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68% Angel across the MULTIVERSE. / Chapter 51: Chapter 06: Making Waves.

Chapter 51: Chapter 06: Making Waves.

In the Diet Building:

Yuki and Mellissa arrived at the diet building and were escorted inside by the guards who were joined by another four. The eight-man security detail covered them all they way inside till they reached the gates when the formed a human wall before the media that was waiting for a few short questions from Yuki.

"Mr. Yaoyorozu, this is the first time you have made an official debut in the political circle. Can you tell us what made you do it and how do you feel about this?" A reporter asked from the crowd.

"Mr. Yaoyorozu, despite achieving more than most other people would do in their lives barely in your teens, do you think it makes you special? Do you think that you have something that you can add to in the diet building?" Another reporter clamoured.

The reporters were trying to ask questions but most were just shouting and trying to get their voices be heard over the dozen other reporters. The clamouring was getting quite annoying for Yuki's tastes and he asked the guards to make way for him to stand before the crowd.

The moment he stepped forth, the clamouring stopped. Call it his charisma or his presence itself, none dared to breathe harder when the young boy in his teens stood before them. His azure eyes coldly scanned through the crowd and as his gaze swept by, the reporters would inadvertently stand straighter.

He stood like a King before the mass, his cold eyes overlooked the world and his presence itself demanded awe and respect. He spoke up in a deep magnetic and unhurried voice that was not too high nor too low, "All of you know of my identity so I will skip that and come to the part of 'why I am here'."

The cameras started rolling and the silence reigned over as even the sweat dropping from their brow could be heard as they stood before the young teen, in rapt attention and uniform silence.

"It has been two centuries from the discovery of the first quirk. Two hundred years of progress and we have nothing good enough to show for it. People became dependent on their quirks like it was the most natural thing to do, if any of you guys have been studious enough, you might know of the term 'racism'. A term that raised storms in the 20th and the 21st centuries, a term showing how mindless discrimination can end up as."

"Back then, the people had discriminated against each other just based on what colour their skin was, which race they were from and what ethnicity they belonged to. The society took a lot of time to come around it and when it was just getting better, they settled for the next best thing. Quirk, a randomized gift that was given to us at our births, with no control over, something that we know mostly nothing about."

"Just think about it, your friends, your family and even your children could possibly awaken a quirk that goes beyond the norms of what is socially acceptable. The only fate that awaits the poor souls is nothing but mental torture and repression. They will be scorned and refused, they will be forced to live as outcasts and quite possibly made to walk down the wrong path in life."

"Today, I am here to address the few issues that need immediate attention and you all are welcome to attend the diet session, I believe in the term 'Noblesse Oblige'. The person who has must do for the people who don't, call it a strong man's pride or a kind man's compassion, none of it matters as long as the right thing is done."

Yuki spoke his part and walked off to enter the building, leaving behind a mesmerized crowd, the cameras kept rolling and it took a while before the broke out of the daze and all of them had a common thought, 'that was INTENSE.'

The Speaker and Prime Minister took their seats and the quorum was counted. The proceedings started and the diet came into session.

Yuuki was given a seat from under the quota of qualified pioneers placed under the discretion of the Cabinet. He bowed in greeting and started with his piece, the session had live media coverage and Yuki's presence made the TRP rise to the boiling point.

"A very pleasant afternoon to the respected members of the diet and my heartfelt gratefulness to be given a seat in the diet proceedings and a chance to present my views. For starters, let me address an issue that needs to be looked into right here and now."

"Let me ask the ladies and gentry present, 'what is a villain?' and 'what is a hero?' Simply put into words, they would be criminals and and enforcement with quirks. Since we have already accepted the quirk as the norm, why keep the terms of the old? Why follow the measures of the old when we have the power to bring the change?"

"Back then, the people were given quirks, regardless of their social standing. Criminals evolved, but what about the enforcement? The enforcement declined and was rendered powerless and the vigilantes were given a licence to act as enforcement. The whole thing was turned into a farce, putting a ranking board over the whole hero business and the popularity polls and whatnot…"

"Why not revamp the whole enforcement? A simple venture of providing security to the people with efficiency that made the hero work look like a joke. Does anyone know why? …."

"Let me tell you, a hero is nothing more than a freelancer and THE WALL are trained solders. The heroes will be paid according to how high they are ranked, how much they can contribute to the society, does it not remind you of the college boys of the old working for spare pocket money in their leisure?"

"THE WALL is something that gave the much-needed spark to the govt. The Special Forces have made a grand comeback and the efficiency is no worse than THE WALL, the heroism is just a makeshift application of duct tape over the problems of an inefficient enforcement."

"That is the primary concern I bring before you, the bolstering of the Special Forces to show the world that there is no need for heroes in the society, the enforcement is enough. Let the criminals quiver in their boots each time law breaking crosses their minds. The penal system must be changed as well, the locking up is not enough to drive fear in the hearts of the offenders. The crimes will dictate the punishment, I don't believe in redemption, I believe in JUSTICE and I will have it served."

"For the next part, I want to bring light on the matter of the meaningless branding on quirks. A tool is not to be blamed for what it was used for, much less the blacksmith. A knife is a necessary kitchen appliance yet it can be used for causing potential injury and possible death in the wrong hands. The quirks are the same, there are no good or bad quirks, just people who use them for good and bad means."

"I am here to speak for the ostracised people who were repressed, alienated and discriminated against. The 'quirk' has always been a randomized aspect of a person, why blame a child who is born with a quirk that is different from the others. The treatment they receive is worse than what the convicted criminals receive in prisons, children not older than five have to go through such treatment, and nobody asked why?"

"That child may be your friend, your neighbour, your sibling, even your own ward. What wrongs did those innocent souls ever do to the world that it treats them so, simply because they were born different? Is that even a thing?"

"Some of you already know that discrimination on the basis of quirk is strictly prohibited among my ranks and even in the KINGDOMs all around the country, the change has started and the only end I envision is that of a society of meritocracy."

"Every child shall be treated the same and will be presented with similar opportunities. The ones that perform better will have better jobs compared to the rest, everyone will start from the same grounds and the better ones will go farther in life and achieve better things than those who don't put in the efforts to better themselves."

"Equal opportunities won't mean equal futures, the capable shall always be treated than the ones without capability, my only word behind this an equal scope of opportunity and nothing more. And with this I rest my agenda, if there are doubts, please ask without any qualms."

Yuki finished his speech and took his seat after a short bow, the people were entranced, they could feel each of the words spoken by Yuki, each was a cold hard truth that the society was trying to sweep under the rug, but after this young man came to speak of it, as he a teenager did what no one else had, a spark lit up in the hearts of the people in the diet and across the country who were watching the live television.

Claps started and thundered as the views and comments broke out like a torrent. Mellissa who was seated beside Yuki was looking at him with her dreamy cerulean eyes that had a committed gleam in them.

The same was the case with a million other who had seen him on the television, a cult was in it's making and their God was absolutely unaware. Maidens across the worlds felt that they had their love at first sight, while the older ones lamented the fact that they were not born a few years later.

The video caused a raging storm and the words spoken were making the waves.

PuRplE PuRplE

I am here with another CHAPTER!!

Brace yourselves, there shall be two chapters tomorrow.

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