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11.66% Becoming a Superstar 1988 / Chapter 6: Hidden Danger 2

Chapter 6: Hidden Danger 2

After walking for about 10 minutes Duke, Ashley and Jennifer finally arrived back home. Jennifer reaching the front door, taking out her keys from the lower right hand pocket of her light blue denim jacket and slide it into the key whole opening door.

Entering the house Duke and Ashley followed behind her and placed their jackets on the coat hanger as they did so a suddenly scream came out from Jennifer.


Hearing the scream Duke and Ashley both rushed to the living room were the scream came from upon reaching there. They saw Jennifer lifting Alex's body up and bringing him into to her embrace holding him tightly as she pushed his face into her chest. However, this still didn't stop Alex's body from shaking instead her own body began to shake slightly.

Ashley seeing her little brother in this condition also quickly moved to sit on the right side of the coach. Raising her left hand she gently began to rub Alex's back as she started singing a lullaby for Alex's. This is one of the songs that she and her mother would sing to Alex's when he had nightmares or when he would have temper tantrums.

As Ashley soft gentle voice start to sound out filling the the whole living room with a melody, she sang a beautiful song that could make any who heard it feel warm and protected like being in a mothers embrace.

As Ashley continued singing, Alex body that kept shaking started to calm down as the shaking became less intense. Seeing this Jennifer also started singing along with Ashley even though Jennifer's singing voice wasn't on the same level as Ashley it was still pleasant to the ear.

As the two voices sounded out combining together creating beautiful melody that could make any stop and listen to clearing any terrible thought one might have. As they continued singing Alex's body began calming down even more.

Duke seeing Alex's situation panic for a moment but, his heart started to calm down thanks to the two girls singing. Taking another quick glance at Alex's body, Duke walked to the kitchen and took out a black Motorola MicrTac from the lower cardboard drawer.

Alex's strongly recommend buying it when it came out even though he new his parents would not agree to buy all of their children such expensive cell phones. Even when he compromise with only buying three MicroTAC flip phones still took him 2 months to finally get his parents to buy them. Which was understandable for the price tag of the phone simply buying three of them cost his parents to spend $9000 US dollars, just image buying 6 of them for everyone.

His parents bought three of them two for themselves and one for all their children to share. Alex's wouldn't have asked his parents to buy himself such an expensive cell to simply just use it.The real reason why he wanted it was to figure out how it's inner layout and how it processes worked.As learning more about it now would help him when carrying out his future plans.

Duke quickly dial his father's cell phone number then placed the phone next to his ear waiting for his father to pick up the call.

Meanwhile Duke's parents were calmly walking out of the park heading to the parking lot were they parked their car . As the couple finally entered their car they both heard a phone ringing from the glove compartment.

Oliver hearing the phone ringing reached out and open the glove compartment retrieving his cellphone before calmly answering it.

"Hello, Oliver Williams speaking." Answered Oliver

"Yes, father it's Duke when are you and mother returning?"asked Duke with hesitation in his voice

Oliver hearing the nervousness and hesitation in his son's voice tighten his brows in a frown. "We're actually on our way back home right now, is everything alright?" Asked Oliver as he waited for several seconds for a reply on the other end. While on the other end of the call Duke took a quick glance at the situation happening in the living room.

"Yes, we just wanted to check up on the two of you, that all well drive back safe now bye." Said Duke while quickly ending the call after asking when they'd be back.

Oliver hearing the call end frowned deeply as he flip the phone closed with his right thumb. Martha seeing Oliver's frown become worried about how quickly the call ended and couldn't help but ask Oliver about it.

"Oliver is everything alright? "

Hearing his wife question Oliver slowly put his cellphone away in the right pocket of his navy blue truck pants. While answering her questions " I'm not quite sure but, we'll see when we get back home."

Starting the car Oliver and skillfully drove out of the parking lot, entering the road driving back to their house claimly.

