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Chapter 18: the rise of King bob

I sighed, I didn't want any monsters to disturb me and Shinobu's date so I just controlled the mist and made her explode by controlling her blood.

"Why do I feel like you did something without me knowing," Shinobu asked as she took my hand and we walked towards the entrance to the park.

"eh, if you feel like I did something I most likely did. now come on we don't have all day," I said as I paid for the entry tickets.

we spent the whole day and evening there and had many things happen. I found out that she was scared of dogs, but that wasn't as fun as seeing her on the roller coaster.

when I drove home I was thinking about how to train Percy, I could teach him all I wanted but he is limited by how much he can do with just a sword.

I decided that I could take him to learn water breathing and see what we could do from there. however, I would have to make it so the time still works while I go to another world.

while I was thinking that Shinobu was sleeping in the passenger side of the car. I began to think about the many worlds that I could travel to and decided that later I'll throw it into a wheel chart and spin it.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car, I then went to the passenger door and gently opened it and unfastened Shinobu's seatbelt, picked her up and carried her into the house, and gently laid her down on our bed.

I gently walked out of our room and went to Percy's door and knocked. he came to the door and opened it for me.

"do you need something," he asked.

"I have a place for you to train at to make you stronger. however you can't use your water powers otherwise the training would be useless," I said to him.

"Oh, but why can't I use my powers," he asked.

"Because if you do then what's the point of the training," I said as I rubbed his head.

"so what training am I going to be doing, running push-ups or something else," he asked.

"don't worry I'm not the one training you, this old man I know from somebody I helped out," I said.

"So when are we leaving," he asked.

I thought about it before responding, "maybe in the morning, so we can tell mom and avoid being in trouble."

"yeah, will I need anything or just my sword," he asked.

"don't worry you're going to use a special sword from me that I had to make for you. After all most swords would feel unbalanced in our hands," I said.

"then how come this one feels balanced," Percy asked pointing at the bracelet.

"that's because I made it in the sea, any child of Poseidon can use it, however, this one has a blessing I made. it returns to you and since I used silver you can also kill werewolves," I told him.

"is the anything I should know about this 'training' of yours because the last time we trained I was getting thrown around," he as he rubbed his arm.

"Yup, I learned this technique when I was 7 and mastered it by 8, but don't worry it's hard but there are times when you need to put in the work to get the best results," I said as I gave him a good luck pat.

with that, I headed off to bed and I had my cuddle time with Shinobu, with that I drifted to sleep.

that night I had a dream of being back on Olympus with Hestia and Artemis there with me.

"so you're saying that she already knows about the Romans," Artemis asked.

"Indeed, however she doesn't seem to care about them and doesn't seem hostile to them. she seems to have taken a liking to them," Hestia responded.

"Good, we don't need another war between them," Artemis said.

"your right," I said.

Artemis immediately snapped to me however Hestia just smiled.

"as I said, Alice, you can never sneak up on me," Hestia said.

"When did she get here," Artemis questioned bewildered.

Hestia gave a soft chuckle, "she has a knack for coming here in dreams."

I smile, "so how are my two favorite goddesses doing."

"you know the answer to this already Alice," Hestia said.

"yeah, and also Artemis," I said in response.

"yes," she said.

*ahem* "the item you requested still needs you to properly make it," I said trying to sound vague.

Artemis started coughing, "yes... I forgot about that... I will come by in two days."

"oh and Hestia I'm going to need you to do me a favor soon because the place ima be going to will be pretty messed up without a backer, don't worry you won't have to fight," I said.

"Why can't you ask me," Artemis huffed.

"Now don't get mad, I'm asking for Hestia because I'm technically going to be helping her," I said.

"I'm willing to help you with almost anything you ask," Hestia said as she fanned the fire once more.

"See this is why you my favorite goddess," I said as I tried hugging her.

sadly my dream was ending and I would have to wake back up.

"well stop by at any time, you are both always welcome," I said as I disappeared.

With that, I awoke back in my bed with Shinobu who was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was around 7:37 and reluctantly got up from my comfortable bed.

I walked to the closet and took off my clothes before putting on a fresh set. I sent a clone down to the kitchen to cook breakfast and went to my ... spare room and started to develop seals that could potentially help with training.

I created a seal that would help train newer people that hardly had any training.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 8:14 so I sent my clone up here to my room and dispelled it collecting the memories.

