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Eat It (R-18)

Nero was currently walking home from U.A. He needed to think of a new type of training to increase the control of his power, his old training method isn't working too effectively. It was a pain, his body training is also slowing down.

He didn't know if this body had any limitations, he just has to hope he found a way to break them in the future. Mana or any type of energy really would help a lot. He also wanted to go to a cultivation world to well, you know, cultivate.

It wasn't dark but the sun was setting when he passed an ally way and heard screaming. He looked and saw 4 people in the ally, 2 men in black clothes, a woman and a man in a suit.

Nero walled to them and said, "Excuse me, could I just know what is going on here?" All of them looked at him startled. None of them even heard him coming over, and the woman didn't even see him until he talked. Which was odd since it wasn't even dark yet.

"Scram kid! We're doing something that's none of your concern." said one of the men.

"Oh, okay. Bye-bye." Nero when started to walk away. The other 4 didn't know what to think. The other man said, "We can't let him go, what if he goes and tells the heroes." "Yeah, you go deal with him ill finish up these 2."

The woman hugged the man in the suit and started to silently cry. Nero heard it and sighed, he really was going to just go home. He most likely would have forgotten about it by morning, but no.

He turned around a looked at the man walking over, he clenched his fist, and he exploded. Nero just boiled his blood to such a high temperature, he fucking exploded.

Blood, guts, bones, everything you would find in the human body was everywhere. Nero walked to the other 3 with glowing eyes and horns.

The man turned around and his eyes widened, "Eh..." he looked down and saw his legs were gone and screamed, only for his head to explode. The man and the woman were shaking when Nero walked in front of them and coached down.

The man said, "Thank you..." He was able to finish when he just a pain all over his body, he looked at his hand and saw that it was freezing. Both screamed and ran.

They ran all the way to the back of the ally which was walled off, the woman leaned on the wall and slid down it, and was now sitting down. The man was over her with his hands out but was completely frozen.

Tears ran down her eyes, she didn't even know what was going on. She went on a date with his man and then they left the restaurant he got robed, then his boy came and she thought it was going to be fine but was very mistaken.

She then saw the frozen man fall over and his body shattered. She screamed and saw Nero with a handout. Nero kneed in front of her and asked, "Are you a mother?"

The woman didn't know what to say, this boy just killed 3 people and didn't even blink. "I asked you a question, it's rude not to answer," said Nero as the temperature dropped.

"Y-y-yes I a-am." the woman stuttered and felt the temperature go back to normal. She was thinking because of this that Nero had a soft spot, she didn't know but was going to go with it. All she wanted to do now was live, she prayed to every God she knew of hoping for someone to come and help.

Nero said, "How many?" "T-t-two." Nero sat down like a child with his legs crossed and said, "Genders?" "T-two g-girls." "Ages." "F-f-fifteen and n-n-nineteen."

Nero just looked at her, he did this for a good 30 seconds. He said, "You know, I hate liars. No, I hate people. You're all selfish and only care about self-preservation. So tell me, why did you lie?"

The woman trembled, she didn't know how he knew. "I'm really good reading people, you're about 25 maybe. You sell your body most likely and do work for rich men. I'm guessing... you had a child once, but you probably left it to fie somewhere. Am I right?"

The woman was startled by all of this, he was 100% right. She didn't even know who, she didn't believe what he said about being able to read some.

Nero's eyes stopped glowing and he took a piece of the shattered man's still frozen body. It wasn't a big piece though, he said, "Eat it."

The woman shook her head a lot while more tears ran down her face. She didn't want to, she just wanted to die but she also wanted to live. She froze when she felt something on the side of her face, she look to the left, and was her arm was gone.

She screamed and crawled away saying, "P-please, unjust let me go. I-I won't t-tell anyone." Nero walked to her and peace the peace of frozen flesh and said, "Eat, and you live. No eat, and you die."

The woman looked at it and took it, she sat there and cried for a good few minutes. Then she stuffed it into her mouth and tried not to vomit, she swallowed it and look at Nero.

Nero covered his mouth and laughed, "You actually did it, waw, I'm going home. That was too funny." he walked away still laughing. Then he was gone the woman cried more but the tears were blood, her heart sank when she saw all the blood and body parts being gathered into a ball.

"No!" she screamed shd trying to get away. But it was futile as she was ripped on pieces from a knight made of ice. Everything that was gathered turned to ice and vanished. The knight turned to water that then turned to steam and flew off into the sky.

FallenEclipse FallenEclipse

I know what some of you thought when you read the title. Anyway, should I make for chapters like this, let me know.

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