As minutes want by Alex's body finally stop shaking putting his heart to rest as he slowly moved his face away from Jennifer's chest. Finally sensing his body relaxing Alex's couldn't help but, let out a loud sigh of relief taking deep breathes.

Jennifer and Ashley seeing Alex's sitting his body up straight without shaking. Finally stopped their singing but, the worry in their hearts didn't go away in the slightest.

"Alexander are you alright?"Asked Jennifer concern written all over her beautiful face. Alex's hearing her call him by his full name realized how worried she was as his family members only ever called him by his full name, when they are extremely angry at him or when they had deep concerns about him.

Looking at Jennifer's hazel eyes which were usually lively and cheerful have deep worry in them. His two other siblings had the same expression of worry in their eyes made his heart sink. As this was the same gazes they give him all his life when he still had autism. And when he had gotten in to that accident gave him a new chance at life.

He had secretly vowed to never let anyone worry about him again in that way.

"I feel much better now thanks to all of you now." Said aid Alex

Even though Ashley and Jennifer were the ones who did the most in the early situation he was in, Duke had also stayed standing the whole time watching while holding the cell phone in his hands ready to make a call if needed.

Hearing Alex's words all three of them became relief at hearing the smooth and clear way he spoke. They had all feared that he had reverted to how he was before the accident. As Alex's body would also shake uncontrollably when he was under a lot of stress which was also the reason Ashley and Jennifer were able to figure out away to deal with the situation.

Jennifer hearing Alex's words quickly asked what happened to cause his body to start shaking uncontrollably. The other two also looked at Alex's keenly wanting to know the answer, thankfully Alex's didn't make them want and told them everything.

"So that there reason but, why now it's not like we never left you alone before, we've even gone outside with you haven't we?" Ashley questioned.

"Yes, that true but, I've never left the house own my own before since the accident and someone I know would always come along with me." Explained Alex.

"Yeah, but what about school it's not like any of as are in the stay in the same class as you so why has it happened only now?" Add Jennifer as the other two nodded their heads agree with her question.

"I'm not sure either. " Replied Alex

"Maybe is has to do with fact I left the house by myself like when I sneak out and it's not like I've never gone to school before my accident." Alex continued.

As he used to attend a school that catered to kids with special needs before, however it sadly burned down due to one of the kids there. Hence the reason why his parents decided it would be bitter to have Alex's be home schooled instead for a time. Thankfully no one had died in the fire only some of the children and teaching got a few burns.

Looking at his siblings Alex's said to them "Let's not tell mother and father about for the time being." Looking at each other after hearing Alex's words they all reluctantly nodded their heads in agreement.

As their parents had always been stressed about supporting their children and taking special care of Alex. Which had also made their parents relationship stale in recent years. They brearly spent any time alone together because of it.

They had also heard them have arguments with each other then eggnoring each other for days after. However, in recent months since Alex's became well they had slowly started rekindle their romance. They had seen many friends family split up due to having a stale marriage eventually divorcing.

After driving for about 10 minutes Martha and Olivier finally arrived back home parking their old land cruiser in front of the house. Getting out of the car Oliver pulled on the door handle of the car making sure it was tightly locked.

While Martha hurriedly want up the stairs opening the door and entering the house moving quickly towards the living room. Only to find all her children chatting and playing a broad game. Seeing this relived the nervousness she had after the call Oliver had with one of them.

As they saw their mother entering the living room they all greeted her warmly, "How are you mother? we hope your date want will with dad today." Said Alex's in a teasing way. Martha hearing Alex's teasing words made her cheeks blush as she gently scolding him in replied. "It's wasn't a date we just want for a run at the par..."

Before Martha could finished her sentence, Oliver walked in before she could finish the her scolding. Meanwhile Oliver just looked at his children before looking around the living room seeing if anything was missing or broken. As Oliver new that his children wouldn't just call him just to say hi and even if they did why would Duke's sound so nervous when talking over the phone.