I went downstairs and saw my mom writing what I would assume is her book. she was so emersed that I made a plate and set it down beside her.

the rest of the people in the house started waking up one by one. Kanae, kanao, and Percy came inside the kitchen.

I set the plates on the table before sitting down across from my mother.

"Mom," I said getting her attention, and she looked up from her writing.

"yes Alice," she responded.

"I'm going to be taking Percy to a place to train so he can get stronger," I said.

"Are you asking permission or are you telling me," she asked.

"kind of the ladder," I said scratching the back of my head.

she sighed, "will you guys be safe during your journey."

"of course, I wouldn't put Percy in any unnecessary danger than need be, but don't worry he won't be in danger there," I reassured.

"You never said we're we were going Alice," Percy said.

"We're going to a place that will help you out a lot in your training, but the training should be relatively easy from what I put you threw," I said with a shrug.

I then got a plate and took it upstairs and went to my room to find Hestia sitting there looking at Shinobu.

"this one would have a very bad trauma without your intervention," she said.

"I guess you would have figured it out by now, given how much time you spent here," I said as I put the plate on the table.

"Indeed, it was pretty obvious to me," she said.

"yeah I knew you would figure it out someday, but yeah I saved her sister and their world from man-eating demons.

I was going to take Percy there so he can train to get ready to fight against your father, if you want you can come with me. I was going to stay there for a couple of days before heading somewhere else."

"let's discuss this another time. you said you would need my help with something may I know what it was," she asked.

"yeah, it would take about thirty seconds," I said as I took off my shirt and lay on the bed.

Hestia raised an eyebrow at me, "is that what you were referring to."

"it's not what you think, for the next world I need a drop of blood from a god, and you are the only god that I want to be a part of," I said.

"you're going to make me blush," she said playfully before getting on my back and poking her finger and a drop of her blood on my back.

In front of me was a notification,

[do you wish to adapt to the "danmachi world" system of power?


(note: you can disable this at any time.)]

I mentally clicked yes and the symbols on my back displayed my stats.

[Alice Jackson]


Strength:B 824

vitality: S 999

DEX: S 923

Agility: S 999

Magic: incalculable


As a daughter of Poseidon monsters will go out of their way to kill you. (monsters catching your scent is up)

the one who slew Kronos (plus more monster drops.) (monsters attack you with vengeance)

The one who slew Gaia (earth attacks mean nothing to you.)

the one who stood fear in its face (even primordials don't scare you.) (Gods/goddess powers do not affect you)

the better Orion (Artemis significant other)

demon king slayer (any demons will fear you)


Hestia's face was awestruck. I turned around in bed so I was facing her.

"ho- wha-, what is this," she said probably questioning her sanity.

'i guess the I.D. create still counts as me defeating them' I thought.

"What is this," Hestia cried in shock.

"This will help me a lot in the future," I said before sighing, "the only reason I have the Kronos and Gaia slaying was because I did kill them, just in a separate dimension."

"how do you have access to other dimensions, Alice," Hestia asked curiously.

"let's just say... I have my ways. also, this position we are in is kinda hot," I said pretending to blush.

"ara ara, already sleeping with other women," I heard from beside me.

I looked to my left and saw Shinobu sitting up from the bed.

"It's not what it looks like," Hestia tried to explain.

"It's fine... I already assumed that Alice was going after you, given how she always speaks so highly of you," she said as she grabbed the plate of breakfast and started eating.

"yup she's a good future wife," I said.

the rest of the time spent there was just us talking about what we were doing for the future, plus me.

I left my room and entered the forge room and started crafting a katana for Percy adding some of the seas into the sword.

(3 hours later) (12 pm)

I finally forged Percy a katana and I left my room carrying the sword.

I arrived in the living room and saw Percy sitting there.

"you ready Percy," I asked him as I handed him the sword.

he sighed and got up from the chair, "ready as I will ever be."

with that, we both disappeared and arrived outside of Urokodaki's house.

I dropped Percy off and asked a favor to train him and since I killed muzan he was more than willing to help me out.

with that, I allowed time to flow inside this world and I began to look at the list of worlds I could travel to.

.... Danmachi


enjoy the new chapter, and also I was going to do TBATE but I decided to either finish the manhwa or LN.

Also for danmachi do we wanna go the og route

aka Hestia familia or do we wanna go the Alfia route?

(p.s. if you find any mistakes just know I'm on a new phone so I have time before downloading Grammarly)

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