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15% Becoming a Superstar 1988 / Chapter 8: Negotiation

Chapter 8: Negotiation

Meanwhile at Microsoft headquarters Bill Gates stood behind a computer as he looked at the screen. A few hours ago his secretary showed him the new operating system Apple had just released with their new iMac computer they had lunch.

Bill hadn't pay much attention to it as he didn't consider Apple a threat after Steve Jobs was kicked out of the company. Even though Steve Jobs wasn't as tech smart as he was Steve new how to innovat and capitalize on technological advancement.

Hence why after Jobs left Apple, Bill still had someone keep an eye on him as he had always thought of Jobs as his greatest rival. He always had this fear that Steve would come up with something that would surpass his window operating system in the future.

However, little did Bill Gates know that is fear would come true, but just not in the way he had imagined.

''Hey..!! We received a reply." Spoke a man who was sitting in front of the computer screen. ''What did he say?" Asked Bill as he leaned his body forward trying to read the text.

''His asking for 300 000 US dollars for the full operating software systems and to transfer the money to this bank account number." Said the man sitting in front of the computer screen.

''He didn't say anything about my offer?'' Asked Bill while frowning as he really wanted to know who, this person was.

''Seems like he doesn't want to work for as boss since he didn't mention anything about your offer.'' Replied Jeffery shaking his head.

However, this only made Bill more upset as having someone out there who could create a much more advanced operating system software. Made him very anxious about the situation.

This person could be another competitor in the graphical user interface, he also suspected that this person also had something to do with the new operating software Apple had released with their new iMac computer.

As it was far more advanced than the one they had been working on. Using some of the code from the email they had received months ago. ''Fine said the money and be ready to track were the money is going to.''

''Yes Sir..!!''

As Alex's stared at his computer screen for a while before seeing that they had begun sending the money. Which he than immediately began implement his hacking skills. Five minutes later he was able to successfully create a illusion of were the money was heading to, which was a bank in China.

It would take about forty eight hours for the money to finally transfer to his personal bank account. Which his father made for him to keep his money in, his father also decided to create separate bank account for his siblings. As for the last few months since Alex's had started working on his project he and had contributed to his family financial situation.

He's older siblings had urged their parents to also started working, which lead to their parents agree since it wouldn't make sense for them to only allow Alex to work. As previously his parents had only thought of making video games as a sort of hobby for Alex, until Alex started talking about his plans about making and selling video games.

At first they were worried about how it would affect his school grades however, after releasing that Alex had always had good grades so far. They decided to see how things would go for now before doing anything.

Deciding to only stop him from continuing doing it if he's grades started to fall. And had instead decided to see what their son had been working on all this time.

Upon seeing how violent the game was as they had always seen video games as something for little kids. Made them a little worried and they had tried to persuade Alex to stop making these types of games. But, they finally given up after seeing Alex's unwillingness to make something more kid friendly.

Not wanting to just stay at home all day and study like they use to Duke had also begun working at the parents work place when they had free time. Along with his two older sisters Ashley and Jennifer who were currently unemployed at the day care center.

However, Duke always made sure he had done his school work before hand. So now Alex was the one who was at home the most, which would change by the end of this week.

After leaving the basement Alex went to the living room and waited for Michael to come take him to his father's firm to talk about the book he wrote. Watching the news as he waited, upon twelve o'clock the door bell ring.


Alex still didn't understand why Michael would always shout loudly when he had already ring the door bell. Shaking his head he got up from the couch switching off the tv screen as he grabbed his black jacket and hat as went to open the door.

Opening the door there was Michael wearing a full bright yellow track suit on, which matched his hair and made his blue eyes really pop out.

''Are you ready to meet my dad?'' Asked Michael as he saw Alex's coming out of the house.

"Yes, I'm ready." Replied Alex's.

"Ashley I'm heading out with Michael I'll be back soon!" Yelled Alex's.

"Okey stay safe..!!" Replied Ashley

After taking a bus and the subway Alex's and Michael finally arrived at a old three story building as they headed up to the top floor. There only five people who worked here, Michael father's name was David Henry he started his own law firm about 5 years ago so it was still a pretty new endeavor.

After Alex learned about Michael's father's law firm he first tried to get Michael to tell his father about the video game they were making. As having a lawyer would make things a little easier when negotiating with a publisher.

