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10% Becoming a Superstar 1988 / Chapter 5: Hidden Dangerous 1

Chapter 5: Hidden Dangerous 1

20th January 1988 Saturday

In a small room Alex's father and his wife were having a serious discussion together about Alex's."I don't know honey but, ever since Alex's was in that accident his become a complete different person. I mean I'm happy of the fact that he can have a normal life now but, sometimes I feel like he isn't my Alex's anymore." Spoke Martha as she bit her nails.

Looking at his wife downcast expression made Oliver heart sink as he to felt, as if he had some lost his son too after that accident. This didn't mean they wanted Alex's to return to having a surveyor learning disorder, where he it took him weeks or months learning something.

The fact of the matter was that Alex had changed so much after the accident, that they barely recognized him. He could now make big tech companies pay large sum of money by for helping them whatever that software he made was.

This type of feeling had made him and the rest of his family this changes were a bit too drastic to Alex's personality and behavior. Anyone in their situation would feel the same way, at first they were over joyed for Alex but, now it felt like they didn't know their son instead. They had started having this kinds of thoughts recently after Alex's started spending more time on the computer.

Now he spends most of his time in their basement working on the computer with Michael and Mark.They had talked with both Mark and Michael about what the two were doing with Alex on their computers. Which is were they had learned that the were working on making a video game which upon hearing that made the two of them become worried about how it affect Alex's school work.

Thankfully enough Alex's tests scores remind at the top of his school getting full marks on all his subjects. Which Oliver still thought it was strange since previously Alex could barely speak properly weren't for them working hard to teach him. His math skills would be low that of the 2nd level primary schooler. Not even mentioning his computer skills which came as their's biggest surprise.

"Oliver? Oliver? Oliver are you even listening to me ,"said Martha with a furious expression as she looked at her husband.

"Ohh~! Sorry about that."

"I got lost in my own thoughts for a moment."

Sighing lightly Oliver looked over to his wife still frustrated face spoke to her in a gentle tone. "Alex's isn't a child anymore his turning fourteen this year so we can't keep thinking of him as a little child anymore. Its better we all start to treat him like the rest of the children okey? "

After hearing what her husband said, Martha cheeks puffed up show her clear displeasure at her husband words. However, in her heart she knew that this was now case and they had to get used to this fact now from now on. Even so she still couldn't get this sad feeling in her heart which made her hate herself for it because a part of herself missed how innocent Alex's looked back then.

In the living room a similar discussion was taking place with the three oldest children of the Williams family. After Jennifer and Ashley returned back from college the two had been having a hard time. Adjusting to the changes that have happened to the youngest brother.

"I don't know I'm still worried about this I admit that I was as happy as everyone else after Alex's got over his disorder. But what if one day he suddenly wakes up and reverts back to himself before the accident."said Jennifer worriedly

Ashley had on the same expression as her elder sister clearly showing she had the same fears about the situation. As she had also done her own research on the matter and she wasn't able to find much.

As those with this type of mental condition rarely recovered from it, especially with Alex case as there wasn't much research done on it. There was also no records of people suffering from the condition one day suddenly coming out of it. Gaining great knowledge on certain things like Alex's did with computer.

Who knows what could happen to Alex's mentality in the future as well, she wanted to tell her parents to take him to the doctor to run some tests on him just to be sure.

Duke looking at his two older who had similar expression and couldn't help and speak with a serious tone.

"Stop worrying about things that haven't happen yet and instead think about how we should support Alex's as of now. He isn't as fragile as you think he is, we should all instead treat him as a normal teenager instead of always worrying about what might or might not happen."

Hearing Duke words both sister calm down. Anyone seeing this scene would think that the young man between the two women was the older one among the three of them.

As for the person in question is currently worrying about other issues being completely obvious to his family members concerns about him. As the three of them in the room had just finished working on Castle Wolfenstein 3D demo.

Alex was more concerned about how long it took them to create the game and the game engine. Even with his vast knowledge of programming and other computers skills he was still only one person.

His main concern was his current place in time now which was the start of the gold age of the gaming and entertainment market. This was the best time to capitalize, realizing he needed more people on his side to achieve his goals. But now he needed more capital to achieve this he still had about US dollars 95000 in his savings account, even though he couldn't take out that kind of money by himself.

Without talking to his parents about it that money as they discussed was him and his brother's college fees in the future.

His parents had used most of the money they had gotten from him to pay off their outstanding debts and his hospital charges. He also heard that his dad also used some of it to help improve his business. His mother worked at a daycare center along with his godmother Maria.

