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The afternoon had arrived and the registration office was completely overrun with students, all trying to register for the competition.

At this very moment, Cloud and Houki were in the Academy's Kendo Dojo, sitting across from each other.

"How did your date with Maya sensei go?" Houki asked as she tried to calm down after saying those words.

"Houki... you don't have to force yourself so much"-Cloud said as he looked at the girl.

"No... I have to because that way I can strengthen my conviction" - the brown-haired girl answered with a serious look.

"Houki... more than conviction, that's masochism" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "You don't have to hurt yourself to get ahead, you have to fight against what the world throws at you in order to improve"

". . ." -Houki nodded at her words as he took a breath-"Thank you for your words"

Cloud shook his head when he heard this.

"Were you able to request permission to use an IS from the Academy?" - Asked the blonde seriously.

"Yes, I can go look for the IS whenever I want" - agreed the girl from Japan.

"Well, before we get into piloting territory, we're going to train you" - Cloud said seriously - "The tournament is in a week, more than enough time for you to go from being a rookie, to a girl who has the capabilities to fly without any problem"

Houki nodded firmly as her chest warmed from the happiness she felt at the trust he had for her, "I'm not going to let you down…"

"Houki... you don't have to prove anything to me"-Cloud said as he looked at the girl-"You don't have to make others proud of you, you have to be proud of yourself"

Houki again gave a firm nod as she memorized his words.

[Your words of encouragement, made Houki's conviction that much stronger]

". . ." Cloud shook his head when he read this. There were times where these 'notifications' were annoying because they made him seem that far from helping someone because he wanted to, it was because of these stupid quests.

"Is something wrong, Cloud?" Houki asked in surprise.

"No" - denied the blonde - "Let's start with the training... now that I think about it, it should have started much earlier... I'm sorry..."

"No..." - denied the brown-haired girl - "I know very well that you've been busy so I don't blame you"

"I'm still sorry"-Cloud said as he stood up with a serious look-"That's why I'll be much more serious than I had planned..."

"I don't expect anything less from you, Cloud sensei"-Houki smiled as a slight blush appeared on her face for starting to imagine crazy things when he said those words.

* * * * *

"What do we do?" Charlotte asked as she looked at Laura who was piloting her IS.

"Simple, we will comment on the characteristics of our IS in order to start creating strategies that adapt to our way of fighting" - Laura said seriously - "First get to know our partner, then start to get to know our enemy"

"Ok" - agreed Charlotte - "My IS is called [Rafale Revive Custom II] and its greatest quality is the ability to quickly switch between different types of weapons, the most useful being the ranged ones"

"I see... a medium-high range IS" - Laura nodded calmly - "I guess it's my turn, my IS is called [Schwarzer Regen], a short-medium range IS with the ability to drop ammunition by Cannons on my shoulders, as well as the ability to use an Inertia Disruptor, though it has the flaw that I have to focus on the target... if I lose focus, then my ability is cancelled."

"What we can do then, is you be the close range fighter while I support you" - Charlotte said calmly - "We both have the possibility to fight in medium range, so we are not a bad combination"

"I agree" - agreed Laura - "By the way, I'm sure you noticed during my fight against Cloud Strife, but my left eye [Odin], has the ability to increase my reaction receptor, as well as other mental abilities but with the consequence that if I use it a lot at its maximum capacity, it can damage my neural system"

"Ok, we'll use your eye as a last resort... I don't want to have it on my conscience that I left one of my classmates in a bad mental state" - Charlotte said seriously while Laura shrugged her shoulders.

* * * * *

"It's a pleasure to team up with you, Ichika-san" - Cecilia said with a smile - "But now I'm curious... if we win... who will you ask on a date?"

Ichika blushed when he heard the question, "I-I don't know..."

"Is it Rin-san?" - asked the girl from UK while Ichika blushed even more - "I think I hit the nail on the head"

"And you would have a date with Cloud?" Ichika asked as he countered.

