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Chapter 14: I literally don't know what to do...

"I don't know what to do... It's been 3 days since then... All I ever did was think and think — Rimu. Think, visualize, conceptualize, formulate, think — Rimu..."


"Oh, sorry if that came off rude, Rimu... It's just.... Arghhhhh!!!"


'At least the bed's comfy'


'What should I do?'

—'Obviously, destroy the Legions and RULE over Weiss! Dethrone the KING!! Nyahahahahahah!'

—'Shaddup, Demon Shuma! Your high pitched voice is annoying so zip it! You, Normal Shuma! Don't listen to that Bad person... Befriend the Legions for peace!'

—"No, you shut the HELL up! You also have a high pitched voice so you're not one to talk! go to HELL and be a Demon!"


"Ah, the Demon and Angel part of me are arguing... They're telling me what to do. I guess that happens to everyone?"

'Befriend the Legions for peace!'

"Argghhh! Just the word 'Legion' makes me wanna quit. I'd like an easier way.!"



"That's right! Screw hurdles! I said back then, that 'Whatever comes by, comes by. I'll deal with it whenever!' That's why, no time to brood! It's a day to boldly summon all the Legions!"

Thus began, another one of my shticks!

"Mwuahahahaha! I am, Shuma! None, stands in the Marvelous Shuma's path!" Regaining my drive, I proclaimed! "To ye, of the Legions! Thou shalt gather on my behalf!"

'Umu, that's good... So good, that it scares me'



'Who might it be? Could be Hiro...'


"—Or not!?"


'Ahhh! It's him!'

"Ah... Wrong room..."

"—Wait! Aren't you that guy?! From the outdoor cafe?! Why're you here?!"

Making a perplexed face, "Ha? What are you talking about?" Hence, the great forgiving I, uttered! "You gave me instructions on this Legion examination. Remember?" With an expression ever bewildered and eyes so aggravated, he answered "I don't remember you..."

"I don't remember you but... I think I know who does..." Facepalming, he clarified "It's my younger twin brother, Kou."

I folded my fist and struck my palms lightly. 'Ah... So this is that type of development'

"Could you please specify? Sir?"

"How rude! If you were not a Legion, you would be beheaded! Bow, to the 1st Prince of Weiss!"

'Hehhh?' Henceforth, I laid my head low. 'I can see the resemblance between the two...'

"Hey, Hey! Are you listening?"

Consequently, I took a stand and replied while maintaining my guise, splendidly! "Oh, pardon me, Royal Prince, I was lost in thought." Before replying, his lips clicked "That's so disgusting. And weird. I permit you to use Kei."

—'He also takes to his father. Heh. I can exploit this... — No! — Yes! — Shaddup alter egos!'

"Hey, commoner. State your name." said Kei condescendingly "'tis Shuma, Prince Kei," Uttered I, elegantly.

"Shuma, lead me to Takahiro's room this instant otherwise I will strip you, of your Legion status"

'That's obviously a lie. You might be a crown prince but the authority lies on your father... Nonetheless I'll go along since it seems interesting!'

"Hey, quit spacing out and lead the way"

'It's just next door though... He must be trying to hide his embarrassment.'

Shortly we arrived. With a "Knock-Knock," Hiro opened the door. Beamed a smile, he exclaimed "Kei! Shuma!"

'Wah, just. Kei!? No honorifics!?'

"What brings both of you here?" Inquired Hiro. Thus, Prince Kei answered "I came to pay your sorry-state a visit."

—'So basically, he's worried. He's a tsundere alright. Who woulda thought... That Hiro, actually has a friend.'

Placed my hands on my stomach, and bowed oh-so-respectfully, "If I may interrupt, Prince Kei,"

—"You just interrupted me, you fool!"

"My deepest apologies..."

'—This jerk...'

"Speak up." I was told, and so, I did. "May I leave? I don't want to—"

"Stay, until I give you permission to leave!"

'Uwah, so conceited... But for some reason. I don't dislike him.'