Alex needed more capital and also to fully established himself. Actually 90 thousand was a huge sum enough to buy a nice three bedroom house in the suburbs. But, it wasn't enough for what Alex had in mind. This was the year were he would begin his business empire. Which needed his full attention that also went for Michael and Mark whose time was taken up by school and studying.

The next day walking to his parents room and knocked on their door gently then called in a soft voice."Mom,dad are you in their ? " called Alex

After waiting for a few minutes and receiving no response from anyone inside the room. Alex decided to go down stairs to look for his parents, but, after searching the whole house he didn't find anyone home besides himself.

"Hmm...Seems like no one's home besides me."

"Today's a Saturday and it's still pretty early morning Duke should have left to head to the library today, so his sister should have gone out the their.While mom and dad said they would start going to the park to do some light exercises together weekends yesterday?" Said Alex to himself in a low voice.

While today Michael and Mark wouldn't be coming today to work on the game. Since they where also done with the game and their online website was still to be setup for it.

In the meantime Alex's parents had decided to start exercise together to get into shape and to look after their health. Ever since Alex's, became well enough to take care of himself, needing no one to stay and look after him, his family now had more time from themselves. Hence they are all now able to do things they hadn't had time for.

Well it's only been a couple of months now that they are comfortable enough with leaving him alone with no supervision. As they would usually leave him with supervision.

After quickly figuring out the whereabouts of his siblings and parents, Alex decided to wait until they came back home to talk with them. Alex's having nothing else to do decided to go down to the basement and see how the game was now running. Even though they had already nearly completed the making of the entire game, it didn't mean they could start distribution yet.

They still needed to search for any bugs or software issues the game might have. Otherwise it could ruin the first impression of the game, gamers had while playing. So after making sure that their weren't any game breaking bugs or cheat that gamers could use to play the game they could finally start distribution of the game.

It just wasn't the game that needed to work perfectly the programming software and game engine would also become a golden goose for many other game creator's out there.

From Alex's perspective it would only be another month before the game was ready to launch. However it wouldn't be easy to sell a game with this much blood and violence in it without any backlash from the general public as special parents.

Many people in these times still thought of video games as something meanly met for kids and teenagers which wasn't wrong. However, none of the games that are being sold now are as graphic and violent as Castle Wolfenstein would be.

That's one of the reason why Alex decided to go with this as one of the first game they'd release. As Alex wanted to set a narrative of what type of games people could aspects from there game studio. However, in the future he would need to create subsidiary for his future gaming empire, as having more subsidiary under yourself added more variety to your business.

This didn't mean that the subsidiary under him in the future would be restricted from exploring into different game genres. Allowing each subsidiary to explore and experiment could lead to greater results, many game studios that entered into a new genre had found great success in different genres.

That's what Alex's found from one of the memories he had received who was very into all things gaming.

After looking at the progress of the game for two hours checking and removing any bugs or cheat that could be found. Whiles testing the Unreal Engine capabilities and improving several key elements of it and making slight changes here and there.

After that Alex finally got up and stretching his body whiles leaving the basement, entering the kitchen and opening the freezer he took out a plate of sandwiches his mother had left for him. Sitting on the dining room table Alex took out a science textbook and started reading it while chewing on his sandwich.

An hour want by before Alex finally put down the science textbook on the table. Alex actually doesn't need to read it since he already knows most of the information inside. However, reading it helps to stimulate his brain into understand the topics inside much deeper.

Just because he knows most of the information inside in the textbook doesn't mean he completely understand it. Just like when you go and see a science fiction movie, even when one of the movies main characters tries to explains the scientific elements in the movie doesn't mean the audience will complete understanding the science behind it.

Even if they do understand what the movie is telling them, they won't automatically become experts on the topic. Since they would only get the general concept of what the movie tells them.

That's the same way Alex views the memories he received, it was as if he was watching a documentary of several people's lives from a third person perspective. Thankful enough for Alex he was able to gain all their different skills as he only needed to do was working on getting his body to become proficient in carrying them out. However, Alex still feels like he had lived for hundreds of years after seeing all those memories.

It's only thanks to his brain constantly being strength that he's able to stay sane. Looking at the time his mother and father should have been back a long while ago. 'Seems like their taking this time to spend more time together.' Alex thought to himself before getting up from his sit.

"I should go for a walk myself getting out of the house is good once in a while."Alex said to himself as walk to the front of the door planning on going out.

Alex's took a black sherpa jacket from the coat hanger and placed it over his blue superman t-shirt, buttoning it up all the way until it covered his superman t-shirt. The black sherpa jacket coupled with his dark blue denim jeans made him look very handsome.

Reaching into his jackets left pocket Alex took out a black rubber band and tied his hair into a short ponytail. While allowing the rest of his hair to fall down covering parts of his face. His overall look now was very charming and gave off a slightly sexy vibe.

