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Chapter 23: The Mist

It was a Windy, Misty Night; A Fleet of Ships sailed silently under the light of the Moon, With the occasional Crackling of Torches and of the Sails Fluttering Wildly in the Air. The Sounds of Water crashing against the Ships Hull, and the Creaking of wood.

The Silence of the Night with only the Torches and the Moon giving Light upon the Sea was Eerily Calming and at the same time Beautiful.

The Crews of the Ships was Asleep, the only people awake, was the Spotters of the Fleet and the few men who wanted Peace under the Moon and Calm under the Ocean's Song.

The Neighs of Horses was occasionally Heard in the Fleet but it was only Ignored; Replaced by the Ocean's Song and the Crackling of Fire.

Every night, this was their Routine, Working in the Day and Listening to the Ocean's Song in the Night. They were Tasked with Bringing the Horses to Arthur Godfrey, Emperor of Rome in order to Help Legio II Augusta to move around Freely in the Reach.

They are Classis Braavosis, and they have Been Sailing for a Fortnight, with the weight of the Horses slowing them down. But they knew that they were Close.

The faint sound of a Flute was Heard in Front of the Fleet, the Men didn't care who was Playing this Calming Music in the Air, but they wished that whoever this Man was, Played His Flute earlier in their Voyage, and they were close to the Man to Hear it Clearly.

One person eventually decided that it was good to know who among them were playing the Flute.

"Hey! Who's the one playing that Flute!?"

No one answered him, and the Faint sound of the Flute became more Clear. He repeated the question, and again; Nobody answered Him.

In the faint Distance, A Spotter noticed something in the Sea covered by the Thick of Mist. First it was just an object Rocking back and Forth, the Next they Multiplied, That's when he Realized that it was a Fleet.

"Ships Ahead!! Ally or Foe I don't Know!!"

The Men awake, silently woke up the Sleeping Soldiers, not wanting to Announce their presence to the Ships, and the Scouts up Front signaled the whole Fleet of the News.

The Legate of Classis Braavosis; Leon, ordered the Scout ships on the Front to Identify the Ships While preparing the Men and the Fleet for a Battle.

The Catapults loaded and it's Boulder ready to be Lit, the Bolts of the Ballistae's, Ready to be Loosened and Wreck Havoc on the Potential Enemy.

"My, Lord. It seems the Scouts haven't Identified their Colours. But it seems like they are Anchored. What are your Orders?"

"Turn Starboard, not enough to avoid our Course but enough to avoid them. Order the Fleet to follow, the Scouts shall join us after they have Completed their Task."

"As you command, My Lord. Turn Starboard!!"

They turned, and tried to avoid the Fleet ahead of them. They sailed, peacefully for a few moments until a Band of Ships also appeared in Front of them, Anchored.

"It seems like they have a Fleet able to match ours. I thought it was just a Small one."

"My, Lord. If we delay course and avoid them again, it will take time to find Legio II, time that we don't have. The Emperor ordered us to Sail with Haste, Storm's End needs to be Relieved as fast as possible."

Silence followed, as Leon pondered on what to do.

"Turn Around, Follow the Scouts ahead into the Fleet. Everyone shall loosen the Archers, Ballistae, and Catapults at my Command."

"Is this a Battle, My Lord?"

"No. This'll only turn to a Battle if we find out who they are. Friend or Foe, It better be Friend."

The Fleet turned around and Followed the Scouts, waiting patiently for the Signal that they're Friend, or if they are Enemies.

After a while of waiting they received news.


Shouted the Spotter in their Ship, when he Received Signal.

"Who are they!?"

"I don't know, possibly the Redwyne Fleet, but that can't be possible, they're in Storm's End. Or they left Storm's End with most of their Ships and wanted to obtain Naval Superiority. It matters not, they're Enemies."

A Spotter Shouted just then.


Silence ensued. Now it Clarified who they were, They knew the Enemy Fleet has been Destroyed, but that was a Fortnight ago, Either this is the Lannister Fleet or the Ironborn's with the Banners Replaced with Targaryen ones.

