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Chapter 15: Chapter 3

"Ughhhh... That was a nice nap..."

'Rimu's still asleep. What a cute fella'

"Well then, time for Floor 81!—"




"What's up?"

'—Did I do anything bad?'

"It's the Legion's Bout..."

'Ehhhh? Yeah, what about it?'



"Shuma... Did you forget?"

'Not that I remember anything...?'

"What'd I forget?"

"Yikes..." Facepalming, he added "You did forget... Ahhh-Hahh. Here's what you said a week ago 'Let's do a Legion Bout in week's due!'"

"Yeah, I did...?"

'—Wait... Week ago?! Wasn't it yesterday?!'

Waving his hands as he turned back, "Then, that's that. The match is in the Coliseum. People are watching. So best of luck!" And with a Bang! The door... Closed shut.


'Sproing,' Rimu leapt, landing on the floor. I said, "But I still have a week to prepare! I only took a nap... Took a nap... Nap! Ahhhhh! Nooooooooo!"

I crouched on the ground, my head bowed...

'That's what i get for overdoing it...'

"I have no choice... But to..."


"Rimu, up'ere'


Consequently, I was left with no choice but to attend... Walking the streets as I felt despondent... I was thinking of postponing it. But guilt struck back.

'If I were to cancel it, Won't it trouble whoever arranged for the Coliseum? Plus, I'd feel bad for the audience..."

Low in spirits, I kept on walking until I reached the specified location...

The crowds' cheering and bantering had energized my despondency... I then thought 'I can't win like this!' Taking Rimu by my arms, I carried her, as the matchmaking was occuring,

Once it was set, the rules were explained... It was something very simple. "Knock down your opponent without decapacitating or tap their shoulders to win."

For the first round, Takahiro and Koichi — They were called.

Passionately, they exchanged spells. While they battled, I had activated my Refined Perception, I overheard their puffed conversation as they duked it out and a revelation was revealed!

Never had I, the oh-so-mighty Shuma, would have expected such thing!

"Takahiro-sensei, I've gotten way more stronger!" Said Koichi so happily.

I thought "Who'd expect dunce Takahiro to be a Master?" It was truly a work of a being higher than I!

Their match was nearing its end... With a final "Swoosh! Bang!" Koichi beat Takahiro. But Honestly, I believed that it was Hiro's idiocy that led him to his defeat...

I approached my most Trusted friend, Hiro. Handed my precious Rimu in his hands and told him "Take good care of her..."

Thus started my battle... A battle, unprepared...

"Best of luck to you, newbie..."

'Yeah, I doubt myself winning anyways... I hardly had time to practice...' I expressed a grieving face... Frowning ever so badly... "Hey, you okay?" Uttered Rein.

Responded I, "Yeah... Thanks... Rein..."

With a projection, [Begin] The match, officiated!

Rein took her Gun and with a loud 'Bang!' I reacted swiftly. Consequently, she conjured a dagger and threw it at me! I felt like I was going to lose... Nonetheless, I evaded...

"What's with you? Shuma? Why evade? I'm confident you can do more than that!" yelled so confidently. Her bold utterance motivated me!

[Empirical, Activated]

[Neural Maneuver, Activated]

Being able to impede her movements ever-so-slightly, I gained a bit of an advantage! Yet, she moved so fiercely!

Continuing the influx of decisive blows, I was again, left with a hard time. I utilized my wiles and thought such. 'A blinding skill, consolidated with a binding one!'

[Ultimate Skill: Heaven's Judgement, Acquired.]

Hence, I formulated a skill on action! Rein, paralyzed, I uttered a chant. 'Rend thou o' thine own subconscious...' And as she stood still, I made a "Slash!" on her neck... The sword passed through it. Followed, she collapsed. Being the gentleman that I was, I caught her fall.

Thus thought. 'I... did it...'

[Victor: Kagezuchi, Shuma]

Despite having roughed up, I carried Rein like a Princess... 'Ms. Rein, make joy... for the Great Shuma, carries thee! — Under normal instances, I wouldn't be doing this. This is an apology for hurting a beauty...'

From one of the Coliseum's seats, sat Hiro and uttered "Shuma, good job back there! Here, Rimu to calm you down."