"Tsk, in any case that's that! Enough! I will take my leave. You, too, Shuma, are dismissed!"

"I can't read this guy. He's practically irrational... Really like his twin brother. I bet he's not popular with the ladies..."

From Hiro's front door, I arrived. Bowed my head and said... "My utmost thanks to you, Prince Kei, for leaving me free of punishments"

Henceforth, he gestured: Raising his hands with palms facing forward. Consequently, we departed in opposing directions.

"What a weird guy, that Kei was... Don't you agree? Rimu?"


"Well then, time to commence, Plan B!"

'B: efriend all the Legions!'

And so, the mission, B: egan!

I headed towards each Legion Members' location by utilizing the skills at hand. While working on pursuing them to gather at the meeting room...

"What might be it, my Dear Shuma? Said Natasha, the Captivator. Thus I exclaimed! "This is essential for the sake of improving relations!"

With sophistry, I convinced one! On to the next...

"Kouichi!" Jerked one's head back, replied "Huh? Ahh, Shuma-san. What do you need from me?"

'Seems like they at least know the faces of their allies' Mineself, assumed reflectively.

Subsequently... Smoothed things up, I lured another in my trap!

Deceived 5 more... First, Marx, the Conjurer, followed Mira, the Assassin, then Rein, the Weaponeer, Yuuki — Which took great courage just to talk to, and lastly...

'Aria... This one's gonna be tough'

"What need do you require from this Spirit? Young'in?"

'—Figures... Following Hiro, she's most likely the 2nd eldest member of the Legions... Hiro was already here 6 generations ago. While she... Simple deduction summates it all to... 125 Years, roughly'

As followed, briefly summed it all up with 36 Words. I attempted sophism — She argued empirically. Needless to fret, I made a witty comeback!... And so, initiation of Plan B: Commences in a few hours!


'I did it!'

"They kept staring at you back there, Rimu!" Wobble "That very notion, verifies your cuteness!" 'Boing' — took of from my head and sat on my lap... "Almost no one can resist your charms!"




"Shuma, it's about time."

'It's time, huh'

—"Let's get going!"

Thereafter, we did...

The Legion's Assembly...

'A wide table, just as in the movies... 11 Seats in total, 5 on both sides, 1 on the other. And I presume, I take that central seat?...'

Henceforth, I, sweating inside, calmly stated. "Please take your seats."

'—This is making me more nervous than orginally thought. — You've organized meetings with your C.LA.R.K. Unit countlessly! This is is nothing!'

"—So to start with, this meeting is about the inter-personal relations between the Legions."

Elric, interrupted with eyes so serious. "—But before that, Shuma. You said our inter-personal relations... If that's what we're here for today... Where's Shin?"



Followed. Their mutters and whispers, filled the room.

'Oh, crap. Shin totally slipped my mind!'

"Uhm, I would please ask everyone to please 'Shut up and' calm down..."

Hence, the tension relaxed... Consequently, like a spokesman, I continued. "My apologies for forgetting Shin...-san... To be frank... I'm somewhat scared of approaching that person..."

Kouichi, the Spellmaster, replied, smiling pleasantly. "Haha, I can agree with that at least... He's too serious to a fault."

Interrupted, Marx. He Spoke "—That is indeed, so. Once I inquired him, he denied rudely. That irked me. If I do say."

'Yeah, I can really verify that. I was ignored when I made a friendly greeting.'

The assembly I have held, turned into a friendly interchange. Although Suisei remained inapproachable, Aria, always ever so quiet as she observed. And Hiro... Isolated... Left out...

Approaching him. "Cheer up! Everyone's enjoying themselves"

—'And back then you said, 'They're jerks.' Sheesh. Man...'

With eyes drooped, and expression, so sad, "Those guys are jerks..."

—'No, I don't think so. They're smiling normally. Albeit, their personalities are uniquely contrasting.'

"— But Shuma!" He added in a whisper "Those jerks left me, lost on that dungeon expedition!"

