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25% The Strongest One Attribute (Old) / Chapter 10: Ancient Heavenly Phoenix

Chapter 10: Ancient Heavenly Phoenix

In the middle of the forest, there is one handsome young man with his two beautiful young wives. These 3 youngsters are Shinichi, Esri, and Reina. They are hunting magical beast for their task. After they complete their hunt, they are now sitting at the rock resting and eating bread.

"Shin-chan, you said that your master is Oda Ken?" Asked by Esri as she chomps her bread

"Yes. He's also my father. Why do you ask?" Said Shinichi.

"Well, that name is written in a different kind of ancient text, there are lots of stories about him and that name is the conqueror of all swords. The Sword Emperor." Said Esri Excitedly.

"What! really? My master didn't tell me about his story, he only teaches me about swords and some wisdom about the outside world. He said that if I want to roam the world, I need to learn from him first. Maybe it was a coincidence, they just so happen to be the same name." said Shinichi.

'Well, there is a time that I felt that my master's aura is different when he became angry. He looks like a Divine being. I was scared shitless'

"Also, according to the ancient text, the sword emperor didn't pass down his techniques even with his blood-related family. where is your master now? Let's just ask him to confirm it" Esri said with sparkling stars in her eyes.

When Shinichi heard Esri's question he suddenly become sad, the sadness in his face is hard to bear and his eyes became teary. The sadness in Shinichi's expression was felt by Reina and Esri as they stand up and hug him on both sides.

"I'm sorry, it was insensitive of me," Esri said with tears in her eyes.

The look on Shinichi's face aches her heart. Shinichi wipe his tears and hugged them too around their waist with his left and right hand.

"It's fine, it's not your fault, you are just being curious. My Master died of an unknown disease, he said that he gets it in a battle a long time ago and already tried to consult different kinds of healing mage but none of them able to heal my master." Said Shinichi as he was forced to smile.

"I will be happy if my master is the sword emperor and I felt even proud to my master." Said Shinichi as he pulled his two lovely wives and planted a kiss on their cheeks.

They just flirt with each other for some time to calm down Shinichi.

"Let's return now before it gets dark." Said Shinichi

"Hmmm." Reina and Esri nodded

They are now walking outside the forest. Shinichi suddenly felt someone is calling him and tried to ignore it but the feeling of someone's calling him got stronger.

"Wait, did you girls feel it? I feel like I was being summoned by someone. I felt that someone is calling me" said Shinichi in a confused expression.

"No, I didn't feel anything," Reina said as she looks at Esri

"I too didn't feel it." Said Esri.

"It is getting stronger and my body starting to heat up." Said Shinichi

"What do you mean?" Asked Reina worriedly

"My body felt like I was in a fire but I didn't feel any pain." Said Shinichi as he sweated a lot because of heat.

"There, in that direction, that cave over there." Shinichi suddenly pointed at the cave deep in the forest

"We can't see any cave though," said Esri

It was on the left side of the road, there are lots of trees surrounding the cave. When he looked at the cave, he felt that he will regret it if he leaves and ignored it. The reason they can't see it is because they don't have the same eyesight as Shinichi.

"Just follow me, but if it gets dangerous, please run without me I felt like I need what was inside that cave." Said Shinichi seriously

"No! I won't leave you. I rather die than leave you alone" said Reina strongly

Shinichi sighed then said. "Alright, just make sure to follow me closely."

"Alright," said the two girls

They then started to walk towards the cave, they entered the forest again with caution. Shinichi is holding their hands left and right after a minute of walking, they are now in front of the cave. The feeling of summoning is becoming heavy. Shinichi didn't hesitate and started to enter the cave. The cave has an aura of an ancient, it feels like some Heavenly beast is resting in the cave.

As they continue to enter the cave, they suddenly see a big old double wooden gate and has an ancient carved in it. It was a Phoenix that looked down on the mortals. It feels divine and majestic.

"What is this? I felt like I was in the presence of a divine being" Said Esri Excitedly with a little nervousness.

'This feeling, It feels the same as my master, when he gets angry'

Shinichi then walks near the wooden door. He was about to push the wooden door but the phoenix carved into it suddenly burst into flames and suddenly became more brightly as it opened slowly. Shinichi, Reina, and Esri were looked amazed when they saw what inside the door.