Replied with a huge smile, I said "Thanks!" Placing the enchanting Rein on the Front seat, I asked "Hiro, take care of her." His face subtly expressing the, 'First Rimu, now Rein? Ahahaha' reaction. Gently, he let Rein rest on his lap.

Shortly, the next Match started...

[Marx x Mira] Did the projection appear.

Marx started the match with a complex Magical Spell. — Not so complex that I couldn't decrypt. Firstly, he was laying down traps, imperceptible to your normal mage. Followed, was his barrage of insurmountable advanced Skills... It was a battle worth witnessing.

Mira, being an Assassin — Masters of Deceit and Ploys, she shrewdly detected and read Marx wily traps.

From the sidelines, I, myself, without even using Refined Perception, could tell, that Marx, was having a tough time. They kept exchanging blows but in the end... With a skill I couldn't define... Stunned Mira. Thereafter, he approached. tapped her shoulder...

[Victor: Marx]

Marx took the win.

As Mira snapped back, she realized, she had lost. Thus she accepted her defeat, and drew back to the sidelines.

Beside me, awoke Rein. Hiro, being dense as he is, ignored the fact that a beautiful woman is unconscious on his lap. Rein, having noticed that, blushed and took off from Hiro, standing very stiffly parallel to the man.

I stared at Hiro and with a thumbs up, 'What a development. I wish you both the best' Him, clearly bemused, just beamed a smile — The idiot just made Rein, blush even harder than ever.

[Elric x Natasha]

This time, it's the Buffed up, bearded Tsuki-san's time to gleam!

[Commence] Did the autonomous voice utter.

With his massive Axe, the ground split into two! Natasha, gallantly leaping above, — No, she was Flying! Like a bewildering Fairy, she materialized a flower giving off a lustful smell... Every male from the audience, seemed to have been captivated by her charms. Needless to say, I was not affected as my eyes are only on Rimu.

Aside from me, Hiro the airhead and Shin, the guy I couldn't read, also remained unaffected.

As Natasha commenced her tempting attack, Elric remained steeled. — He was not in the least fazed! I had thought to myself then, 'This guy... Not only does he look strong but he's also got some density in him — Physically and mentally!' It was a remark so witty that not even I, would have predicted!

While Elric stood strong, Natasha... With eyes, astounded. fell into her knees. It was the most ridiculous defeat that I had witnessed! Despite her loss, it felt like the spectators were cheering for her and jeering at Elric.

'Poor Elric.'

Now the next match was up...

[Suisei Yuuki x Shin]


With a single slash of Shin's sword... She countered by activating a spell. It created a barrier of ice! I was astounded. Its icicles shone brightly like jewel. Its quality is not that of an ordinary mage.

I commented 'Legions really are top-notch...'

Subsequently, Shin stopped his unpredictable blows. Shortly, Suisei raised her arms... 'I forfeit this match' lifelessly did she state.

The crowd's 'Booing' left the stage's condition in awkward tense. I mean, not that I could not relate as that matchup was something I, as a Legion looked forward to...

'Suisei Yuuki, and Shin. 2 People, whom I couldn't approach. And are both difficult to read are battling it out. it would've been hella amusing!'

Regardless of the insults being thrown, they kept their serious faces. I could sense a tint of disappointment leaking from both of them. I had actually assumed that They were displeased with the other's capabilities. But heck, I'd place my bets on Suisei than waste my wages on Shin!

Both of them glared at me as if they knew what I was thinking. 'Suisei still is scary as hell!'

Concluding the first round, we went to round two...

'These guys... Don't they know the word 'rest?' '

Inconsiderately, they began the next match.

[Koichi x Elric]

Thus began... "Please go easy on me Elric-san" said Koichi. "Haha! Don't hold back! It's a fight to death!" Replied, Elric.

I contemplated then, 'Elric's loud like Tsuki. And is just as easy-going. Who on earth would want a fight to death? — Maybe war-maniacs?'

Henceforward, Koichi began. With his skill, [Conjure] he materialized a bow, shooting destructive, explosive, arrows!

Bang!-Bang!-Bang! The arena was covered in flames! But surprisingly, Elric managed to dodge, despite his big size! They continued and after a few moments later... Before Koichi had noticed, Elric was already behind him... Tapped his shoulders, the match came to an end.

And so, their battle ended with Elric being the Victor...

