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Chapter 30: Chapter-30<*Chaos Resumes*>

Cloud was walking back to his room as he put everything that had just happened in the back of his mind. He didn't do this because he didn't care about Yuriko's life or death, but because he couldn't do anything at the moment. Right now, he needed to prepare as well as possible for the possible EMP that would come in the next few hours or even minutes.

"Is something wrong, Danna-sama?" Saeko asked in surprise upon noticing the expression on her lover's face.

"Saeko... please gather everyone..." - Cloud said seriously - "I think things are going to change for the worse and we will need to prepare ourselves"

"..."-Saeko was silent for a few seconds but still she nodded-"Ok, I'll do it right away"

Saying that, the girl left the room.

Shizuka and Kyoko just stayed quiet as they watched the blonde organize his things.

"What's going on, Cloud-chan?" Shizuka asked with concern.

"I spoke with Yuriko-san and she told me that the military had said that something bad was about to happen" - the blonde lied. He couldn't reveal much information, not when it was just 'assumptions' - "They said everything is about to get worse"

"..." - the two teachers remained silent as they looked at each other, although after a few seconds of 'mental conversation', they began to put away the necessary things in case they have to leave immediately.

After a few minutes, the group was back together, with the clear exception of Saya, although they couldn't blame her.

"Guys, things are like this"-Cloud said as he looked at everyone-"Yuriko-san told me that the military informed her that things are about to get worse"

"!" - Those present, with the exception of Cloud's girls, were surprised when they heard this.

"Anything we need to know?" Takashi asked with concern. What little peace he had achieved was about to disappear and he felt that this was some kind of cruel joke.

"Nothing concrete" - denied the blond - "But if the military are worried, it means that it is something serious"

"..." - a deep silence invaded the place while the

present looked at each other.

"What's the plan?" Kohta asked as he took his weapon firmly.

"Prepare to escape if necessary" - Cloud said seriously - "We'll take our Humby and another vehicle to get out of here"

"What about the other survivors?" Miku asked frowning.

"I'm sorry to say this... but they don't interest me" - answered the blond coldly - "I'll be honest, I don't know them well enough to risk my life, I'm not going to put my friends in danger to be able to save them"

Those present were silent at the cruel words of the blond but they had to admit that there was no argument to refute his words. Cloud didn't have a duty to help them and they couldn't demand that he do it and honestly, they wouldn't either.

"What about Yuriko-san and Saya-chan?" Rei asked with concern.

"I don't know…" Cloud denied as he sighed regretfully.

"We're not going to leave them behind... are we?" Rei asked again.

"No"-Cloud denied as he gave her a serious look-"We're going to get them out of this place even if we have to render them unconscious to do it"

Rei just smiled when she heard this as did the others. "The group does not abandon an ally" - said the blond with a smile - "Now that we have this clear, we better hurry up"

"Hai!" - Those present exclaimed as they returned to their rooms. Cloud on the other hand, decided to go to the mechanics area to talk to them and tell them to modify a vehicle to withstand an EMP but to his surprise, they were already working on it.

"I guess Yuriko-san did take my words into account…" the blonde murmured as he shook his head. At least now he was more prepared for a possible evacuation.


"Tell me... did you ever think it would end like this?" Yuriko asked as she looked at the man in front of her. He had torn clothes, multiple blood stains and no fingers or toes.

"Of... the multiple endings... that I thought I would have... I never thought I would die... because of a vengeful woman..." - Shido sneered - "I'm just... sorry I didn't. ..taking those huge tits and...having used them as he wanted...

"I see you still have a lot of energy, Koichi Shido..." - Yuriko said coldly - "I wonder how you'll feel after I put a nice wig on you and hand you over to the special needs refugees..."

"!" -Shido widened his eyes when he heard this.

"What's wrong, Shido-san?" - asked Yuriko with a smile - "You don't like rape? Then don't worry, you're going to enjoy this like never before... they can happen")

He finished speaking and the door opened, revealing 4

men of different backgrounds.

"Enjoy at ease"-said that, she withdrew while she listened to Shido's melodious cries of mercy, although this was not the only thing she had in mind for this man. A small smile appeared on her beautiful face as she walked towards her late husband's office - "If everything he said was true... then the mansion will fall... and if so... why not leave with a Bang? By the way, could you give our guest a front row seat..."


Cloud's group, fully prepared to leave at any moment, was now packing up the supplies they had stored in the mansion.

To the surprise of the boys, the inhabitants of the mansion were doing the same, so it was obvious that the news that everything was about to get worse was true.

"I think I'd better call Rika-chan…" Shizuka murmured as she dialed her friend's number.

'Shizuka? What do you need?'

"Rika-chan... Is it true that things are going to get worse?" asked the blonde nurse.

'What are you talking about? Things haven't...

But before he could finish, the call was abruptly cut off as a great light came on in the distance.

"What's that?!" Miku exclaimed in surprise as she watched as everything faded away.

"That... is the explosion of a Nuclear Bomb" - Kohta said with fear - "And from the distance, I can deduce that that thing created an EMP Wave that destroyed the electronic circuits of all the appliances and vehicles in the entire city! !"

"No matter what it is, we have to get ready" - Cloud said seriously - "I'll go get Yuriko-san and Saya"

"Okay!" - the others agreed.


"What the fuck were those motherfuckers thinking?!" - Rika exclaimed when she saw the explosion in the distance - "Do you want to start a third world war?!"

"I don't think we have the time for that" -said one of her classmates as she looked into the distance-"The EMP produced by the nuclear bomb melted the circuits of the entire city, so our only barrier fell... ."

Just as the soldier had said, the electrified fence was no longer working and the Zombies were beginning to advance furiously.

"..." - those present only remained silent as they looked at each other.

"Beta... go..." - Rika said seriously - "Go to your family..."

".." - the soldier codenamed Beta, gave him a look and after a few seconds nodded.

"The others... can retire to the plane..." - he continued

ordering the beautiful woman with purple hair and colored skin

chocolate - "I'll stay doing time..."

"Captain Rika... I'll stay with you" -said one of the soldiers - "I don't have family in this place, so you don't need to worry about me"

"I'll stay too"-said another soldier-"I can't afford to escape when my captain is risking her neck"

The others looked at each other as they thought about what to do.

"If you don't have the courage to decide, then just run away" - Rika said coldly - "We don't need cowards"

She finished speaking and at least half of the soldiers decided to leave, among them Beta who had his wife pregnant by him.

"Good luck Captain... guys..." - Beta muttered before leaving.

"Protect your family, Shinichi" - Rika said with a smile.

"Thank you..." Beta murmured as a tear ran down her cheek. He didn't know if this would be the last time he would see much of his classmates and he sincerely hoped it wasn't.

"Luckily the evacuation planes, they are reinforced to withstand the EMP Waves..." - murmured one of the soldiers who had stayed.

"I don't think it's the best time to think about those things" - Rika said seriously as she watched the zombies break the bars - "What we have to think about now is what to do after the plane leaves..."

"The best option is to find a way out and take some shelter at a strategic point" - said another soldier - "Maybe a police station or a supermarket..."

"I would say that the supermarket is better, at least we will have the necessary supplies to survive while we rescue the civilians and make contact with the central base" - Rika said while looking in the direction of the Takagi Mansion - "But I think the break is over because we have mpañí

"At your service!" exclaimed the soldiers.

"Fire!" - the beautiful woman with purple hair roared as the bullets began to rain against the zombie hordes - "No mercy against those things!"

Xuefang1 Xuefang1

here I'm back with another Chapter>.<>.<

only this chapter today:-(

Motivation = Power Stones >.<>.<

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