Seeing that everything was just the way they had left it. Oliver looked back at his children and nodded his head at them showing his approval at how they had taken care of things. Oliver was a man of few words who would only speak when necessary this didn't mean he was avoid of emotion it was just his true character a quite person of sorts.

" Duke why did you sound nervous over the phone?" Asked Oliver in a deep voice while looking at his children who were playing on the broad game as he's emerald green eyes peers through them. As they gave off a strong suppressing ora this is something that Oliver had gained through the harsh life his has gone through.

Martha's eyes also become more fierce like a lioness looking at her prey after her husband brought up the matter about the phone call he had received. As both of there pressure gazes landed on the children all of them felt like two huge mountains were falling on top of them one ice cold and other burning hot.

"I was the one who called father so I'll.." Said Duke unable to take the two pressures falling on all of them. Finally speaking up but, his words strolled off as both of parents gazes landed on him. Oliver then asked a simple question after hearing Duke's answer.

"Why did you hang up the call so suddenly your voice sounded very nervous at time." As Oliver's words sounded the temperature in the room seemed to get colder.

However, Duke's face reminded unchanging in the face of the pressure both his parents gave off, deciding to keep quiet and not answer the question. Oliver and Martha seeing that Duke keep quiet about the matter withdrew their pressure own him deciding to leave the matter as none of them seemed hurt in any way.

"Alright since all of you aren't well to tell as what well leave it at that for the moment. However, next time something like this happens again there will be consequences understand?" Said Oliver in a sturn voice as looked at his children as they nodded their heads in agreement. After saying that Oliver headed upstairs to change and wash up.

Whiles Martha decided to stay for a bit and ask her children what they did today, Oliver entering his room took of his gray hoody that was still a bit sweaty after their jog, he also removed his white t-shirt he wear underneath.

Revealing his thick broad shoulders. Robust pectoral muscles. Carved abdominal muscles. Thick and soiled arms. His overall body looked like it had been covered by a greek sculptor, perfect from all angles. Coupled with his handsome face made him emmit a masculine aura.

Remove all his smelly clothes Oliver want into the bathroom and filling the tub with water, before entering into the tub closing his eyes to rest. Unknowingly Oliver reminded in the tub for about 10 minutes before a knock coming from the other side of the door. "Oliver? Are you still in their I need to use the bathroom room to you know?"

Said Martha in a annoyed voice as the house only had one bathroom that everyone in the house shared. However, Oliver was so deep in his own thoughts didn't hear Martha words, on the other side Martha not hearing any reply open the door which Oliver forgot to lock.

Martha hearing no answered deciding to enter the bathroom while holding a towel cover her body. However, even after entering inside the bathroom she didn't see Oliver in the tub who was hidden by the curtain as she made sure to lock the door behind.

Finally Martha released the towel she was wearing revealing her curvaceous body showing off bountiful breast, wide hips, long legs and shapely buttocks. Anyone seeing her naked body would find it hard to believe that she was a mother of four, as the weekly workouts with her husband has helped her get rid of her fat belly fat, leaving her with a curvaceous waistline.

Walking to the tub Martha moved the curtain to the side, revealing Oliver who is lying in the tub, as he suddenly opened his eyes after hearing the curtain been moved.


Martha scream flinching at seeing, Oliver's eyes open abruptly taking a step back, which made her slip on the wet floor. Oliver reacting quickly caught her right hand and pulled her toward himself, catching her as they both fell back into the tub. Water started spilling out from the large movement made by the two of them.

"Are you alright? I didn't hear you come in I'm sincerely sorry about that." Oliver apologized for startling his wife as her naked body laid on top of him.

"It's okey. I'm not hurt anywhere so don't worry." Said Martha as she hurriedly moved her body away from Oliver's.

Sitting on the other side of the tub, Martha subconsciously covered her breast away from Oliver's eyes. As if Oliver wasn't her husband, which is understandable since she hasn't shown her fully naked body to him for eight years now.

