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After walking for a few minutes, Nero arrived at his apartment, he open his door but heard, "Uhm, excuse me." Nero turned around and saw 2 women in front of the door across from him.

One looked to be his age and the other looked to be in her 30s. Both of them had brown hair with black eyes. Nero has never seen them a day in his second life, he didn't talk to any of his neighbors, not even once.

Nero didn't even try to. when he first moved in people would knock on his door, most likely trying to meet him. But, Nero didn't answer them. Nero said, "Yes, may I help you?"

Nero wanted to get this over with fast, he was planning on going to his forge to practice. He knew he couldn't make a good weapon on his is first try, so he wanted to practice. Plus, the world he was in didn't have any special type of ore.

In other worlds, some ores are much stronger and energy can be channeled into them. All in all, he didn't have time for this fuckery.

"Yes, we are new here and wanted to meet some of our neighbors." said the woman. The younger girl was on her phone not paying attention, the woman looked at her but looked to Nero hearing a door. The door was closed and Nero was nowhere to be seen.

The girl said, "See, no teenager what's to talk to some random woman for no reason." she left and the woman sighed. The woman was very offended by Nero just leaving and she was going to talk to his parents about it. But, she can't do that because they are dead.

Inside his apartment, Nero sighed and changed his clothes. He left soon after and went to the small house next to the apartment. Nero got the place from a guy and decided to buy it and put his forge there.

It was on the smaller side so he only put the forge there, he walked in and looked at all the different types of ore in the corner and got to work.

Nero then spent hours doing nothing but making weapons, he only stopped when he finished making one and would write everything about it down. Knowledge was very important and even though his memory was very good he still wanted to do it.

The first thing he made was a short sword, it was shit. It was quite sharp but the blade wasn't even straight, it was also uneven in places. He decided to keep everything he made, for now. All though shit he still made it.

After making many swords he tried a hand in daggers, although easier they still didn't come out good.

Nero improved every time he made something, it wouldn't be long until he can make something he is happy with. His progress was very scary, he didn't even know he would improve that quickly, he wasn't complaining though.

Nero stopped forging after many hours and sat on a chair in the house. He took the books he wrote and reviewed all of them.

Nero knew how to forge, he most likely had more knowledge about it than forgers who have been at work for years. But, knowing wasn't doing. Experience is what he lacks, he had everything else but that.

He said, "I should start making a design for my main weapon, it wouldn't be long until I can make something I'm happy with. But, a normal sword is kinda boring I feel. A gun? Maybe as my secondary weapon. I have some things in mind but making it will be a pain."

Nero put the books down and went back to work, he could stay awake for a few days at a time easily.

Days Passed

Nero hardly left the house, he only felt once and that was to get a stupid amount of food. He forged new things day and night, if it wasn't for the water bubble he put up he might have gotten noise complaints.

He only stopped to sleep, and that was only for 4 hours every 3 days, and to eat. Well, he ate while the metal would melt so that doesn't count.

His improvement was way too fast, it would only take a few more months until he can be confident in making a suitable weapon. So, he was going to use any free time he had on designing it, that would probably take months as well.

Nero was far from being in a rush, he had all the time in the world. He wasn't even trying to gain immortality it anything like that, if he gets it then cool he was TOO fussy about it.

Nero left the place he was in and went to his apartment, he took the elevator, and just when it was about to close someone walked it. Nero leaned on the wall and took out his phone, he looked and saw that he had MANY messages from All Might.

Nero sighed and put it in his pocket, he was dead tired. Nero was going to sleep for a long ass time. Nero looked to the side and saw the same girl from a few days ago.

The elevator stopped and both walked out, Nero heard his phone and took it.

"Hello?" he said with a tired tone. Nero then heard All Might on the other line.

"Ah, Young Nero, I've been trying to contact you. And I went to your place and you weren't there."

"Yes, I was busy. *Yawn*. Anyway, what do you want? I haven't had a proper sleep in TWO weeks, im sure you know I'm very serious about my sleep."

"Yes, I am well aware, I was just making sure you know that tomorrow is the Sports Festival, are you going to make an appearance?"

Nero took into his place and locked the door. He walked to the kitchen while saying, "I don't know, my mind is not really working properly at the moment so I can't tell you if I will."

"Well, you go get some rest. I hope to see you there, goodnight." All Might hung up and Nero put his phone on a table and said, "How fucking annoying."

He fell onto his bed and fell asleep instantly, it was a pretty long 2 weeks.

FallenEclipse FallenEclipse

I'm back! Well, I never really left but still. For the OG readers, this chapter is technically the first update you have gotten. Anyway, go check out my book "Opposites Attract".

"I Might Be Crazy" and "Opposites Attract" are my main projects. ALL my other novels are just side projects.

Also, was the grammar in this chapter a bit better, let me know. I am trying something new.

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