Followed was, [Shin x Marx]


It was over in an instant! I saw a glimpse but it looked like he teleported and left him unconscious without doing anything... At that time, I was at a loss for words but now I could clearly tell, it was a skill that alters dimensions.

Then, a random thought popped. 'Why a knockout? He could've just touched his shoulders. How savage!'

Henceforth, my time to shine has arrived!

[Shuma x Natasha]

With the monotonous sound signaling [Begin,] Aria stood composed... It gave off a 'come close and you're dead' vibe so I backed of a bit. The great Shuma was not scared! Nothing do I fear! But as a person as wary as I am, I took measures.

Aria, approaching me composedly, I backed off even more. I could feel the tension between the two of us.

So clearly focused on the Legion ahead of me, I had no time to speak...

I heard the booing of the crowd... In my head, I uttered in annoyance 'Shut up, spectators!' Paying them no heed, I decided to start my attack.

[Skills Activation... All Skills, Operational]

Perceiving all that is at present, I sensed loads of Magia unnaturally floating around me. Before the unidentified skill of hers took effect...

[Ultimate Skill: Magia Control, Acquired]

Surprised, of the new Skill I had acquired, Carelessly had I utilized it. — With that stupid carelessness, she fended it off with another skill.

"Crap!" Feeling extremely dumb for revealing a skill to an opponent, I stepped back. I was caught in Aria's trap! Vines, entangled my feet... I was feeling slightly fatigued. Thus I had surmised. 'This is! A spell that absorbs Magia!' Fortunately, I had an abnormally low Magia Capacity that for some reason, never depletes...

[Ultimate Skill: Inferno, Activated]

'This plant-life, did it die so pathetically!' Uttered I condescendingly... Despite being the one at odds, I was arrogantly confident. The low-spirited me, hours ago seemed to have turned into a faint memory.

With Aria, puzzled, I saw an opening! Being the underhanded Shuma I am, I initiated an attack!

Using Magia Control, which I just had acquired, I utilized it ever again. Aria, suddenly weakened. I rushed and touched her shoulders.

[Victor: Kagezuchi, Shuma]

And with that, I actually did take, the spotlight 'Nyahahahahhaa' Laughed hysterically, internally. Offered Aria a hand and said "Aria...-san. Should I help you?"

She denied, "Flirtatious acts don't work on me, lad."

Smiling, I thought, 'Ahahah... But I wasn't flirting with Rein though. Hell, if I was, I'd already be broken. Hiro took her heart already. Besides, Rimu one, Rimu all!'

She stood confidently and the crowd cheered...

Thus, the 3rd Round Started...

'Heh? I'm on standby? I mean, I guess it's alright? Facing either Elric or Shin would be bad. I'm 100% certain that I'd be beaten!'

Their battle began!

Shin was calm and serious as usual. Elric attacked head first. Shin evaded! Elric fought well but to no avail...

Shin used the same technique as he did Marx. It took him long to utilize so I surmised 'The fact that it was used later either means he was struggling or that its cooldown is longer. But the latter is improbable. No one would use an attack as such in a recurring match!'

Thus, the day concluded and people scattered. The Legions used their skill to transport.

I looked above the skies... It was already daybreak,

Henceforth, I decided to return with Rimu atop my head... Seeing how most, or if not, all Legions could already teleport, I traversed back to my room...

There, I sat. clamping my fingers together and resting my chin on my hands... Conceptualizing....

'I improved that much with just a day of training. I guess I could beat this Shin guy!'

"Bwahahahahahaha!" Utterly pathetic, I laughed confidently!

Added more "Rimu, rate your Shuma's strength level from one to ten!"


'Ahh, she's bouncing'

—"Rimu, I take that as a 10, since you're being cute! Being cute means a perfect score! Mwahahahahaha!"

Conceitedly excited for what's to come tomorrow, I took a quick sleep all the while embracing Rimu, covering her plump, slime figure, making her feel secure.

Henceforth, the final battle, would have shortly begin!

Highly motivated as to beating the crap out of Shin, "To the Coliseum, we traverse!" My highly despondent nature yesterday, had finally been overshadowed by an extremely bright joyous I!

Thus, by using my usual Teleportation Skill, I arrived at the Coliseum.

"Seems like I'm first..."

—'Or not... Apparently, Shin also looks forward to challenging the great Shuma! Bwahahahaha!'

Glaring at me so maliciously, I looked at him ever-always-condescendingly.