With arms so rough and wide, I was given a light slap to the back "Shuma..."

'—Uwah, this really reminds me of Tsuki-san'

He continued while grinning. With his beard-covered lips, "What are you discussing with Hiro?" In turn, I replied "Nothing much. Just Hiro being a coward..."

'— They all seem to be good guys — Excluding Yuuki and Shin, that is... So I don't think there's anything to be afraid of'

"Hiro, don't tell me you're still on with that incident! You just got lost, not our problem! You're a responsible, respectable" '— See? Respectable? He's a good guy' "— man! Don't pin the problems on your comrades!"

'Ahh, he's about to cry... Come on. Keep up the noble atmosphere you're always emitting. Weak Hiro looks adorable — Uh-oh... Am I a sadist?'

"But, but... You could have guided me!"

With eyes even more serious, "Don't be irresponsible!"

'His soul left the body... Poor Hiro'

Shaking the unfortunate guy from the shoulders violently, while Hiro, whose eyes so dim, and spirit clearly fleeing his corporeal body from his mouth's opening... Elric yelled. "hey! Get a grip!"

'Is he already calm?'

His soul, sucked right back in, the fool, uttered "Right... I am sorry..." Said with a tone ever so regretful...

"Seems like you've made up, Hiro, Elric... And I presume that applies to everyone in this room?"

Marx cut in, said "—Say, Shuma. What reason did you call us, here? I wholly doubt it's for relationships. As you can see, everyone here aside from new ones are acquainted."

''Yeaaaah... That darned Hiro just made me leave a bad impression on you. Is all' — Is what I wanna say buuuut. That'd leave Hiro in a bad spot.'

"— So? What might it be?"

With a straight face, I answered undisturbed. "Actually, I just wanted to learn a bit more about everyone since relationships are always an important basepoint to building a solid, impenetrable bond and upon which, I surmised that, that would be essential in the far fut—"

"... Ah-hah-hahah... I-I see. Shuma... I would have not known..."

'Yes! He bought it!'

From that point forward, everyone conversed. Simultaneously, they continued their chatter, never had they noticed Suisei heading out. While Aria remain at seat. Quietly observing.

Henceforth, the meeting adjourned! In my room, I went to contemplate and as time passed, slept beside my always ever-so-adorable Slime, Rimu!

The night maintained its serenity...

As the days passed by so quickly. I remained vigilant. Making sure that my association to each Legion remain strong and intact, I've faced myself in countless disasters. and cleaned up my blunders. But due to that intensive effort, I learned much...

A few days shortly...

"I don't know what to do... Waaaaaaaa... Life's repetitive. This happened to me a week ago, too!"

'Creating skills is boring! Aaaaaaahhhh... I doubt I can even squeeze any more information from the Legions. I've memorized, basically, everything! Becoming a High ranking Legion is a huge paiiiiiiiin!'

"I waaaaaaaaaaaaant the Magiaaaaaaaaaaa Recooooord!"

'From basic information. Legions are usually ranked by their accomplishments. Also, one way to go at it would be a bout...'

"— If it's a bout, I'll be dead-meat for sure. Anything but that. I need to get stronger"

'I've read from somewhere that insentient Demons can be horrifyingly threatening to a continent or two? Maybe that would work?'

"I guess it's a trip away from Weiss..."

'Satan's Mainland...'

As I was lying, flat, I stood... Picked up my Rimu, I embraced her gently.

"Before all else, I need experience! A friendly match between all Legions with no holds barred!"

Thus, I did! Arranged another meeting and shortly, discussed the plan. All of them paid close, careful attention, and some even suggested ideas. The exchange lasted hours. Yuuki, the supposedly aloof girl, and the always-quiet Aria, are beginning to slowly open up. — I daresay 'twas my presence that indulged them!

Hence, the assembly, was dismissed. Therefore, the consequent day, started...

"We've got a week's worth of preparation for this! Rimu, we've gotta train!"

'To that Dungeon, we go!'