However, things didn't go as planned when Michael pitched the idea of the game and David just saw it as nothing important. And had instead told him to focus more on school than making video games for kids. Which lead to Alex writing Jurassic Pack to, try to gain more incentive in persuading David to help.

After arriving at Michael's father's office on the third floor they entered to find a handsome man who looked just like Michael. He had jet black hair with a nicely trimmed beard that gave him a mature look, sharp eyebrows, a roman noise and a step of clear blue eyes.

"Hi dad''

Said Michael as he stroud in to his dad office without even knocking the door. "Ahh.. you two finally arrived, sit down and let talk." Replied David

"Good morning Mr. Henry sorry for trouble lying you like this today." Said Alex in a respectful tone.

"I read your book and I have to say I'm quite impressed by your writing skills Alex and I'm willing to help you find a good publisher if you want." Said David in a very smooth and calm voice with a smile on his face.

A few weeks ago David received a manuscript from his son who urged him to read it as soon as he got time. However, due to the fact that he was too busy working and trying to secure big clientele for his small law firm he hadn't had time to read the manuscript.

Until three days when had decided to at least read through the first few pages of the manuscript due to Michael constant urging. And upon reading the first few pages he was surprised at how good the hand writing was, it was very clear and easy to read.

The writer seemed to have been very experienced, the next thing to have caught his attention was the concept of the story.

Jurassic Park a modern day park that uses modern day technology such as cloning of prehistoric Dinosaur to attracts people all over the world to pay and see this extinct animal. After David started reading the manuscript he became engrossed by the story and unknowingly read through the entire manuscript in one sitting.

Seeing the potential of this story David immediately went to his son room and asked the name of the writer of this story. After finding out that Alex was the one who wrote the story he was a bit surprised, but before rushing to try and incite Alex to let his firm handle he publishing right. He first approached Alex's parents for approval to communicate with his law firm.

Which went well as they didn't mind him talking to Alex's about publishing his book if he wanted. To which they strictly warned him not to force Alex's in agreeing. After getting everything ready David told his son too request a meeting with Alex to talk about the book.

Now today was the day they finally communicate about possible cooperation in the publishing of the book. David mean objective was to receive 50-60 percent of the possible profit of the book sells after publishing for his client. And other related products such as toys, clothing and movie deals if successful enough.

There were two types of publishing self-publishing and traditional publishing. If you' were tov self-publishing, you would be in complete control of everything, owning the rights and royalties to your work.

And can receive up to 60-70 percent of the royalty rates and if you were to go with traditionally publishing, the publishing company owns the rights and royalties and most probably the creative direction too. And the rat for this is usually under 10 percent of the roylaty rates.

This is very important to David since he's firm hasn't been able to get any big clientele lately. As his previous law firm he worked for closed down due to poor management and business practices.

Which made him open up his own law firm as he did want to go through that again. However, this last couple of months have been difficult for him, he really needed to make this deal with Alex and his family.

After the group settled down and got comfortable with each other David decided it was time for him and Alex to get to business.

"Alex, I know Michael has already told you about how much I'm interested in helping you acquire a publishing deal with a big publisher. This is the document I've written up for my server in this negotiation." As David handed the document over to Alex to read through it.

The document very thick nearly a hundred pages as there a lot to the deal. The document meanly focused on the rights of the author such as having the rights to disallow any changes he thank are disrespectful to his original work. If any change were made to the story or character he would need to be informed before hand. And if he did not agree with any unauthorized charges he was allowed to sue the publishes for damages.

It also started that the publisher was not allowed to have any negotiation with other third-party companies without any authorization from the author. It stated also that the only one allowed to communicate with other was the author himself and if the publisher broke any of these would be liable to pay for any damages occurred.

The other pages also had similar requirements, but they were about the movie and toy side of things. Alex looked up from the document and looked at David carefully.

"Your really confident about my book." Asked Alex as he placed the document on the table.

"Yes, I am. The writing and storyline are very good, I could possibly see this being turned into a movie one day." Said David in a confident tone.

"I was planning to go visit both a book publisher and movie studio for the film right for your book." Explained David.

"Okey, I like your plan for my book and I am willing to sign the contract with your firm. However, I have my own condition before signing the contract.

