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96.66% Becoming a Superstar 1988 / Chapter 57: Making Deals

Chapter 57: Making Deals

Monday July 4th 1988, Fire Foxx Production House New York.

In his spacious office, Harry looked through the details of the list of projects in progress. First and most importantly, he saw that Saw was proceeding smoothly with production. However, Quentin Tarantino's increasing dominance was causing some issues.

Everything was proceeding on schedule for the film. As for the television aspect, Friends would begin principle photography next week. A total of six episodes were to be shot before going on air, depending on its reception with the audience. As Harry read the reports, a sudden knock on his door broke his thoughts.

"Enter," Harry spoke, his gaze still focused on the documents in front of him. The door slowly crept open, revealing Laura's figure as she entered the room. "Busy?" she asked as she walked over to Harry's desk.

Harry glanced at Laura as she sat down across from him. "A little. What brings you here, may I ask?" he inquired, hoping there weren't any more issues coming his way. He already had a headache with the UK production studio branch.

As he tried to rebuild their main branch into something bigger, with a movie currently in filming and developing new programs for their main television channel.

"Really, no how are you or what's been going on, Laura?" she teased with a playful smile on her pretty face. "Oh, my apologies, how are you doing?" Harry backtracked, properly greeting his second-in-command this time. Laura waved her hand in reply, "I'm fine, no need for apologies. So now, let's get to the reason why I came here."

Hearing this, Harry's interest was piqued as he leaned back in his seat with his hands folded. "Go on," he encouraged, wanting to hear Laura's thoughts.

" Alright, there are a few topics I'd like to touch on firstly being our limited budget, we currently lack enough programming to sustain either network. And currently we only have five upcoming projects, two of which are already set to start shooting. "

The two shows in question being Friends and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Which would both start filming the in two weeks time.

Laura explained, her eyes shifting to the documents on her bosses table. " Yes, I'm well aware of that situation. And don't think it's that big of an issue as there plenty of existing programing on rerun. But, I'm guessing you have an issue with that too."

Laura gave a Harry smiled charming smile before placing the document she has been caring on the desk. And pointing her slander fingers on the graph showing the viewership statistics.

Harry glance at the graph his expression unchanging as he receives this type of viewership detail every week. Showcasing the number of viewers the each channel stations receives. With which shows or programming is popular with the audience.

Laura continued her words as she pointed her finger on the graph. " I'm well aware that you've already received this report already, and I'd like to point out a crucial details. As you can see from this report there's a clear distinction between viewership between both channels."

Harry glance at the document, before turning his attention back to Laura, " So, what are you proposing. " Harry questioned, knowing that Laura should already have a proposal ready. If she decides to bring this topic up with him.

Right now both the US and UK cable channels were broadcasting similar content with the US branch having three exclusive content to itself. " Well, three days ago I was chatting with that little nephew of yours, "

" Alex," Harry couldn't help but blurt out as he thought about that little rascal of a nephew of his. He was honestly wondering why that little guy couldn't stay focused on one task. At the last meeting, he had brought out the topic of turning the entire UK studio into a reality TV channel.

Which would be much cheaper to produce and film compared to normal TV series. As much as, Harry loved to get ideas thrown at him he understood the principles of taking things one at a time. He would need to have a talk with Alex, about staying focused on what he was currently already working on.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to focus on the her and now. " Ahh, yes Alex I was talking to him about how it how it would be difficult to find something that both our audience could enjoy collective. When he mentioned the idea of tailoring our content for broad audience."

Harry couldn't help but, place his folded hands over his mouth as he took a deep breath in. Before exhaling deeply venting his frustration at his little nephew filling the people around him with various ideas.

Couldn't he just wait at least until they finish the movie and TV shows yet before throwing more work his way. " Alright let's hear it, " with that Laura began presenting her ideas.

Fire Foxx Production Studio Mortal Kombat, Studio Lot Eight.

