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33.92% My Doting Husband [BL] / Chapter 19: 19: Meeting late future in-laws

Chapter 19: 19: Meeting late future in-laws

As soon as Kevin leaves Stewart's house, he drives home as fast as he can. He was already almost an hour late. He promised Yuki that he will stay at Stewart villa for ten minutes only. But the ten minute stay was dragged until forty minutes because of the mother and daughter drama.

Despite worrying about his little lover, Kevin cannot stop smiling when he imagines how his cute lover is gonna pout and sulk later.

Luckily the traffic is clear so he can reach home in fifteen minutes. As he entered the house, he saw Yuki sitting on a couch, looking so cute and pretty with a new set of clothes that he bought him before. Yuki is watching TV. He knows Kevin has returned but he ignores him.

With calm and steady steps, Kevin sits beside Yuki and wraps his arm around Yuki's waist. Too bad, his little lover didn't turn to look at him.

Looking at the tiny puckered lips, Kevin got the strong urge to lick and suck on them. But he holds it back. He knows he cannot afford to anger his lover more, or else the consequences are unbearable.

"Baby, I'm sorry for being late. I did intend to leave early but Aunty Maria and April suddenly made a scene. Luckily uncle Stewart helped me out. Please don't be mad." Kevin rubs his head on Yuki's shoulder, asking for attention.

Yuki huffs. "Fine." He said that but he still won't look at Kevin. Yuki is trying not to be childish but he can't help but worry. He believes that Kevin loves him but the insecurities cannot be removed.

If one day Kevin decided to leave him, he got nothing to stop Kevin from doing so. He is just a tainted specimen that is used to satisfy other men's lust.

The sad and dejected look on Yuki's face makes Kevin worried. He cupped both of Yuki's cheeks and pulled towards him. "Baby...what's wrong? I'm sorry, okay? Please don't be mad or...sad. It pains my heart to see you like this."

Yuki lowers his head, avoiding the gaze that is full of love and care. He tugs on Kevin's clothes and mumbles, "Don't leave me."

The shaky voice still can be heard by Kevin. He pulls Yuki into his arms and hugs him tightly. "Never."

After a few minutes of cuddling, Kevin breaks the hug. Using his fingers, Kevin combs Yuki's slightly messy bangs. "Come on. I'll bring you to a special place." Yuki lets himself be dragged into the car.

Two similar black cars were seen driving out of Tsujihara mansion. Both of them are fully tinted so other people didn't know who the person inside was.

The men sent by Kenji tried to follow them but once they reached the intersection, both cars went their separate ways.

The lackeys were still contemplating and bickering with each other to determine which car they should follow and in the meantime, both cars sped up until they were out of sight.

In the car, both of them didn't say anything. Yuki is still lost in his thoughts while Kevin just glances at him from time to time. Yuki didn't even realise that they were tailed just now due to Kevin's calm and relaxed demeanour as if nothing happened.

Yuki wakes up from his daze when he notices they have arrived at a cemetery park.

Kevin parks his car at the side of the hills. He gets out of the car then walks to another side to open the door for Yuki. Yuki is used to this so he instantly holds on to Kevin's hand that is reached out to him. "What are we doing here?" Yuki asked.

Kevin opens the backseat door and takes the two medium bouquets of flowers. One of the bouquets, he asked Yuki to hold for him. Hand-in-hand, the couple walks up the hills. Yuki just follows where Kevin takes him and doesn't ask any questions.

They stop their tracks in front of two gravestones. Yuki's eyes widen when he reads the name.

'Shizuo Tsujihara'

'Miyeko Tsujihara'

Yuki turns to look at Kevin and the latter just smiles at him. The two gravestones are side by side and a little bit far from other gravestones.

"Mom, Dad, I have come. Today, I bring someone special with me." Kevin puts his hand on Yuki's arm, half-embracing him. "This my lover, His name is Yuki."

Yuki becomes speechless. He never thought Kevin would bring him to meet his parents. "A- Aunty... u-uncle... I'm Yuki."

Kevin leans closer to Yuki's ear and whispers, "Go on. Tell my mom and dad, what are you to me?"

The earlobes immediately turn red. "Aunty, uncle, I'm...Kevin's...lover."

Kevin ruffles his hair. "Good one." Kevin slightly bows and puts the flower bouquet on his father's gravestone. Then he turns to Yuki, "Help me put it on mom."

Yuki glances at the flower bouquet in his arm. He leans forward and carefully puts it on the gravestone that belongs to Kevin's mother.

"Mom, dad. Please don't worry about me. I'm so happy with Yuki now. I hope with this you guys can stop worrying about me. I love Yuki so much and I don't think I can live without him. I want to marry him so I hope mom and dad can give your blessings."

Yuki's heart is thumping hard.

The wind suddenly blows and the flowers from the nearby tree flutter and fall over them, as if they are walking on the aisle during the wedding.

Kevin turns to look at Yuki and notices the flushed face. He pecks on Yuki's forehead, "Seems like mom and dad approved."

"Ah. Don't worry about grandkids. Even though Yuki is a man, he is special. In the future, we will bring along your grandkids. Right, baby?"

Kevin received a hit on his chest instead. "Why would you talk about that in front of them?!"

Kevin just laughs out loud. He pulls Yuki's waist and now their chest sticks to each other. Kevin rubs the soft cheek using his thumb. He pinches Yuki's chin and locks their lips. The kiss was intimate but not too intense.