As when Alex's autism became known to them, their sexual relationship started to slow down until unknown completely stopped. This was actually the first time in years they had seen each other fully nude, hence Martha subconscious reaction of craving her private part's.

However, she herself couldn't stop but, staring at Oliver marvelous body her mind going in a daze for a minute. However, Oliver condition wasn't different as his heart had unknowingly began beating faster, as his little brother who had been dormant for years slowly woke up.

The two of them stayed like that for a few minutes looking at each other's body, with a desire to swallow the other person up. Oliver sense came back first as stared at Martha. "Are going to keep wearing that scarf in the tub? Said Oliver in an uneasy voice which was rare to hear from him.

"Oh Right, I always forget to remove this before entering the tub." Said Martha as she used her right hand to untie the scarf around her neck. After removing the scarf it revealed a beautiful neck that had a tattoos of roses going around it. After Oliver saw that beautiful tattoo once again, a long with her naked wet body lit a fire passion in his heart.

Even though Oliver knew the story of that tattoo he simply couldn't help but, admire how beautiful and sexy it made her look. Seeing Oliver gaze on her became more intense, as he looked at the tattoo she constantly hide from others.

Oliver seeing his wife hand move try and cover her tattoo, he decided it was time to leave the tub even, though he hadn't taken a proper bath and just had laid inside.

"Umm.. Could you please turn your face away for a moment." Asked Oliver in a shy voice as a slight blush appeared on his face.

Martha even though embarrassed at the their situation she couldn't help but, chuckle at her, husband rare embarrassed face. As if she had never seen his little man before which couldn't be called little by most men's standard. Martha turned around anyway to save her husband pride, at being unable to control his body natural reaction.

Well it wasn't like she was fairing any better at seeing his wet attractive body, as her niples had also become irreacted. After Martha turned to look away, Oliver slowly jumped out of the tub and closed the curtain afterwards.

Grabbing his towel he quickly wiping his body dry with it, whiles not knowing his wife could still vaguely see, his silhouette through the curtain. Before leaving the bathroom after, mostly drying his body not knowing the thought that were going through Martha head.

"Umm... was he always that big?" Mattered Martha to herself after, seeing the thing she had just referred to as a little man.

Several minutes later the Williams family set together at the dining table, there's was an awkward silence at the table as everyone focused on eating their food.

Everyone had the same plate of food white rice, with steamed vegetables and thinly chopped pieces of chicken that were will seasoned with spices.

Martha was a very good cook who cared a lot about, her family's nutrition needs which many black family's didn't consider. As they would usually make sure to deep fire, most of their food and even when they would serve it, with a bowl of vegetables most of the people on the table wouldn't even touch them.

As the children quietly eat their dinner, Martha and Olivia couldn't stop taking quick glances at each other as they eat their food. Not knowing that all their children had long noticed their secret glances at each other.

Alex's quickly finishing his food first setup and said to his family, "I'm done. My I please be excused from the table please?" Asked Alex looking at his father wanting for his approval. Oliver hearing his son requested looked at his empty plate and slowly nodded his head in approval.

"You my leave. Make sure to wash all the the dirty dishes in the sink as well." Reminded Oliver as today was Alex turned to clean the dishes, unlike some family who would make mother wash all the plate.

Alex's only needed to wash his plate and the pots used to prepare the meal, as each one of them would wash their own plate themselves.

Alex receiving his father's permission to leave he took his plate and walked to the kitchen to wash it, as well the other cooking utensils and dishes that were used.

After Alex's finished washing his plate and all the cooking utensils he quickly left the kitchen, as the rest of his siblings entered with their own plate in their hands.

Alex walking upstairs took a quick glance at, his parents who were still seated at opposite ends of the table, occasionally taking glance at each while not talking.

Reaching his room Alex's took off his clothes that he had changed during the day as the one's he wear earlier became wet and smelly, after his recent incident in the afternoon.

