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42.7% Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite] / Chapter 74: Chapter 70 - Leche Flan Vs Pudding!

Chapter 74: Chapter 70 - Leche Flan Vs Pudding!

Finishing cleaning himself using [ Requip ] magic that he acquired from the Gacha to change his clothes. Kie and Nezuko were fascinated because they had just witnessed Ryuu sweat drop due to their intense gaze. 

"Was that also magic?"

"That's rather convenient to have since wearing our kimono is a hassle."

"I'm not sure since I don't know anything besides technique that could be transferred."

Unlike techniques, Magic sometimes is born to that person or fated to be used by that person. Ryuu tried finding ways in the system later but he had to spend a large amount of points.  

Nezuko was saddened by the news while Kie only nodded, not wanting to disturb Ryuu too much after what he went through.  

"But can we still learn magic?"

"I'm curious what kind of magic I would have. From what, Kanae explains, would give us our unique magic base from our personalities."

"That's right, Kie. I believe they also told me that I came from another world?*

"That's right, Mitsuri mentioned that you came from a different world than us. Is that true?"

"Yes, I came from a land similar to your world but in the distant future. Though, I might not be able to bring you because of some issue."

Ryuu's tone became serious mention an issue which was anime lovers recognizing them in public or awkward things if they learn about it. Though, he knew that eventually even how much he tried to hide they would still find out in the end. 

Nezuko was confused, seeing that he was hiding something vital from them. Similarly, Kie raised her brow observing her lover's tone that was unusual than how he spoke earlier.

"Are you hiding something from us?"

"I notice that as well. Shinobu said that you would tell the rest about everything."

"Well, I think it's best for you two to relax before I tell you everything since it might overwhelm you and I'm scared that it will cause more harm than good once you learn everything."

Ryuu didn't want to surprise them left and right, shoving everything in a single week. It might break their mind if he told everything all at once. 

"I understand then tell us now. It's best this way to show how committed we are staying with you."

Kie knew that they were turning back and even whatever he's about to tell them wouldn't affect her the least.

"Ryuu, whatever you're about to tell us. I assure you we will handle it." 

Nezuko went closer to hold his hand at the same time as her mother did, making the three nod in approval. Mitsuri was crying seeing them show their commitment to him.

Ryuu was more than he was anticipating since there were real people and giving them an existential crisis would make anyone go insane. He decided to just tell them since there is no turning back now.

"Alright if you insist…just know that I can erase your memories about everything and live your normal lives."

He said seeing them nod before Ryuu explained everything from the start trying his best to see their reaction that distort in numerous emotions.

"That's it….if you feel it too much then I-"

Before Ryuu could finish, he was surprisingly hugged by Nezuko followed by Kie tightly embracing him. He was surprised that they didn't think that he manipulated them since he knew nearly everything about them. 

Ryuu dislikes lying, especially those important to him but knew it was for the best. 

"Thank you, Ryuu, for saving us from such a tragedy."

"You've lifted the burden that my brother would have faced alone….thank you."

They thank him for only making Ryuu feel guilty but slowly smile in relief that the two didn't hate or feel any sense of existential crisis. He didn't say that their life was fake, rather only had similarities to a story in his world.

It didn't contain everything but only important events and had some differences to their own life. 

"I'm surprised you taking it quite well."

"We're so glad we've met you, Ryuu. I didn't want my son and daughter to be all alone."

Ryuu smiled and always found Tanjiro was stronger than him since he sought vengeance against those that wronged him while he only moved forward. 

"Leaving you now would be pointless. We know that you'd be in pain. You asked for our opinion first and gave us a choice that only shows how much you value us in your life."

Nezuko said while smiling softly, giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. Kanae giggled while Mistrui blushed and Shinobu only smiled at the scene.

"We will be with you till the end. If you thought it might break our love for you then you've gravely mistaken."

Kie smiled giving the same treatment as her daughter. Ryuu unexpectedly only increased his affection with them by showing he cared for their well being even if that meant letting them leave him.

"Alright, I'm glad you've stayed by your side even after what I said. How about we head inside? I finished cooking some Hot Pot and prepared some….Leche Flan."

Upon mentioning its name, Shinobu perks up looking at Ryuu excited hearing what he just said. 

"You're off the hook for now. Let's go!"

The shift of personality made the girls sweatdrop and warily smile since she was intense when scolding Ryuu.  

"Was she always like that?"

"If it includes the Leche Flan that Ryuu makes then yes."

"What is Leche Flan?"

Kie was a bit worried about Shinobu shift in personality while Nezuko was interested in the thing that caught her attention. 

"Oh it's wonderful! But I prepare pudding though. It's the best!!"

"Hmm! I disagree!! Leche Flan is better than pudding."

"No, I think you should try pudding first."

Shinobu slightly felt challenged showing her obsession with the dessert that made Ryuu sigh as they would start bickering and regretted mentioning it.

"Fufufu you two should get used to it."

Kanae said, looking at the mother and daughter duo as they went inside while the two dessert lovers kept disagreeing. 

They called the children and everyone was in awe of the large table filled with all sorts of dishes with simmering soup in the middle. 

"What did you prepare for us, Ryuu? Isn't it a bit too much?"

"Treat this as your welcoming feast, Kie and don't worry about running out since I had more stored. Just sit down and have fun!"

Ryuu smirked, explaining how to eat as the Kamado was amazed by all the wide dishes prepared for them. It was completely different from the one he prepared for their homes. 


"Careful now, Takeo-kun. Don't rush, the food won't be going anywhere."

"It's so tasty, Nii-san!"

"Teach me how to prepare this, Ryuu. I want to learn more about cooking from you."

Kie wanted to help in the cooking as well even though Ryuu could do it by himself but decided to let there be since it makes her happy doing so. 

They enjoyed their meals and once it was done took a break with Ryuu taking his lovers on top of the balcony to look at the sunset. 

Kie and Nezuko took the side of Ryuu while on chest was Mitsuri since it was her turn after drawing lots. 

"So Ryuu-kun, do you mind letting us know what you're planning for the future?"

"Well once I finish my business here I will stay for at least a month afterward before returning to my world."

"Wait, are you planning to introduce us to your parents?"

"Sorry but not yet. I still have a lot of things I have to do, namely accept the feelings of Justine."


"She's the first lover, Kie. Well, Ryuu, I still wonder why you rejected her when she confessed."

"I was stupid, Shinobu. But I'll go and meet her after I tell her everything."

Ryuu had a lot of time thinking about that one mistake he made. He was selfish and treated her unfairly since he accepted Shinobu when she confessed while he rejected her.

The only reason he rejected her is because she might regret doing it when she's in a drunken state. Ryuu only shook his head and decided to confront her immediately once he returned.

"In the meantime, I'll help you Kie and Nezuko to gain magic and Aura."

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