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98.33% Becoming a Superstar 1988 / Chapter 58: Simcity Begins

Chapter 58: Simcity Begins

Monday, July 18 1988 Fire Foxx Production Studio Lot four.

"Alright, Friends, episode 2, scene 3, take 8, and ACTION!" James Taylor yelled as filming of the scene commenced. All the actors and extras in the background got into their roles while Alex stood a couple of meters away, watching the filming of television's greatest sitcom.

As Alex watched alongside Robert, his attendant, he couldn't help but feel a little dejected. A frown creased his face as he observed the proceedings. Previously, he had thought that helping his uncle maintain his production studio would be a breeze.

However, he soon realized how naive he had been. Despite all his knowledge, he had thought too highly of himself. This had heavily impacted his progress and involvement with Mortal Kombat, even causing him to push back his plans for a second game, which he didn't like one bit.

Especially since Blue Star Interactive was still in its infancy, leaving Mark and Michael to do the heavy lifting. This was a selfish move on his part, just after setting up the game studio, contradicting his original plans to build the studio over the next few years before moving on to other things. Now, the game studio had slowly become an afterthought with everything going on around him.

"Alexander... Alexander." A female voice rang in his ear, breaking his thoughts.

Turning to the voice, Alex saw Harry's secretary, Eva. "Mr. Fulton is ready to meet with you," she said, giving a polite nod to Robert, who stood behind Alex.

"Alright, lead the way," Alex replied simply as he glanced back at the filming.

Upon reaching his uncle's office, he saw Harry's desk filled with tons of paperwork and scripts, clearly busy. "Alex, is it that you wanted to talk about something that couldn't wait until we got back home?" Harry questioned, surprised by his nephew's sudden request for a meeting, which was quite unlike him.

"Uncle, remember the talk we had last week about me being unfocused on the here and now?" Alex reminded him as he took a seat across from his uncle. Alex had started calling Harry "Uncle" instead of "Cousin" at his request.

Harry didn't like being called "Uncle," as it made him feel older than he was, especially since Alex's older sisters were only five years younger than him. However, he had recently felt more inclined to be called "Uncle," especially by Alex.

"Yes, I remember that. You're not upset with me about it, are you?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not in the slightest. And you were right. I was trying to do so many things at the same time, thinking I knew everything. But as a result, I failed to realize what I was starting to neglect in the process."

Alex now clearly understood what his father had said about taking things one step at a time. He had set the goal of creating a successful video game studio that could compete with the biggest players in the industry now and in the future.

However, at some point, that goal had taken a backseat. Mark and Michael were carrying more of the weight as the days went by. As much as Alex was worried about Harry and the others making big changes that could destroy previously solid stories, he also realized he had improved upon those stories himself.

"Alright then, what do I owe the pleasure of this abrupt meeting?" Harry inquired. Alex then took out a neatly printed document, three pages long.

"Oh, what's this?" Harry said as he grabbed the document from his desk and looked at it.

"Those are all my ideas for movies, TV shows, as well as concepts for cable channels centered on key programming. Obviously, I'll help write the scripts for the movies on that list and some of the early scripts for the television series," Alex explained as Harry read through the content of the document.

"This seems like you're ready to leave. Are you sure you want to do that? Especially since there are currently six projects you've come up with that are in the works," Harry pointed out.

Those projects included Friends, X-Files, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Law and Order, and finally, Saw. It seemed absurd that out of the ten shows the production studio was working on, all had come from Alex.

However, taking into account that Alex currently had a bestselling book and had written a movie script praised by Steven Spielberg—if he were to believe Martha's words about the whole ordeal with the rights to the book's adaptation—his accomplishments were impressive.

As Harry began to carefully read through the document, he couldn't help but turn his deep blue eyes toward his nephew. Just a couple of weeks ago, they had been arguing about who would be the showrunners for Friends.

But now, Alex seemed ready to leave. "You know when I said you should learn..."

**Flashback to one week ago in Harry's office.** Harry's office was filled with old movie posters, stacks of scripts, and a few collectibles. The atmosphere was busy yet creative, with a hint of nostalgia.