[Remote Transfer, Activated]

To that last dungeon, I went. And once again.

'This place reeks of peril, as usual. Activate the skills I require.'

[Skills Activation... Commencing Organization... Process... Successfully Executed. All Skills, Operational]

Henceforward, the time to hunt, Began!

As I tread nonchalantly, a human-like figure, wearing a Tiki mask, attacked! Needless to say, I was Overpowered so I snapped my fingers and the skill did its job!.

"Mwahahahahaha! Come at the Almighty Shuma, ye lowlifes!"

Exclaimed conceitedly, I proceeded forward. The floor levels were getting even harder past Floor 70... A cave, teeming with Dragon-esque monsters...

Stroking my chin 'According to pre-read knowledge, wyverns are one of the most dangerous monsters to ever exist'

"—Tsk, that means the Sentient Dragons are levels above it! No time to dawdle, it's training!"

Slash! I took one, down, after the other!

"They're -Flap-Flap- Tough, but... Nothing to worry, about!"

I sensed a being, emitting strong Magia

[Skill Evolution... Special Skill: Refined Perception, Acquired]

'New Skill... Ooo, I can see its appearance now.'

"Floor 70"

—'A Boss Monster is hiding far. — No, Sleeping? It emanates violent Magia flow but, despite its rapid movement, it's... Dormant... Hmmm. Time to do some dirty-play'

"— Waiiiiiit. I can't use that in a Legion combat!"

Thus, I, the magnanimous Shuma, played fair.

'Ah, there it is...' From a huge opening, laid ferociously, a Dragon... Scales, brown in hue. A figure, so plainly, portraying intimidation.

Whispered "That's not gonna make me falter..." And a thought, trailed 'I challenge myself... 30-60 seconds... — No, 20... I'll slay it within 20.'

[Ultimate Skill: Supersonic... 'Activate?']

'Ah, no... This skill's too powerful'

[Skill: Sonic, Activated]


Consequently "Growl-Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar" Shortly, 'Whoosh!' It blew flames!

I avoided, Utilized an offensive skill,

[Ultimate Skill: Blackhole, Activated]


'Wow, I don't even fatigue, using this skill despite It, needing lots of focus! — I've improved!'

With a use of a single skill...

"Tsk... Dragon, annihilated... Recorded time... 20.04 Seconds"

'Tch... a 0.04 delay... Even the tiniest fraction of a second is crucial to a deathmatch. — Not that I should be overdramatizing. It's just a bout... Still... It's frustrating!'

Punching the ground, I verbalized. "Shuma... Do you find this world to be fun? '— I do think it is, entertaining...'

"But... — Arggggh! This isn't how it was supposed to be!"


'Rimu's cute but... I want to let out my raging feelings!'

Crouching with my head bowed down, I yelled! "I have never been able to complain properly ever since I reincarnated, Dammit!"

My voice, breaking up, I stated "This world, is too unpredictable! — Isn't that how life is? — Shut up! Life is always unfair but... Ahhhh! Who knew that a single mistake is this infuriating!!!"


"Arrrrrggggggghhhhh! Way to ruin the mood, you fools!"

Enraged, I slew all who came at me. Slash! Bang! Whoosh! Before I knew it, I had fallen all. Within sight, corpses of the dragon-kin, spread out.

'Uwaah... I might've overdid it this time...'

[Refined Perception, Activated]

Saw their deceased flesh, "Yeah... I think I overdid it... Ah! That's right! I left Rimu behind!"

... Tracked her with my Skill, 'Aaaah! Thank goodness, she's still there!'

[Dimensional Control, Activated]


'She must've been scared to have jumped back at my arms...'

"Alright, relax... Relax... Your dear Shuma is here to comfort and protect you."

Wobble... Boing

'Now she's at my head... Heehee... Whelp, I'm somewhat calm... Maybe, still a tad bit annoyed but... Alright...'

Extended my arms with a fist, clenched, I exclaimed! "To the next floor!"

