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In Her Palace

Arthur woke up in His Room. Today would be the Day of the Funeral, And is also the Continuation of the War. Time is Flowing and Time will not Wait for Him. He Did his Morning Routine, and went Outside. His Kingsguard beside His Door as Always.

He Greeted them, and then Summoned His Council, in the Council Chamber of Megin. He went to His seat and Opened a Map of Westeros and the Free Cities on the Table.

He went to a Drawer and took Toys Resembling Soldiers, they Had the Banners of Each House fighting in the War.

While He was Doing this Legate Augustus came with a Grim Expression and Greeted Him. He Greeted Him back and Arthur Assigned each Position of the Armies Silently and Sat again on His Chair.

The Rest of His Council arrived Shortly after, not wasting any time, Arthur Immediately started the Meeting.

"Calisto, Tell me our Losses."


"We have Lost about 500 Men, and another Thousand Men are Injured, 400 of those Men can't Fight anymore. We have Lost 15 Ships, And another 15 that is Needing Repairs."

Silenced followed after Calisto's Report. Paying Respect to the Fallen.

"How many Days would this Cost us?"

"The Repairs would take about a Fortnight, a Sennight if Everyone would work."

"Good. Send the Fatally wounded back Home. Send me the Paperwork for the Legionnaire Benefits Later."

Legionnaire Benefits was a Benefit for the Family of the Legionnaires. If the Legionnaire is Killed or Injured that they can't fight anymore, The Families of the Legionnaire and the Legionnaire Himself won't need to Pay Taxes, and they will also be Supported Financially.

There will be Exceptions of course, such as when the Kingdom is in Crisis or the Emperor Himself Decrees that everyone will Pay Taxes.

"Of course."

"The plan will continue as it is, Except that once Raganvad Relieves Storms End of the Blockade, He will Land ashore and Defend Storms End along with Stannis Baratheon. Once the Reach Army has Left Storms End He shall follow them and Regroup with us if they ever get the Chance. If not they shall Simply observe."

"Of course, My Lord. When shall we start the Repairs for the Ships?"

"After the Funeral. Calisto, Can you tell me any news?"

"Yes, My Lord. There is a Report from one of our Spies. Robert Baratheon is Retreating to Stoney Sept. From what our Spies is Telling me that The Royal Army has Departed Kings Landing and is Pursuing Robert Baratheon, The Commander of this Army is Lord Jon Connington. The Hand of the King. If this news Reaches Lord Eddard Stark, I am sure that He will try to Help Robert Baratheon. If a Battle 'Does' Happen in Stoney Sept it would occur a Fortnight from now."

"Hmm, Try to give Misinformation to Jon Connington. If we can convince Him, Lord Stark has a Better chance of Reinforcing Robert Baratheon. Send a Raven to Eddard Stark informing of this Pursuit. In the Meantime we will do our Repairs as Fast as Possible."

"As you command, My Lord."

"Now, any more matters that we have to Deal with?"

"There is the matter of Legate Leon, My Lord. The Men know that he made a Mistake, They have been Educated and know that Mistakes Happen. But they think that He should get a Light Punishment, some grow Discontent of Legate Leon. Some also want you to give a Speech about the Incident, as you were partially one of the Reasons the Incident Happen."

Silenced engulfed the Room, with Arthur thinking about it. He had actually Intended this to be Discussed after the Funeral but he guessed that it would be Discussed now.

"I have thought about it since yesterday and I have come to a Conclusion. Legate Leon will be Temporarily Replaced for Six Months. He shall become a Primus Pilus in those Months, and if He proves to be Competent by then, He shall regain His Position. If not He shall Stay as Primus Pilus. As for the Speech I will give them one after the Funeral."

"A Wise Decision, My Lord. It will surely Please the Men."

"Good. Onto another Matter, How many Ships Shall be used for the Funeral?"

"Only Three, My Lord. The Ships came from the Ones that can not be Repaired anymore but could still Sail for a Short While."

"Good. Council Dismissed. I shall Meet with all of you Later."


Arthur Looked upon the Ships in the Deck of Megin, Beside him were Raganvad, and Calisto. His Kingsguard were Behind Him, Protecting Him as Always.

His Eyes landed upon the Ships, most of the Ships was Ragged, They're Hulls looked like it would Collapse with just a Little Nudge. All of it was Filled with Pyres, His Brave Men Sleeping Peacefully for Eternity.

'They shall Meet Death Soon.' He thought, 'They shall be Welcomed in Her Palace, And in this World they shall be Forever Immortalized as Romans that Fought for their Home.'

With a Signal, the Ropes were cut off and the Ships sailed in the Waters, There was an Eerie Silence. Everyone Paying their Respects to the Fallen. There Shall be no Weeping. There Shall be no Pain, Only Respect and Happiness.

Happiness because once they reach Death's Palace, there shall be No Pain, No Sadness, And No Hardships. Only Peace. 'Death Promised Me That.'

Once the Ships have been Far Enough, Arthur Reached to the Bow held by Ares, He took an Arrow and Knocked it. He held the Arrow to the Fire in his Side and Lit it. He Aimed for one of the Ship.

"You Fought For Legio II."

He Loosened the Arrow. And Knocked Another.

"You Fought For Classis Braavosis."

He Loosened Again, and Knocked Again.

"You Fought For Rome."

And all Three Ships Burned. And Death Shall welcome the Men in Her Palace.

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