Alex was absently organizing a small collection of action figures on Harry's desk. "I feel overwhelmed with everything happening—there's the game studio, Star Horizon, and the series with Uncle Daniel. It's all moving so fast."

Alex vented his frustration as he adjusted Optimus Prime's position on the desk, placing him in a heroic pose as if he had conquered the pile of papers before him.

Leaning back in his chair, Harry observed Alex thoughtfully. "You're juggling a lot for someone your age, you know. It's like trying to keep multiple plates spinning. Sooner or later, one of them is bound to wobble."

Harry had wanted to have this conversation with Alex for a while but had no idea how to broach the topic. Now, the opportunity had presented itself.He didn't want more people around him to be affected by all of Alex's ideas.

They weren't even done with any of the television series or movies yet, and Alex kept feeding others with his ideas. While they weren't bad, there was only so much they could handle. Not to mention, he wasn't sure how any of the projects currently in the works would be received by the audience.

Alex sighed. "I get that, but I have this feeling about what's coming. I don't want to miss any opportunities."

"Ah, the burden of foresight. But even with your insights, it doesn't mean you can skip the necessary steps. What do you think is the most pressing task?" Harry nodded in affirmation, not fully understanding Alex's double meaning in that sentence. Alex paused, considering his current circumstances, before finally speaking. "The game studio."

Harry nodded and continued, "Right. Focus your energy there first. Once that's solid, you can tackle the next thing on your list. It's about building a foundation, not trying to construct the entire building at once."

Alex stood up, understanding dawning on him. "Prioritize. I see what you mean. I thought knowing what's ahead would make it easier."

"Knowing the future can be a double-edged sword, my boy. It can motivate you, but it can also lead to impatience. You're still growing into this world. Don't rush it," Harry said, without thinking, causing Alex to do a quick double take at his uncle.

Before smiling, his British accent slipped through. "Thanks, Harry. I really needed that perspective. I'll focus on the game first and take it from there."

"That's the spirit. Remember, even the best entrepreneurs had to learn to walk before they could run. Enjoy the journey—it's half the fun."

End of Flashback.

Recalling that conversation, Harry couldn't help but sigh, pinching his brows in frustration. Sure, Alex was quite stubborn about how he thought things should be done regarding his work. On the other hand, he wasn't overbearing; he listened and allowed the people he had surrounded himself with to do what they did best.

One thing Harry had learned about Alex was his attention to detail. As well as his characterization of the people he wrote about, there was no room for plot holes or for characters losing their charm and important plot points to others.

This is what Harry had come to respect about Alex. Previously, Harry wouldn't have minded giving some characters' moments that belonged to others to a different character.

Then Alex said something he couldn't forget: "If you take away a character's moment and give it to another, what will stop you from eventually turning the character who could have been the most interesting in the whole story into a simple waste of time who doesn't add anything to the central plot?"

Harry didn't know where Alex got his deep knowledge of plot development and character arcs, but he attributed it to Alex being a born storyteller in this aspect.

"Does this imply you're leaving?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"Kinda. I want to focus all my energy on the game studio, but I'll pop in on things here just to make sure everything goes smoothly with what I've already invested my time in," Alex explained with a sigh.

He really needed to prioritize the game studio first and foremost, as well as Star Horizon. The big tech boom of the late '90s was still far away, which meant a slow period of growth was ahead. This aligned with Alex's expectations for the times, which is why he'd had Duke working on the search engine. Since the internet was still in its infancy, there was a large unexplored market space.

Turning Star Horizon into a brand closely linked to the online market is a straightforward task, especially when it comes to establishing it as an important pillar.

Alex soon left Harry's office to continue working on Mortal Kombat. He wouldn't be leaving anytime soon; however, Alex had taken a big step back from the inner workings of Fire Foxx Productions. When it came to the content creation process, he would only periodically check in on the television series he had written.

Alex and Harry had long since determined the direction of each series, with Alex writing the scripts for the first six episodes. He would leave the execution of the shows in Harry's hands, with only one thing remaining: the casting.

He had also taken a step back in that area, only recommending his own candidate for the role and leaving the rest of the decisions to the showrunners and directors.