" Alright, take six and ACTION!" Alex shouted as Kerri Hoskins, got into character as she walked on the treadmill. In her fighting stance as she walked, her left arm raised up near her chin with her right hand near her chest.

The camera man carefully followed Kerri movements on the treadmill, with Nicholas Phillips watching her on the side. They had finished capturing the rest of the Mortal Kombat cast movements last week.

With Kerri being the last to shoot, simply because she was the only one untrained in martial. But, did have a lot of experience as a cheerleader making her very flexible with her movements.

For the next three days which would complete the filming process for the game. As for Gorro Jeff, their sound designer along Alex himself. Had done all the stock motion capture of the puppet himself on a table Studio.

The filming went quickly, thanks to Nicholas helping correct any mistakes made by Karri as she did her movements. Soon shooting ended for the day with Alex running back to the filming set of Saw.

As they filmed the bathroom since which Tarantino had made even more disturbing and brutal in the process. That made a little uncomfortable as he left soon after arriving, back to were his team was set-up to work on the game.

Brooklyn Blue Star Interactive Main Headquarters.

Michael set in the meeting room with Tom sitting across him as the two of them spoke with the man on the telephone, on the table. " Yes, we've decided to accepted your offer and are willing to help with development along with distance of your game. "

On the other end of the line Will Wright, listed carefully over the telephone as he stood in place stunned. As he tried to process what he was hearing over the telephone as he kept silent. Having no words to say as he had already given up on his hopes of getting his city building game published.

He had spent nearly three years trying to get the game a publisher but was rejected time and time again. With the same old it good but it won't appeal to a large audience or could neither be won nor lost; and so it was difficult to market the game.

He had heard this same thing repeated to him anytime he presented his game time and time again. He had thought that it would be the same with this up and coming game Studio while casually browsing the web. Especially, looking at the the type of game they had launched as their first title.

" Uhh, Mr Wright are you still there, " Michael's voice rang through Will ear again,breaking out of his thoughts. " Ahh, yes so sorry I was a little surprised that's. Are you sure you're game studio wants to publish my game."

He asked, worried if this was just a prank, " Yes, we're very serious. We've already drafted a contract here once you have your own legal representative look over it. We can sign the contract and get started on the game. " Tom at this point spoke up, at this time assure that they were quite serious.

Wright on the other end of the phone, let out a sigh of relief, as a few tears flowed from his eyes. " Alright, thank you so much. " Will finally said as he barely kept his voice from choking up.

As the call finally concluded, Joell who had been silently to the conversation. Looked at her husband appearance as he put the telephone down. " So, what did they say?" She asked, nervously worried how another rejection could do to him.

" They, Uhmm..." Will stabled to the words as he was quite emotional at what he had just been told. Joell quickly walked over carrying her daughter in her arms as she placed her hand on her husband chest. " It's ok you don't have to say it if you don't want to. "

As Joelle tried to console her husband's who was now shedding a few tries, however before she could continue to console, Will finally got the words out. " Their willing to publish my game. "

Hearing those words Joell hand froze in place as she processed her husband's words, before tears of joy burst out at the revelation. " Really? " Joelle couldn't help but ask this question wondering if she had her wrongly.

" Yeah, they already drafted the contract and all I need to do is have my lawyer look over it, and sign it. " Will spoke with a smile as, a few tears fall from his over the joy he was feeling right now.

Hearing his conformation a sense of relief wash of her. For the last two and a half years she had watched her husband slowly fall into a deep depression, over the fact of being rejected by various game publishers.

She had been worried about, how her husband was handling the constant rejection. But, now she could rest easy knowing that this phase in their lives would finally end.

As the couple comforted each other as their emotions flow out, on the other side of the telephone. As Tom and Michael ended the call Michael couldn't help but, lean back in his seat revealed that was over.

" Hmmm... what's wrong. Was that so difficult?" Tom asked jokingly as he looked at Michael who had his head lead back as he looked at the ceiling. Hearing Tom's words Michael turned his attention back to Tom who had a grin on his face.

