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33.33% Marvel's God of wrath / Chapter 8: Nimrod!

Chapter 8: Nimrod!


The auditorium yelled.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions shook the school in its entirety. The cheers all turned to screams of terror.

" Our enemies have come calling. Stepford sisters!"

Asura called out.

" Yes!"

They all yelled.

" I want you three to search for any student not in this room right now. Nightcrawler! The girls are going to give you their locations and you and colossus are going to get them. Got it!"

" Ja, Mein freund."

Nightcrawler answered

" Emma!

" Asura yelled

" What?"

She yelled back

" Create a link between us."

Asura said pointing at his head.

" You're going to let me into your head?"

Emma asked

" Now isn't the time for us to be at each other's throats. Now is the time for us to unite. Our Enemies have come knocking at our doors. They think us sheep to slaughter. Let us prove them wrong."

Asura yelled

' Okay, you're linked with everyone here.'

Emma said through their psychic link.

" Cyclops! Wolverine! Laura! Iceman! You four will join me on the battlefield. Don't let a single one of them through. You turn them back or turn them to ash got it?"

" Hell Yeah, let's party kid."

Logan said as he and Laura popped their claws.

" Hellions! New mutants! You and the remaining X-men will stay here and protect the students. No, matter what happens to us you keep them safe. Everyone has their roles. Now, LET'S GO!!!!!"

Asura yelled as he raced off the stage, bursting through the wall rather than taking the door.

'Asura! It's Stryker's purifiers. They've injured bishop and Sam is dying.'

Emma said through their link.

' Emma, can you telll me where they are?'

' They're in the main courtyard.'

' Got it!'

" Alright everyone let's go"

Asura yelled

" Right!"

The four mutants yelled behind him.

The group ran as fast as they could towards the main courtyard arriving just in time to see the purifiers shoot cannonball.

" For father Stryker. Kill them all!"

A woman with blonde hair yelled. Her hand covered with a metallic object, radiating a strong energy signature.

" That's a piece of Nimrod!"

Cyclops yelled getting the attention of the purifiers.

" There they are! Slaughter them all."

The woman yelled as soldiers rushed the group of X-men.

" Die!"

Asura yelled as he drove his fist into one of the soldier's chest's. Punching right through it. The sight shocked the soldiers who all began thinking, 'Just how fucked are we?'

Asura and the X-men engaged the purifiers killing them without prejudice. None were spared.

" You demons will not stop us. Our father has envisioned this day. The prophecy will come true."

The woman yelled firing at asura,

" ASURA! Don't let it hit you!"

Cyclops yelled trying to warn the young man, but it was too late the blast in its entirety engulfed Asura.

" Asura!"

Laura yelled.

" Hahaha! The demon is dead. Our cause is righteo-"

The woman was saying before asura reappeared beside her elbowing the woman in stomach sending her flying into the walls of the school.

" Never drop your guard around an enemy."

Asura said as another purifier appeared behind him going in for the kill.

" Never."

Asura said backhanding the man away, snapping his neck and killing him on the spot.

" Nice going kid, I never doubted ya."

Logan said.

" What the hell is going on? Why aren't the O.N.E'S sentinels attacking the purifiers?'

Iceman asked.

" I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about it."

Asura said

' Asura, all students are present and accounted for. How are things on your end?'

Emma asked.

' Emma, I need you to get everyone out of the school. Go the back way now.'

Asura said.

' Why what's wrong?'

' They attacked us in broad daylight and the sentinels never moved once. I got a bad feeling that the worst is yet to come. And being in a building surrounded by sentinels doesn't sound like the safest place to be.'

Asura said.


Asura yelled.



Emma yelled moving the students and other X-men to safety.


The sentinels all said as they came online.

" What the hell? Cyclops get those bastards to stand down now!"

Asura yelled.

" Tehy aren't answering!"

Scott yelled

' Emma!'


Emma asked

' Make sure everyone can hear me.'

Asura said.

' They can.'

Emma said.


Asura yelled Shocking the mutants who hadn't seen the battlefield.

' What! O.N.E Is attacking us?'

Julian asked.

' I thought they were here to protect us.'

One of the younger students said in a panic

' Do not panic. We will protect you. Emma, Shadowcat, rogue,Beast! Get the students out of there. Nightcrawler, colossus, Gambit haul your asses over her quickly.'

