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Don't Touch

After Nero dealt with the annoying woman in charge of the apartment complex, he was able to get a room. It wasn't big, only had a few rooms for thinking like the kitchen, bathroom all of that stuff. He put his things away and took a shower, afterward he left to go for food. The time was 8 p.m so he was just going to go to a store he saw down the street. He had snacks but didnt want that to be his dinner. Nero walked for a while trying to get to the store but he got lost many times, and I mean many times. He was absolutely shit in directions, he had a talent for getting lost every fucking second. He found the store, after a long ass time and got a few things.

He got instant ramen, eggs, chopsticks, and a few drinks. He was planning on getting some cookbooks tomorrow to learn it, this was just meant to last for the high and the morning. He got it all and went to the cashier and give it all to him. The cashier looked bored whole scanning everything, then he said, "1500 Yen" Nero gave him the 1500 Yen and put his stuff in a bag, and left. Nero left the store and said, "He really looks like he's having a bad day, well, bye-bye mr. cashier." it was obvious to Nero. The cashier hatred his job but was probably kicked out by his parents and was dirt poor.

Nero took out all of his remaining money, he spend quite a lot today. He had 1000 Yen left, not much if anything, he can get a drink with that. "Now I have to steal again, I hate stealing. It's such a fucking hassle, whatever." He didn't want to get a job, that would be too much work, work he didn't want to do. Why work a boring job when you can steal, you get money faster the second way. Less work more reward. After he walked for a few minutes he was pulled into an ally. Nero wasn't paying attention but started to. He saw 7 guys that surrounded him.

One said, "Give us all of your money, kid." Nero gasped and said, "Wait, are you robbing me. I always wondered how that would be, you want my money? Okay, here. What next." Nero give him the 1000 Yen and waited for the man to speak. He was very excited, he already heard about people being robbed in allies and wanted to experience it. Was this normal behavior, no. Not at all, but Nero is mentally unstable in every way. The only line he wouldn't cross is rape, he will never rape someone. It was very weird, he killed people for fun yet his line was at rape. Well, some people would rather die than be raped so yeah.

The men were stunned, they all were thinking, 'What is wrong with this kid?' He wanted to take all his stuff because he looked pretty weak. The man took the money and said, "You fucking with me, kid. I said all of it, are you deff." He graded Nero's shirt and pulled Nero to him. He didn't have the time to play with a kid. Nero tilted his head, "Huh, I did. Are you the deff one, so look like I have more. No. So, if this is your robbery I'm really disappointed. I truly am, you sadden me." The one reason Nero was still here was to exasperate being robbed, it was honestly a letdown.

The man was getting angrier every time Nero spoke. The kid wasn't even taking them seriously, he was mad at this. He tightened his grip and said, "Who do you think you are!" he punched Nero's face. Nero had a blank face, there wasn't any mark on his face since he was a bit stronger than the average person plus the punch was weak. Nero blinked, he let the man do it but not he was regretting it. He now should out something about himself, he hated being touched. It made him feel sick, he didn't like it one big.

In the next moment, the man was punched and was on the ground. He screamed and held his broken nose. All the men backed away and looked at Nero who was standing there with blood on his hands. His eyes were growing and it was hard for him not to smile. He was going to enjoy killing them, he said, "I don't like being touched so die..." "I am here!" Nero looked up and saw a man land in front of him. Nero thought, 'Huh, was he always there. If so why was he just sitting there, what if it was someone else.' He wondered if heroes just wait around for the right moment to just come in. That was stupid, very dumb. Nero didn't know what to think about that.

The man who was quite big said, "Stay back, young man." Nero said, "Oh! You that guy..." the man said, "Shush!!" "Hmm?" Nero tilted his head and remembered his secret. He shrugged backed away. The man thought, 'Why is he so happy even now, he could on gotten hurt or even died yet, he still smiles. But it's not a normal smile, not at all.' He came back to reality and looked at the villains scared completely shitless. They didn't expect fucking All Might to show up. All Might appeared in front of them, he punched 3 of them in the face at fast speeds knocking them out. One was then kicked in the ribs sending him crashing into 2 others.

Nero was awed by this strength, the strength OFA gave someone was just too much. Put it made sense, there needed to be something to match OAF after all. After the villains were dealt with the police showed up and took them. Nero just sat on a bench to the side, he wanted to leave and eat his fucking ramen, was that too much to ask for, was it!! He sighed more than 5 times just then. All this fuckery for nothing, the robbery was boring, to be honest. All Might walked over to him and he looked up swinging his feet.

He said, "How did you know it was me." "It was obvious, you look way too similar, the same voice but just deeper. Your hair as well. Too many similarities to be a quintessence." said Nero with a shrug. Plus he knew the fucking story. All Might was surprised then he sighed. "Well, bye-bye. I want to go home and eat my ramen. I won't tell anyone, don't worry." said Nero as he got up and walked away. All Might watched him leave and thought of where the boy could have come from. He seemed very positive while not being positive at the same time, it was very odd. Nero arrived at his apartment after a few minutes of walking.

He went into the kitchen and warmed some water with if power, he put it in the ramen and when it was cooked he put in the eggs and went to the living room. And Nero, finally, got to eat his ramen. He finished it after some time, it was actually good. He wondered why people say instant ramen wasn't good, he liked it but he never had the real thing so he had nothing to compare it to. He gives it a 7.5/10, would recommend it.

FallenEclipse FallenEclipse

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