Firstly I want you to add down that after fifteen years, then the film right to Jurassic Park are to return back to me after that time period. After it expires the other party would have to renegotiate with me or my immediate family."

Explain Alex in a serious tone as he knew that Jurassic Park would be one of the most successful film franchise in the world. As he knew for a fact that if his Godfather succeeded a certain famous director would come calling.

He wasn't willing to outright sell the entire film right and he wasn't worried that no movie studio wouldn't except this condition.

As firstly they wouldn't know how successful the movie would be and even if it became a successful franchise they would still have the first priority when renegotiating.

Secondly how would they know that Alex wanted to set up his own movie studios in the future and even if they did Alex highly doubted that they would take him seriously.

Setting up your own movie studios in this day and age was very difficult were many big movie studios already took a big part of the cake. And wouldn't allow it to be split any further so if anyone tries to create their own movie studios now would be an incredibly difficult task to accomplish.

"Secondly, this is the most important one which will decide if I sign this contract." Said Alex showing David that he wasn't going to sign anything if he didn't agree. However, David was already surprised at how good Alex mind was as he thought of something himself over looked.

It wasn't that David wanted to outright sell the film right, in the contract he wrote it only stated that after selling the film right to the movie studio Alex would still get a percentage cut of the movies box office. However by adding that every time the fifteen year time frame expires would allow Alex and would maintain control over the project.

Which would force the movie studio to renegotiate and buy the back the movie rights of the book at a higher price tag, while also allow them to increase the percentage cut from future installments. David had to admit he underestimated Alex future incite.

"Alright, I agree with you first request, what you're seconds request." Said David while nodding his head

"As for my second request is for your firm to also help us find a video game publishers to release our game." Said Alex without blinking

As for David his face darkened at hearing this request and it wasn't because he didn't want to help but, it's just that he didn't see the value in games. Like every responsible parent he didn't enjoy seeing their kids spending all their time inside the house staring at a screen all day. He would be much prefer seeing he's son would go play outside with his friends.

When he's son started going to Alex's house everyday after school he just thought that he went over to study with Alex and Duke. And also stare at Alex's older sisters Ashley that he had a crush on since he first met her. However, upon learning from his wife conversation with Alex's mother Martha that the three boys mostly spend most of their time in the basement making video games made David furious.

As he seriously scolded Michael about not paying attention to his school work after finding out. After cooling down Michael showed him his school test were he got A+ in nearly all subjects except Spanish class were he got a be B+. Which is acceptable since he himself wasn't as smart as his son when he was his age so he let the matter go after that.

However, Michael came back to him and asked him to help him find a video game publishers to help them distribute the game they spent four months working on together. Which he scolded him again as he didn't want his son to be a game creator and strongly disagree about helping him.

However, now he had to make a choice as he could see from Alex's eye that he wouldn't take no for answers. Which puts David in a difficult situation as he wanted his son to have a normal career like being a lawyer like him.

Looking at Alex, David said "I'll only agree if you promise not to allow Michael to be apart of your plans about making video games in the future, if that what you want to do than by all means go ahead. But, Michael is under know circumstances allow to participate anymore." Suggested David who had no plans to let Michael head any further in this direction.

However, Alex looked at to his right and said to Michael, "If you don't agree with your father decision I won't sign the contract." Said Alex as he stared at Michael. Alex really didn't want to let Michael go as he had big plans for him in the future as someone he could trust and rely on. He won't agree to David decision as he could just hire a lawyer to do the job. As he didn't lack the money.

David face darkened even further upon hearing Alex's words. As didn't expect Alex to go against his decision about his son future. And upon seeing his son face which looked down cast which was completely different from his usual expression. As even when David would usually scold Michael when he did something wrong like he just smile and look down at the floor.

But, every time Michael would be scold he would never make the same mistakes again, which is why he also never shouted at him when he corrected Michael. And that is way the two of them had such a close relationship which was much better than what he had with his father when he was growing up.

After a couple of minutes Michael finally looked up and looked back at his father saying, "I understand and if that what you want I'll do it."

However, after saying those words Michael didn't speak again. And both Alex and David could sense the disappointment in Michael voice.

Seeing this situation Alex decided to not sign the document today and instead decided to wait to give Michael time to think. David also did object and decided to keep quiet for now as he also wasn't in a good mood either.

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