Asura said before going silent again.

' You heard him everyone move along quickly!'

Emma said

" Time to smash some good ole sentinels you ready Big guy?"

Gambit asked colossus.

" Always ready to smash sentinel's gambit."

Colossus joked as he and the others all ran back towards the mansion.

" Take them down!"

Asura yelled.

' What the hell happened?'

Asura wondered as he attacked the sentinels.

" Asura, be careful there are still people in there."

Cyclops yelled

" I know!"

Asur said as he tore through the chest of one of the sentinels.

" I'm just hoping they've got some kind of padding in these heads."

Asura said as he ripped the head of the sentinel off.

Wolverine and Laura both cut away at one sentinel together, While Cyclops and Iceman double team another. The team taking the sentinels down without causing too much damage to the pilots inside.

' Damn the others are slowing down. This is bad.'

Asura thought. while destroying another sentinel.

The others continued to fight the waves of sentinels swarming them, though it was apparent they were beginning to slow down.


Asura yelled as one of the sentinels fired a blast at the woman.


Asura grunted as he appeared in front of laura, blocking the blast.

" Keep your wits Laura the battle isn't over yet my love."

Asura said defending the woman.

" I'm sorry."

Laura replied.

" It's okay. I've got an idea that might just end this."

Asura said getting everyone's attention.

" When I say duck. Duck!"

Asura said to the others. Asura waited for a moment then yelled to the others.

" DUCK!"

Asura took out his blade and spun it and as he did the blade extended, cutting the heads off of the sentinels.

" What the hell is that blade kid?"

Logan asked in shock.

Laura, scott, and Iceman both stared at the scene before them.

" Whailing dark! There is nothing in the universe that my blade can't cut. metal, flesh, energy, even Magic is useless against this blade. I just hope I didn't hit one of the pilots.

" We're here guys! Oh."

Nightcrawler said before seeing the wreckage of the sentinels.

" Glad you could make it mind tagging out and letting the others rest for a bit?"

Asura asked pointing to the tired X-men.

" Mutants Detected. Estimation failure. New Objective. Terminate the mutants."

A new sentinel said.


Cyclops yelled.

" You will be terminated. Activating sentinels."

Nimrod spoke as more sentinels descended down onto the group.

' Oh, I'm done with this bullshit.'

Asura thought as he grabbed his sword and assumed his battle stance. Drawing his blade back. He released a dark aura that all could see. The energy radiated throughout the school and blocked out the sun.

"Asura Nine gates of hell: Purgatory"

Asura said as he swung his great blade at Nimrod, A large black wave of energy divided Nimrod in two.

" No way! He Destroyed Nimrod with one swing of his blade."

Scott said

Through the psychic link they shared Emma and all of the others watched as Asura obliterated one of the X-men's greatest enemies.

" Yeah, I am one hundred and ten percent done with that bullshit."

Asura said

" Now then.'

Asura said turning to the remaining Sentinels.

" Are you losers back in control or do I need to cause some more destruction?"

Asura asked as the sentinels powered down.

" Good."

' Emma, can you hear me?'

Asura asked

' Yes, we all hear you.'

' Asura! Man that was amazing.'

Santo said

' Yeah, man just how strong are you?'

Julian asked

' As strong as I need to be keep you all safe Julian.'

Asura said.

' I want everyone back in the auditorium as soon as possible. We need to put it to aa vote on how much longer these O.N.E Bastards are going to be staying here.'

Asura said

" Kurt get those two to the infirmary fast."

' Hear me, my brothers and Sisters. No more will mutant blood be shed because of the failures of mankind. No longer will we be Imprisoned by these bastards under the context of protection. The time for change is upon us.'

Asura said before cutting the psychic link.

" I'm tired of these government dogs."

Asura said.

" Then I'm guessing now is a bad time?"

Ms. Marvel said before flying down.

" Now isn't the time."

Asura said gesturing for the woman to leave.

" I come bearing bad news. I'm sure you'll want to hear this. It's about Jay Guthrie."

Carol said shocking everyone present.

' No, but how Stryker was dead. Huh!!! Nimrod was still alive. Damn it, Jay. I failed you.'

Asura thought

" Very well. Follow us inside we'll hear what you have to say when Emma and the students are back safe."

Asura said before walking away.

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