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94.11% Naruto: Ice King / Chapter 32: Touma

Chapter 32: Touma

After the fight everybody had returned to Konoha while Touma was wondering around it's been a long time since he's been able to explore.

' Sigh, i don't know how to tell Sakura my feelings without bullying her. I know i'll get rejected because she wants Sasuke. ' Touma walked through Konoha streets.

Behind him Ninjas were following him...

" I think we found our target, Sir. " One of the Ninjas told the leader.

" Good, it's time to take him home. " He said taking out a Kunai.

" On Three we attack him together. "

" One...Two...Th-"

" Sigh, i should do something about my old village. " Touma said as he turned into a shadow.

" Where did he go?! " The leader yelled as Touma came out of his shadow.

" Im right here. " Touma said stabbing the leader with a Kunai but not killing him.

" Guh...You will...regret this...the boss will find you..." He said and ended by biting his own tongue killing himself.

" Sigh, i hate my family. What do you three want to do? Die by me? " Touma asked but once he finished they immediately escaped.

" I'll let them go for now. This world sucks i wanted One piece..." Touma said with a small tear on his face.


Touma is a Reincarnated human, but unlike Frost he only got one wish And even then he was scammed.


" Wait are you foreal? I can get reincarnated? How many wishes i get ? I wanna go right now ! " Touma shouted at the God excitedly.

" Yes yes. You get one wish. unlike those fanfics you read us gods aren't as strong as they make us seem. " the god said with a little bit of sadness.

" Sigh, that's fine. What should i get? A system with every kind of powers ever? I don't wanna be that op. Maybe just something like Sung jin woos abilites? Not the system with him? Hm, maybe i don't know i don't know!" Touma thought to himself outloud.

' What an annoying kid. Im already making this up i already chose the wish for you. ' The god looked down on Touma.

" You sure you don't wanna use your wish to keep your memories? " God said breaking Toumas being.

" W-What? I-I Don't get to keep them plus the wish? " Touma got angry.

" This is bullshit! " Touma shouted.

" Great i'll take that as a yes! Now for your world to be reincarnated in! " God said taking out a wheel full of names from animes and novels.

" YOU MF THIS IS BS WTF NSUIDBUANSDUINASIDOIAS " Touma kept shouting until he calmed down and looked at the wheel of names.

" Naruto, one punch, Solo leveling, Crazy necromancer in the ruined tower..." Touma kept looking through them till he found the one he wants.

" One piece! " Touma shouted but quickly covered his mouth.

' If he finds out i want one piece he won't give it to me...Time to make up an excuse and play mind games...' Touma smirked.

" I hate that anime! Hopefully i get anything else! " Touma bullshited.

' I can read your mind...' God was dumbfounded but then had an evil smirk.

" Time to spin it! " God turned the wheel while Touma preyed his hardest to get what he wants...Slowly the wheel stopped until it landed on one piece and he got excited ready to celebrate but the wheel kept turning a little bit to end on Naruto...


" HAHAHAHAHAH, i can read your mind you dumbass! Now get outta here ! " God snapped his fingers while Touma kept yelling even while he was being transported out.


' Just thinking of him pisses me off. ' A tick formed on Toumas head.

' My question is why this world is so fucked. Naruto is more mature, Sakura is way stronger and theres a whole new person that i don't know about!' Touma yelled at himself.

" IF THIS IS A NOVEL IT FUCKING SUCKS ! " Touma yelled at nobody.

" Sigh, the only good thing about this is that i can see Sakura. When i watched this show i fell for her so fast that i can't control myself around her..." He had a small smiled on his face thinking about her.

" She will be mine. Sasuke will not stop me. I for some reason still the shadow attribute which can help me a lot plus i kept my knowledge. Aslong as i do the right things i can become stronger than anybody on this world even that person Frost. " Touma told himself as he left where he was.


" Oh? Destroy the hidden cloud village? Im kind of excited. May i know why? " Frost asked taking off the rope they used to tie him up.

" Because of your little show Konoha will definitely try getting their help as they are the second strongest village. " Pain said while closing his eyes.

( A/N Not sure if its facts but its just my personal opinion when i watched the show. )

" Why couldn't we just kill their messengers? Instead we have to destroy their village? Sorry, i have to destroy their village? Will this give us any benefits? " Frost asked while cracking his bones.

" Aslong as you do your job they will send messengers for help and everybody will have their attention on you and we can advantage of that to get the last 2 tailed beasts before fully focusing on the 8 and 9 tails. " Konan added as everybody started leaving.

" Consider it destroyed. But since im guessing i have to gain everybody time i will try to destroy them slowly. I can give you half a day before i start getting excited and finish the job. When do i start? " Frost asked while pain was the only one visible who was close to leaving the door.

" Tomorrow " Pain said finally leaving the room while Frost got excited.

" Raikage...Raikage...I guess you're the first victim out of the Kages. " Frost smirked as a cold aura slowly came out of Frost slowly freezing the room.

( A/N Any better? Also this is the explanation of Touma but i didn't give a full detail of which village he was reincarnated into...)

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