Blue Star Interactive Headquarters, Brooklyn, New York City

Inside the meeting room, Will Wright sat facing Tom, Michael, and Mark. As he carefully read the contract in front of him, his lawyer sat right next to him.


**This Agreement** ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between:

**Blue Star Interactive**

Address: 123 Redhook Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231



**Will Wright**

Address: [Creator Address]


**WHEREAS**, the Creator is the original developer and owner of the game "Simcity" (the "Game") and possesses all rights, title, and interest therein;

**WHEREAS**, the Acquirer desires to acquire the rights to develop, publish, and market the Game, along with the Creator's involvement in the development process;

**NOW, THEREFORE**, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows:

1. **Grant of Rights**

1.1 The Creator hereby grants to the Acquirer exclusive rights to develop, publish, and distribute the Game worldwide (the "Rights").

1.2 The Rights shall include the right to create adaptations, sequels, expansions, and merchandise related to the Game.

2. **Compensation**

2.1 The Acquirer agrees to pay the Creator a one-time payment of [Amount] upon the execution of this Agreement.

2.2 The Acquirer shall pay the Creator a royalty of [Percentage]% of net sales from the Game, payable quarterly.

2.3 The Acquirer shall cover all reasonable expenses related to the Creator's involvement in the development process, including travel and lodging.

3. **Creator's Involvement**

3.1 The Creator agrees to join Blue Star Interactive as a Senior Game Designer for a term of [Duration] years.

3.2 The Creator shall contribute to the creative direction, game mechanics, and overall vision of the Game.

3.3 The Acquirer shall provide the Creator with the necessary resources and support to fulfill these responsibilities.

4. **Intellectual Property**

4.1 All intellectual property rights related to the Game, developed during the term of this Agreement, shall remain the property of the Creator, subject to the Rights granted to the Acquirer.

4.2 The Acquirer shall not claim ownership of the Game or any related materials beyond the scope of this Agreement.

5. **Confidentiality**

5.1 Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information exchanged during the term of this Agreement.

5.2 This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

6. **Term and Termination**

6.1 This Agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue for a period of [Duration] years unless terminated earlier by either party.

6.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number] days written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach.

7. **Dispute Resolution**

7.1 Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through mediation. If mediation fails, the parties agree to binding arbitration.

8. **Miscellaneous**

8.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings.

8.2 This Agreement may not be amended except in writing signed by both parties.

8.3 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of [State].

**IN WITNESS WHEREOF**, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

**Blue Star Interactive**

By: ___________________________

Name: [Name]

Title: [Title]

Date: _________________________

**Will Wright**

By: ___________________________

Name: Will Wright

Date: _________________________


Wright looked back at the three individuals in front of him, especially the two young teenagers. He hadn't realized just how young they were, which wasn't much of a surprise to him.

What did surprise him was the fact that they were the ones essentially running the game studio under their parents' names. He felt a little hesitant about joining such a studio.

"Is there a problem with the contract?" Michael asked, noticing the hesitation on Wright's face.

"Not at all. I'm just a little unsure if I necessarily want to join your game studio, if you don't mind," Will answered honestly, his expression one of reluctance.

"Hey, no one's forcing you to join. However, if you still want to sell the rights to your game, you'll need to stay on until the completion of the game's redevelopment, if you really don't want to join," Michael explained, making things clear.

If Will didn't want to join, it could pose a slight problem, potentially leaving the game itself on the shelf. They were currently working on various projects that could benefit from an extra set of hands, and Michael couldn't guarantee that SimCity wouldn't be pushed back.

Will glanced at his lawyer, who gave him a shrug. He made up his mind to see this through; he had put too much time and effort into this game to not see it to the end. With a swift motion, he wrote his signature.

"Well then, welcome aboard to Blue Star Interactive, Mr. Wright," Michael said with a grin as he stood up to shake hands.

Shane_Delgado_03 Shane_Delgado_03

A couple of changes have been made to previous chapters, such as Alex, Michael and Mark creating a way to load games through the internet. Actually after doing research on the topic I found that it has been possible to download video games through the internet since 1984. And if there are any suggestions on how to improve the or same mistakes I missed feel free to comment.

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