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Volume 1 Prologue

When we entered the throne Room there sat down the dreamon king he had all black priest clothes with red stripes randomly his face was covered with a black mask with white eyes white smile it the smile glow red.

" It has been lit bit than expected . I am so annoyed at you for interfering with my main plan but I guess it's time to get rid of you all right here " Dreamon King

He then pointed his staff . Staff tip was red jewelry that had pointed the handle was black and golden.move staff toward the thief red beam shot out and killed the thief . The hero's as soon happed moved to start their battle to the death with the dreamon King .

"Do you really think you can win ?" Said Dreamon king

As he said that his staff strange into a battle axe it had red for blades and still had the jewel in the middle of it going up to the top have massive jewel to ready to fire that laser beam. At that instant there was in the hand of the dreamon king sword in his hand at the right above the handle there was an red eye .

"You hurt so many people trying to open up a Portal to the realm of Nightmares this is we're your story ends . You did well survive the end of demon king . You left him to die while look for scroll of the location of element's but I got it i hid some where you never find . I guess you all ready know that don't you " said the Hero

The while he said that he move straight into sword combat and block the battle axe while he did that his archer shot many arrows jumped to pill dogging red balls . While archer did that the Priest was chanting protest magic on the hero at the same time chanted healing magic . Axe hero charged at the henchman who had their body's black but their eye was red. Half of face black that was where eye is at . Other half as human with no eye hair was black and beard . They only had swords but no match in terms of strength numbers in 100,000,000 if it was only that henchmen would had already over run him down but he had help suppression of numbers with the help of the magician who had purple robes the battle lasted for 3 hours mainly due to strength of dreamon strength and he had a lot of numbers after 3 passed.

"This is the end of you dreamon king!!! "said The hero

"hahah hahah you really pushed me to this point impression when I got all this power but this is the end for you ALL.!!!!"said king dreamons

The hero party got ready for a attack from the dreamon king big purple balls Appeared all of sudden but they were ready for an attack like that it was not the first time they seen such an attack so the cast fire ball at the purple balls of light then the hero charged at the dreamon king with his great sword. slice dreamon king waist .But when the hero charged at him the dreamon king raised his massive axe threw it the hero priest that spit the priest into 2 half's blood was in the air. So much the hero turned around to see that what happed to the mass axe . That made the hero sadden and angrier raised rage inside of the hero mad at him self and at the dreamon king he turned around to see the dreamon king smiling masked as all ways .Then in a few seconds the body of the dreamon king disappeared and replaced a pillar and object on it was the dreamon king mask with a smile… the Hero looked around angin the black castle changed into an Ancient temple look . The Hero grabbed the remains of his party member remains 2 of them the first one was his best friend an archer die first

Shot down by staff laser beam there was only 5 remain since they killed the demon king first and last was dreamon king they finished what they had to do only but sadly there well be other who will gain the same power as both of the fallen kings the hero knew that but there was nothing to do but relax the rest of his life let the Future… left the castle now turned temple exited except to see mountains area but it change into green and red trees the hero's party thought for a little bit named dream forest . He still have to hunt down remnants of the dreamons army's and demons army's but he could do that or one of the humanity can do it now time for The Hero to rest for a while…..

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