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60.86% Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped) / Chapter 28: A Gain and A Loss

Chapter 28: A Gain and A Loss


My army flew through the air at a steady pace, heading straight for our next destination.

The abandoned territory of the Valefor clan.

As soon as I was done dealing with that shameless mongrel bitch Tsufamme an urgent communication came in across all the Anti-Maou faction lines.

It was from Serafall, letting everyone know that she had cornered Damdaidosu Asmodeus, but before she could finish him reinforcements from the remaining Six Houses of Luciffer army showed up, led by Grayfia.

The moment I heard this I left Ajuka to handle clean up duty and then had the Belial and Phenex combined army immediately move out.

After all even though I've disposed of the Malebranche there is still the chance the universe could fuck with me and Elias Lucifuge could still end up dead.

I don't want that to happen.

For one we are going to family. Two, if he is still alive then the House of Lucifuge will be stronger because of it. Also he will be a great political ally against Zekram Bael. Even if Zekram tries to turn things against the Lucifuge house I've got something for his scheming old ass.

He really needs to learn it's not going to be that easy anymore.

Anyway, the biggest reason I don't want to take the chance of Elias dying is because then Grayfia would be sad. I don't want my women to be sad like that, so I am rushing my ass over there to take over the situation with my own two hands.

It's as they say: Want something done right, do it your damn self.

Which is a motto I live by whenever I can.

Moving on, after three straight days of flying we have finally reached the Valefor territory.

The instant we did I could feel two massive energies colliding, neither giving an inch.

Looks like Sera and Fia still had their epic ten day battle.

The communication only reached my encampment a week after it was sent out after all.

Logistical errors are common no matter what species army you are apart of it seems.

Anyway, a lot of my soldiers started stopping in their tracks. Noticing this I stopped in mine as well. The commanders at my sides doing the same thing.

"The troops can't getting closer. If they do the energies of Serafall and Grayfia will kill them." I said. "So instead I will go. Angelica, Callum, and Jackal you three are with me. Any objections?"

No one said a word.

"Alright. Let's move people!" I shouted I then started flying again, those three right beside me as I did so.

Eventually we reached the battlefield.

It was a winter wonderland.

The ground was frozen for 1 kilometer in all direction, giant chunks of ice jutting up at least 100 meters into the sky at some places. There is also a raging blizzard that shows no signs of stopping. Then are are the demented looking shadow beast monsters moving across the frozen ground itself, definitely courtesy of Grayfia.

Looking at the ground I saw Serafall and Grayfia clashing at super high speeds that even an ultimate-class devil would have trouble keeping up with.

The two of them launched punches, kicks, and spells simultaneously. Each of them dodging each others attacks by the smallest margin. However both of them have several cuts and brusies on their bodies. They have been fighting for over a week after all.

Turning their gazes upward and spotting us the two ice wielders jumped back from each other.

Grayfia then pulled a Joseph and ran away with all her might.

Right back to her army that was waiting for her.

Meanwhile Serafall spread her wings and flew up to us.

"Glad you could make it." She told me.

"Yeah, well since I finished slaying Leviathan I thought I might as well come and help you make Asmodeus an eunuch." I joked.

"Haha!" Serafall laughed. As did everyone else.

While they did that Sirzechs and his army had arrived.

We all flew down to greet him when he did.

"Glad you could make it to the party." I told him.

"Of course." Sirzechs spoke. "This a battle we cannot afford to lose. We need to win this, then the war will practically be over."

"Yes, it will." I said. "Now then since you are here, it's time for a pincer attack. Serafall with chase Grayfia, meanwhile you Zechs will go after Asmodeus and make him a eunuch."

"Pfft!" Sirzechs laughed.

As did Testarossa by his side.

I nodded in appreciation, a smile on my face.

"Anyway as I was saying, my army will flank both your armies, keeping the Lucifuge troops and the Asmodeus troops from escaping." I told them." Any objections?"

No one said a word.

"Ok, let's move out then." I said.

Everyone nodded, then we did.

Afterwards I went back to my army and then called Ruval and Angelica to my side.

"It's time." I told them.

"Are you sure?" Ruval asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"Ok then. Be careful." Angelica told me. Then in a rare display of public affection she gave me a chaste kiss.

"I will be." I told her.

When I did she walked back over to the others, as did Ruval.

As for me I slipped away.

It was time to put one of my master plans into action.


Having left the others, with Ruval and Angelica covering for me I flew to my destination and then landed the moment I spotted it.

The Lucifuge Base.

Grayfia told me it's location through one of her coded message just the other day.

"Ok, time to get this thing done." I said.

I then I used the Prison Flower technique of Mard Greer to seal off the Lucifuge base entirely. Meanwhile I also summoned thorns coated with [Worthless] to ensnare everyone inside just to make sure they didn't try and do anything stupid.

Once that was completed I headed straight down to the camp, walking up to the prison wall I created.

I then waited for the guest of honor to arrive.

A few moment passed before I sensed them. Turning around I saw Grayfia.

"Hello my dear." I said, walking up to her and giving her kiss.

"The same to you." She told me.

"That battle you had with Sera was quite something." I told her.