" I much prefer to left out of this type of negotiation and focus on making games. " He admitted, this really wasn't his cup of tea and he had little interest in this sort of thing.

" That fine but, as a founding member of this company you should be well aware of what is happening around you. You wouldn't want to be left high and dry if any off you guys have a falling out in the future. "

Michael hearing Tom's words frowned at this but, he didn't dispute this calm. Giving Tom a light nod of his head showing his affirmation. As his father had told him the exact same thing and even Alex encouraged both he and Mark. To take some responsibility involved in the day-to-day operation of the game studios.

Hence, Michael although didn't want to believe that the three of them would ever have a falling out. He couldn't totally dismisse the fact of that ever happening, he was mature enough to understand this.

Seeing Michael nod of affirmation he was a little surprised, as he thought that Michael would burst out at his comment. But, having been in contact with all of the three young boys for a while now he could see how mature all of them were at different extents.

He could say Alex, was the least mature out of the three not only because of his age. But, due to the fact that he had trouble keeping himself focused on a single task at a time.

As three month into official establishing the Game Studio Alex ran off to Fire Foxx Production. To work on a movie and several TV shows granted he was working mostly on Mortal Kombat. Which required filming of real actors who would be put into the game itself.

Soon, Tom got up to leave, " Alright then I guess my work is done here for the day. And I'll see you later. " Tom said, as he picked up his briefcase from the table. " Oh, leaving already? " Michael asked, as he also got up from his seat.

" Well, with your dad away we at the firm need to make sure everything is running smoothly while his away. " Tom explained, as he walked over to the door as opening it as he left the room with Michael following behind him.

As the two continued their conversation, " His return today with you're mom right?" Tom asked, as the two made their way downstairs. " Yeah, I'm supposed to go and pick them up today with my sister. " Michael explained.

" Oh, did your driver's license." Tom inquired as the two reached the stairs leading to the first floor. " Yeah, eight weeks ago actually. You sure you'd don't want to stick around to see what we're working on. It's really cool. "

Michael encouraged as the two finally walked downstairs where they, could hear the chatter and clicking of keyboard coming from the living room. As the two reached the doorway, turning back to look at Michael Tom shook his head before patting Michael shoulder.

" It's alright, I wouldn't want to interrupt what you're all working on. And besides my schedule is kinda packed today, but my next time. " Tom finally said, before opening the front door to leave, as Michael watched his departure.

Scratching his head, Michael closed the door and turned around walking back into the living room. To find Jack, Thomas and Drew all playing Wolfenstein 3D on their computer while talking smack to each other, and the enemy sprites on the computers.

The other half of the team had decided to actually go on their two week long leave for the month. Walking into the living room and looking at the three playing the game with their backs facing him.

Michael glanced at the clock hanging on the wall showing it was now twelve o'clock in the afternoon. Decided to make his present known to the three, as he clapped his hands together.

Grabbing the three attention as they all paused their screens to turn their heads back to Michael who to behind them. " Boss, how long have you been standing there. Ahh.. We've been we're just testing the game making sure everything working properly. "

Drew an 18 year old who was the games lead programmer. Whoes primary duties are to write the code that makes the game playable on various gaming consoles and personal computers. Their responsibilities include developing gaming software, incorporating artwork into the game and configuring how users will access and interact with the game.

" I'm not here to dictate how you guys spend your leave. Am just here to make an offer the three of you can continue to spend the rest of the day or weeks sitting here all the playing the game. Or you guys can push your two weeks leave back and follow me upstairs to help on the other project I'm working on until the rest of you team returns. Ok, I'll leave you guys to think about it carry on."

After Michael finished his proposal and returned around to leave, he paused his steps before leaving another sentence and glanced back. " Carry your PC upstairs, if you want to join. " He said before he turned to leave the room. Leaving the three of them to think things over as they set at the computers.

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