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37.5% My Doting Husband [BL] / Chapter 21: 21: Service

Chapter 21: 21: Service

The special employee is still wearing his previous outfit. Calmly, he walks towards Ian.

He takes a seat beside Ian and shows a seductive smile. "Hello, Mr. Lewis. I'll be serving you tonight."

'Serving? What kind of serving did he mean?'

Ian just observes the other party. The special employee picks up the spaghetti Aglio olio, twirls it with a fork then brings it to his lips. Ian blinks repeatedly, feeling confused. He leans slightly backward, putting a distance between them.

The special employee's mouth forms a thin line. He fell speechless. This is the first time a client avoided his advance.

"Mr. Lewis, come. I'll feed you." The special employee insists. He slides closer to Ian again.

Ian raises both of his hands, "It's okay. I can eat on my own. Y- you... eat too. Feed yourself. I can feed myself."

The special employee frowns. He can't help but think, 'Is he really a client? this his first time?'

While the special employee is in a daze, Ian picks up his own plate and feeds himself in a hurry.

The special employee watches Ian eat clumsily. He takes the tissue and wipes the creamy sauce at the corner of Ian's lips.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The older man was caught in surprise and choked. The special employee immediately passes the mineral water bottle to Ian and pats his back. His lips curved unconsciously.

"Cough! Ahem..hmm" Ian clears his throat. His ears reddened. He feels so embarrassed.

"Mr. Ian, is this your first time being served?" The special employee asks. His arm touched Ian's arm.

Ian didn't answer and looked away, avoiding the gaze. But from the way he acted, the special employee gets the meaning.

The special employee abruptly stands then grabs Ian's hand. Ian was dragged further into the suite and he was pushed onto the huge bed. His eyes widen when the special employee crawls towards him and sits on top of him.

The special employee tried to loosen his tie but Ian immediately grabbed his hands firmly. He breathes a heavy sigh.

"Sorry but today I didn't come here to do this," Ian confessed.

The special employee knitted his eyebrows. "Then, why would you ask for my service? When you asked for my service, isn't this what you wanted to do?" The special employee slightly raises his voice. Not because he is frustrated at being rejected by a client but he is afraid of the consequences of not being able to 'satisfy' the client.

Ian raises his hand and gently caresses the special employee's cheek. "You...what is your name?"

"N- name?"


The younger man was stunned by the unexpected question. It has been so long since someone asked for his name. All this time, he was referred to and called "No.2". As for the name, those devils and the animal-like client could care less. They will bang him as hard as they want then leave.

"Da- daniel...Daniel Thompson."

"Then, can I call you Danny?"

Hearing the nickname that his mother used to call him, Daniel lowers his head. His face flushed.

"Danny, today I don't want to do anything. I just want to talk with you. Can I?"

Daniel lifts his head and fear is clearly shown in his eyes. His hands tremble and his whole body is shaking.

"H- hey...what's wrong?" Ian asks worriedly.

Daniel clenches Ian's shirt. "You...c- can't. There are ca- cameras in this room. They will watch us from the camera. If- we don't do anything... I... I... will be punished."

Ian pulls the younger guy into his chest, he pats on his back trying to calm his nerves. At the same time, he tried to scan the room. At the corner of the room ceiling, there is one camera and another one behind the vase near the door to the balcony.

Ian whispers, "Is there any place that doesn't have a camera?"


Out of nowhere, Ian strips off, leaving his boxer only. He did the same to Daniel, making the latter dumbfounded.

In an instant, Daniel was lifted and carried to the bathroom. Ian puts Daniel over the sink before filling the huge bathtub with warm water. When the bathtub has been filled, Ian gets into it together with Daniel.

They sit in the bathtub with Daniel's back leaning on Ian's chest.

"Mr. Lewis, I thought this was your first time but you seemed experienced in tending your partner," Daniel smirks.

Ian calmly says, "Just call me Ian. No need for formality and sorry to disappoint you but this is my first time having such intimate contact with other people."

Daniel turns to face Ian with his scrutinizing eyes. "Really? But it seems like you have done this a few times before. You didn't look awkward at all."

Ian chuckles. He flicks on Daniel's forehead, making the latter wince.

"Let's just say... natural instinct?"

Daniel tilts his head, "Instinct? What? Animal instinct?"

Ian shrugs his shoulders."Kind of. Like a male wolf cares and protects its female. Wolves mate for life, don't you know?"

Daniel was just teasing when he said animal instinct but never thought he would receive such a firm but romantic answer. He turns around back and lowers his head, hiding his blush.

Ian was just being himself when he answered it. No hidden meaning or intention.

"By the way, sorry for being blunt but how long have you been...doing this?"

Daniel huffs. "Doing this? You mean acting like a male prostitute?"

"I- I am sorry... I didn't mean it like that."

Daniel shakes his head. "You're not wrong. I am a male prostitute. The difference is that my clients are all rich and high-rank people. But I think, I'm lower than a prostitute. At least a prostitute will get money and can live in luxury. But I? Kept like an animal in a cage and used as a hole for men to vent their lust."

Daniel shrinks his body, hugging his knees close to his chest. Ian can only sigh. He pulls Daniel onto his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

"Can't you leave here?"

Daniel shakes his head again. "How can I leave here? We, the 'special employee' were brought here by them and we're practically living our whole lives here. I have lived here for almost ten years. The man you met before took me in. Even if I leave, I have nowhere to go. I don't have family or friends."

Ian fell into silence. He wants to help Daniel to get out of this place but he thinks that his move might be ruining Randi's plan.

Daniel feels the man behind him has stopped talking. He turns to face him and Ian is frowning while pondering about something.

Daniel turns his whole body around and rides on Ian. Suddenly feels that his member down there faces another man's member, Ian flinches.