After Kevin finally breaks the kiss, Yuki hides his face on Kevin's chest. The embarrassment came a little bit late as he just realised they are still in front of Kevin's parents.

"It's still early. Do you wish to go somewhere?" Kevin asks after they return to the car. The time shows 3:45 pm and it is still early to return home.

Yuki thought for a while before saying, "Then...can we go and see my parents?" Yuki asked timidly. His parents' graves are quite far from their place so Kevin might not agree.

But a loving boyfriend like Kevin, how can he say no when his boyfriend asks cutely. He squeezes Yuki's face and pecks on the puckered lips. Chupp!

"Anything for my baby. Let's go."

The journey took one hour and fifteen minutes to reach the other cemetery park. The cemetery park looks simple but clean unlike the previous one where the rich people were buried.

Kevin walks Yuki to the place where his parents were buried but he halts his steps about fifteen metres away. "Go on. I'll be waiting for you here."

Just like before, Kevin had brought Yuki to this place but at that time they are still not so close as of now. Kevin knew Yuki might have something to talk to his parents privately so he didn't intend to eavesdrop, thus he stayed a few metres away.

Even though right now they are a couple, Kevin believes there might be some matters that Yuki might not want him to hear.

Yuki looks at his empty hand that was released by his lover. He lifts his head and meets with the smiling face of his boyfriend that ushered him to go and meet his parents alone. However, Yuki doesn't want to do that.

Yuki takes hold of Kevin's hand and drags him along. Kevin was surprised but he can't contain the smile.

Just like how Kevin introduced him to his parents before, Yuki did the same. "Mommy, daddy, I'm here and today I bring along my lover. His name is Kevin."

Yuki turns to face his boyfriend. Kevin's face is mixed with a happy, touched and excited expression. Yuki almost laughed when he saw the unexplainable expressions.

Kevin kneels in between the two gravestones. "Uncle, aunty, my name is Kevin. I'm Yuki's boyfriend. I love Yuki with all my heart. I promise I will take care of him and I won't hurt him. I hope both of you can accept me as your son's life partner."

Yuki joins him kneeling and links his arm with Kevin. "Kevin has helped me a lot. He is kind and caring. He takes very good care of me and...I love him. I wish to spend my life with him, so please give your blessing."

Yuki keeps ranting about his daily life in front of his parents while being hugged from behind. Kevin's smile never ceases as Yuki keeps mentioning him to his parents. That just shows how Yuki's life always revolves around him.

The time shows 15 minutes past six. The temperature is getting chiller and the wind is stronger. The sky was also getting darker so they decided to return home.

Kevin wanted to bring Yuki to have dinner at the hotel but his little lover fell asleep in the car so he just directly drove to their home.

Kevin didn't want to wake Yuki up so he just carried him into the house.

Aunty Emma saw the sleeping beauty in Kevin's arms, her lips curved. She asks in a low voice, "Need dinner?"

Kevin nods. "Just light ones."

Kevin carries Yuki to the bedroom and puts him gently on the bed. He takes off Yuki's socks and tucks him under the duvet. After planting a kiss on Yuki's forehead, Kevin walks out of the bedroom and heads towards his home office.

Lucas and Sam are already waiting in front of the home office. They walk inside right after Kevin and close the door behind them.

"So?" Kevin doesn't need to ask a long question but his men can understand what he meant.

"After they lost us, they didn't try to find us so we made a turn and followed them instead. They went to Evo Org. building but just parked outside the building and didn't go inside." Sam explained.

"But they are already back here again right? Those idiots thought I wouldn't notice their car." Kevin scoffs.

"Yes, they just stayed a few minutes in front of the building. They make a call then they return here again," said Lucas.

Kevin taps on the table then he turns on his PC. He copies one of the footage of the surveillance camera and sends it to Sam's phone. "Scare them a little bit with this. Threat them that we will contact the police if they keep snooping around the mansion."


"And tell them to tell their boss, just meet me directly if he is so curious about my life. Don't go around like a lovesick stalker that was rejected by me."

Lucas and Sam tried to hold back their smile. They just nod.

Knocks on the door interrupted their discussion.

"Yes, come in," Kevin says.

A small head popped out from the slightly opened door and the long hair swayed left and right due to his movement.

"So- sorry... Am I disturbing?" Yuki unconsciously shrinks his body when three pairs of eyes look at him.

"No, you're not. We are done talking." Kevin waves his hand, dismisses his two bodyguards then flickers his fingers asking Yuki to come closer.

Kevin pulls Yuki onto his lap. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just woke up and didn't find you beside me." Yuki still feels a little bit sleepy. He nestles his head on Kevin's neck.

'Why is my baby so cute?!!'

Kevin is battling with his self-restraint. He takes a deep breath before Kevin's junior goes wild.

"Baby, do you feel hungry?" Yuki nods twice.

"How about you go and take a bath first then we'll have dinner."

Yuki nods again but he doesn't move, still clings to Kevin.

"Baby, if you don't go now, I will follow you into the bathroom," Kevin whispers. He tried to scare him a little bit because he knows how the latter always gets so shy whenever they do more than kisses.

However, today is Kevin's lucky day. Not only was he not being pushed away, Yuki even tightened the wraps around Kevin's neck. Thus, without any delay, Kevin carries Yuki to the bathroom to have a shower together.

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