"Yes, she is still as capable a fighter as always." Grayfia mused. "But anyway that's enough small talk. Let's get down to business."

"Yes." I said.

I then opened a portion of the vines for us to walk through, closing it after we did.

Inside all of the personnel on the Lucifuge base were completely cocooned in the vines I created.

Allowing us to walk past them with ease.

We then arrived at the personal tent of Elias Lucifuge.

The two of us walked in. When we did we saw Elias with his limbs restrained, only struggling in vain to break free.

"It's useless." I said, causing Elias to look at me. "Those vines are strong. And they have my Belial clan [Worthless] power applied to them. So nothing you do will break them." I explained.

"You again Asterius Belial." Elias said. He then looked at Grayfia. "Daughter kill that man and help me." He told her.

But Grayfia shook her head. "No father."

"What, have you gone mad? Does this Belial have you under some kind of mind control spell?" He asked.

'Ok, that one hurt a bit.' I thought. I ain't no hentai protagonist which a magic app on my phone that allows me to control woman so that I can have sex with them when I please.

Besides, in this life I would never need something like that.

But in my old life...

Most men won't admit it, but they all wish they had something like that. Just a little bit.

Anyway, Grayfia shook her head. "No father I am not under any spell. Except the spell of love." Grayfia said, saying a line that sounded like it came straight out a Disney movie.

Speaking of which I wonder if they have Disney in this reality. I need to show my kid the Lion King movie for sure. That way we can sing along to all the songs.

Oh I just can't wait to be King!

Man, Simba rocked that.

"What?" Elias shouted. "You and this Belial?" He murmured. His face then scrunched up into a disgusted look like that of Kozuki Oden from One Piece.

Ok, now I am really starting to feel offended here. If I didn't have such strong mental strength I would probably be in the corner right now rubbing my finger against the ground.

But since I do have powerful mental strength I am standing my ground.

Though if this keeps up I don't know for how much longer.

"No matter how much you try and deny it father the truth will not change." Grayfia passionately spoke. "I love Asterius and he loves me. We met by chance, but since then our connection has only grown. He is the one who took my virginity, and also makes me feel incredible when we have s-Mph!"

"That's enough of that." I said, slapping my hand over Grayfia's mouth.

The more she spoke the more Elias looked at me with murderous eyes. And we do not have time for that.

When Grayfia stopped talking I took my hand away.

I then stepped forward to Elias. "I know this seems impossible Lord Lucifuge, but I do love your daughter. As much as my wives and my other loves. I will protect her, no matter what."

"I...believe you." He said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Don't thank you." Elias spoke. "So did you do all this just to tell me that? That you have stolen my daughter away from me, and made her into a traitor that will be used as nothing more than a toy after this war is over!? Huh, well!?" He shouted.

I kept a neutral expression on my face as Elias yelled. Until eventually he calmed down.

"The fact that you think your daughter would be used as a toy by the Maou tells me you know just how cruel they truly are." I spoke. "You've seen it countless times since those three children came to power. They look down on other devils. They want our people to go to into a wat that will drive us into extinction. Even in this war alone they have shown no regard for their people. It was a Beelzebub descendant who planned to slaughter anyone in his wake to kill us Anti-Maou faction members at Ars Goteia six months ago. Innocent men, women, and children. Then there are the suicide attacks the soldiers in your factions armies are being forced to launch. Even sometimes taking out their own people in the process. Let's not even talk about the fact that despite the Six Houses of Lucifer fighting and giving it their all in this war, the heir apparent Rizevim hasn't stepped onto the battlefield once to assist you guys. He isn't even allied with you. Tell me, do people like that really deserve your loyalty?"




Elias had nothing to say. He just looked at me, sighing as he did so.

"Yes, what you are saying Asterius Belial is all true." Elias managed to get out. "Although I served their parents with honor and gave them my loyalty I am simply appalled at the way their children act." He admitted.

"Thank you for sharing that." I said. "And that is exactly the reason I am here today." I told him. "I would like you to lay down your arms and join the Anti-Maou faction?" I asked.

"You would ask me that?" Elias said.

"I would." I told him, looking him right in the eyes. "You yourself just said the current heirs to the leadership of the underworld are no good. If we do nothing our entire race will fall. So yes, I am asking you to betray the houses you serve, but to do so for the people that they are supposed to be protecting. Let us create an underworld the original Maou would be proud of. One where our race flourishes. Let us not see all that Lucifer created destroyed."

"Please father?" Grayfia asked, stepping forward.





... "Ok." Elias said.

The moment he did I released him from his bindings. I could here the honesty in his voice.

Also he can't kill me even if he tried. So either way I'm good.

"Thank you father." Grayfia said, going to give her dad a hug.

He hugged her back.

Meanwhile I gave a thumbs up. "Thanks father-in-law." I said.

Elias put a wry smile on his face after I did so. "That will take some getting used to."

"It's fine. We'll have plenty of time for that." I told him.

Yes, plenty of time.


Once Grayfia and I convinced Elias as a show of good faith I untied all of Elias's personnel within camp.

He then explained the situation the them.

Telling them that Grayfia and I are lovers.

