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100% Naruto: Ice King / Chapter 34: Quick summary

Chapter 34: Quick summary

( just finished reading 96 comments and rereading the whole story )

Frost is in the akatsuki and is about to attack the hidden cloud village, at the same time pain and the other akatsuki will get the other 2 tails left before focusing on 8 and 9

Touma is a reincarnated person he has the shadow element

Sakura is stronger than normal

Sasuke is still with Orochimaru and is just as strong as him in his prime. Plus has the mangekyo so he's Op.

Naruto is more mature and is stronger and is able to communicate with Kurama already so he's able to use his chakra.

Hinata is still with frost and don't worry she won't fall for him since nobody really wants it to happen, so I have a plan for her.

Lee is also with frost both hinata and lee basically just watch him and do wtv he says as of rn they are missing/doing something.

Kakashi has swallowed a pill that frost gave him that basically will make him stronger.

Achlys who is hinatas other self but in a different universe still exists,

Lee isn't like hinata and accepted his other selfs power and feelings without a second thought so he isn't going through an internal struggle like hinata.

And that's about all you need to know.

So from now on the story continues.


Frost was now on top of the cloud village looking down on them wondering the best way to bring out the raikage since right now bee is somewhere else.

' let's just destroy everything ' frost thought.

" Creeping ice… " Ice burst out of frosts hands as they started covering everything and anything.

' Better than pain? Maybe hehe ' Frost thought as a huge explosion happened with raikage bursting out and breaking off a lot of ice.

" Oh hello! I have your whole village in the palm of my hands, with a snap I can explode all the ice and kill them all. Wanna test that? " Frost said as he went down to the ground seeing raikage hesitate.

" Wait I just noticed- Since I basically have ultimate heal aren't I able to keep the 8 gates open forever? " He asked out loud

' Technically I don't use the ice power with chakra- plus even with the random burst of chakra from

The 8 gates I should be able to still use Justus because you know I'm just that guy- let's see how it goes. ' Frost thought as he slowly opened every gate to the last one.

His hair burst out red so did his body but he healed faster than anything can break, when there a small crack it heals up and becomes stronger, he's basically getting stronger physically without even training. Raikage just watched this confused but scared since he felt the power that burst out.

Frost controlled it a bit better as now his hair isn't bursting out like it was for guy but it is still red and flame like kinda cool.

" Oh right I forgot you're here, I wanna test out my strength so attack me. " Frost said to which annoyed the raikage being used as a training puppet.

Raikage maxed out his lightning aura as he blitzed towards Frost at a fast speed.

Once he was infront of him the raikage swung his arm the best he could.

Frost raised his arm and opened his hand to block the attack. The raikage couldn't go forwards and his hand broke.

' So strong?? ' He thought as he backed away.

" Hm, guess that's all you have. " Frost appeared behind him with pure physical speed and grabbed his head with his hand. And put a small amount of force to crush his skull killing the raikage with little amount of effort.

" Let's get rid of all this too. " Frost snapped his finger and made all the ice explode and disappear making the village disappear as if it was never there.

' Hm, I'm kinda bored. ' Frost thought about what he wanted to do so he changed his face a bit, changed clothes, and his red hair combined with that made him look completely different but still good looking as he went to konoha to spend some time.

" Yo, my names tenshi I'm here to share information! May I meet the hokage? " Frost said to the 2 people in the gate.

" what village are you from? " one of them asked.

" the hidden rock village. " Frost replied.

" I'll go let the hokage know right away! " the other said as he left.

Not long after he came back and was asked to go to the hokage right away.

Once he got there Danzig was with tsunade arguing.

" Why would you let a person from another village in? What if he's just a spy? You're naive for a hokage if I were hokage- " Danzo was quickly interrupted by tsunade,

" But you're not, so shut up and get out. " Coldy making danzo annoyed and he burst out.

" Come in. " Said tsunade as Tenshi/Frost walked in.

" Hello Hokage, there's an urgent message the tsuchikage wanted to send you.

" The hidden cloud village has recently been destroyed, by none other than frost. " Tenshi/Frost said making Tsunades stress levels raise high asf.

" Some of you anbu go straight to the cloud village to confirm this information. " Tsunade said not wanting to believe it.

" Sorry, just in case I have to make sure. " Tsunade said apologetically.

" It's fine I get it, if I was a kage I'd do that same. " Tenshi/Frost said as.

" Do you mind if I walk around the village Till

They're back? The village looked different from mine from what I saw. " tenshi/Frost asked.

" Ofcourse, go ahead. " Tsunade said secretly having an u follow him as he left.

Frost quickly took care of them as he walked around the village, obviously he didn't kill

Them just knocked them out.

Soon he found a person he was looking for,

The person was fixing some plants happily.

" Hello Ino, looks like we meet again. " Frost said as he dropped a ice rose on her hand as she was stuck in place.

" Do you remember when I gave you a similar one when we first met? " Frost asked.

Ino couldn't move or talk from the shock as Frost chuckled.

" Well either way, it's good to know you're doing okay. Take care Ino. " Frost said as he pet her a little bit and left as Ino fell down crying while holding the rose.

' I'm glad he still remembers me. ' She thought while looking at the rose

( I have no idea what I wanna do with this story so I might actually end this soon and instead move onto a different anime? Maybe Aot or something else but he restarts all his powers and has to win different gachas, ima have to change the novels name, anybody got an idea for the name? Maybe in the anime universe with a gacha system? Help. )

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