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Not long after Nero passed out, The Man Child screamed, "Impossible!!! You... you... you ruined everything!! I need to kill you now..."

"Fear not, for I am here!!" All Might burst through the roof, "All Might!!" all the students screamed. Before the Man Child could talk, black smoke covered him and he vanished. All Might landed on the ground and looked around, his heart dropped when he saw Nero nearby and immediately thought of the worse.

He went to Nero and without wasting any time he checked his pulse. All Might sighed of relief and looked at Aizawa who just appeared next to him. All Might said, "He's alive but barely, he needs to get to Recovery Girl fast." Aizawa nodded and they looked at all the teachers and staff coming through the door.

Some brought a stretcher and took Nero. Aizawa said, "He overused his quirk and was beaten very badly by that thing."

All Might looked confused and said, "That thing?" Aizawa brought him to the Nomu and Aizawa said, "From what I saw from Nero's fight it had physical strength maybe on par with you as you are now. No matter how many times he hit it it wouldn't be affected until he went for hits that were meant to damage it directly. It was stronger and faster than him but Nero made up for it with his quirk."

All Might said, "Young Nero isn't the type to fight to this extent for no reason, he would have just controlled the blood in its body or immobilized it. From what I know those things don't work if his enemy is stronger than him. He wouldn't do this and almost die for fun or because he wanted to."

"Agreed, his character says it all. If only we had a lead..." Aizawa was interrupted by someone saying, "Please, young man! We need to get you to the hospital..." "Shut the fuck up you fucking fuck, I'm trying... to do... something."

They both looked over and saw Nero covered in blood and wounds limping over, a man was trailing behind him, "Young Nero, please go get..." "Sheeesh!! Listen to me... The Nomu as the guy called it had 2 quirks, 2. They were Shock Absorption and Super Regeneration or Regeneration it doesn't matter. The point is that it had TWO quirks, who do you know who can do that shit. Come on, man. Use those last 7 brain cells you got before I pass out, again."

Nero looked up at him as he muttered, "No, that can't be right. I won that battle years ago." "I think the kid is right, All Might." they looked at Nezu who just appeared, he jumped over some ice and walked to them. He jumped on a piece of ice nearby and was at chest level for Nero.

He said, "From what you said this kid is very strong, and this only proved it. I read his file, do you really think he could make the effort to fight it? From what..." he stopped as he saw Nero pass out, All Might took him over to the men who took him away, then he walked back.

Nezu continued, "As I was saying, From what you said he doesn't partake in unnecessary fights or fights that don't interest him. You know him the longest out of anyone, do you think he would fight this, Nomu, as he said, almost die just for kicks?"

All Might thought for a bit, more so he didn't need to think for long, he was 100% sure Nero wouldn't do that. He said, "No he wouldn't, Aizawa, how did he fight. Long-range or short-range."

"Hmm, he fought it with his fists at the beginning but started to use his quirk a lot after their first set of exchanges, he trapped us in a bubble so I was barry only able to make it out at the beginning," said Aizawa recalling the fight.

All Might looked down and said, "He was on his last leg."

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Nezu asked a bit curious.

"Young Nero is the type to fight close range and mostly use his power has as support. His attacks are deadly and accurate. He only prolongs a fight when he is positive he can beat the opponent after a bit. If he fought long-ranged and used his quirk this much that means he couldn't beat the opponent the first way. If he switched fighting styles so quickly it probably means he had no choice in fighting it up close. Of course, I can't confirm any of this since this is just from what he was willing to say." said All Might.

Aizawa and Nezu nodded their heads in unison. Nezu then said, "It also seems that this was a planned attack, they probably didn't anticipate Nero's strength. And if they somehow got a hold of the schedule they most of known who would be here. This means they must have been confident in fighting all the teachers off, All Might included. But what bothers me is how they would have gotten it."

"You think there is a spy, or what?" Aizawa asked.

"I don't know, there is a possibility. What we do know is that we need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. It will not be us fighting All for One but the new generation." said Nezu.

"I agree, Aizawa, what did they say before the fight started?" Asked All Might.

"Not much, from what the person who looked to be the leader said they called themselves The League of Villains. He kept on rambling during the whole thing. He also seemed to have the mind of a child. Then he saw Nero was getting the advantage in his fight he started to throw a fit." said Aizawa looking around and taking a few steps away from the body next to him.

Nezu nodded and said, "We need to question everyone present, and also question Nero on if he got anything from them. It was clearing a bad situation but maybe he heard something."

"I doubt it, I was nearby and I barely heard anything. Nero was fighting the thing by himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, he most likely had all his focus of the fight," said Aizawa. The other 2 nodded and they went their separate ways.

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