'Know your place peasant! Nyahahahaha!'

His constantly prickling stare, turned ever-more threatening. In my head, somewhat sorry yet somewhat proud, I mumbled 'I might be sorry... or I might as well be not? Well, if you stare at me like that of course I'd be condescending... or I would still be condescending no matter?'

He turned his eyes away from me but the extreme tension he was emanating in between us was still clearly felt. The gloomy atmosphere persisted for hours until one by one, the Legions arrived by teleporting...

And now, the place is filled! People from the seats, all bantering,

A system announced with a voice so cold and lifeless.

[Contenders Step on Stage...]

So we did...

[Final Match: Shuma x Shin]


[All Skills, Operational]

Thus, haphazardly, I attacked first! Manipulating the Magia around me, I produced a super dense lightning bolt! Consequently, I fired it directly at him. The exact moment it took off from my hand, he teleported!

With my skill, I perceived him, initiating a sneak attack behind me. My mind thinking of complexed strategies to beat him, I created a new skill! One defying Gravity!

[Ultimate Skill: Gravitative Negation]

I flew upwards! Somewhat fumble at controlling it, I lost focus! Shin was not careless enough to let an opening like that slip by! With another Teleport, he whispered something in a voice so clear. 'Drop down...'

Hence I lost consciousness and fell on the hard floor. Before I knew it, Hiro had put me in his lap!

Once I became aware, swiftly did I stand, mumbled thus, "What're you d-doing, you idiot, Jerk, d-dunce, numbskull, Foooool!"

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, Shuma... You passed out so I—"

"Fooool, jerk! Idiot!"

'— So this is what Rein felt... Ahhh, what an embarrassing display!'

Pointing my fingers, "Why'd you do that, man?! I'm fine sleeping everywhere!"

"Alright?" Said Hiro, with his usual prince-like guise and air-headed nature.

'Sheesh, if anyone saw that...—' Farther ahead, 'Ah, Rein... Ahhhh, it feels like she's, being bashful... Why didn't you headed out just as how everyone did?! What a shameful, incident!'

"Hey, Hiro. Man, I appreciate the concern but I'm a guy, alright? Do that to girls, not people like me"

Sitting ever so clueless, He just remained silent.

Bowing my head to Rein, she blushed from afar. Hell, it was so clear that she turned red. I mean, what kind of idiot won't notice? I guess Hiro is one person but aside from the guy, there's almost none.

Subsequently, I went home...

Laying flat on my bed, "I lost... The previous matches I had with the other members were not a fluke, that I know... I used my wits. But... I know... I just know. I know how weak I am relative to the Legion's powers!"

Aware of my weaknesses and strengths, I surmised "Despite that pathetic loss, I guess it wasn't bad, overall. I mean, I now have a detailed grasp of their abilities...? Which I'd say, is pretty awesome!"

Upon concise analytic conceptualization, I reached the conclusion of the Legion's standings.

With Shin, being the strongest and the highest on the Hierarchical order; followed Elric, the Humongous dwarf, Kouichi, who outranked his master due to his intellect, Marx the Master of Spells, Takahiro the Air-head, Mira the Assassin, Rein the Weaponeer, Aria, the Spirit, I, the shrewd one, and lastly, the only one I, am superior to... Natasha.

I stood up. With my arms forming a fist in front of my chest, myself, deduced thus. "If I can beat the Legions by using brain-power, then, obviously, I can beat some insentient monsters that's capable of annihilating a whole continent! — Hopefully..."

With the rest of the day, being alone, left in my room with the always-dazzling-Rimu, I formulated different plans and counters to fend myself if ever I could locate a monster as such.

I was roaming everywhere in the room. externally, it seemed like I was an idiot, internally, I was visualizing. My walking was not something pointless. I, the great Shuma will ne'er do thus! Unless 'tis something myself hath considered worthwhile!

Repeating the same process: Visualize, Conceptualize, Deduce, Conclude, Rimu-Rimu-Rimu, recur... It was something so repetitive but so long as I had Rimu, I thought nothing of it!

And so night had arrived... Before I rested, I was already determined! — I would train my ass for a whole week... Once again! And then, and only then! Would I try to raise my place in the Hierarchical Order!

The night passed... Ever so quietly.

-End of Chapter-

Shuma Shuma

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