"How is it?" Darren asked Nile worriedly.
Zariah sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard. Her thoughts were far away and she only returned her attention to the present moment at Darren's voice.
Nile stood beside her, inspecting the wound left behind by Askel's bite and Zariah just sat there immobile.
Zariah had not said a word since they returned to the inn, not even when Allen and Nile attempted to apologize for setting Zariah up to meet Askel.
Zariah knew her lack of response added to their guilt and left them feeling more responsible. It was not that she was angry at her subordinates or wanted to make things difficult for them, it was only that she could not muster a word without her heart constricting in pain.
Zariah feared if she spoke, she would break into a sob and cry her eyes out at the helplessness of her situation and anger at her own self for the words she had said to Askel,
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