There is a beautiful garden of flowers, trees and a beautiful lake in the center. On the right side of the lake is a Phoenix lying on the bed of flowers and it suddenly opened its eyes and spoke.

"You finally came."

They heard a female melodic and an ancient voice resounded in the place that looks like a paradise. Shinichi and the others started to walk near the phoenix, when Shinichi is in front of the Phoenix, he asked.

"Are you the one who's summoning me?" said Shinichi with a curious look on his face

"Yes." The Phoenix replied

"Why did you call me then? Is there something I can help you with?" asked Shinichi in a polite tone.

The phoenix didn't answer. it only started its flaming eyes at Shinichi. The two girls are only standing in their place not wanting to even make a small sound. They felt that they are like a speck of dust in front of this being that it is blasphemy to even have a conversation with it. After observing Shinichi for some time, it suddenly started to speak.

"So that man is telling the truth. That a white-haired young man will appear with the same physique like him." Said the Phoenix as she reminisces the past.

"What do you mean the same physique and who's him?" said Shinichi in a confused look.

"He is the strongest man I know and also my husband." Said by the ancient phoenix

"Ugh. I really can't understand will you please explain it to me. Do I know him?" said Shinichi

"Before he entered the cycle of reincarnation, he gave me a mission that I must achieve no matter what." said the Phoenix with a sad voice and she continued

"My mission is to pass down to you his magical cultivation technique. it is the only technique deserving your Legendary Physique." Said by the phoenix.

she waves her right wing and suddenly a blazing scroll appeared in the tin air and went in front of Shinichi. Shinichi hesitatingly grabbed the blazing scroll, as he grabbed it, he didn't feel any pain but he can feel its hotness. He removes the tie and spread the scroll open. There are flaming ancient writing in it, for an unknown reason he was able to understand what was written in it. he started to read the name of the technique.

"Heavenly Divine Blazing Magic Art"

"If you cultivated this magical art. All those flames in heavens above will bow down in front of you." Said by the phoenix.

But Shinichi didn't hear it. he was so focused on the scroll that he even ignores the existence of the Phoenix. He looks like a kid who found a new toy.

'Finally, I can finally start to cultivate my fire magic, this is what I needed the most to become even stronger. Those who treated my lovely Reina poorly just you wait kukuku.'

"Can I start to cultivate this now?" asked Shinichi excitedly

"I don't have enough time. Before you started to cultivate it, I want to entrust you something." The phoenix said with a pleading voice.

"What is it? Whatever it is, I will risk my life to take good care of it." Said Shinichi with determination on his face.

"I wanted to entrust you the child of that man and mine." Said the by the gentle voice of the Phoenix

The phoenix wanted to stand up but she has a difficulty in doing it. Shinichi wanted to help her but she was too big. When the Phoenix step aside from where she was lying, there was an egg as big as half of Shinichi's height. The egg is Blazing with majestic flames.

"I wanted to entrust you our child, it's been almost a million years and I already lost all my powers to stop my child to hatch until you appear, so that it can accompany you on your journey." Said the phoenix as she looked at the egg tenderly with a motherly love.

"This is our blood-related Child. please take good care of her." Said the Phoenix to Shinichi with a gentle voice

"Yes, I'll promise you that I will make her happy and treat her better." Said Shinichi with a determined look.

"Thank you so much, this is my last gift for you. Please take it."

The Phoenix opened its mouth and her whole body started to blaze. suddenly a heart shape flame came out of her mouth and flew towards Shinichi. Shinichi's heart pounded. He felt that it gives a person endless power. These heart flames contained dense flame energy.

"Senior, I only promise you that I will take good care of your child out of my own heart. I never thought of having a gift as grand as this. and I already receive heaven-defying magic art. it should go to your child"

"No, no, no that magic art is yours from the beginning because no one other than you can cultivate it. This one is my gratitude towards you for promising me to take care of my child. please don't deny it" said the Phoenix with a pleading kind voice

"Ugh... Alright, then I will gladly accept it senior. Thank you so much." said Shinichi

"That is my heart flame, It only contains a little bit of my power since I was about to pass away, but it should be enough to make you reach the magus stage in the magic hierarchy. also, you will be able to learn our divine innate ability" The phoenix said to Shinichi in a gentle voice

"ahmm. Can you please explain it to me? this magic hierarchy thing. this is the first time I'm hearing it" Shinichi said as he scratches the back of his head.

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