be paralysed in a way. It will affect it greatly to the point its development will start to dwindle. She knows about it too then why...…'

Suddenly he narrowed his eyes as Primis saw what's going on.

'Primis: I see. So, its your doing "Will of the World". You are making Ganyu to surrender herself to me. She will be like my Hostage. Because of that Liyue Harbor won't do anything to me, afraid I will do something to her in the fit of rage. On the other hands, I also won't do anything to Liyue either since it will affect Ganyu mentally. Knowing how much pure hearted she is, she will definitely be blaming herself if I still do something to Liyue believing she didn't fulfil her duty or something that made me attack Liyue.'

Noticing the determination in her eyes, Primis was certain that that was Ganyu goal all along. She was giving herself to him in order to protect Liyue.

As for why she didn't pray for their Geor Archon to save them, must be because he would have already arrived here a long time ago. Since he didn't, this means he wasn't current on Liyue or something was stopping him to do so. So, she decided to take this step.

'Primis: .... She is really smart. Still, I have a feeling that there must be another reason why "Will of World" want Ganyu to go with me. As if it wants me to---'

Suddenly a realizing hit Primis as a glint passed through his eyes.

'Primis: Give her protection. But protection from whom?'

Next, he used his power to contact with "Will of the World" but he faced the same disturbance he felt while contacting the Will of Black Bullet World.

Sighing he shook his head and walked away. This surprised Ganyu thinking Primis rejected her but just when she was about to try to stop him again, he spoke.

Primis: Follow me.

Hearing this, Ganyu gave out a sigh of relief.

She then turned towards the direction of Ningguang and bowed.

Ganyu: Thank you for taking care of me all these years. I am really grateful and will never forget the kindness people of Liyue Harbor showed me.

At her heartful words, soldiers' eyes were soon filled with tears as they could only lower her head in defeat. They knew they were powerless to do anything.

Ningguang, on the other hands, realized Ganyu thoughts right away when their eyes met. Knowing that Ganyu was doing it for Liyue safety, she could only suppress her helplessness deep inside while trying her best to response.

Ningguang: T-Take care of yourself. And don't forget, L-Liyue will always be your home if y-y-you want to return someday.

Ganyu: Um. I will. Thank you for everything, Lady Ningguang.

She didn't raise her face while replying, trying her best to hide her tears before turning and follow towards the direction of Primis. How she knew where he went? It's because Ei was still waiting for her at the end of the road.





---Wanmin Restaurant---

After returning, Primis made his way to Xiangling room.


The door opened and he saw Makoto sitting on the bed, on his place while his student head was resting on her lap.

It's thanks to Makoto's return that Primis decided to leave Xiangling again to confront with the Shenhe(Demon).

Raising her head, she greeted Primis and Ei with a smile before turning her head at Shenhe in Primis hand.

Seeing her, Makoto couldn't help but let out a sigh of pity for the girl. As a God, if Makoto concentrate her power, she could see what was happening in the Liyue. No wonder her statue back in Inazuma referred as all-seeing eyes of God. Since God was capable of such feast.

Hence, she witnessed the entire fight between Primis and Shenhe from starting to end. Well, instead of calling it fight, it was one-sided beat down. And while Ei was meditating at the shore, she was in truth also witnessing everything.

Makoto then looked at Ganyu behind Primis who was looking at both her and Ei and bewildered.

Chuckling she asked.

Makoto: What is it? Little qilin? If there is something you want to ask then ask away/

Ganyu: Huh? No, I was just surprised to see two same people. However, since both of your personality is different, should I take it as you are twins?

Makoto: You're right. We are twins.

Ganyu: Then...who was the real lover between...…. you two?

Makoto: Oh…

Ganyu: You see, its already a rumour that this Sir and one of you are couple. So, I was wondering......which one of you is with him.

Showing a teasing smile, she answered.

Makoto: What if I said it's both of us?

Ganyu: Wha!!!!!

Ei: Oi, what are you saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Giving an eye to Ei, she replied.

Makoto: Am I wrong? While I spent the time walking around with Lord, you kissed him in front of everyone present. There's no point in denying it since that little qilin had also witnessed it with her own eyes.

This made both Ganyu and Ei face turned to red.

Primis, on the other hand, didn't bother to take part in their conversation. His attention was his student who was still sleeping.

Confirming that everything was fine with ehr, he turned and left the room.

Primis: Come, Ganyu.

Ganyu: Y-Yes.

She then hurriedly followed while hiding her embarrassment. Ei also gave one last glare to her sister before also following Primis.

Once they left, Makoto also giggling seeing how both ran away in embarrassment.




Outside the room.

They all stood in the empty corridor. Since Xiangling and her dad, Chef Mao were sleeping in their room, and the remaining were used to put other stuff, there was no other free room.

Hence, Primis waved his hand and the space in front of started to wrap and expand. Before long a new room appeared.

Witnessing Primis conduct, both Ei and Ganyu were shocked. One should know that Adepti and God can make their own realm. However, instead of creating his own, Primis altered the very fabric of reality itself. This means as long as he desired, reality can be whatever he wanted.

While they stood on their spot in stupor, Primis entered the room.

There was nothing inside. It was completely empty.

He walked to the centre and placed Shenhe there on the floor.


Next, he snapped his fingers and all of Shenhe severed limbs regenerated in an instant. Though the injuries on her body remained.

Ganyu: How did you---

Primis: Start.

Little qilin wanted to ask how Primis returned Shenhe's arms and legs just like that but he interrupted her.

As he was looking at her, Ganyu understood what he meant.

Stepping forward, she kneeled in front of Shenhe and joined her hands in prayer.

Before long, golden adeptus power started coming out of her. It then engulfed Shenhe and started healing her. Still, because her injuries were very severe, it was taking a lot of Ganyu's power.

Primis and Ei were standing behind and looking at spectator in silence.

Suddenly a glint passed in Primis eyes. When it did, Ganyu power which was trying to recover Shenhe's injuries changed its direction.

They went inside Shenhe where her demonic power resided.

That demonic power started absorbing Ganyu's power like spouge.





The half-adeptus was startled as demonic aura started coming out of Shenhe in the next second.

Ganyu: This…

Primis: Continue.

Ganyu: But----

Primis: Shenhe will be fine. You will see soon.

Deciding to trust Primis, she continued giving more and more of her power.

This resulted in more demonic aura coming out of Shenhe. As Ganyu was getting nervous, she saw that that demonic was healing Shenhe. It was even faster than Ganyu's own healing.

'Ei: So, that's how it is. That power of her provides her with very high vitality. That's why she was able to recover and regenerate again and again even after receiving so many life-threatening blows. However...'

She looked at Primis back in front of her.

'Ei: His every next blow was more powerful than previous one. As a result, even such high recovering failed to keep up with the damage she was receiving. Hence, it failed her in the end......…And now after absorbing more energy, her healing power kicked up again.'

With this she put her thoughts away and returned her attention on Shenhe again.

Like this time went by.

A few hours later.

Ganyu was breathing heavy since it consumed a lot of her power. Nevertheless, she didn't care about such thing at the moment since her eyes were on Shenhe who was fully restored to her perfect state.

Finally, the demonic power returned back inside her after doing its job.

Once it did, Shenhe eyelids flustered and she finally opened her eyes again.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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