Daniel wraps his arms around Ian's neck coquettishly. "Ian, we need to do something. If not, that old man will think that you're suspicious."

"But I don't want to do this. I just want to talk to you."

Daniel sighs and pretends to look anxious. "Seems like I will be punished again. I wonder how many men I have to satisfy after this. Maybe five...or six..."

Ian grabs Daniel's arms tightly and pushes him away from his chest. His voice slightly raised and he sounded angry, "You mean if we don't do anything now, later you have to serve th- that many men??"

Daniel faintly smiles and nods. "That old man will think that I'm unable to satisfy my clients so he will make me accept a group of men at the same time as a 'lesson'."

Ian unconsciously tightens his grip.

"It h- hurts..."

Ian instantly lets his hand go. He rubs against Daniel's arms, "Sorry. I didn't mean it." He was just too angry.

'No wonder Mr. James sounds so disgusted whenever he talks about Evo Org. Now I know why he insisted on doing business with Evo even though he hates this company to the core. I guess he truly meant it when he said he wanted to help someone ruin Evo Org.'

"I- Ian?" Daniel called the man in front of him that was lost in his thoughts.

"Ah? Yes. Sorry. Hmm... is there any way to avoid you from being punished?" Ian asks seriously.

Daniel looks at him in disbelief. This is also the first time someone wants to help him from being gangbanged.

"Y- You need to hold me and...just tell that old man th- that you're really sa- satisfied with me."

Ian chews inside his mouth. "Is there any other way?"

His words sound normal but Daniel feels pain in his heart. "Why? You don't want to hold a dirty person like me?"

Ian waves his hand and shakes his head vigorously. "No! No! No! I didn't mean it like that. It's just...this is my first time. I never did it so...I might hurt you."

For the nth time, Ian surprises Daniel. A handsome, young and elite man like Ian is a virgin?! Who would ever think that?!

Daniel moves closer to him and leans his head on Ian's shoulder. "We have soaked too long. Take me to the bed."

"Oh. Okay." They have been soaking in the bathtub for so long until their fingers started to wrinkle. Ian just wants to have a conversation with Daniel but since the bathroom is the only place without a camera, he has no choice but to soak in the bathtub.

Ian puts Daniel over the sink. He takes the towel and wipes Daniel and his body. Then he takes the bathrobe and puts it on Daniel. When Daniel is covered with the bathrobe, Ian asks him to take off the wet boxer. He hangs the wet boxer over the bathtub, letting the water drain.

After that, he carried Daniel back into the room. He puts Daniel gently on the bed then he takes a seat beside him. His face is directly in front of Daniel and they are really close until they can feel each other's breath on their skin.

"Can't we just pretend we do it?" Ian asks. From the camera behind, it looks like he is kissing Daniel.

"Doing it means we're going to move vigorously. Do you think that old man will believe we do it if we just stay like this?"

"What if I just tell him that we have done it in the bathroom? I'll pretend that I'm satisfied with you and ask him to let you rest. Isn't that fine?"

They did it or not, Daniel still needs to serve other men after this. But if he managed to satisfy Ian, he might only have to entertain one or two men only. To be honest, Daniel doesn't care about that. His body is already used to being tossed and turned around.

However, somehow he wants to be held by Ian. Even if it's just once, he wants Ian to kiss, touch and hold him. Love, of course, it will be done without love but he believes Ian will hold him gently. He wants to experience that kind of sex.

Daniel timidly tries to hold onto Ian's hand. "Ian...hold me, please. Ju- just once."

Ian swallows his saliva. Looking at the beautiful man in front of him, it is a lie if he said he is not tempted to push the younger guy down. Yet, his sanity holds him back. But now, the beautiful man himself asked him to go for it. He is impotent if he still says no!

Ian takes a deep breath then heaves a heavy sigh. "Then, forgive me if I hurt you."

Thus, the sounds of flesh slapping added with moans and groans filled the entire suite.

Despite his first time holding someone, Ian knows what to do to make his partner feel pleasure. The gentle caresses and kisses make Daniel clings to him. Ian keeps teasing his inside, making him cum more than five times, which is unusual.

Normally, when he does it with others, he feels nothing. His heart froze and unless those scumbags hit his G-spot, he wouldn't cum. All he felt was pain plus nauseous.

After three rounds, Ian stops. He managed to stay hard for a long time. As he ejaculates for the first time, Daniel already released his third time.

Looking at the body under him panting heavily, Ian takes out his member from Daniel's back. He leans down and kisses his forehead. "Are you okay?"

With his misty eyes and chest moving up and down, Daniel smiles sweetly at Ian. He nods twice, "I'm fine. It feels good."

"You didn't feel pain anywhere?"

Daniel wraps his arms around Ian's neck. "No. I'm fine. You're so gentle, how can I get hurt?"

Ian was gentle, too gentle. Daniel feels a little bit numb on his back due to hard pounding a few times. But it was nothing compared to what he has gone through before.

"Let's take a shower." Ian lifts Daniel and carries him to the bathroom. Both of them stand under the shower with Daniel hanging on Ian for support, due to his trembling legs.

Ian rubs his skin, removing all cum squirted on their bodies. Daniel just let the other person clean him.

"Spread your legs a little bit. I... I'll scrape out my cum inside you."

They did without condoms because Kenji won't allow them to use one. With all the technology and medicine, they don't need to worry about STDs despite having to serve lots of men. Even if the specimens accidentally got pregnant, it will only make Kenji happy because that's his aim.

Ian slightly lost control and came inside Daniel. As a virgin man, the amount of cum cannot be underestimated so he took a long time before inside Daniel was cleaned thoroughly.

Ian's acts make Daniel feel like they are a real couple. Even for just one night, Daniel wants to let himself be pampered and spoiled.

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