"What do we do, My Lord!?"

"Loosen Everything, at my Command. Everyone pick a Target! It's Easy prey! They're Anchored!"

The Crew of the Catapults, and Ballistae picked a Prey.

"Light your Arrows!"

The Archers lit their Arrows.

















With the Command Given, the Men loosened their Instruments, the Arrows of the Archer's Singing wildly in the Air as it Descended upon the Enemies, the Bolts of the Ballistae's Piercing through Air an Eerie Humm behind it.

The Boulders of the Catapults were Lit as soon as the word 'Loose' was Heard, and it Launched into the Sky soon After, A Trail of Fire following it.

Most of the Arrows of the Archers found it's mark and Killed the Men crewing the Enemy Ships, the Bolts Pierced through the Enemies Hull's, some Exiting through the other side and Piercing another.

The Fiery Boulders, Descended upon the Ships and it quickly wreck Havoc among them, Some of the Boulders Landed in the Deck and went straight through the whole Ship, the Fires it left were Enough to sink some Ship.


And another Volley they did, This time causing the same Damage, if not More.

"ROW! ROW! ROW! Board the Enemies!"

The men Rowed into the Enemy Fleet, Excited for the Battle Ahead. As they were Halfway through their Rowing, a Surprise they TOTALLY did not Expect, Came.

Arrows Flung into the Air followed by Fiery Boulders, Bolts coming from the Front. Sent by the Enemies.

The Result was the same as the Results they saw Earlier. But this time they were the one Suffering. Another Volley came, and again they Suffered.

"ROW!!! ROW!!! Don't look surprised and ROW TO THE ENEMY!!! They won't Risk Friendly Fire!!"

They Rowed like Madmen, wanting to Escape the Volley's by Sailing right into the Enemy Fleet.

"THERE!! A LONE SHIP!! It's Sisters burning in beside Her!!"

"GOOD!! Order the Fleet to Board any Ship they See!! That one's Ours!"

They rowed into the Selected Target, Arrows were Shot towards them from the Enemy but they Sustained it and Rowed.

The Bow of the Ship crashed into the Enemy Hull, and the Ladders were Lowered, the Ladders were successfully lowered and they Boarded the Ship.

What they saw TOTALLY Shocked them, more than that of the Arrows, Bolts, and Catapults earlier. What they saw was Romans. Romans in Testudo Formation. Leon Hesitated, along with His Men, with their Shields also Raised Leon Asked them.

"Who are you!? You're wearing Roman Colours!"

Seeing that they were also in Roman Colors, somebody answered Him.

"I am Qyle! Centurion of this Century!! Part of the 2nd Cohort of Legio II Augustus!! We were Tasked by Emperor Arthur to be Bait with the Captured Ships in Dragonstone along with the 3rd Cohort. The Whole Fleet is just Past us."

Realization dawned on Him along with his Party. They weren't Enemies. They were Romans. Brother's in Arms.

Just as the Shock passed and He was about to Reply, a Ship Appeared, with Other Ships Behind it. The Ship was Large, as Large Stormyr, Most of the Designs were the same of Stormyr.

He immediately knew Who it was. Flying the Banners of Rome, with the Fields changes into Purple, Megin Sailed Mightily in the Sea, It was Fearsome, Sailing through the Fiery Waters, and Burning Ships around it.

"CEASE!! CEASE!! Blow the Horn!! Both of our Legion and Theirs!! Cancel the Boarding!! Cease the Arrows, and every other weapon you have, Damn It!!"



With the Horns Blowed, the Fighting Stopped. Although the Horn Signals were Different in Every Century, Cohort, or Legions, The Men have Memorized the Patterns and Stopped.

Leon, Stricken with Grief and The Realization that He was the Cause of all of this, Fell to the Wooden Floor, on His Knees. His Spatha Lowered on the Ground.

"What.....Have I Done?"





On Sea, Many Mistake can Happen, And this was one of the Worst of Them. And it was all caused by The Mist.


Back from the Break, and I am Filled with new Energy to Write!

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