Opening the door and stepping out of the house not forgetting to lock the door before leaving to have up troll around the street. As he walked down the street for about fifteen minutes Alex's heart rate started increases rapidly his breathing becoming uneasy as his body began shaking uncontrollably.

Even though all of this started taking place Alex's thoughts remained very clear as he quickly realized what was happening to himself. As he recall the memories of himself the night before he got shot, which was near this street.

Alex quickly turned back and walked back to his house with quick steps until he finally arrived at his front door steps.

Taking out the keys he had put in his jacket pocket trying to put the key into the key whole. However, he's hands couldn't stop shaking making it difficult to stick it in. Grabbing the door handle with his left hand he was able to finally open the door and get inside.

After getting inside Alex leaned his back against the door as he gasped for air talking in deep breathes, whiles trying to calm his nerves down. After leaning against the door for a few minutes Alex walked to the kitchen and took a glass cup pouring himself a glass of water.

Gulping it all down into his throat, taking uneasy breathes of air as he closed his eyes for a moment. Finally opening his eyes moving them to look at the glass cup in his shaking hand.

Alex carefully put the cup down on the kitchen sink while looking at his hand. He reached out with his other shaking hand and grabbed his left wrist trying to stop it's shaking. However, he was brearly able to stop his hand from trembling while holding his left wrist with his other shaking right hand.

Leaving the kitchen Alex walked over to the coach sitting down while his body kept on shaking as his heart kept beating faster. As a certain fear kept scratching at his heart as his breathing being quicking again.

Still after all this his mind was still stayed calm as ever which made Alex inwardly terrified. It was as if his brain and body had been separated his mind having no control over his body reactions, as either of them were working in sync.

Unable stop his body from shaking Alex layed down on his side while still holding his left wrist with his right hand closing his eyes tightly.

"Ahhmm... why did we have to stay that long at the library we were only suppose to stay there for at least two hours. "said Jennifer in an exhorted voice


"Aren't you the who continued to insist we stay longer because you needed our help." replied Duke in rebuke

Hearing Duke comment Jennifer chick's began puffing up as a frown started appearing on her face. Turning her head back to look at Duke's face only to be met with his expressionless face.

"Huff... whatever you say majesty." replied back Jennifer in a annoyed voice. She only had a question about a certain topic but, the three of them somehow spent nearly two research the topic.

"Hmm... at least you know when to admit your mistakes. " said Duke while nodding his head in approval to what Jennifer.

Hearing Duke's replied to her words Jennifer closed hear eyes while taking in a deep breath while turning her face away from Duke. Choose to ignore his words instead of arguing with him over such a small matter deciding to act like a mature older sister instead.

Looking at this Ashley could help but, shake her head at her two siblings bickering while walking along side Duke. As they walked behind their elder sister who was walking ahead of them.

"When are you going to let go of those feelings you keep bolting inside your heart , it was not her fault for what happened to us back then." said Ashley in a soft but some what sad voice

Duke hearing her words squinted his eyes, while replied in a cold voice answered, "You can't comment on this matter since you still feel the same way don't you?" Duke questioning Ashley words

Ashley didn't replied back but just lowered her head and kept quiet as they continued back home.

Meanwhile Alex's parents were sitting on a bunch snuggly closing together while looking at the beautiful scenery in the park. Watching families who were having a picnic together as, kids run around having fun with their friends and pets.

Martha seeing this couldn't help but, wish her children were here with them. However, today was just for the two of them since over the last few years they had rarely spent time out together like this.

They were just supposed to go out for a quick jog together since they had never did so together. This was suggested by Alex who said he didn't need anyone to baby sit him anymore.Which at first they didn't agree to but, Alex had already shown he was capable of taking care of himself so they now had more time for themselves.

Martha would usually stay home on weekends to look after Alex with the help of one of their children who would take turns helping her. As when Alex still suffered from autism meant they needed to give special attention to him.

Which lead to Martha and Olivia not pay much attention on their other children because of Alex's condition.

"Why don't we bring the kids here the next time we come here and have a family picnic just like everyone else here. "Martha suggested in a soft voice to her husband.

Oliver hearing his wife request looked down on his right shoulder seeing his wife leaning on him, while gazing at the other families who were having a picnic together.

Putting on charming smile that could make many women blush just seeing it replied to her suggestion in a loving voice. "Alright we'll have our every own family picnic the next time we come here." Answered Oliver

While not knowing that the son who had recently brought them relief over the past couple of months, as his previous condition seemingly have disappeared in a mysterious. Like he had never had it in the first place, is now dealing with a new challenge of his own.

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