"!" - Cecilia blushed but still nodded weakly.

"I-I see…" Ichika mumbled as he nodded, "I-I guess we'll just have to win then…"

"Yes..." - Cecilia agreed still with a red face - "But first let's get to know a little more about our partner..."

"No problem... what do you want to know?" Ichika asked as he shrugged.

"About some skills of your IS, not all" - Cecilia said seriously.

"Ok, first of all, you already know my unique ability"-Ichika said as a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Yes..." Cecilia agreed as she made a face.

* * * * *

"Do you want to be my partner?" - Rin asked with surprise when she saw how Tina was in front of her with a big smile.

"Of course" - agreed the girl from America - "Of our class, you are the one with the best chance of winning this competition. Not to offend the other girls but they are not very good"

"I know... it was also difficult for me to choose who was the least bad" - the little girl from China sighed.

"I was thinking the same thing" - Tina said while letting out a small laugh - "But seriously, we are the ones with the highest probability of victory of our class, that means that even if we don't win, at least we can go with those of the winning class And if my hunch isn't wrong, then we'll be traveling with class 1-A."

"I think the same"- Rin nodded as she began to analyze the situation- "Now that I think about it, it's unfair that most of the first year Representatives are in that class"

"It's true" - agreed Tina - "But seriously... how many chances do we have to reach the final?"

"Depends" - Rin said seriously.

"About what?" Tina asked.

"What if we're lucky not to run into that blonde monster" - Rin replied seriously.

"Cloud Strife…" Tina muttered as a serious expression appeared on her normally

cheerful face, "I agree… I've seen that boy fight but I feel like he still doesn't show all he has"

"I'm going to be honest with you... I feel like he's on the same level as Chifuyu-san"- Rin said while she had a little shiver- "And if he's not on the same level, then he's close"

"Hmm...I haven't thought about his level...but I don't think it will affect us much"-Tina said as she shrugged-"I'm sure Orimura sensei won't put us near that beautiful beast~"

"Do you like Cloud?" Rin asked in surprise.

"Yep, actually, if I managed to win, I'd ask him out on a fact, I wouldn't mind a double date with you and Orimura"-Tina said as she gave her a wink-"What do you say?"

Rin blushed hearing that but she still nodded.

"And if we don't win, then I'll ask you to tell your boyfriend if he can help me out on a date with that hottie"-said Tina with a big smile.

"He is not my boyfriend!" - Rin exclaimed with embarrassment.

"Still"-said Tina calmly-"I've seen how he reacts to your side, Rin"

"But he is a stone head... his density level knows no limits"-sighed the girl from China.

"But it seems that his friends are starting to drill into that stone"-replied the girl from the United States-"Haven't you seen how he blushes when you talk to him?"

"he blushing...?" Rin asked in surprise.

"The pot calling the kettle black" - snorted Tina - "It seems that you are also dense, Rin-chan"

"I blame Ichika! He was the one who gave me his density!" Rin exclaimed as she covered her face in embarrassment.

* * * * *

Just like them, the other contestants were taking the competition seriously.

"I see my plan worked... I guess the competition will be a lot more fun than we thought... don't you think so, Utsuho~?" - Tatenashi said as she watched what was happening thanks to the security cameras - "Who do you think will be the cattle?"

"Cloud Strife and Shinonono Houki" - said Utsuho without even thinking twice - "I think this because Cloud Strife is a monster"

"I think the same... although you have to understand that there can be one or another variable that changes things" - Tatenashi said as she watched the image of Cloud dodging Houki's sword attacks - "Anything can change the flow of a battle ..."

"I think the same"-said Chifuyu as she entered the room.

"It's a pleasure to have you in our office, Orimura sensei" - said Tatenashi with a joking tone.

"Tell me, Sarashiki...why did I just find out that the first prize also contains a date with my little brother?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"I gave the suggestion to the higher ups for the girls to show their greatest potential...and they accepted"-said Tatenashi as she shrugged-"And from what I see, it's working"


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