Removing all his clothes Alex then layed under his bunk bed in his red themed spider man underwear. Most of Alex's clothes were superhero themed or had brightly colored designed as, he previously liked wearing those type of childish clothes. Thankfully Duke had given him some more stylish clothes he didn't fit into anymore.


Alex's let out a loud sigh as he had to pretend that he was fine the whole day, in front of his parents who had great detection skills as, both even privately question him about his uneasiness today. It's wasn't easy keeping secrets from them but, he wasn't planning to hide his situation from them forever.

He would wait until his parents relationship with each other became more usable, as over recent years it had been quite dull. After a while of spending time with them he had released, that their situation wasn't good as it seemed, they have a mechanical like relationship.

Hence, he didn't want to tell them yet as he could now see some sparks flying around each other during dinner, it was like seeing two teenagers who had a crush on each other but, do not know how to tell each other.

"Huhh!! This is for the best for now."

Said Alex to himself as he slowly closed his tired eyes falling a sleep while covering his himself. Not hearing Duke coming inside the room and also taking off clothes and placing his round glasses on the nightstand, while claiming up the bunk bed falling a sleep as well in his underwear.

Alex and Duke both liked sleeping in the underwear even though their mother and bought them matching pajamas for bed.

Meanwhile their two older sisters also went to bed as well, however both different colored pajamas. Jennifer's one being a light pink with white spots around it, meanwhile Ashley wear a white colored one with black dots over around it.

As they sleep on separate beds unlike Alex and Duke who sleep on a bunk bed.

Unlike the teenagers who were already all fast a sleep Martha and Oliver were both still wide awake while lying on their single bed with their backs facing each other. Not being able to fall asleep as the two thought about what happened in the bathroom kept appearing in their minds.

"Oliver, honey are you still up?" Asked Martha in a soft voice.

"Yes, I'm still up." Replied Oliver to her question as he tried turning his head back to look a Martha.

Martha still having her back turned away from Oliver's asked "Do you still remember the last time we did it."

Oliver already knowing what she meant by 'when they did it' Still couldn't help but, ask what she might have been asking about. "What do you mean by that." Just to be sure.

Martha turning her body around moved closer to Oliver pressing her bountiful breast against his back. Oliver feelings Martha large breast pressing against his back, his body started heating up Martha feelings Oliver body heating up after she pressed her breast against him couldn't help but, chuckle inwardly.

As a sense of pride filled her heart as she was happy at how her husband body still reacted to her touch. Moving her lips close to Oliver's ear she whispered in his ear seductively "Don't pertained you know exactly what I mean Oliver."

As she than preceded to gently bite his left ear, while moving her right hand as it slowly moved under his gray t-shirt touching his well defined abs. Oliver feelings her soft hands moving skillfully over his abs and up to his chest while gently squeezing his left peck his heart started beating faster.

As his lower region began twitching, however Martha didn't stop there as she began kissing his neck as well. As she preceded to place her long right leg over his moving it up and down slowly, as she used both her hands to move Oliver's shirt up beginning to kiss his well toned back. By now Oliver skin began to heat up and he little brother had fully awake for the second time today from Martha stimulation.

Oliver finally couldn't help himself turning around slowly facing his wife's flushed face, as she took slow deep breathes. As she had also got stimulated after feeling Oliver muscular body that she had been feeling all over.

As they both looked at each other's redden face Oliver and Martha moved their lips close together as they began ravishing each other's lips gently bite them. As they then both began exploring each other's mouth as their tongues started to wrestle for dominance either one backing down as their hands moved around each other body.

Oliver hands reaching Martha plumped buttocks squeezing and squishing them into different shapes. Finally after a full minute they separated their lips taking in deep breathes as they held their bodies close together. '"I don't have any condoms." Said Oliver in an upset voice.

Martha hearing his words laugh softly for a few seconds then finally replied in a soft voice, "It's okey. It's a safe day for me so we don't need one." Oliver hearing her words put on a evil yet charming smile.

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