Henceforth, the divine I, progressed! After beating a couple few 10 floors... The floor's surroundings. Described the very word, Hell. Inferno, everywhere!

"Well... Ha... There are actually Floor bosses every 10 floors. How could I not have noticed?"

'— Probably because the previous floor bosses were too frail to make a difference?'

"Hmm.. Yeah... That must be it. Thank you, oh-so-helpful-brain!"

Thus, I rent one beast upon the other. Then started my battle with... Boss number 2...

'Feels like I'm playing a game.'

100 meters ahead of me... A blazing-hot demon with a head, burning perpetually! Its skin cracking from the heat it radiates...

"Woah... This one's tougher... I might lose... Analyze."

[Empirical, Activated]

'Calculated Chance of Success... 10%'

'So, what do you say, me? — Taking a risk is not something a researcher as I would normally do... But it's exactly because I, am a Researcher, that I should face dangers. I wasn't able to create complex machines by cowering!'

Thereafter, I advanced!

I had tread... The crackling of its movements, resonated within. It turned hostile!

Fwoosh! With a fire ball which I perceived to be the [Ultimate Skill: Hades' Flash,] the Demon shot, faster than my perception could see! Fortunately, My reflexes were quick enough!

'Tsk. It grazed my arms!'

[Skill Evolution... Ultimate Skill: Extremity Enhancement, Acquired]

My Physical Statuses: Speed, Strength, Reflexes, Flexibility, and the likes, were heavily fortified! My mind, being pained, I thought of what happens to Rimu if I were to fall...

'I have to win this! Else Rimu's gonna be endangered!'

With a block of my Magical Sword, 'Clang!' Lest, my arms feeling numbed, I counterattacked!

[Ultimate Skill: Neural Maneuver, Activated]

For a split second, I could manipulate its movements! Ceasing all its bodily functions, I created a new skill!

[Skill Evolution... Ultimate Skill, Elemental Dominance, Acquired]

—'Hoh, Just what I need! It sounds overpowered, to boot!'

Manipulating the heat within its body, it ignited! But that was planned!"

[Heat Manipulation, Activated]

With its body temperature, slowly dissipating,

[Ultimate Skill: Absolute Zero, Acquired]

"With the temperature of -273º Celsius, I truthfully doubt your relatively hot stature having enough thermal energy to negate this cold!"

Covering my roughed up face with my right hand, I stated, "—Thus, it crumbled, ever-so-pathetically! Mwahahahahaha! It's Shuma's win!"

'— Rather, Science's win! — Zip-it Alter Ego!'

"Hell Yeaaaaaaaaaah! Rimu! I did it!"


'Hee-hee, She's feeling happy! Rimu's happiness, is my happiness!'

The High Imps, heard my holler... Subsequently, I sensed their approach...

'I'm beat up all over but I think I still have the energy to at least wipe this whole floor out..'

As followed, "Slash!" did I rend those I encounter, dead!

They attacked, I counter, I exploited their weaknesses, they advanced, mindlessly... It was not an easy task, neither a hard one.


Standing as the lone survivor, 'Floor 80, cleared...'

The flames of hell, swallowed their bodies. Splattered blood, amalgamating with the underworld's hue... Their existences, leaving not a single trace...

Picking up Rimu, I carried her on my arms, "Time to head back..."

[Remote Transfer, Activated]

In my room, I arrived...

[Magia Capacity, depleted... Operating emergency measures... Physical State: Dormant.]

[Commencing Magia replenishment... Host Name: Rimu... Type: Intelligent Slime... Physical State: Partially Dormant.]

-End of Chapter-

Shuma Shuma

Heya, 'tis your Good Ol' Author! This Chapter title defines the me, right now. — Being in a Slump, sucks!

Anyways, if you've been loving this man's work, Please add it to library and also, please show your support by commenting on paragraphs or chapters, or giving a review!

I'm open to any helpfully blunt criticisms

Last note — This chapter has 3098 words in total. Well then, have your fun!

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