A lot of men and women cried in anguish, pounding their fist on the ground in utter shock and sadness.

Meanwhile some idiots tried to attack me.

But before I could do anything Elias took care of them.

When he did I looked at with a raised brow. "So, you helped me?" I asked.

Elias turned to look at me. "Yes. Truthfully over these past few years I've noticed a change in my daughter. Before she used to be cold to almost everyone. Except for me and her brother. But after meeting you she changed. She started smiling more around people and opening up. I always wanted that for her, and I am glad you gave it to her. Plus, now with you as her lover those degenerate maou descendant won't even get a chance to rape her with their eyes."

"But of course." I said in a tone of finality. "If tries anything Grafiya I will rip their dicks off and replaced with a wooden one." I said, putting a evil grin on my face.

"It seems we actually have something in common."

"Yes sir, we do." I said.

Elias and I then clapped our hands together, a mutual understanding passing between us.

Grayfia sighed as we did.

Moving on, after that all of the troops in camp that we didn't have to kill decided to go along with the plan. Once they did I contacted my army contingent, as well as Serafall and Sirzechs, but it looks like everything had already been handled.

Without Grayfia or that Beelzebub idiot with the Melabranche power interfering Zechs and Sera were able to catch up to Damdaidosu in no time at all, with my army providing back just like I intstructed them to.

All according to plan.

Anyway, now that I knew that Asmodeus was dead we headed to where the Lucifuge army was, being pinned down by Serafall and a contigent of my own army led by Albedo.

Speaking of her, she's fallen for someone.

It's Ajuka.

During the Guison campaign she warmed up to him and he to her. I was shocked. Ajuka isn't the type to chase women after all. Not that he's a virgin mind you. Sirzechs and I made sure he lost that a long time ago. What I mean is he doesn't date. But for some reason he took a liking to Albedo.

And so begins her story of becoming a dangerous possessive Yandere.

Good luck Ajuka, I will say a prayer in your honor.

Moving on, after we arrived and Elias explained the situation almost every soldier threw down their weapon and surrendered.

From what I heard a lot of them wanted to stop fighting against us a lot earlier. But their fear of death by the hands of the Maou descendants and their loyalist troops scared them shitless.

Yet another reason I have no problem killing these fuckers off.

Once the soldiers laid down their weapons we headed back to base camp where we met Sirzechs and my army.

Grayifa and I then announced our relationship, causing many heads to role.

But one in particular.

Having been brought before us after being one-shot and captured by Sirzechs Euclid had a neutral expression on his face after he heard the news I was banging his sister and not him.

He got eerily quiet.

Going over to his son Elias tapped him on the shoulder, helping him stand to his feet. "Son, there is no need to feel down. I...I was wrong. The current Maou are no good. I knew this for a long time but because of my loyalty to their parents I turned deaf ears to the cries of our people. But thanks to your sister and commander Belial I have managed to push past my doubts and now I will beg for forgiveness and spend the rest of my days making the underworld a good place for devils to flourish. I tope you can be apart of that?"

"Yes father." Euclid said.

"Thank you." He said.

Sirzechs then undid Euclid's chains.

Once he did he began walking towards Grayfia. But as he did that bastard conjured a magic circle around his hand and something appeared in it. Pressing down on it I heard a clicking sound as it activated.

Turning his head up he looked at Grayfia with a crazed look. "Sister you have been defiled by that Belial trash, so I will cleanse you by giving you death!" He shouted. He then tossed something at Grayfia, disappearing in a flash in the next second.

'Fuck!' I thought. I thought Euclid might change since his father was still alive, but that piece of shit didn't change one fucking bit.

More importantly than that the thing he drew had a massive build up of magical energy, and it was right in front of Grayfia's face. Leaving me hardly a moment to react.

I began moving towards her, only for someone else to push her out of the way.

I saw it was my uncle Callum.

"No!" I shouted.

But it was too late.

The device exploded in a second, unleashing a ball of energy that disintegrated the left half of my uncles body.

"Callum!" I shouted.

I ran over to him, and picked up what was left of his body. "It's fine! Stay with me, you aren't dying!" I shouted at him.

"Hehe, it's fine." He weakly told me.

"No it's not!" I shouted at him, tears starting to roll down my face. "What am I going to tell Cleria, and everyone else? Listen you bastard, you aren't dying on me!" I shouted at me.

"It's fine." He told me. "I got to see my daughter grow up, and to see my nephews become strong men. Listen Aster...don't ever waver, and please don't hate the Lucifuge for this...."

"I don't hate them!" I shouted.

I hate that fucker Euclid. I will torture him to death. He is going to be persona non grate in the underworld. The moment he pops his head up I will be there to take it off.

"Out of the way." The medics shouted.

They pulled Callum out of my hands, while Angelica came over to hold me along with Grayfia.

Looking at me Callum put a smile on his face, before he closed his eyes for the very last time.






*Drip Drip Drip*

Water droplets began falling from the sky.

It began raining, as if mother nature could sense my hurt and anguish.

At this moment I learned a very important lesson.

Anything can happen in war.

"Rest in peace." Callum I murmured.

You deserve it.

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